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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


@sic_mundus_creatus_est when is season 4 coming out?

@Shubz a^2-b^2 = 63 =>(a+b)(a-b) = 63*1, 9*7, 21*3
From the above, you will get 3 pairs, 1) a= 32, b =31 2) a=8, b = 1 3) a=12, b = 9
They missed 63*1 

@MrJ i am getting 96.67 from all keys forum ,shankar.. obc . Chances anyone?

@TabsAndChords general category seems like a curse now.
No offence to anyone! But it's a sad state of reality.
Discrimination in the name of affirmative action! 

Yes without any offence to anyone, yesterday I was just imagining if I were an SC/ST candidate no tension of cut off, attempt etc. I am not against reservation as such but it should be rationalised, like creamy layer in SC/ST, decreasing it to 

30% etc. Again I don't want to hurt anybody sentiment.

plmokn25688524,GreenArrowand2 otherslike this

Though i also have many views for all disputed quest bt people always prove themselves so no need to make all this as human tendency including me.....

Just want to ask is there any1 who thinks UPSC treat ghantasala as buddhist place rather port i read out abt buddha idol to be laid there and recent excavation in Telangana abt a ghantsala......

Ps : bcz of that i marked D😆

I have too read the same article. So .. left thus question though. saved my 0.67. 


Yaar ,how can be it A...there is no mention of any subsidy thing in passage...

Getting between 95-100(98) GM. No problem in paper2 .do you think I can clear? 

From article said

Renewable Push

The Indian government has strongly committed to its targets of reducing emissions by 33 per cent by 2030, as set out during the COP21 summit in Paris, and towards this it has initiated a strong push towards a gas-based economy and has also invested heavily in renewable energy. The business opportunities this presents has not been lost on the international business community, according to Mr Carroll. However, he also warned against investing too heavily in renewable energy at a time when the technology is not yet ready.

“You have to bring renewables at the right time so you aren’t trying to bring them to market before they are actually ready,” Mr Carroll said. “In which case you are left with inefficient and costly subsidies for technologies that may be irrelevant in the near future.”

“India has a tremendous potential for solar energy,” he added. “We all realise that we have to stop burning dead dinosaurs to get our fuel. But certain renewables are still going through their cost curves and learning curves to get the required amount of output and to jump into it too big too soon leads to inefficient subsidies.”


@Jack__Sparrow @root  please delete/ban my profile. 


 i posted ithese here as I thought it would ease some nerves (if opposite happened , i apologize..). All the best to all of you..wish and pray each and every one of us succeeds..

prelims upsc 2020 Final Answer Key.pdf

Sleepyclasses final key. Different stand on controversial questions.

It has three different answes. ON AI, LISA, TRIMS. HOW reliable their answer regarding TRIMS and LISA? REGARDING AI I am sure it's B.

I am already out  so please take this view as obejctive view as i have no stakes involved .How can we guess the crux of whole article by viewing few  statements from it .People who have searched  all articles have done a excellent  job but if upsc is assuming that people can get the assumption of passage by reading it ,which is just a few line from the article it is certainly  a foolish assumption  itself .upsc need to be more serious about selecting candidates for highest buersratic offices of country.
GaryVee,Rambo93and2 otherslike this
@Shubz a^2-b^2 = 63 =>(a+b)(a-b) = 63*1, 9*7, 21*3
From the above, you will get 3 pairs, 1) a= 32, b =31 2) a=8, b = 1 3) a=12, b = 9
They missed 63*1 

Thanks fr the clarification bro. 

@a_rakesh10399 bhai govt trading means fci open market operation

Bro just one question. I am not saying u r wrong, Just remove my doubt. Don't u think government trade only when there is price issue, OMO is impact of price fluctuation not it's cause cause. Just remove my doubt. May be I thought too much during exams.

I am already out  so please take this view as obejctive view as i have no stakes involved .How can we guess the crux of whole article by viewing few  statements from it .People who have searched  all articles have done a excellent  job but if upsc is assuming that people can get the assumption of passage by reading it ,which is just a few line from the article it is certainly  a foolish assumption  itself .upsc need to be more serious about selecting candidates for highest buersratic offices of country.

U right bro..the problem lies in framing question...the question starts with assumption...which means we have to consider ,what  going in mind of author...which makes things difficult ..the more analytical approach would be to see 2019 RC answer from official answer N then reading original article..


Hi all,

After being in the game for few years,having qualified prelims 3 tyms,mains twice, attended interview once, I can tell you this is just another exam...the unpredictable nature of exam is increasing year after year and it's better not to give precious years of your youth to one exam,leaving your job,studies...."one single exam cannot make or break you" these uncertain covid times, maintain calm, study with a backup....this is not the end of the world....

We have all seen many who are clearing exams in first attempt and some at the age of 32! (I have seen this civil services world from too brother is an IAS officer. I have met many officers with him...meeting many would leave u guessing how such dumb people who are only after false prestige , money clear!....many live in a false bubble,cutoff from realities of life,would leave you introspecting,is it really worth giving years and years of life preparing for it..)Everyone have a different time zone...we are different...finally the almighty would bestow us with what suits us the best!

Forget all this....if you are getting 90+ prepare for mains,if not give yourself a break.... recalibrate your future planning....this is not worth giving years and years of your life....

Finally the world is too big my friend.... opportunities are too vast!

Rise from Ashes,Rambo93and5 otherslike this

Considering user charge as A

Genome transfer as C

Economic liberalisation 1sr part C and second D

Solid waste C

My above are which I have marked and I am scoring 70 ... Among above I can bear one wrong atmost to clear. 

And in paper 1 96.2 considering (desh) 1 and 2 only as correct 

Being obc, should I move for preparation Ahead

I am already out  so please take this view as obejctive view as i have no stakes involved .How can we guess the crux of whole article by viewing few  statements from it .People who have searched  all articles have done a excellent  job but if upsc is assuming that people can get the assumption of passage by reading it ,which is just a few line from the article it is certainly  a foolish assumption  itself .upsc need to be more serious about selecting candidates for highest buersratic offices of country.

U right bro..the problem lies in framing question...the question starts with assumption...which means we have to consider ,what  going in mind of author...which makes things difficult ..the more analytical approach would be to see 2019 RC answer from official answer N then reading original article..

Bhai jo yeh article mein hai...should now we treat it as final ..or abhi there is controversy regarding them....????


Yes its 2,3,4,5 becoz the paragraph talks about it. There is no mention of PDS by Union Government

@Shubz 1024 - 961

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