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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


Scoring 75 as per vajiram key in GS1. Gen cat. Getting 100 in csat as per career launcher. Any chance for me ? :(

Somebody help me.

@PercivalYour concern is genuine. The problem is nobody knows what works for them and what doesn't. Most toppers still recommend the standard books. But we all know that even if you have that standard book in front of you in exam hall, one is bound to make mistake. Perhaps UPSC has a peculiar way of looking at things. If you can see from that angle and mark the option right only then you can clear prelims. Its not about knowledge or correct way anymore. Its about learning UPSC's way of looking at things. Some people out of the large crowd who have that kind of viewpoint get their options right and score 120+ no matter what. Sometimes i fell if you will give four blank options still those people will get the options correctly marked.

kohliwag,Equalizerand1 otherslike this
@Kachua_🐒 1st attempt?

No bro! 3rd


Do mba. Don't waste your time and effort on gambling/prelims. Have a good job. Live life with dignity not shame. 

The more you wait. The poor are your chances of getting at a better position in life. 
Jab mba ho jaaye job secure ho jaaye. Fir again upsc de dena. Ya mba karte karte. 

(advice from a person who cracked sibm pune, scmhrd, net jrf, tiss, bank po, assistant commandant) 



Out of context but Ireallywant to point out one thing about the coaching institutes and in particular the big names. UPSC has reduced these institutes to money minting firms who have lost all sorts of connection with the exam. And I am not just writing this comment as a rant. Here is a snapshot from the key of Vajiram.

Take a look at how in the description it has been explained that the book describedthe economic situation of India.And yet, they gaveoption Das the correct answer, which says it was in context to Bengal specifically.

It is a pity that a helpless new student gets easily misguided by the big names in the industry who themselves are this much casual in their approach. 
I was looking at the answer keys provided by Next IAS, and it was outrightly laughable how they were desperately trying to sound credible by quoting the description of the Sohagaura copper plate and Rummandei inscription in the Ashoka's inscription question. That particular question could only be solved if a person knew Ashoka's Dhammaghosa was beyond religion and dealt with the moral fabric of the society too. 

Overall a UPSC aspirant is in a very exploitable state of mind and these institutes capitalize on the vulnerability of the students. 

@TabsAndChords general category seems like a curse now.
No offence to anyone! But it's a sad state of reality.
Discrimination in the name of affirmative action! 

Bro I am scoring 90+ and having sleepless nights while one of my friend who studied half as me is sleeping like a baby because he is getting 80 which is sufficient for him.

Abuse me now. 

Saala TISS ka exam diya last year usme bhi same hua. I got 68 while cut off was 70 for general. Meanwhile a known person got 51 and went to give interview. All hail socialism and caste politics :)

In other news... hathras

Oasis,AureliusMand3 otherslike this
After seeing answer keys of 4 institutes and extensive googling, I have finalised own key. And getting measly 86 OBC marks. Now I have to take a call to leave my 4 year old UPSC dream (3 Mains) and taking up MBA. And preparing for another Prelims is not an option as I'm severely depressed now.

My entire career and life depends on a good reply. Please advise me friends, I beg you πŸ™πŸ™

I suggest you to go for TISS this year. You may also prepare for RBI and SSC. Best wishes and strength. 

@Percival None of my friends who started along with me are in the game anymore. They thought they would get into it again after getting a new post graduate degree or a job. Some did not return. Some tried along with their job but failed. Some were happy with where they were in life after getting a job and forgot about upsc.

It depends on what you want. If you desperately want to be a civil servant give another full fledged attempt. Preparing with a job or after a new degree is not child's play. It requires insane work ethic. We should not base our decisions looking at a handful of those success stories.

I may end up with nothing even after putting so many years into this exam. But I am ok with it and will willingly pay the price of my decision. This is what I want to do.

Now think about what you want to do.

Homo Neanderthalensis ,NOLEisGOAT

I don't understand why coaching institutes have become a means to get to the end of our journey!!

Do we really need a coaching to read basic books of 11th-12th?? 

Or do we need a coaching to tell us how to read a newspaper?? 

Are we that dumb?? If we are, then we should re- assess our potential and our dreams!! 

Now let's come to current affairs magazines!

Did they exist 10 yr ago?? Are they really "necessary" and "mandatory" to be read to get into the services? 

Is it really necessary to solve 50 tests by a coaching institutes where a mains failed will make stupid ques to boost his own ego!! Or for mains a few bunch of interview failed will check your copies to judge you?!

And we are calling this hardwork?!! Out of those 10 lakhs who fill this form, 5lakhs who give the exam and ultimately those 50k who are considered to be "serious aspirants", merely 100 would dare to choose a different approach for their prepration and yet every single soul of those 50k students is considered hard working!!!

It really is hard to follow others instead of making your own path at your own pace, especially when you're capable enough to do this on your own!!!

I wasted my precious days in mugging up pt365 in the last days. Of exam out of the FOMO!! And i dod work hard!! But that's not what is required!!!

We are stupid if we call ourselves hard working Students and still following what everyone is doing!!! 

Stop giving so much bhav to coachings!! And use your own brain, make your own strategy!!! Make your own MCQs while reading a topic, cover them holistically, ask questions to yourself while reading books and find those answers!! That's what real hard work is!!! 

Aurora,Sam230and5 otherslike this

Which part of the Constitution of India declares the ideal of Welfare State?

(a) Directive Principles of State Policy (b) Fundamental Rights (c) Preamble

Almost every key says that the answer is (a). I differ from this. This is because of the use of the term "Ideal".

Ideal indicates values (ought to be). These values are declared in Preamble and not in DPSP. What is given is DPSP are sort of operating principles/guidelines for implementing the constitution.

To substantiate further, Ideals of welfare state means "policy goals" of the welfare state - ie. eco & soc justice, liberty etc. DPSP contains the "policies tools" for fulfilling these goals.

Therefore, the ideal of welfare state is declared in Preamble and not in DPSP. I hope it makes sense.

Well i had similar thought process and marked the same. 

Anyway will know in 2021. 


1.  Labour RC answer d

2.rt to privacy answer c

3. Wetland answer c

4. Asset answer A

5. Foreign investment volatility answer B’t-enough/article14626733.ece

6. River interlinking answer A

7. Economic freedom answer c

8. Urban body frst part answer A second part B

9. 85% agriculture first part c second part D

10. Spanish ship answer D

11. Children malnutrition answer A

12.pusa arhar answer C

13. Dam monsoon answer is C (beacause it talks about space before monsoon ::not during monsoon) eliminates D option

14. Bank credit growth answer C

15. Genome editing answer C

16. Solid waste answer C

17. Religious freedom answer B

18 biotech regulation first part answer B second part C ( epw article attached)

19. Economic liberalisation first part C second part D (epw attached)


20. gas renewable unable to find..

Right to privacy- A

Foreign investment volatility- A

85% agriculture first part- B

Child malnutrition-B

Dam- D

Economic liberalisation- first A second B

All are verbatim given in passage

Thanks for referring articles.

@logan privacy is A (mistypes as C.) child malnutrition B
rest is what i have typed..gone through all in depth
85% - author gives FPO formation, off farm emploment and giving importance to public n pbt investment in last paragraph...but crux is inclusiveness
dam - only before onset of monsoon (eliminates D)

liberalisation - social sector, redefine role of states both given for first part.... second part if D as author is vary of integrating with world economy and skeptical about role of liberalisation in poverty elimination ...


@logan privacy is A (mistypes as C.) child malnutrition B
rest is what i have typed..gone through all in depth
85% - author gives FPO formation, off farm emploment and giving importance to public n pbt investment in last paragraph...but crux is inclusiveness
dam - only before onset of monsoon (eliminates D)

liberalisation - social sector, redefine role of states both given for first part.... second part if D as author is vary of integrating with world economy and skeptical about role of liberalisation in poverty elimination ...


liberalisation second part verbatim screenshots

@logan privacy is A (mistypes as C.) child malnutrition B
rest is what i have typed..gone through all in depth
85% - author gives FPO formation, off farm emploment and giving importance to public n pbt investment in last paragraph...but crux is inclusiveness
dam - only before onset of monsoon (eliminates D)

liberalisation - social sector, redefine role of states both given for first part.... second part if D as author is vary of integrating with world economy and skeptical about role of liberalisation in poverty elimination ...


@logan thats the presumption of liberalisation..not of the passage. see the previous line of what u have highlighted

@logan where in question was paradigm shift mentioned?

@Aurang_mirasudar  I just highlighted some more part(paradigm shift not relevant)
If author has taken assumptions from entire article( verbatim as seen in all other articles eg- dam safety flood control), then this statement is verbatim given in article too. 
Eg- Dam safety- 'flood control underestimated' cannot be thought from para given but paper setter has taken options from rest of the article verbatim.

@logan read full epw will get the assumption of author....

rest all of us hve our own assumptions..πŸ˜‚ goodluck

@vision2020 thank you my friend πŸ™

After seeing answer keys of 4 institutes and extensive googling, I have finalised own key. And getting measly 86 OBC marks. Now I have to take a call to leave my 4 year old UPSC dream (3 Mains) and taking up MBA. And preparing for another Prelims is not an option as I'm severely depressed now.

My entire career and life depends on a good reply. Please advise me friends, I beg you πŸ™πŸ™

Bhai in 86...frankly speaking..u have very less chance..

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