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CSE 2020 Results out! Best of Luck for Prelims 2021

Best of Luck for Prelims 2021

So the results are out!

Anyone from the community made it ? :)

Anyone from SFG :P

********Hall of Fame CSE 2020******

Congratulations to the rank holders who made it to the final list. Here are the students of ForumIAS who made it in the Top 100 -Click Here.

root,ssver2and25 otherslike this


@balwintejas Time to drop Sociology and take up this Poll Check subject. Seems epic.

Neyawn,Pam123and1 otherslike this


@root sir, please confirm if we can expect Epic magazine for august this week??


Eagerly waiting . Not in a position to read CA filled with lots of colourful pages


I am no knight. Do not call me Sir




@root sir, please confirm if we can expect Epic magazine for august this week??


Eagerly waiting . Not in a position to read CA filled with lots of colourful pages


Thank you Sir


Congratulations to all those who got selected. Got very inspired by all of your words. Makes me think apna b hoga ek din.


Congratulations to all those who got selected. Got very inspired by all of your words. Makes me think apna b hoga ek din.

By all means. Most success stories begin with failures. Its just that when we fail, we don't know at that point that it could be the beginning of a fresh success story.

And frankly, barring a few people, the Top Judges, Journalists and Leaders of the country, are the ones who at some point of time flunked the Civil Services Examination. Civil Services Examination makes you immediately successful. Everything else takes a little time. Thats the only difference.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,Joeyisthebestand22 otherslike this
@Neyawn sir can i stop writting full length test from now onward ?
and do revision of what i have given till now?



@Neyawn sir can i stop writting full length test from now onward ?
and do revision of what i have given till now?

You can. Just keep reading what you have read. 

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,DMand1 otherslike this
@Neyawn ty so much sir g🙏


and it is not this year, it is a story of every year. They have the major chunk of ST posts in every central service and state service exam of Rajasthan.

YES , they have done it and these guys totally deserve it but can you find the names of gond, sahariya, kathodi, ahari or any other tribe from India in this number in list every year.

Problem is not reservation, it is needed but you can see the flaw , clearly it is not equitable. How will you ensure that those who are selected now, their brothers or sisters or even their children will not avail the benefit of reservation again? 
How many of these 35 or previous selected are there, whose parents have not taken the benefit of reservation?How will you ensure the upliftment of other tribes upto this level by which they can compete with meenas?

It restricts the benefits of reservation to those who badly needs it, can you see any NE tribe dominating in center  service  exam like this. There are many meena villages in rajasthan where you will find government servant in most of the homes and then you have other tribes which do not have access to basic education in the same state.
With this process, reservation will never end  and " Raja ka beta Hi Raja Banega".
People here can say, this comment is not according to thread or time of the happy news which is being announced. You can close your eyes to this by any argument but you and me are the part of a exam process in which this is happening every year...and I know it will not change. And that is why reservation hurts...its benefit does not reach the one who needs it.

Dont waste time in replying to this comment cause I will not be visiting the thread to see this , I know most of you will call it my frustration or incompatibility...and will take out flaws in what I am trying to say...go ahead..
ATB for prelims this year, hope you all do well.

RaGa,hakunamapotatoand3 otherslike this

@Neyawn  11 days are left for prelims and i am having second thought. I don't know but unable to get that confidence. Solved around 30+ FLT mostly score ranged around 70-80-90 in 1 or 2 i scored 105. Gave simulator open test scored 78. Feeling too dejected. This will be my 5th attempt. Have joined awfg this year and wrote answers religiously. Made notes out of every text book that i read. Still I don't know where i am lacking. I am sure there is something wrong from my end. Now i dont know whether to give the attempt. :( ** This is a classic case of high level confusion.

@geog888 yeah totally agreed,there is definitely need for some income criteria in case of sc/sts.the current system is unsustainable as most of the seats are cornered by better off section only.
On a different note for 2nd consecutive year ews cutoff is less than obc even though income criteria for both is will create uproar along with the demand of caste census


@Neyawn  11 days are left for prelims and i am having second thought. I don't know but unable to get that confidence. Solved around 30+ FLT mostly score ranged around 70-80-90 in 1 or 2 i scored 105. Gave simulator open test scored 78. Feeling too dejected. This will be my 5th attempt. Have joined awfg this year and wrote answers religiously. Made notes out of every text book that i read. Still I don't know where i am lacking. I am sure there is something wrong from my end. Now i dont know whether to give the attempt. :( ** This is a classic case of high level confusion.

If I were you, I would revise the basic books. Look this year I have asked all the selected candidates how many times they have read the basic books. I haven’t met anyone who said less than three times in a certain year before prelims and up to 7-10 times overall.

I am saying this because I have been able to get 140+ marks in my attempts and that was because I didn’t do so much. Just revised basics , till I dropped dead and solved PYQs and just a set of 6-8 test papers.

Also, I wouldn’t want to be dishonest here and say 78 is brilliant. It’s not. I have seen the paper and it was doable. Some kick ass questions were there. The kind you would have in the exam.

But as Piyush Pandey, last years Rank 21, very brilliantly said to me, that if I was getting a low score in the test, I would either conquer it by rewriting the test or change my parameter for judging my preparedness- such as have I studied or not. Or have I done past 2 years papers. In the end we have to think along our strengths and not weaknesses.

Last but not the least, remember that half of success depends on your prepared mess today. But other half depends on your “performance” that day.

Thats the right cocktail for success.

You are not out of the race, not one bit.

You may be at best best behind . But life has taught me that you don’t know who will win until the race is over.

I met Aditya yesterday. 6 feet 3 very handsome foundation student of mine. Didn’t clear prelims 2times, did a full foundation , cleared prelims, cleared mains , stuck in interview then.

Next year he didn’t get through main list but got Information and SDM UPPCS

This year rank 92.

I asked him how he felt when he couldn’t clear the personality test when his group members like Gunjan , Himanshu and dozens others got ranks like 16, 27 and what not.

He sent this video to me, I watched in a loop.

See if it helps 

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,DMand11 otherslike this
Google Dave Wottle never gave up

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir


Got the link


I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,Adyaand14 otherslike this

@Neyawn  11 days are left for prelims and i am having second thought. I don't know but unable to get that confidence. Solved around 30+ FLT mostly score ranged around 70-80-90 in 1 or 2 i scored 105. Gave simulator open test scored 78. Feeling too dejected. This will be my 5th attempt. Have joined awfg this year and wrote answers religiously. Made notes out of every text book that i read. Still I don't know where i am lacking. I am sure there is something wrong from my end. Now i dont know whether to give the attempt. :( ** This is a classic case of high level confusion.

Do you not  “kill a mocking paper “ ?

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,dalphaand2 otherslike this
@Neyawn i did that for simulator tests. I realised my basic questions are getting wrong so i revised and made notes of laxmikant and spectrum. My marks were getting little better like 90-100 but again it dropped to 70 and have been getting that for past tests.
Currently i am doing the research paper of PYQ forum's course, the techniques by sir, revising notes Laxmikant, spectrum,mrunal+Sriram, env and my CA online notes. And doing FLT. Haven't given all simulators 3 are left.

@Neyawn i did that for simulator tests. I realised my basic questions are getting wrong so i revised and made notes of laxmikant and spectrum. My marks were getting little better like 90-100 but again it dropped to 70 and have been getting that for past tests.

Focus on just 6-8 papers. There is wonderful post by some previous year girl topper “malhotra” . She said she had a choice of attempting more papers VS  revising old papers and basics . She chose revisions. Have you watched Apala Mishra”a interview on YouTube. Watch her prelims talk.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,sanemonkand2 otherslike this


Got the link


inspiring & a bit scary too. "the last days' massive reshuffle" you often talk about! (now is not the time, but those 5 days break before optional :| )



@Neyawn  11 days are left for prelims and i am having second thought. I don't know but unable to get that confidence. Solved around 30+ FLT mostly score ranged around 70-80-90 in 1 or 2 i scored 105. Gave simulator open test scored 78. Feeling too dejected. This will be my 5th attempt. Have joined awfg this year and wrote answers religiously. Made notes out of every text book that i read. Still I don't know where i am lacking. I am sure there is something wrong from my end. Now i dont know whether to give the attempt. :( ** This is a classic case of high level confusion.

If I were you, I would revise the basic books. Look this year I have asked all the selected candidates how many times they have read the basic books. I haven’t met anyone who said less than three times in a certain year before prelims and up to 7-10 times overall.

I am saying this because I have been able to get 140+ marks in my attempts and that was because I didn’t do so much. Just revised basics , till I dropped dead and solved PYQs and just a set of 6-8 test papers.

Also, I wouldn’t want to be dishonest here and say 78 is brilliant. It’s not. I have seen the paper and it was doable. Some kick ass questions were there. The kind you would have in the exam.

But as Piyush Pandey, last years Rank 21, very brilliantly said to me, that if I was getting a low score in the test, I would either conquer it by rewriting the test or change my parameter for judging my preparedness- such as have I studied or not. Or have I done past 2 years papers. In the end we have to think along our strengths and not weaknesses.

Last but not the least, remember that half of success depends on your prepared mess today. But other half depends on your “performance” that day.

Thats the right cocktail for success.

You are not out of the race, not one bit.

You may be at best best behind . But life has taught me that you don’t know who will win until the race is over.

I met Aditya yesterday. 6 feet 3 very handsome foundation student of mine. Didn’t clear prelims 2times, did a full foundation , cleared prelims, cleared mains , stuck in interview then.

Next year he didn’t get through main list but got Information and SDM UPPCS

This year rank 92.

I asked him how he felt when he couldn’t clear the personality test when his group members like Gunjan , Himanshu and dozens others got ranks like 16, 27 and what not.

He sent this video to me, I watched in a loop.

See if it helps 

I'm sorry to barge in here, but I'd really like to know your perspective on how to optimise your performance on the 'D-Day' :)

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