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CSE 2020 Results out! Best of Luck for Prelims 2021

Best of Luck for Prelims 2021

So the results are out!

Anyone from the community made it ? :)

Anyone from SFG :P

********Hall of Fame CSE 2020******

Congratulations to the rank holders who made it to the final list. Here are the students of ForumIAS who made it in the Top 100 -Click Here.

root,ssver2and25 otherslike this


After last prelims, I recorded answers of various coaching institutions and here is the interesting analysis. My advise to freshers will be not to run after various answer keys like a mad man after prelims and start preparing for mains. I missed mains written cut-off by a whooping 132 marks, will come back stronger.

UPSC has seriously messed up 2020 prelims. Every year it does, but 2020 is horrible. No one objects. People just keep working hard and praying god to pass this gamble. Country men are worshipping socalled toppers.
Aurora,GaneshGaitondeand5 otherslike this


UPSC has seriously messed up 2020 prelims. Every year it does, but 2020 is horrible. No one objects. People just keep working hard and praying god to pass this gamble. Country men are worshipping socalled toppers.

Country men worship because we have toppers who enjoy bieng worshipped. 

Watch his video of this year's topper. I lost all respect for him. 



UPSC has seriously messed up 2020 prelims. Every year it does, but 2020 is horrible. No one objects. People just keep working hard and praying god to pass this gamble. Country men are worshipping socalled toppers.

Irrational reverence for those who clear this exam is fueling this mad rush.

Alas we have a society that eulogise civil service as pinnacle of jobs, while the civil service itself has little to offer to this country, other than corruption and elitism.

Mariposa27,Max2015and4 otherslike this


UPSC has seriously messed up 2020 prelims. Every year it does, but 2020 is horrible. No one objects. People just keep working hard and praying god to pass this gamble. Country men are worshipping socalled toppers.

Country men worship because we have toppers who enjoy bieng worshipped. 

Watch his video of this year's topper. I lost all respect for him. 

He comes from a backward community. A development deficit place. I am sure it must have been extremely difficult for him to rise to this level. Also this video, if not anything else, shows the importance of representation in India.

Neyawn,D503and12 otherslike this
Even i am in the same boat. I was scoring around 85 after removing all the doubtful questions where there were no sure shot answer(s) as per the various keys of coaching institute. And yet i got 63.xx, it devastating, last year I scored 88.xx in gs1. I rechecked my paper so many times just to see what i missed, but to no avail. I am just tired now. 
@mahi2501 thats because most of the toppers come from well off section,rarely someone come from a place backward as we should celebrate his achievement rather than trolls

D503,Max2015and4 otherslike this
@hihihihihi picture will be clearer after the key is released. They are not releasing it as IFoS is not over. After everything is over, UPSC legal cell will brush aside all grievances as frustration of the failed!! 

@abc123 well that means answer key ain't gonna be released till the end of October. IFos interviews are scheduled till 22 Oct. Who the f*** is gonna care after that? 



UPSC has seriously messed up 2020 prelims. Every year it does, but 2020 is horrible. No one objects. People just keep working hard and praying god to pass this gamble. Country men are worshipping socalled toppers.

Country men worship because we have toppers who enjoy bieng worshipped. 

Watch his video of this year's topper. I lost all respect for him. 

He comes from a backward community. A development deficit place. I am sure it must have been extremely difficult for him to rise to this level. Also this video, if not anything else, shows the importance of representation in India.

Then that is even more worrying.. 

One who clears this so called prestigious exam are supposed to be more humble less elitist. 

He could have refused to be part of such reveration. But he didn't. 

This is in no way related to representation. If he seriously thought of representing his class or caste, he would not have arrived in a convoy of 6 police cars... 



UPSC has seriously messed up 2020 prelims. Every year it does, but 2020 is horrible. No one objects. People just keep working hard and praying god to pass this gamble. Country men are worshipping socalled toppers.

Country men worship because we have toppers who enjoy bieng worshipped. 

Watch his video of this year's topper. I lost all respect for him. 

He comes from a backward community. A development deficit place. I am sure it must have been extremely difficult for him to rise to this level. Also this video, if not anything else, shows the importance of representation in India.

Then that is even more worrying.. 

One who clears this so called prestigious exam are supposed to be more humble less elitist. 

He could have refused to be part of such reveration. But he didn't. 

This is in no way related to representation. If he seriously thought of representing his class or caste, he would not have arrived in a convoy of 6 police cars... 

“He would not have come on a convoy of 6 police cars”

Maybe that was a choice that was not his to make.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,MikeWozniakand12 otherslike this


UPSC has seriously messed up 2020 prelims. Every year it does, but 2020 is horrible. No one objects. People just keep working hard and praying god to pass this gamble. Country men are worshipping socalled toppers.

Country men worship because we have toppers who enjoy bieng worshipped. 

Watch his video of this year's topper. I lost all respect for him. 

He comes from a backward community. A development deficit place. I am sure it must have been extremely difficult for him to rise to this level. Also this video, if not anything else, shows the importance of representation in India.

Then that is even more worrying.. 

One who clears this so called prestigious exam are supposed to be more humble less elitist. 

He could have refused to be part of such reveration. But he didn't. 

This is in no way related to representation. If he seriously thought of representing his class or caste, he would not have arrived in a convoy of 6 police cars... 

I don't think it was his call. He was probably the 1st person in the area to become IAS and that too with such a rank, obviously people are overjoyed. Let them celebrate. He just became IAS. It will take him sometime. Saying No to an entire community, whole block is very difficult. These are things which can be learned. We should cut him some slack.

Also about him coming in a convoy, it was clearly required it seemed given the potential security situation as is evidenced from the video.

D503,ssver2and10 otherslike this


UPSC has seriously messed up 2020 prelims. Every year it does, but 2020 is horrible. No one objects. People just keep working hard and praying god to pass this gamble. Country men are worshipping socalled toppers.

Country men worship because we have toppers who enjoy bieng worshipped. 

Watch his video of this year's topper. I lost all respect for him. 

He comes from a backward community. A development deficit place. I am sure it must have been extremely difficult for him to rise to this level. Also this video, if not anything else, shows the importance of representation in India.

Then that is even more worrying.. 

One who clears this so called prestigious exam are supposed to be more humble less elitist. 

He could have refused to be part of such reveration. But he didn't. 

This is in no way related to representation. If he seriously thought of representing his class or caste, he would not have arrived in a convoy of 6 police cars... 

I don't think it would be that easy to say no. This achievement is not just about him but also his parents, his family members and the village. It's the "we" feeling. Instead if he had said no some people would have thought that he is being arrogant. His face seemed calm to me, so I don't really think he was trying to seek attention. I agree with you on the hype n god like stature this exam has received but can't really blame him for this attention. I don't think we should judge him without knowing the social dynamics of his area. 

D503,ssver2and10 otherslike this
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Then that is even more worrying.. 

One who clears this so called prestigious exam are supposed to be more humble less elitist. 

He could have refused to be part of such reveration. But he didn't. 

This is in no way related to representation. If he seriously thought of representing his class or caste, he would not have arrived in a convoy of 6 police cars... 

mehuifs,whatonlyand1 otherslike this
@mahi2501 then why prepare for it?

@D503 fair enough... 

Maybe i overlooked the social dynamics aspect. 

@mahi2501 then why prepare for it?

To change it

@Neyawn If he found it difficult to refuse now, tomorrow he may have to face many situations where people want him to compromise on administrative integrity, would he surrender and say that he could not say no. Also, the exam is supposed to test the strength of character, couldn't say no sounds poor.

@Neyawn If he found it difficult to refuse now, tomorrow he may have to face many situations where people want him to compromise on administrative integrity, would he surrender and say that he could not say no. Also, the exam is supposed to test the strength of character, couldn't say no sounds poor.

Not defending him, and not judging anyone here. Just having a discussion, and hoping no one judges me here as well.

The situation is simple. He landed at the Airport. The political class sees this as an opportunity to showcase some governance positivity. He has no idea such a big arrangement has been made for him. I happened to speak to him ( had a brief interaction as he wrote an Essay Test Paper ) just before he boarded the flight . 

The political class may have asked the district administration to make some pomp and show. In a state that has massive development deficit and when people do something extraordinary , ( such as topping a toughly contests exam ) , people like to see him as someone “who has made it in life.” 

They are equally enthused for nothing good or big May happen for a very long time in the place. So it’s a big celebration.

The man we are discussing is mobbed and crowded. He is not the district magistrate who may have made the arrangements .

The administration on the other hand expects lakhs of people to turn up on the roads in a state where ten thousand people accumulate to see a JCB machine clean a drain. The best way to avoid a stampede and his safety is to provide a cavalcade lest he gets mobbed.

The man in the car just sees a windscreen with plenty of people around, and a huge ocean of people. He has no count of the vehicles behind him, and has no say or control in the situation.

Could be many things why things are the way they are.

He May choose to fight his battles and not make a controversy by acting high headed when state officials would have told him that there is administrative arrangement for his travel.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,Joeyisthebestand18 otherslike this
@Neyawn With respect to this situation, will give him a benefit of doubt. But we can take an opportunity to discuss how "big" we continue to make this exam appear.

If not in this scale, there are many instances where civil services is projected as important. It is not about a particular community or state. There are many who actually are 'inspired' to achieve this for the show they get. Someone actually asked here 'if not for this what else' one prepares for.

What's the nature of this job? this is not some international competition where Indians fight for crucial posts and if they don't win someone lese steals it (I believe its high time we get over the colonial hang). Our government every year recruits from our own people so they can put into posts where they ensure faithful implementation of policies designed by the government. If not person 'X', person 'Y' will fill the post and there will be invariably someone who gets posted in every state. Achieving positions that get invariably get filled no matter what the difficulty of the exam is not something to be celebrated with such show. 

But innovations in science and technology is not like that. If a particular person has not worked on it, certain discoveries may not see the light of the world. If a brilliant businessperson doesn't make certain risks, we cannot see certain growth. Similarly, there are numerous such avenues. But the light this exam takes obscures every other field that can make great contributions to development. Potential achievers 'inspired' by such show spend years preparing for this exam. Even if they move on to different fields later, they carry a scar of 'failing big' resulting in low esteem.

We as a society (the aspirant community, government, academicians along with innocent people) have failed to objectively gauge the contributions of several fields that can make to the development of the society. If this is the ultimate 'inspiration' to many, I am concerned.

Neyawn,Joeyisthebestand16 otherslike this
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