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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Hello 2021 aspirants. I thought it would be nice if we can share what we are doing and intend to do with one another here.

This could be a thread for discussing everything prep for 2021. 

No one method fits all but to see the plans and progress made by fellow aspirants might help with the finer details of preparation and also keep one on track. 

Moderator Update: This thread has crossed 1 million views and has thousands of comments slowing down the website. We are closing this and moving to the next thread

jack_Sparrow,rootand121 otherslike this


Guys, is it possible for actual GDP to cross potential GDP?
@Devanapiyam Any particular reason for referring these sources over NCERTs for geography?

For general Physical Geo, I think both GC Leong and NCERT 11th std. are good books. Since I have read the GC Leong book before, I don't want to switch over to NCERT. 

For Indian Geography, I have realized that Khullar book is comprehensive and will take care of both Pre and Mains. I had always struggled with geography part in mains and this year also I was not able to answer questions from that part satisfactorily. Book has a nice mix of conceptual and factual information. But since it is a bulky book, I am reading it selectively.

Guys, is it possible for actual GDP to cross potential GDP?

Yes. Potential GDP is usually the sustainable level of output that can be produced without inflating the economy excessively. So when the demand is more than supply due to excess of money then it may rise above potential GDP and that level is usually unsustainable and inflationary. Ideally, potential GDP level should not be crossed.

No 1,May Kasaharaand1 otherslike this
@Devanapiyam Thanks for the explanation.


Today's target:-

  1. Newspaper (1.5 hours)
  2. Geography- Complete the remaining chapters of GC Leong 9-14- I am not going to give time for the last 10 chapters of World Geography.  That table at the end of the 14th chapter seems sufficient for studying World Climatic Types + Start reading from Indian Geography by Khullar- Chapter 3 and 4 (8 Days left)
  3. History Optional- Continue with the 9th chapter of World History by Jain and Mathur

Yesterday, I could not complete reading the World History so I will finish that first. Geography took bulk of my time.

BD,AJ_and1 otherslike this

Today's target:-

  1. Newspaper (1.5 hours)
  2. Geography- Ch. 5,7,10,11,15-19 from Khullar book (7 Days left)
  3. CSAT- 1 hour

Yesterday was a frustrating day. I could not really concentrate well in the morning. Results anxiety is slowly building up yet again. Luckily, I could complete my target late at night.


Today's Targets

Environment 4-5 Topics


PYQ 50 Questions

CSAT 2 Lectures

Polity CA January Complete and Short notes of 3 Pages

AJ_,IamThatand1 otherslike this

Really bad week. Finally changed my schedule to waking in the day time instead of entire night. Since the last 5 days, I have studied only 2-3 hours everyday, so didn't think it was worthy of update. This was because of trying to keep awake in such hours when I usually sleep, was difficult, plus couldn't get sleep either in the past few days because of changed sleep timings. Finally got on track somewhat today. Studied ~6 hours.

Updates: (chronological order preserved)

  • 8+9 NCERT Geography 
  • 10th NCERT Geography - 20 pages
  • 70 pages (70/84) of Vision November CA Revision
  • Forum Sectional Test #2 (Geography) + Solution review (only 25% done)
  • Huge CA backlog (12+13+15+16 March Factly, 12+13+14 March SH DNA)
  • Environment (15/350 pages) :(

No regrets though. Had to do this sometime before the exam. The sooner, the better. Now, the routine trouble is sorted out, looking forward to 9+ hours from tomorrow onwards.

AJ_,Archandand1 otherslike this

18 March 2021

1. Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States, issues and challenges pertaining to the federal structure, devolution of powers and finances up to local levels and challenges therein.

2. Medieval India - 600-1200 AD
3. Current Affairs
AJ_,IamThatand1 otherslike this

Today's target:-

  1. Newspaper
  2. Geography- Chapter 20-25 from D.R. Khullar (First Reading) (6 Days left)- this brings the first reading of the geography to a close. When I revise this in May again, I plan to make short notes of important facts related to Indian Physiography, Drainage, Climate, Population composition, Major Crops and Mineral resources to revise them just few weeks before the Prelims.
Yesterday, I realized that I need to make a proper schedule for my optional too. I need to give it a read before the June. Geography kept me busy for past few days and I could not do justice to my optional. Since it is History, I feel that reading it once will give some advantage for Pre too. I need to sync it with the days I allotted for my Pre schedule to avoid duplication of efforts.  I think it will be possible from the next week only. 
AJ_,IamThatand2 otherslike this

18.03.2021 Updates:

  • Environment page 47/366.

Studied only 6.5 hours today. Sleep still troubles me. Hope it gets sorted out in 1-2 more days.

can anyone suggest any modular classroom course for science and tech?

Today's target:-

  1. Newspaper
  2. I am starting with the Economy from today onwards- I have decided to follow the notes of Sriram Academy+ Eco Survey summary just like last time- Starting with 1-100 pages of Sriram Academy notes (14 Days left)
  3. CSAT- 1 hour

Geography left me exhausted. I feel like I have read a lot in a very short period of time.


19.03.2021 Updates:

  • Shankar's Environment : page 47-83/366.

~8 hours. Still not upto the mark. Sleep problem resolved. Spent some time on internet, which I regret. 


Today's target:-

  1. Newspaper
  2. Economy- Pages 121-217 Sriram Academy notes (13 Days left)
  3. CSAT

Yesterday, I read till 120 pages in Economy. I realized that it is not taking much time as I had read it thoroughly last year. So I did 3+ hours of CSAT. I guess that will help in tomorrow's State PCS. Today also I am planning to practice more CSAT.

Haryana,AJ_and1 otherslike this

20.03.2021 Updates:

  • Environment : pages 82-115
AJ_,Devanapiyamand1 otherslike this

21.03.2021 Updates:

  • Environment : Pages 115-144.

Today's target:-

  1. Newspaper
  2. Economy- Complete the remaining pages of Sriram Academy notes (12 Days left)
  3. History Optional- World History- Chapter 3 from Jain and Mathur book

Yesterday, gave state PCS, now I would focus on my optional and try to complete as much as I can before June. Plan is to make sure that I give maximum mocks between Pre and Mains. This time not giving mocks left me unprepared for Mains as I focused more on revision and completion of syllabus. Not gonna make that mistake again.

AJ_,IamThatand1 otherslike this

22.03.2021 Updates:

  • Environment - page 144-148 (could do only a few species)
  • SH DNA backlog for week. Covered SH DNA for 15,16,17,18,19,20,21

Sleep issues are back. Could sleep only 4 hours the previous day. Hopefully won't repeat tomorrow.

AJ_,Devanapiyamand1 otherslike this


Polity Vision 365

Geography Notes and Video

PSIR notes SR

Medieval & Ancient TN book

The Hindu for the day.

AJ_,IamThatand1 otherslike this
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