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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Hello 2021 aspirants. I thought it would be nice if we can share what we are doing and intend to do with one another here.

This could be a thread for discussing everything prep for 2021. 

No one method fits all but to see the plans and progress made by fellow aspirants might help with the finer details of preparation and also keep one on track. 

Moderator Update: This thread has crossed 1 million views and has thousands of comments slowing down the website. We are closing this and moving to the next thread

jack_Sparrow,rootand121 otherslike this


Today's target:-

  1. Newspaper
  2. Economy- Vision summary of Economic Survey Vol.-1 (11 Days left)
  3. History Optional- Medieval India Satish Chandra Vol. 2 Chapter 1-4 (19 Days left)

Target for History optional for next two months:-

  1. Ancient History from SSH notes (20 Days)
  2. Medieval History from Satish Chandra (20 Days)
  3. Modern History from SSH notes (15 Days)
  4. World History from Jain & Mathur (15 Days)

Day 56 23-03-2021

maps-national park

50 qus vision test 1

geo optional ---500 +


23.03.2021 Updates:

  • 2 Weeks SH DNA Notes Compilation revision
  • Environment - finished the important species subsection (148-152) :(

Terrible day as usual. The plan is to stay strong and not slip back to night hours to cover 9-10+ hours. The body will adjust slowly.

Hi,I have purchased Vision Test Series (25 tests, 31 January one).

If anybody is looking forward to buy one, pls contact me. I am not able to follow it and ending up not using it at all.

Yesterday, results came and as I was expecting, I could not clear. It was my first mains and I had made some terrible mistakes during my prep. Lack of clarity on what to read, how to read, lack of planning on my part, poor time management while writing mains and excessive  focus on clearing prelims. But as one door closes, another opens. This time things will go right.

Today's target:-

  1. Newspaper
  2. Economy- Vision Summary of Economic Survey Volume 2 (Half) (10 Days left)
  3. History Optional- Medieval India Satisha Chandra Vol. 2 Ch.1-5 (Couldn't read anything from this yesterday so I will complete it today) (18 Days left)
ssver2,AJ_and4 otherslike this
Day 57 24-03-2021

maps-national park

50 qus vision test 1-51 to 100

geo optional ---500 +---regional planning....
Day 56 --- complete test, economic geo,
Smile and shine
AJ_,IamThatand1 otherslike this

Today's target:-

  1. Newspaper
  2. Economy- VIsion Summary Economic Survey Vol. 2 (Rest of the portion) (9 Days Left)
  3. History Optional- Medieval India Vol. 2 Ch. 5,6 (17 Days left)

Yesterday, while reading history, I realized few minor mistakes that I made in my previous attempt. Political history usually doesn't have much value for Mains and even for optional. But it does have some value for Prelims in two respect. 1. Various personalities, their contemporaries and the chronology; 2. Historical places and their location. Few questions in Prelims were based on this last year so now I am taking extra care in noting down such information while reading history.

AJ_,IamThatand2 otherslike this
Day 58 25-03-2021

maps-biosphere reserve

50 qus vision test 2-1 to 50

geo optional ---500 +---regional planning....
Day 57--- complete test,regional geo ,national park
Smile and shine
AJ_,IamThatand1 otherslike this

Didn't clear Mains so now I'll be posting here


Optional - 3 hours done

Current affairs class - 3 hours done

Newspaper - done

chamomile,IamThatand1 otherslike this

24+25.03.2021 Updates:

  • Shankar's Environment book - page 152-215/366.
  • Mathematics - 10 pages (Modern Algebra)

Today's target:-

  1. Newspaper
  2. Economy- Budget '21 (8 Days left)
  3. History Optional- Medieval India Vol. 2 Ch. 7-8 (16 Days left)

Past few days were hectic. Economy took longer than I expected. I will have to give extra 5 days to Economy for revision. Maybe I will cut days from Ancient and Medieval history quota.


10-12 : optional - DONE 

12-1 : Newspaper -DONE

1-3: NCERT - done 

5-7: Test 2 

8:30-10: revision 

AJ_,IamThatand1 otherslike this
Day 59 26-03-2021

maps-biosphere reserve

50 qus vision test 2-51to 100

geo optional ---500 +---regional planning....
Day 58-- complete test,regional geo , biosphere
Smile and shine
AJ_,IamThatand1 otherslike this


Managed to hit all my targets today

Maths optional (Modern Algebra) 30 pages

Current affairs magazine 10 pages

Current affairs class 2 hours


AJ_,IamThatand1 otherslike this

26/03/2021 Updates:

  • Shankar's Environment - page 215-245/366.

Today's target:-

  1. Newspaper
  2. Environment- Shankar notes Ch: 1-4 (14 Days remaining)
  3. History Optional- Medieval India Vol. 2 Ch:- 9-11 (15 Days remaining)

Yesterday was a productive day. Now, a review is necessary on how many days are left to revise some important subjects which I have already completed once. I am planning to cut days allotted to Ancient and Medieval history. So out of 10 days, I will study that for only 6 days now. Rest of the 4 days to revise other imp subjects.

  1. Polity- 10 Days
  2. Geography- 8 Days
  3. Economy- 9 Days
AJ_,IamThatand1 otherslike this
The hustle begins today. 
I woke up at 6 in the morning.
Tomorrow onwards, have to wake up at 5:30, till the prelims D-DAY.
My targets would be to Finish the Economic survey with Notes by 31st March.
The second would be to Give 2 hours daily to History optional. 
Starting with Note making from Upinder Singh today.
92 days to go!
No 1,AJ_and3 otherslike this

6 - 8: optional -Done

11-1: NCERT -done    

1- 2:30- June CA - Done

3-5 : Test 2

6-8 : revision

9-10: newspaper -Done


After mains debacle.. Trying to start Over now.. Skipping this yr upsc.. Will give state pcs this year in June 2021..

Don't know where lacked in mains.. So will wait for marksheet before jumping again in upsc.. Made notes of g's (except for g's 1) and optional.. Used reports ; sdgs ; articles; diagrams - India world maps and few from coaching centres notes.. Wrote around 12 tests.. Got checked personally.. Took essay classes-used story and quotes in both essay.. Optional-gave multiple examples with flowchart etc..

Some interview call students say.. That wrote multiple tests..and some with No diagrams.. Used puchii; arc etc . Then after 1 day another friend comes on forum.. And tell that he or she followed above approach (multiple revisions ; arc n data etc) .. But could not find name in list..

For 4 days kept blaming myself.. That should have written more tests or should have given more efforts ( was in home for personal reasons after prelims for 15 days).. Then there is a history optional guy - whose 20 days got wasted due to dengue... And still made it.. Then there is a girl from Bengal.. Who kept going since covid lockdown daily with her civils and also ies ( eco) exam..

But there are multiple silent observers who kept doing similar efforts and comes like blue moon after results with new ids.. And many of them kept going on daily.. But still could not find name in list.. So whether its luck or hardwork or some superpower blessing.. Currently I do not know.. Nor I have knowledge and time to find it out..

With my former id.. I used to comment occasionally on forum ( approx 6 times a month) Now with new ID... And new user name.. Just to remind myself that I need to start again.. In upsc journey from few years.. So deciding to go for state pcs this year was very tough decision.. So I needed some thing ( here user name) to kill my ego ( ias vs state service sdm).. I needed something to remind me.. That now its fight for survival.. To overcome Parents income support.. To give myself time to figure out..Where I got wrong in upsc mains.. Needed recalling multiple examples like Drking ; India bhai; yoyo ( his journey with state pcs)..

untill now I avoided giving state pcs - by excusing myself by giving multiple useless reasons like state pcs is different ; I am analytical mind etc.. Excuses I feel them now.. As after so many years.. Where I am now wrt upsc.. I do not know my mains marks.. I do not know where I lacked.. What worked and what not..

Still dependent on father's income (who is 60 plus already and having health issues - as with case with most of aspirants; over here) What mind I was (analytical or not) I do not know.. Upsc preparation made my thought process the way it is ( curious if not analytical ).. So if upsc preparation can make me this way.. State pcs preparation this year can also make my thinking process - the way it is required)

It is very difficult to gather up courage to fight again.. Very difficult to dust ourselves and again rise ( some people say as rising from ashes.. But for my case - I will call it dirt-I don't have business to look after.. I m over my prime age.. With 2 years plus of corporate experience and now in covid times-when going back to corporate becomes more difficult )

But what can i do.. Only two thing left for me.. To just clock hours studying again ( this time for state pcs exam in June) and to kill my ego of upsc vs state civil.. not undermine state civil service ( in order to give my best)..

Whether I become ias or not.. But if I give my best for state civil service and get selected.. I will be able to support myself.. I will be able to take some stress and financial issues away from my family.. I will be posted in my home state.. I will rise slowly wrt ias officer in promotion..

But I will have ground base and will rise.. And then.. ias.. I will come after u.. With my full efforts.. Knowing my mistakes and knowing my strengths.. And with no stress of backup.. No stress of going back to corporate world ; and no more of a burden on my family..

Will prepare today my schedule and will start from Tom posting on this thread - DAILY..

Any suggestions ; way forward and criticisms most welcome.. Upsc make us humble ( so don't worry of pissing me off)

@SurvivalHey! With regards to State PSC Vs. UPSC, I also recently gave State PSC Pre and will be writing Mains right after  the UPSC Prelims. I think you should give your best for state PSC. If you clear that exam then it will rejuvenate you. It will make you feel much more confident. 

None of us can say what worked or what not in mains with utmost confidence till the marks are out. Try to realize what more can you add once the marks are out. At the same time keep the spirits high. All of us are in the same process. Hard work will always reward you so don't stop doing that. Since there is limited intake and high amount of people aiming for the same thing, it is natural that not all of us will go through in one go. Some people who couldn't clear mains last term, cleared it this year. So stay focused and consistent. Things will fall in place.

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