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CSE 2022: Plan/ Strategy/ Daily Routine

This is an everything thread for all stuff 2022. You can post your daily goals, end-of-the-day updates, weekly targets or any weird thing you use to measure your progress. You can put into words & post the soul-sucking sadness that is threatening to devour you & your productivity. You can write what made your day & let others experience the happiness too, at least vicariously. This is a thread to pick each other up. This is a thread to keep each other accountable. This is a no-judgement zone.


“This is one more piece of advice I have for you: don't get impatient. Even if things are so tangled up you can't do anything, don't get desperate or blow a fuse and start yanking on one particular thread before it's ready to come undone. You have to realize it's going to be a long process and that you'll work on things slowly, one at a time.”

— Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood

jack_Sparrow,Fireheartand160 otherslike this


I'm usually reasonably productive, but today evening - I was struck with a bout of loneliness. I tried distracting myself to get done with the day's readings, but I couldn't. 

How do you guys deal with it?

@Muffin  I've made one

It will be even better if people who've missed prelims by a whisker join in to have competitive environment.



I'm usually reasonably productive, but today evening - I was struck with a bout of loneliness. I tried distracting myself to get done with the day's readings, but I couldn't. 

How do you guys deal with it?

It is okay to have bouts of loneliness every now and then.. I just hope it is not a recurring feeling that is making you very sad..
Sometimes it is okay to pause and do other things that you like to do.. Treat yourself for all the times you had been productive.. dont force urself to study in such times.. The harder you will try, the more difficult you will find it ...
Go with the flow.. If you are preparing for 2022, you still have time to devote on 'self love and self care'.. do that.. and dont feel guilty about it.. 

Xera,Rashmirathiand7 otherslike this

1st November 2021

New month,new beginning

1.History : class 6th ncert (old) social science part 1

   Class 11th RS Sharma ( ancient India)

2. Sapiens ( a brief history of human kind)

First 50 pages.

3.Newspaper 26,27th 28,29,30 31, October

Along with 1st November. justice--a. Social empowerment, communalism,regionalism, socialism.

Rashmirathi,sjerngaland2 otherslike this


1. Linear algebra (1/2)

2. GS3 (Government budgeting)

3. Analysis of prelims paper and source augmentation (if reqd.)

I have been trying to be consistent with posting daily target and then updating, slowly I will get the hang of it may be.

TFD: Every mountain is tall until it is scaled and every problem is big until it is resolved.


1. Linear algebra (1.5/2)

2. Government budgeting

3. Newspaper+ca 30pgs

TFD: Being consistent can be boring but results are exciting.

Rashmirathi,Ash5Manand3 otherslike this
@sjerngal makes sense. I'm feeling better after a good night's sleep. Thank you!



1) Newspaper

2) Finish World History

3) 2 CA classes

4) 2 Essay classes

1) Done 

2) Left with decolonization part ( took lot of time as I was studying after long gap)

3) Not done 

4) Done 

Targets for 01/11/2021 

1) Newspaper

2) World History - remaining part; 2PYQ's

3) Society - Family, Caste, women issues, urbanization, globalization, 2 PYQ's

4) Optional - Anthro - 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

5) Daily CA

Rashmirathi,Ash5Manand4 otherslike this
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31st Oct

1. newspaper + CA [+backlog 

2. Optional notes [TOC of 1.6-1.7, Rousseau, Benthom, JS Mill

3. Ethics mini test

4. Miscl.[PYQs, toppers copy]

"A new day, a new beginning. GL peeps"


1. finish yesterday's task 2, 3 & 4

2. newspaper

3. Optional [Hobbes]

heisenberg_,Rashmirathiand4 otherslike this

Targets for 1.11.21

1. Newspaper

2. optional = thermodynamics(first revision) 

3. GS 4 = emotional intelligence (first revision)

4. CA class


Rashmirathi,Ash5Manand3 otherslike this

Tasks for 1st November 2021

1. Complex analysis questions set 1 IMS

2. Newspaper 

3. 12th Socio NCERT 2 chapters

4. Ethics Day 4

5. Uttarakhand GS

Rashmirathi,Ash5Manand3 otherslike this

Going to start posting targets here and will try to remain consistent. 

1 November

Newspaper (with backlogs)

September CA magzine (1/3)

Modern history notes (1/5)

Class 6 ncert (1/3)

heisenberg_,Rashmirathiand5 otherslike this

Starting from today for 2022.

Targets for 1st Nov'21:

Newspaper + CA backlog (16th Sept'21)

Psychology Paper I: Introduction (Notes + AW through PYQs)

Ethics and Human Inference 

Rashmirathi,THE_MECHANICand2 otherslike this
guys need suggestion between Forum Epic factly and vision monthly. what are like pros and cons or which one you found better 


Very less study for 2 days. I’ve decided to do only optional+ CA for now. Target to complete paper-1 by 15th December.

Optional: Topic 1.3 done.

Next update when Topic 1.4 is complete.

Rashmirathi,Ash5Manand3 otherslike this
guys need suggestion between Forum Epic factly and vision monthly. what are like pros and cons or which one you found better 

disclaimer: heavily tilted towards aesthetics and bang for time for me

EPIC pros: neat, well organised hierarchy(selling point for me), good assortment of facts

Vision pros: (*have done only 3-4 months) they cover any topic from ground up in much detail(might become a con)

General cons for magazines(applicable to EPIC too): might not be enough for prelims

Vision cons: the organisation and coloring and hierarchy, information density which is sometimes quite overt, tends to become little redundant(lesser than yojana). BIGGEST CON: two parts on the same page, frustrates me with continuous vertical reading ;-;

You'll need to google more from daily newspaper anyway. Less time spent on mags, the better imo

Cheers :)

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Finishing off

Totally drained but a satisfying day.

Finished all the targets except writing questions (not fine but will let it slide)

Tomorrow will be the last day for reading fringe stuff like books on policies and skimming through committee reports for fun and a broader viewpoint. 

Day #2 targets:

  • The Hindu
  • Finish skimming a) 3 general policy documents b) 1 foreign policy document
  • Write two questions before evening 

"Don't speak if it doesn't improve on silence."

ps- sharing a thought before I crash on my bed, which I realised earlier today-I flunked this year's prelims. I am coming off a fresh defeat. If I draw enthusiasm from that defeat, it will not be a "sustainable process" because the exam is over 7 months away. So I must draw the drive/enthusiasm to work hard from another place which is value positive. 

Good luck for tomorrow everyone. 🦖

Finished day's targets

Month end review:

  • 3 part approach, a)before-pre b)after-pre c)after result
  • a) felt everything was in control, targets were too fluid to be tangibly tracked 
  • b) huge inertia to shift gears but gained a hold. Targets were 1)analysing pyqs 2)topper copies 3)round up sources for socio and gs 4)begin note-making. Finished first three, then prelims results happened and 4th got stuck.
  • c) targets were to 1)settle in for the long game 2)gain a broader viewpoint into things policy-wise and philosophy-wise. More or less done.

Targets for November:

  • 45 NCERTs (most have been done earlier or should be easily manageable)
  • 15 MGP half-tests
  • finish Socio notes skeleton
  • finish G.S. notes skeleton
  • no pressure for CA but bonus quest to command EPIC mags

Targets for tomorrow, day#3

  • The Hindu            (2hr)
  • Socio                    (3hr)
  • D.K.Balaji ethics  (maximum damage possible, no pressure)
  • 3 ncerts                (4hr)
  • answer writing     (1/2)

"Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase."

Good luck for the new month everyone 🤺

Didn't do socio. 

Took time to figure out the hierarchy of sustainable note-making and where different information will be slotted.

Targets for day#4

  • The Hindu (2h)
  • Socio         (try to begin, no pressure)
  • D.K. Balaji (try to wrap)
  • 3 ncerts        (4h)
  • answer writing (1/2)

"Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. Full effort is full victory."

Good luck for tomorrow peeps 🖖🏻

Raillife,heisenberg_and2 otherslike this
@Blind guy mcsqqueezy Done with today’s targets.



1) Newspaper

2) Finish World History

3) 2 CA classes

4) 2 Essay classes

1) Done 

2) Left with decolonization part ( took lot of time as I was studying after long gap)

3) Not done 

4) Done 

Targets for 01/11/2021 

1) Newspaper

2) World History - remaining part; 2PYQ's

3) Society - Family, Caste, women issues, urbanization, globalization, 2 PYQ's

4) Optional - Anthro - 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

5) Daily CA

Did all except Society

Targets for 02/11/2021

1) NP/CA (2)

2) Essay class 4 (1.5)

3) Optional - Anthro - 2.1, 2.2 (2+2)

4) Society (4)

heisenberg_,Rashmirathiand3 otherslike this
Targets for 2.11.21

  1. Optional= Thermodynamics notes revision
  2. Newspaper + backlog
  3. CA class

Rashmirathi,THE_MECHANICand1 otherslike this


Going to start posting targets here and will try to remain consistent. 

1 November

Newspaper (with backlogs)

September CA magzine (1/3)

Modern history notes (1/5)

Class 6 ncert (1/3)


Not done



Analysing topper essay copies - Done

Studied at snail's pace. Need to speed up...improve efficiency!

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