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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain

The Civils Mains result has been declared. This thread is for sharing your grief , joy , mixed feelings - absolutely anything and everything.

jack_Sparrow,musaand60 otherslike this


@necromancer  bhai I got to know that 2-3 people I know are not taking the vaccines. Now these people work in private organisations, they are quite senior and very very privileged. Now I wont want to say all rich people working in Private sector do not believe science right? 



@Neyawn Wow ! Could you please tell as to how to access the old threads from 2013-14-15 etc.. some of them were pure gold !

We did have a data breach where we lost a bit of old content. Let me assure you that new kids on the block have much wiser things to say, if you are willing to hear.  :)

As long as quality of discussions is maintained.!

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

EiChan,AyushVashisthaand4 otherslike this
@KratosOfPUBG Bro, first of all, sorry if you felt hurt by the backlash. The intention of the people here is not to bring you down. It's to help you see things differently. Sometimes, however, we become so zealous for the cause that we forget to speak calmly and appropriately. Once again I hope you're not too offended by the words used here. 

Coming to your arguments, let me try to address them as best as I can. Your initial argument was how intellectuals in India seem to attack Hinduism but not other religions. You are partially right. The reason this perception exists is because most intellectuals you might know of are themselves Hindus. They point out the flaws of Hinduism because (1) they have grown up fully immersed in the culture and know the strengths and weaknesses and (2) they have the moral authority to do so. I'm a Christian. When I have debates with my friends I can easily point out mistakes and flaws by the church. But I hesitate to talk about Hinduism or Islam in the same manner since I don't have the moral authority. Something similar is happening here among the Hindu intellectuals.

In the same vein, there are prominent Muslim intellectuals who constantly point out the weaknesses and ills of Muslims. There's an organisation - Indian Muslims for Secular Democracy - comprising of prominent intellectuals. There are intellectuals like Ghazala Wahab who address traditional Muslims to embrace modernity. 

My point is that there are intellectuals on all sides who point out ills in their communities. You can't expect them to as vehemently try to reform other communities as well. If PBM's words caused so much of a stir here, imagine if someone like Salman Rushdie had said the exact same thing. 

Now coming to your other statements, they are problematic not because they are false but because they are selectively true. They are generalizations of specific incidents extrapolated to paint an entire community a certain way. Hitler used half truths and generalizations to make an entire country antagonistic to Jews so much so that the Holocaust was normalised. The world wants to avoid something similarly terrible from happening ever again. That's why the minorities require special protection - from harmful actions as well as words that may end up justifying these actions in the future. That's why people here immediately rushed to condemn these statements. 

Also, I urge you to really get to know someone from the other communities. You'll notice how similar they are to you. How human they are. One of my best friends is a Muslim. That person singlehandedly helped me see an entire community in a different light. When you form such bonds you stop seeing someone else as the 'other'. You start seeing them as one of your own. At the end of the day, isn't that the goal? Aren't we all Indians? Aren't we all humans? 

Finally a word to my fellow forumites. Attack the ideas. Not the persons. Please try to engage in meaningful dialogue. There are genuine issues. They must be talked through. That's how we all learn. 

@Celeborn how can you have a meaningless dialogue on a meaningless topic? I just found the comment void of any sense or logic so I refrained from making a comment. I genuinely feel debate and all is good but this forum is not the place for it, you never know how one would interpret what you say and how the issue could escalate. And I think it is very immature to think that a social media debate would change a guy's perception on religion. So the best we can do is just ignore the comment let's use the forum for the purpose it was meant to be.


Please avoid discussions on political and religious issues, even if they are important on this platform.

Please go thorugh this

Also, this.

Neyawn,ssver2and27 otherslike this


Please avoid discussions on political and religious issues, even if they are important on this platform.

Please go thorugh this

Also, this.

@root Mark the punctuations. They matter.

Please avoid discussions on political and religious issues, even if they are important,  on this platform.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS

ssver2,Auroraand18 otherslike this

@Neyawn I thought@root and you are the same guy thanks for clearing the confusion :joy:

EiChan,Ayushi7and2 otherslike this

lol i used to think this is how root and neyawn perform their repective roles

ssver2,sonderand21 otherslike this
@D503 Aparichit intensified.

@Ajatashatru are they not taking them because of being rich? Or working in a private sector? No. 

Because in the cases I mentioned, it’s not just them. They’re not doing it as an independent decision but because they’ve been misled by a religious figure. A religious figure that is also heard and followed by many others. 

Why bring up such a stupid point?

Ooops. Did not read the Imam part or must have skipped it. Sorry

Regardless, I did not know stupid points are not allowed. I have seen enough of them today. 



lol i used to think this is how root and neyawn perform their repective roles

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80%of higher caste people voting for a lowet caste PM alone should tell you something.

Caste, superstition and other backwardness should be addressed for all the religions equally and immediately. But "intellectualism" in India is interpreted as trashing Hinduism. Putting down Hindus and then keep kicking them. This practice in itself is equally backwards and medieval.

If you want to call yourself intellectual, you should be able to address all the backwardness in society without sounding like a biased elitist.

Ambedkar did it, why can't modern day wannabe intellectuals.


» show previous quotes

I was hoping to not say this because intolerant intellectual are very intolerant of anything criticizing the religion of peace. Also because a few days back i saw a Muslim auto driver go out of his way to help a hindu Covid+ pregnant lady. I've seen a lot of examples of Muslims being more helpful than Hindus.

You probably live in a mostly Hindu state to think of India as Holi and diwali. But in states like kerala, telangana, TN, UP, Bihar, Assam, WB, etc. The picture of India seems a bit different. Crowded Mosque roads on fridays, sea of skull caps and 4 AM wake up call are the norm.

What I mean to say is that the second largest minority is large enough in most state for their backwardness to be of concern to everyone. What Ambedkar said about them in this book still holds true. They still don't believe in real science, just the stuff taught in madatsas. I'm traveling in a train right now. 6 out of 8 people in the cabin and side are Muslims and only I am wearing a mask. May be RSS taught them pseudo science too. Or may be they still believe in the infallibility of very hard sciences mentioned in that book of theirs. They still torture animals because it's halal. What's to say they won't follow the book and try to turn darul harb into darul islam by waging something mentioned in the same book.

Last time partition happened was because they were 23% and religion was more important to them than nation. It still is more so for the educated people working in private sector and even government.

I'm sorry if it sounds rude but by not acknowledging and addressing the backwardness of largest minority, pseudo intellectuals are further deepening the already deep divisions between the two communities.



Apologies to@Neyawn and@root.Came across your comments after posting. 


I see the conversational hand-grenade worked out really well here.

Only advice would to develop a strong gut to see, specifically identify, and engage with the worst of ideas - howsoever nauseating they might be. Administration involves much more of Social Persuasion (is that a GS 4 topic? hmm) of very inflexible people than one may imagine, so consider this net practice.


Conversation Pivot - has anyone scored above 85 in GS 3 in 2019 here? Or 95+ in GS 1, GS 2?

Or a respectable score in any year before 2019? What were your learnings from it?

Neyawn,Integerand12 otherslike this

A great thread to read the entire developments regarding the SC SUO MOTU hearing regarding covid management by the centre. Justice Chandrachud with some pertinent points.

Archand,nerdfighterand2 otherslike this

Any inputs on World history how to do it ?? Sources ??? And any extras also ??@AzadHindFauz @whatonly @SergioRamos @Villanelle @peterparker @nerdfighter @sjerngal @DHARNA @Patootie any other also welcome ???

World History NCERT + Kanishak Kataria short notes on World History. 

This is what I did. You may give this set a try. 

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