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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain

The Civils Mains result has been declared. This thread is for sharing your grief , joy , mixed feelings - absolutely anything and everything.

jack_Sparrow,musaand60 otherslike this


@Anduin  last year i subscribed to dipen sir current affair classes.. he is very good.. but classes were being held even 10 days before mains .. so it was not possible to take classes in that time limit... but anyway content of whatever classes i took was great...

any one here can please share their view on QEP of IAS Hub!! 

@Dhoni_the_captain i have taken qep.
Classes are not good.Mk yadav just reads the content.nothing is waste of time

Their study material(pdf) is good but that too is much more what is needed.
But some good diagrams, flowcharts are included in pdfs.

@Dhoni_the_captain i have taken qep.
Classes are not good.Mk yadav just reads the content.nothing is waste of time

Their study material(pdf) is good but that too is much more what is needed.
But some good diagrams, flowcharts are included in pdfs.

just to add he spends large chunk of time on political and irrelevant jokes which i felt irritating:P

Integer,AJ_and1 otherslike this
@Dhoni_the_captain i have taken qep.
Classes are not good.Mk yadav just reads the content.nothing is waste of time

Their study material(pdf) is good but that too is much more what is needed.
But some good diagrams, flowcharts are included in pdfs.


Do you have those pdfs? Can you share some of them? 

@Usain_bolt bro the pdfs have name and number.
so cannot share on public platform.
Tried removing watermarks too but cannot remove it.

No 1,balwintejasand1 otherslike this

@The Mechanic Thanks bro.



Hello seniors & friends,,I am in non-ias/ips service nd lost touch of exam as i was busy in my personal it worth trying for IAS even after completing 6 years in my own service.currently I work at JAG position in my org.i m in a dilemma nd need honest nd rational advice of seniors & veterans whether I should try for ias or not?

I am AWFG student but facing problems and dilemma! 

1. i am spending entire day only preparing and consolidating notes for WYSK as the questions are out of book . is that worth it?

2. I am using google search, various firm's post to consolidate my ans, but sometimes feels dissatisfied with the content.

    What is the efficient way to consolidate notes. Any way I can save myself from time-consuming searches.

    Which other other source could i use?

    How are others doing the same?

I need help or if a bit guidance if i am treading the right path!!

Hi guys, does anyone know if any mock interviews are happening offline in Delhi?






People use forest here for tracking minutes of productivity. Other than that a good old fashioned to-do list would work just as well. I have made a planner in GoodNotes, so its right besides my other notes as well making it easier for me to remember to check things off

This may or may not appear stupid, but can someone tell me how exactly does crypto trading work? How is the valuation of the underlying asset done?
@DeekshitaP I’ll try to explain with an example. Bitcoin, it’s essentially digital gold. There will be only 21 million bitcoins ever produced, so a finite amount and it’s also ‘mined’, albeit digitally. So think of it like that, digital gold. 

If you want it, you either buy it using other currencies at the value it is trading, exactly like gold. Or you mine it. Every 10 minutes or so one block of bitcoin is released. If you’ve played Minecraft, it’s like every ~10 minutes one diamond block is spawned somewhere in the map. You have to find it. If you have fast hands, you can mine quicker, if you have more hands to help, even faster. But the problem is, you have many more people competing for it along with you. 

How it’s actually mined is, a hash problem is generated and you have to solve it. Essentially guess a 64 digit number. A conventional computer could do it since a block is just 1MB, but it takes time. And you have to be fast. So people buy GPUs and set up big rigs so that their probability of finding it increases. Whoever solves the problem gets a block. That’s why you’ll find huge rigs in countries like Iran (essentially cut off from the world market due to dollar blockade). You don’t have the conventional regulations applying on this so you can (almost) freely use it.

Now you can see, there’s huge demand for this ‘digital gold’. Now the rest is just how the market works. Demand and supply. Limited supply, huge demand, so the price goes up. 

I’d say it’s a system of trust and verification. Since in the mining part, you’re essentially verifying other transactions. Trust, because essentially it’s just trust among the world that yeah bitcoin has value. Exactly like gold. Gold doesn’t exactly have anything that makes it so valuable over any other commodity. Demand and supply yeah, but it’s just mutual trust in the world that yeah we’ve assigned a value to this. 

This is how I understand it and hope I’ve cleared it for you too
Aurora,EiChanand18 otherslike this
@DeekshitaP I’ll try to explain with an example. Bitcoin, it’s essentially digital gold. There will be only 21 million bitcoins ever produced, so a finite amount and it’s also ‘mined’, albeit digitally. So think of it like that, digital gold. 

If you want it, you either buy it using other currencies at the value it is trading, exactly like gold. Or you mine it. Every 10 minutes or so one block of bitcoin is released. If you’ve played Minecraft, it’s like every ~10 minutes one diamond block is spawned somewhere in the map. You have to find it. If you have fast hands, you can mine quicker, if you have more hands to help, even faster. But the problem is, you have many more people competing for it along with you. 

How it’s actually mined is, a hash problem is generated and you have to solve it. Essentially guess a 64 digit number. A conventional computer could do it since a block is just 1MB, but it takes time. And you have to be fast. So people buy GPUs and set up big rigs so that their probability of finding it increases. Whoever solves the problem gets a block. That’s why you’ll find huge rigs in countries like Iran (essentially cut off from the world market due to dollar blockade). You don’t have the conventional regulations applying on this so you can (almost) freely use it.

Now you can see, there’s huge demand for this ‘digital gold’. Now the rest is just how the market works. Demand and supply. Limited supply, huge demand, so the price goes up. 

I’d say it’s a system of trust and verification. Since in the mining part, you’re essentially verifying other transactions. Trust, because essentially it’s just trust among the world that yeah bitcoin has value. Exactly like gold. Gold doesn’t exactly have anything that makes it so valuable over any other commodity. Demand and supply yeah, but it’s just mutual trust in the world that yeah we’ve assigned a value to this. 

This is how I understand it and hope I’ve cleared it for you too

Thanks a lot! This was actually explained really simply :)

THE_MECHANIC,Usain_boltand1 otherslike this
@DeekshitaP I’ll try to explain with an example. Bitcoin, it’s essentially digital gold. There will be only 21 million bitcoins ever produced, so a finite amount and it’s also ‘mined’, albeit digitally. So think of it like that, digital gold. 

If you want it, you either buy it using other currencies at the value it is trading, exactly like gold. Or you mine it. Every 10 minutes or so one block of bitcoin is released. If you’ve played Minecraft, it’s like every ~10 minutes one diamond block is spawned somewhere in the map. You have to find it. If you have fast hands, you can mine quicker, if you have more hands to help, even faster. But the problem is, you have many more people competing for it along with you. 

How it’s actually mined is, a hash problem is generated and you have to solve it. Essentially guess a 64 digit number. A conventional computer could do it since a block is just 1MB, but it takes time. And you have to be fast. So people buy GPUs and set up big rigs so that their probability of finding it increases. Whoever solves the problem gets a block. That’s why you’ll find huge rigs in countries like Iran (essentially cut off from the world market due to dollar blockade). You don’t have the conventional regulations applying on this so you can (almost) freely use it.

Now you can see, there’s huge demand for this ‘digital gold’. Now the rest is just how the market works. Demand and supply. Limited supply, huge demand, so the price goes up. 

I’d say it’s a system of trust and verification. Since in the mining part, you’re essentially verifying other transactions. Trust, because essentially it’s just trust among the world that yeah bitcoin has value. Exactly like gold. Gold doesn’t exactly have anything that makes it so valuable over any other commodity. Demand and supply yeah, but it’s just mutual trust in the world that yeah we’ve assigned a value to this. 

This is how I understand it and hope I’ve cleared it for you too

Thanks a lot! This was actually explained really simply :)

Thank you ! You explained it really well:)


I have few queries regarding Mains preparation and overall preparation in general

1. Have given 4 prelims till now, couldn't clear, missed by 1-2 marks in last two attempts. I am working now, and doing well financially as well. But the dream to become a civil servant is still there and hence mustered the courage to give one more attempt. Prelims has become a huge mental block for me, I am not sure how to go about it. I was doing good preparation keeping May 31st in mind, but suddenly this delay of 3.5 months has again got me into a fix.

How should I go about the preparation now, should I focus on prelims and mains simultaneously or should I do optional now, this conundrum about formulating an ideal preparation strategy is taking a toll on me. It's making me very anxious everyday. I think about equal weightage to Prelims, Optional and little bit Mains, but again it becomes too much in a day. If I do only optional, then the thought of 4 failed prelims mocks at me.

A brief background - I started my prep in 2016 quitting job as a business analyst. Failed in 2017 prelims, immediately realized UPSC is very uncertain and wrote other exams - IRDAI and NABARD and others. Presently working at IRDAI (Since 2018 Jan). Got married in 2018, we had a beautiful baby in 2020 and life is a bliss now.

Sometimes I wonder why am I preparing for this stupid exam, and then I feel it's really worth it, I should give one more shot. I wish, I should have been blissfully unaware of this exam like I was till 2015-16. I was 25 then and happily working in a corporate job with good onsite opportunities.

Even last year, when prelims got postponed, I was very relieved. Thought I will do optional thoroughly, prepare for mains and then at the end of day, didn't clear prelims itself. Last year after prelims debacle, I enrolled in a CA program of levelup IAS and been following them regularly. 

Anyone in similar situation - How to get rid of this prelims blockage from mind, what to do for mains ideally. 

@Kasturi22 go to forumias YouTube channel and see recently uploaded strategy video of Ayush sir (newyan) regarding what you should do till the prelims (10 october). It's worth watching it.

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