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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain

The Civils Mains result has been declared. This thread is for sharing your grief , joy , mixed feelings - absolutely anything and everything.

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@D503 I genuinely believe your dislike is leaking here. 

Our diplomats celebrate culture, we’d surely be raising issues had they be celebrating 100 years of Hindu Mahasabha. But it’s understandable since China doesn’t care about stuff like this and also the fact that their bureaucrats are CPC members first and foremost. So their duty is to their party, again, understandable and not the point of contention. I hold an issue with TH carrying their advertisements, that too only when they’re the ones projecting a lot of ethical and journalistic standards.

The events you’ve mentioned are aimed at or hosted by Indian diaspora, which has a large presence there. Even then, Howdy Modi was chastised by the very same newspaper we’re talking about. There were multiple editorials chiding the event as against international diplomacy ethics which were till now followed by the Indian government. 

It might be a little hard to digest but Thank you Modi posters in Canada, privately funded, aren’t problematic when you have active propaganda running against the current Indian government by Khalistani activists and sympathisers, present in the millions in Canada and USA. For one, India isn’t actively hostile towards Canada. 

The ‘Rightwing propaganda’ (XD) is aimed at diaspora. So now, what diaspora is the CPC advertisements aimed at? I’m not aware of a lot of Chinese people living in India reading The Hindu. However what I’m aware of is, N Ram was the VP of SFI, a lot of The Hindu readers are communists. So answering my own question here really, it’s not just general propaganda, it’s also aimed at pleasing some readers. 

I’m not really criticising CPC attempts at gaining international legitimacy, I actually admire them. All I want to point out is values don’t matter to those who always project so. The Chinese are ruthless and don’t care about any niceties or ethics we all are so worried about defending. Sometimes I wish we too could have been the same but are priorities will always lie elsewhere. So we’ll have citizens downplaying Chinese propaganda while harbouring a deep content for any Indian (not always rightwing) propaganda elsewhere.

While we’re on the topic, what about CPI(M) leaders extolling China? I thought they were very value driven? Or do the values only apply to when they’re participating in domestic fear mongering, for communists across the world are brothers, even if they’re killing your own countrymen. Utterly shameful that CPI(M) has this much of disregard for Indian polity.

If you havent paid attention, in communist countries the party is the state. And since , communism involves repudiation of old culture, values, festivals, these are replaced by new fabricated festivals like centenary of party, festivals in praise of the leader, so on so forth. When i compare yoga diwali with the chinese celebrations , i am implying that these celebrations have as much value in common chinese life as diwali in a common indian's life. One example of this is During soviet rule in russia the culture comprised of reading pravda, watching red marches at the soviet square, adulating the demigods lenin and stalin. I dont know whether these people do it under the fear of the sword or out of their own volition, my only point i that you cant say I am celebrting my culture while deriding the other as propaganda, for culture is not static but a evolving phenomenon amenable to changes and manipulation.  So no my biases are not leaking, either you are being presumptuous or i am unable to convey my ideas cogently. 

Anyways, Forget diwali if you are too sensitive, lets take gandhi jayanti which is an important event at the embassies. Gandhi is a well respected leader in India but can we say the same for africa where his statues are being toppled? Will you gauge India by the same standards as in respect of china, when we celebrate gandhi over there ? further, By your own logic Chinese advertisements are also justified since there's an active propaganda against China which culminated in the farcical boycott movements.

I dont believe The rightwing propaganda is aimed at diaspora, the target audience is the domestic one which measures its selfworth by the recognition India gets in foreign countries. Fascinated with becoming viswaguru, such things as howdy,and thankyou, are fed into whatsapp networks to show how GREAT INDIA has become under Modi, how Modi has brought India on the world stage.

I dont get your refrain that "readers are communist". It's the same kind of logic that is thrown around when taking about muslims, that pak is muslim country, so Indian muslims inevitably must be having sympathies for pak. For all communist camaradarie, Soviet and PRC didnt see eye to eye during coldwar and even fought a minor border war, while china veered towards capitalist USA, Soviet came close to China's rival India. National and cultural specificities are not so easily undermined, they exercise an unreleneting influence, which is why we have communist states/countries and not stateless communism as envisaged by marx.
As to myself (since you said my biases are leaking) , I like karl marx's ideas on alienation, his concern for labor class, but then i absolutely abhor Dictators and wherever communism has taken hold it has resulted in totalitarian rule. i consider my predicament is best expressed by Orwell in the orad to wigan pier where he says he "is in favour of socialism, but feels it necessary to point out reasons why many people who would benefit from socialism, and should logically support it, are in practice likely to be strong opponents."
Not that i need to give any explanation for my ideologial leaning, still i would like to state my favourite literary characters D503, Winston Smith, Magarita from master and margarita , are all individuals waging a war in some form against totalitarianism.
@ashish854 people can do both, right? If I pick up an issue, doesn’t mean I have to list all other issues I oppose or support. 

On Depsang, I believe you’re very misinformed. 

You’re correct about the consequences part, I just disagree about the generation facing the consequences. I see Aksai Chin as part of India on our domestic maps but the current dispensation wasn’t the one putting blind trust in China, was it? 

I might not trust the government but I surely trust military sources, of which I have sufficient to not believe the bile of ‘military experts’ with clear connections to opposition parties when they assert that India failed militarily. 

@D503 I literally wrote ‘not a point of contention’ about them celebrating their centenary. I see no problem with celebrating China. Just because their country is run in a way where the party is China doesn’t mean the whole world has to accept that narrative and merge the celebration of China and the CPC. 

Gandhi isn’t just celebrated as an Indian hero, it’s the respect he commands world wide. Even if a lot of misinformed people oppose this, it’s their freedom to expression to do so. I don’t question it. Just like it’s mine to hold a national daily to higher standards of accountability. 

I disagree with your 3rd paragraph but it’s something about which there’ll always be arguments. Hence not discussing. 

I never said all readers are communists, some might be and that’s what their target audience might be too. Same for your Pak example since I’ve actually lived somewhere where this did happen. I don’t paint everyone with the same brush. Some Muslims might, most don’t and this shouldn’t even be controversial. Anyway that isn’t the point. 

I think you’ve misunderstood by my bias assertion. I don’t mean you’re sympathetic to communists, even if you are that wasn’t anywhere implied and I did not make that deduction. Then too I don’t have issues with it. I merely commented about bias in your examples. Here it wasn’t just because of this particular comment but a general history. Pointing out the obvious shouldn’t be this controversial. 

Since you equated the CPC propaganda with rightwing propaganda, I only pointed out that the very same newspaper in question had issues with only one of them.

Now I’ll gladly walk away from the conversation since ideologically we’re very far away and my experiences have taught me that it never results in a calm ending. Again, nothing in my comment was meant in an offensive way. 

@ashish854 people can do both, right? If I pick up an issue, doesn’t mean I have to list all other issues I oppose or support. 

On Depsang, I believe you’re very misinformed. 

You’re correct about the consequences part, I just disagree about the generation facing the consequences. I see Aksai Chin as part of India on our domestic maps but the current dispensation wasn’t the one putting blind trust in China, was it? 

I might not trust the government but I surely trust military sources, of which I have sufficient to not believe the bile of ‘military experts’ with clear connections to opposition parties when they assert that India failed militarily. 

people can do both fact the hindu should not have published them if it has any concern about democratic right. But it never had , they are commercial newspaper with hardly any concern for democratic ideals.

They accept ad from BJP too. And ourruling party democratic record is also not something to be proud of when we are building detention centers, putting activists in jail, and have an alleged terrorist in parliament with blessing of our PM(even terrorist state like pakistan dont have) . They could have simply refused to publish those ad in defiance or resistance instead malini parthsarthy grovelled to PM when GoI stopped giving ad to The Hindu.

My concern,we as a society always chose convenient issue to satisfy our ego. when govt of india is not bothered about its territory and proclaim that "no one entered our territory" , and have no coherent china policy  and then we cant blame these commercial newspapers

As far as the article you mentioned..military itself acknowledging they have been denied patroling to those areas .. from article itself.."He said Indian troops could access the patrolling limits in March, but the Chinese have blocked access since April. He said the area that Indian troops can’t access now between those patrolling points is around 10 km vertically, and 4 to 5 km horizontally." 

"The area between the Line of Patrolling and LAC “was already under his control, those 972 sq km, have been his,” the officer said, adding that the “bulk of that 972 sq km has actually been with them for a very long time… more than 10 to 15 years, he (PLA) has been there"

only thing they are shifting the goalpost 15 years back..they can lose territory further and can say we lost in 1962. Army generals also have vested interest to not acknowledge this de facto loss of territory. If they acknowledge ,then people will question them. whole aura , perks and privileges available to them will be questioned. This is quite palpable from their response if one compare their reaction vis-a-vis Pakistan.

perhaps i was wrong to raise this issue at this point of debate. But it really pains me to see people are so quick to point out a newspaper (perhaps an easy target) while they kept on ignoring our govt meek response to chinese aggression. 

@ashish854 why would you conveniently ignore the point where he said ‘we can go if we want but I don’t want to create another flashpoint’? 
I would have liked to explain how military patrols have historically worked along the China border but someone who believes detention centres shouldn’t be built, isn’t going to accept whatever I would say so why even bother. 

Would a non-bothered government spend as much resources as this one has done to build up on border infrastructure? 

Just a bunch of allegations not caring for any nuance at all. Unfortunate that if one raises an issue, they have to address all other pending ones. Whataboutism at its peak. 

Just a parting note, you’re entitled to your views. I’m walking away from this discussion :)


we can go if we want but we dont go... we can also raise Indian flag in Tienmann square beijing ,or potala palace Lahasa ,but we dont want to create another convenient !!

not tagging end of the debate from my side. 

@D503 I literally wrote ‘not a point of contention’ about them celebrating their centenary. I see no problem with celebrating China. Just because their country is run in a way where the party is China doesn’t mean the whole world has to accept that narrative and merge the celebration of China and the CPC. 

Gandhi isn’t just celebrated as an Indian hero, it’s the respect he commands world wide. Even if a lot of misinformed people oppose this, it’s their freedom to expression to do so. I don’t question it. Just like it’s mine to hold a national daily to higher standards of accountability. 

I disagree with your 3rd paragraph but it’s something about which there’ll always be arguments. Hence not discussing. 

I never said all readers are communists, some might be and that’s what their target audience might be too. Same for your Pak example since I’ve actually lived somewhere where this did happen. I don’t paint everyone with the same brush. Some Muslims might, most don’t and this shouldn’t even be controversial. Anyway that isn’t the point. 

I think you’ve misunderstood by my bias assertion. I don’t mean you’re sympathetic to communists, even if you are that wasn’t anywhere implied and I did not make that deduction. Then too I don’t have issues with it. I merely commented about bias in your examples. Here it wasn’t just because of this particular comment but a general history. Pointing out the obvious shouldn’t be this controversial. 

Since you equated the CPC propaganda with rightwing propaganda, I only pointed out that the very same newspaper in question had issues with only one of them.

Now I’ll gladly walk away from the conversation since ideologically we’re very far away and my experiences have taught me that it never results in a calm ending. Again, nothing in my comment was meant in an offensive way. 

My examples are biased because I live steeped in the hindu culture. So my examples, anecdotes,maxims are bound to reflect that. I will concede on the point of ethics , since once you take funds from someone you become beholden to them and your editorial integrity may get compromised. But I will not make this evil as big as you are making it out to be when we the voters can't even have an inkling of who is funding our political parties, thanks to electoral bonds even electoral trusts are now spurning request for donor lists. For all I care ,since electoral bonds allow foreign funding of elections,cpc may be funding bjp congress. on the same note should PMCARES funds have accepted donations from chinese firms? Should govt have used the nefarious routes to invite European MPs to kashmir? should health minister be seen advertising coronil with a businessman in a pc.

The ethical foundations have become hollow, and if the top leadership continues to engage in its immoral chankyaniti without any moral compunctiona the whole society will follow suit. look closely maybe you will realise you are you are barking at the wrong tree. 

Here I will restrict myself from further comments though you are entitled to give your riposte.

@ashish854 people can do both, right? If I pick up an issue, doesn’t mean I have to list all other issues I oppose or support. 

On Depsang, I believe you’re very misinformed. 

You’re correct about the consequences part, I just disagree about the generation facing the consequences. I see Aksai Chin as part of India on our domestic maps but the current dispensation wasn’t the one putting blind trust in China, was it? 

I might not trust the government but I surely trust military sources, of which I have sufficient to not believe the bile of ‘military experts’ with clear connections to opposition parties when they assert that India failed militarily. 

people can do both fact the hindu should not have published them if it has any concern about democratic right. But it never had , they are commercial newspaper with hardly any concern for democratic ideals.

They accept ad from BJP too. And ourruling party democratic record is also not something to be proud of when we are building detention centers, putting activists in jail, and have an alleged terrorist in parliament with blessing of our PM(even terrorist state like pakistan dont have) . They could have simply refused to publish those ad in defiance or resistance instead malini parthsarthy grovelled to PM when GoI stopped giving ad to The Hindu.

My concern,we as a society always chose convenient issue to satisfy our ego. when govt of india is not bothered about its territory and proclaim that "no one entered our territory" , and have no coherent china policy  and then we cant blame these commercial newspapers

As far as the article you mentioned..military itself acknowledging they have been denied patroling to those areas .. from article itself.."He said Indian troops could access the patrolling limits in March, but the Chinese have blocked access since April. He said the area that Indian troops can’t access now between those patrolling points is around 10 km vertically, and 4 to 5 km horizontally." 

"The area between the Line of Patrolling and LAC “was already under his control, those 972 sq km, have been his,” the officer said, adding that the “bulk of that 972 sq km has actually been with them for a very long time… more than 10 to 15 years, he (PLA) has been there"

only thing they are shifting the goalpost 15 years back..they can lose territory further and can say we lost in 1962. Army generals also have vested interest to not acknowledge this de facto loss of territory. If they acknowledge ,then people will question them. whole aura , perks and privileges available to them will be questioned. This is quite palpable from their response if one compare their reaction vis-a-vis Pakistan.

perhaps i was wrong to raise this issue at this point of debate. But it really pains me to see people are so quick to point out a newspaper (perhaps an easy target) while they kept on ignoring our govt meek response to chinese aggression. 

'meek response to Chinese aggression'  - Ajai Shukla ko padhte ho kya bhai !!

What do you guys think about the Nobel Peace Prize - how do they manage to fail so spectacularly every time? First with Suu Kyi, now Abiy Ahmed.

Is it really that hard to find someone worthy for the award, who wouldn't go on to be involved in genocide in an year or two? 

I believe political leaders are never worthy of nobel peace prize, their actions are always determined by the situation they find themselves in. Suu kyi found it convenient to stand against the army in myanmar as there was no democracy, but when they formed govt and army was one of the major component(25% of the members of parliament are appointed by commander in cheif), for a peaceful working of govt and not loosing again to the military, one has to remain in good books of military so  she defended their actions. All is a political game, not entirely, I do respect their contribution but they act according to the times. 

Same with Abiy Ahmed, a political leader, they use peace first, and then if things don't fall in place, they resort to violence. 

We have people like Kailash , World food programme, which are doing immensely good work. Institutions , NGOs and individuals working for social welfare and peace (when you address issues of hunger, violence ) etc are worthy of nobel peace prize and not political leaders. 


for current affairs we need to do past 2 year issues ??? am i right ?? so how to cover past one year current affairs ?? monthlies or mains 365 or pt 365 or something else ??@AzadHindFauz @whatonly @SergioRamos @sjerngal @nerdfighter @Villanelle @LetsGetThisBread @Rashmirathi @fortarach63 @Infinitybeyondinfinity and all other peeps

Firstly, I don't think reading old mains 365 or PT 365 will add any considerable value to preparation given the limited amount of time we are dealing with. I would just focus on this year's PT365/Mains 365.

Secondly, I would suggest doing extensive research of the current topics in the sense that you also cover the (T-2) years of news related to it. If IT rules are in news this year, then you should be able to trace the developments back to the provisions of the IT Act, Shreya Singhal judgement etc.

Backtracking the current news to (T-2) years will be more fruitful from both Prelims and Mains point of view. This approach will help you especially for mains where in-depth understanding is required.

Please do not run behind trivial current affairs from T-2 years. I'd rather suggest devoting the time to master the static content. Prelims is 70% static and 30% current. It has always been like this. This is my approach and understanding of Prelims. 


@AzadHindFauz bro after mrunal handout what did you do extra in agriculture ???

Apart from that, I visited some 10-12 websites to understand current development in various organizations like NGT, EPCA, CWC, CPCB, SPCBs, etc., and their mandate. 

I also remember referring to some statutes (bare provisions) related to agriculture that I don't have any clue about as of now.

Integer,AJ_and5 otherslike this
@sjerngalI was looking for online notes as I plan to copy them into my own database and use them as base notes which I can further edit as per my own need. Can't really do that with Visions PDFs. I think OnlyIAS's material will do. Thanks.

for current affairs we need to do past 2 year issues ??? am i right ?? so how to cover past one year current affairs ?? monthlies or mains 365 or pt 365 or something else ??@AzadHindFauz @whatonly @SergioRamos @sjerngal @nerdfighter @Villanelle @LetsGetThisBread @Rashmirathi @fortarach63 @Infinitybeyondinfinity and all other peeps

Since upsc doesn't ask random CA, I consider doing a yearly compilation with repeated revisions (5-6 times atleast). More you revise, more it gets easier to eliminate options in mocks (provided they are not CA centric), more you gather confidence for the final day. If I can recall, last year there was only one question which came directly from CA ( Texas vala). In my opinion past one year's CA are sufficient. :)

Dionysus,EiChanand4 otherslike this

You wrote this very nicely. I want to add this i.e reading a news article on doklam issue, I came across how the PLA took the same flag that was at doklam and this flag by the CPC was shown in universities, schools, stadium, on media platforms etc. Due to this the nationalism spread all over the China and allegiance to CPC also increased. But in india it became an issue of debate among political parties as well as in society also. Nothing step like China was taken to spread the nationalism. 

Integer,Auroraand1 otherslike this
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