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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain

The Civils Mains result has been declared. This thread is for sharing your grief , joy , mixed feelings - absolutely anything and everything.

jack_Sparrow,musaand60 otherslike this


Hello Forum peeps! Tomorrow I have MPPSC prelims. Have prepared well, revised multiple times, given mocks and I feel I'm very well prepared for an exam for possibly the first time in my life but still nervous. Wish me luck, good folks. Desperately need something to go my way! 

You will rock it! Good luck buddy.


Anyone have the timeline of parallel ancient medieval kingdoms of NORTH & SOUTH ,

can you please share it ,

thanks in advance 👍🏻

Good luck bro.
get a sound sleep it helps in presence of mind helps in Applying logic

Thanks for the wishes, kind people! Going to have some sleep now and hopefully see you all on Monday with some good news! 
Aurora,Ayushi7and3 otherslike this
Hi all, 
we are small group of students preparing for UPSC 2021. We want to collaborate with interested candidate for the same.
what is collaboration
1) daily 1 UPSC prelims test
2) will try to finish Vision IAS and InsightsonIndia test
3) will solve prelims test at same time to ensure discipline
4) will equally divide 100 question among students and then every student will brief or teach about the question and its solution to group (this way we will reduce time of discussion)
interest candidate can join telegram gp
Hi all,
Essay plays very important role in our selection. People have scored above 160 also. It requires not only knowledge, but more importantly comprehending and articulating the knowledge. We need to be good with our creative and presentation skills. 
We are group of small serious people, who want to practice 2 essay per week during our prelims preparation. If you feel, u want to improve essay do join us.

who can join: must have given mains atleast once. Should be punctual. 

Anyone have the timeline of parallel ancient medieval kingdoms of NORTH & SOUTH ,

can you please share it ,

thanks in advance 👍🏻

This is the rough timeline of events as mentioned in NCERTs
  • 4500- 1900 BCE -- Indus valley civilisation 
    • Pre- 4500-3500
    • proto- 3500-2500
    • mature- 2500-1900
    • post- 1900-1200
      • red ware or black and red ware
  • 1500 -- Aryans
  • 1500- 1000 -- rig vedic
    • pastoralist, egalitarian
  • 1000- 500 -- Later vedic
    • sulvasutra- geometry
    • agriculturalist, brahmanic domination, high discrimination
      • painted grey ware
  • 6th century-- mahajanpadas
    • magadha- powerful
  • haranyanka dynasty
    • bimbisar, 544
    • ajatshatru

    • 563 -- Gautam buddha
    • 540 -- mahavir 
  • shishunaga dynasty
  • nandas
  • 500 BCE- 100BCE -- Mauryan empire
    • northern black polished ware
    • chandragupta established with the help of kautilya
    • bindusara
    • ashoka-273 BCE
      • dear to god, devanam piyadasi
  • 2nd century AD- sushruta (surgery), charaka (medicine)
  • successors of mauryan empire-
  • 185 --  Shungas innorth-
    • pushyamitra shunga; brahmana who persecuted buddhists
  • shakas- indo greeks inwest
    • shaka samvat , 57 BC 
  • Parthians
  • 78 AD--Kushans
    • sons of god
    • polished red pottery
    • kanishka, 50 AD
    • emergence of vaishnavism
  • 1st century BC--satvahanasindeccan
    • competed with shakas.
    • first to give land grants to brahmins (and buddhists too)
    • ended in 6th century AD
  • Deep south
    • 1000bc-5th century AD-- magalithic culture
    • sangam in 6th century AD
    • second century AD- chera, chola, pandyas
  • 313-455 AD -- Gupta empire
    •  chandragupta II (380-412)
      • kalidasa (abhijnanshakuntalam), Panini (grammar- ashtadhyayi), amarsimha (amarkosha), bhasa, sudraka (mrichhakatika)
      • compilation of mahabharata and ramayana.
    • Kumaragupta
      • set up nalanda.
    • Fa Hsein- 5th century- hunas invasion, rise of feudatories.
    • aryabhatta - aryabhattiya, varahamihira- brihatsamhita, 
  • 606-647 -- Harshavardhan
    • banabhatta - court poet- harshacharita
    • hsuan tsang- 629
    • I- tsing- 670
  • successors of satvahanas in deccan
    • eastern- ikshvakus
      • Pallavas in kanchipuram
        • till 757
        • mahabalipuram temples
        • bhakti cult- alavars, nayanars.
        • cholas their feudatories; rose to power later
      • eastern gangas
      • chalukyans
    • southern- vakatakas
      • chalukyans of badami (till 757)
      • rashtrakutas
  • 850AD-- cholas
    • rajaraja and rajendra-I greatest leader
      • rajrajeswara - brihadiswara temple
      • dravidian temples
      • marco polo visited
  • North- several rajput branches ruling;
    • nagara architechture develped- 8th- 12th century
    • parmars- malwa; chauhan-ajmer; chandela- bundelkhand, kajuraho temples; chalukyas- gujrat; tomars- delhi
  • 1020-- raids and plunders by mahmud of gaznavi
  • battle of tarrain- prithviraj vs turkish
    • slave dynasty established
  • 1206-1290-- slave dynasty
  • 1290-1320-- Khilji dynasty
  • Tughlaqs
  • Lodi dynasty
  • Mughals 
    • 1526- Babur
    • Humayun & shershah suri
    • akbar
    • jahangir
    • shah jahan
    • auranzeb
  • 1498 - Arrival of Vaso Da Gama(Portuguese)arrived at Calicut (Kerala).- Zamorin welcomed.
  • 1500-portugese factory at calicut
  • 1503- First portugese fort at Cochin
  • 1526- First battle of panipat- Babur vs Ibrahim Lodi
    • laid the foundation of mughals and ended delhi sultanate.
  • 1556-Second battle of panipat- Akbar vs hemu
    • decided on the continuity of mughals.
  • 1605 -Dutchestablished their factory at Masulipatam (A.P.).
  • 1608 - Captain william hawkins (English) arrived in mughal court of Jahangir with request for doing business in India.
  • 1612- loss of surat by portugese to english
  • 1613- english factory at Surat- by permission of jahangir who got impressed by the british abilities at defeating portugese.
  • 1616- english factory at masulipatnam(Andhra)
  • 1632 - Hoogly was seized by Shah Jahan fromPortugueseand prosecution of Christens continued. And the Portuguese dominance was lost completely.
  • 1632-Golden farmans to english by sultan of golconda facilitating free trade from his ports.
  • 1667 - Compromise betweenEnglishandDutchthat British would withdraw from Indonesia and Dutch from India.
  • 1667 -Frenchestablished their factory at Surat.
  • 1707 - Aurangzeb died; mughal empire began to decline;
  • 1715- Farrukhsiyar's (Mughal king) farmans to the English
    • magna carta of the company
    • trade privileges in Bengal, Gujarat and hyderabad

ssver2,Joeyisthebestand20 otherslike this
Hello Forum peeps! Tomorrow I have MPPSC prelims. Have prepared well, revised multiple times, given mocks and I feel I'm very well prepared for an exam for possibly the first time in my life but still nervous. Wish me luck, good folks. Desperately need something to go my way! 

All the best for the exam! You’ll do great :)

Did anyone give the Edukemy PSIR scholarship test yesterday?

Link to my essay

Hi reverends. This is going to be my first attempt and I have been meaning to practise essay writing. Unfortunately, residing in an isolated town does not help in terms of getting reviews and stick to the required format. If someone could please skim through my essay and give a feedback ? Let me say thanks in advance but I will thank you later, as well. Also, I am not sure if there's an active group which specifically checks essays. So, help me, please. :)


Link to my essay

Hi reverends. This is going to be my first attempt and I have been meaning to practise essay writing. Unfortunately, residing in an isolated town does not help in terms of getting reviews and stick to the required format. If someone could please skim through my essay and give a feedback ? Let me say thanks in advance but I will thank you later, as well. Also, I am not sure if there's an active group which specifically checks essays. So, help me, please. :)

Here you go. It was an informative kind of essay. Should score a decent triple digit no. Still, have enclosed some points of improvement.

modernity essay (2).pdf

@Shailputri Thanks a lot but I am unable to open the pdf for some reason. Can you please check ? 


Link to my essay

Hi reverends. This is going to be my first attempt and I have been meaning to practise essay writing. Unfortunately, residing in an isolated town does not help in terms of getting reviews and stick to the required format. If someone could please skim through my essay and give a feedback ? Let me say thanks in advance but I will thank you later, as well. Also, I am not sure if there's an active group which specifically checks essays. So, help me, please. :)

Fine Intro.

Too many scholars have been used. Giving an impression that your optional is either sociology or psir. 

An essay needs to be written in max 11 pages only as per UPSC format. 

Can open up dimensions like environment - modernity(Industrialisation vs Biofuels) or antiquity(Stubble burning vs worshipping trees). Similarly, education or health as if modernity with/without modernization is possible. 

Bring in Gandhiji who was advert critique of Modernity as in how Consumerism as a cult is rising because of it. 

Use quotes like given in Bhagvat Gita that "It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else’s life with perfection" - to break the monotony. 

A very good essay overall considering the fact that it's your first attempt. Keep going!

ssver2,DMand2 otherslike this
@Apollo11 unable to access the document dude plz check it.

People who wanted to change center in phase1 but couldn't cause of unavailability. Try again now, saw some centres available this time which weren't in phase1
@balwintejas Thank you very much. I shall look into these dimensions. Could you please share how many sheets are provided in the answer booklet for essay ? 

@Shailputri Thank you for the detailed review. YES, westernization entered a bit late in the essay. While drafting the structure the specifics about westernization emerged later in my mind and hence I wrote it towards the end thinking that I will mention it in the beginning of the essay. And, as you can see, that did not happen. Also, do you too think this is long because imo, it sticks to the word limit? 


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