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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain

The Civils Mains result has been declared. This thread is for sharing your grief , joy , mixed feelings - absolutely anything and everything.

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Obviously I will have to tell them about the gap... 
But I will prepare something concrete on what to say. 

I have a group in telegram where we will be collectively preparing for the interviews. 

@Manhunt Thank you brother 

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About test series, I always have genuine doubts. 

As I flunked prelims 2020, got the evaluator's job at one of the reputed coaching.  Issues with test series are first they have standard marks for answer like no to 6+ for 10 marker and no 8+ to 15 marker. Also as there were two stages for evaluation (atleast where I worked), I was the first one to evaluate and there was another person to verify some things, so no way I could have given marks as I wanted. And the recency bias of one copy changes the perspective about other's answer drastically.

for an avg answer I would give 3.5/4 then after going through 3-4 copies I usually can't decide what to be considered as avg answer. Why to give 3.5 not 4 and why not 4.5 and so on.  in this process some great answer gets just above avg marks and some below avg gets undeserving marks.  It is basically a flawedexercise. (My feelings were same when I used to give Vision tests for 2019 mains, where they would give 3 marks for some random last minute answer and for a good answer by any means just 3.5 )

Don't know how it works for others but atleast these are my experiences.

Also if in UPSC we see marks like 140+ it means good answers can be rewarded like 8/10 or 12/15. 

But one thing is for sure standout copies can't be ignored, it is hard to give any suggestions to them. There were some aspirants I knew would clear mains and most of them did (among the copies I evaluated)

Also the wholesomeness of answer can be sensed when one finishes the conclusion. The only issue remains in some questions where either miss some part of the answer or fail to understand the question properly. 

PS: Baaki to UPSC jaaney



So those people who cleared mains(among the best copies you checked) how many answers they answered satisfactorily in a test.10-12, 14 or 16 answers?This is because I see on mrunal people always telling they did 10-12 answers satisfactorily and still they manage to score in 420-450 range in gs.

Thanks for the insight.

Could you please a post of link for the same? Who has said so?

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About test series, I always have genuine doubts. 

As I flunked prelims 2020, got the evaluator's job at one of the reputed coaching.  Issues with test series are first they have standard marks for answer like no to 6+ for 10 marker and no 8+ to 15 marker. Also as there were two stages for evaluation (atleast where I worked), I was the first one to evaluate and there was another person to verify some things, so no way I could have given marks as I wanted. And the recency bias of one copy changes the perspective about other's answer drastically.

for an avg answer I would give 3.5/4 then after going through 3-4 copies I usually can't decide what to be considered as avg answer. Why to give 3.5 not 4 and why not 4.5 and so on.  in this process some great answer gets just above avg marks and some below avg gets undeserving marks.  It is basically a flawedexercise. (My feelings were same when I used to give Vision tests for 2019 mains, where they would give 3 marks for some random last minute answer and for a good answer by any means just 3.5 )

Don't know how it works for others but atleast these are my experiences.

Also if in UPSC we see marks like 140+ it means good answers can be rewarded like 8/10 or 12/15. 

But one thing is for sure standout copies can't be ignored, it is hard to give any suggestions to them. There were some aspirants I knew would clear mains and most of them did (among the copies I evaluated)

Also the wholesomeness of answer can be sensed when one finishes the conclusion. The only issue remains in some questions where either miss some part of the answer or fail to understand the question properly. 

PS: Baaki to UPSC jaaney



So those people who cleared mains(among the best copies you checked) how many answers they answered satisfactorily in a test.10-12, 14 or 16 answers?This is because I see on mrunal people always telling they did 10-12 answers satisfactorily and still they manage to score in 420-450 range in gs.

Thanks for the insight.

In general - 10-12 top tier answers, 4-5 above avg, rest either avg or left alone. Because the tests I evaluated had questions like if you know you know type (mostly). UPSC questions are different (+ I had feeling that whatever they used to write and with handwritingmaintenance throughout paper  was not feasible in 3 hours, I can be wrong about this)

But as I don't know their performance and marks in real exam, can't comment much. 

Only way to know would be - if some of them feature in top ranks and I get to know their marks in exam.

How do you decide what is top tier, avg, below avg? Is there some objetive standard that you guys follow?

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Could you please a post of link for the same? Who has said so?

Go to go to toppers section and then in toppers writeup go to mains answer writing.

Why are you worrying man?U have 16-17 top answers,U r definitely in top 10.Its mortals like me who need to worry who still are wondering how they managed to clear mains.Hehe


@Inselberg And if you wish to disturb your peace of mind, see model answers. After seeing them you like me will start wondering how cleared mains


Obviously I will have to tell them about the gap... 
But I will prepare something concrete on what to say. 

I have a group in telegram where we will be collectively preparing for the interviews. 

Congratulations on clearing Phase 2! 

I don’t think you need to worry too much about the gap years. If at all it comes up, you can always tell them that you decided to dive into something that you grew up dreaming about. As an organisation, even RBI would want ambitious people who have belief in their own abilities even if the odds are not in their favour. You did that, and that is why they should hire you. The preparation hasn’t depleted your value in any way, this is evident because you cleared Phase 2. You are someone who they will need in their corner when the chips are down. Simply because you have proved that in your own life before. There’s absolutely no shame in not clearing UPSC CSE, show them that instead of being ashamed, you turned that into your strength. 

I’m going back to my old job after a gap of 3 and a half years, but talked my way to a 50% hike by saying the above with conviction. Your leverage is that you will add value others won’t. 

PS: This is obvious, but tell them you are done with attempting UPSC. 

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@Patootie Thanks a lot bro.... Your clarity of thought is amazing... Have always been a silent admirer  of your wisdom and clarity of thought. 

Would ping you for more such answers to profile based questions.. 

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About test series, I always have genuine doubts. 

As I flunked prelims 2020, got the evaluator's job at one of the reputed coaching.  Issues with test series are first they have standard marks for answer like no to 6+ for 10 marker and no 8+ to 15 marker. Also as there were two stages for evaluation (atleast where I worked), I was the first one to evaluate and there was another person to verify some things, so no way I could have given marks as I wanted. And the recency bias of one copy changes the perspective about other's answer drastically.

for an avg answer I would give 3.5/4 then after going through 3-4 copies I usually can't decide what to be considered as avg answer. Why to give 3.5 not 4 and why not 4.5 and so on.  in this process some great answer gets just above avg marks and some below avg gets undeserving marks.  It is basically a flawedexercise. (My feelings were same when I used to give Vision tests for 2019 mains, where they would give 3 marks for some random last minute answer and for a good answer by any means just 3.5 )

Don't know how it works for others but atleast these are my experiences.

Also if in UPSC we see marks like 140+ it means good answers can be rewarded like 8/10 or 12/15. 

But one thing is for sure standout copies can't be ignored, it is hard to give any suggestions to them. There were some aspirants I knew would clear mains and most of them did (among the copies I evaluated)

Also the wholesomeness of answer can be sensed when one finishes the conclusion. The only issue remains in some questions where either miss some part of the answer or fail to understand the question properly. 

PS: Baaki to UPSC jaaney



So those people who cleared mains(among the best copies you checked) how many answers they answered satisfactorily in a test.10-12, 14 or 16 answers?This is because I see on mrunal people always telling they did 10-12 answers satisfactorily and still they manage to score in 420-450 range in gs.

Thanks for the insight.

In general - 10-12 top tier answers, 4-5 above avg, rest either avg or left alone. Because the tests I evaluated had questions like if you know you know type (mostly). UPSC questions are different (+ I had feeling that whatever they used to write and with handwritingmaintenance throughout paper  was not feasible in 3 hours, I can be wrong about this)

But as I don't know their performance and marks in real exam, can't comment much. 

Only way to know would be - if some of them feature in top ranks and I get to know their marks in exam.

How do you decide what is top tier, avg, below avg? Is there some objetive standard that you guys follow?

there are no standards, atleast for me I used to decide on the basis of model answer and how much someone has missed. When there is almost everything according to the demand +presentation, I used to consider it as top tier, otherwise an average answers are very visible where basics of the issue/topic are covered with little additions. 

But these things varies from person to person, (my top tier can be just avg for someone else)

Just don't think too much, try to stick to the demand and have sufficient speed to finish the answers, I think the compromise in some 4-5 questions due to lack of time can be deciding factor for a serious aspirant. Try to complete all those questions with satisfaction where you know the answer.  After paper if you regret that you could have done better if there were 10-15 more minutes then you can consider you missed the trick (given you have compared your answers with toppers before exam and found you aren't too far in quality),

Having said that I am no expert, only have 2 months of evaluation experience and still trying to figure out the recipe.  

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there are no standards, atleast for me I used to decide on the basis of model answer and how much someone has missed. When there is almost everything according to the demand +presentation, I used to consider it as top tier, otherwise an average answers are very visible where basics of the issue/topic are covered with little additions. 

But these things varies from person to person, (my top tier can be just avg for someone else)

Just don't think too much, try to stick to the demand and have sufficient speed to finish the answers, I think the compromise in some 4-5 questions due to lack of time can be deciding factor for a serious aspirant. Try to complete all those questions with satisfaction where you know the answer.  After paper if you regret that you could have done better if there were 10-15 more minutes then you can consider you missed the trick (given you have compared your answers with toppers before exam and found you aren't too far in quality),

Having said that I am no expert, only have 2 months of evaluation experience and still trying to figure out the recipe.  

Thanks. Valuable insight.

I wonder, what about the substantive aspect of any answer? that is the articulation as well as depth of an argument?

Sometimes we tend to write points for the sake of it which although do account for added dimensions in the answer but would require further justification to align itself with the demand. 

In my view, many aspirants know the right formula, thanks to various toppers and test series evaluators like yourself :) But UPSC evaluators still differentiate amongst us all despite the fact that superficially there is not much of a difference. Most have a similar presentation - IBC, 3 different parts and 4-5 different points under each. Almost everyone also touches similar areas in these points - PESTEL or some other relevant dimensions. 

So my point and question to you@Hououin_Kyouma is that did you as an evaluator felt that marks are awarded as per depth of understanding of a candidate or was it not a significant determinant and marks increase with the increase in count of matched keywords (vis-a-vis the model answer) notwithstanding clarity in the content? 


I have a query...

if it comes to choosing between:

1) RBI manager,

2) State PCS top service (Deputy Collector) in one's own state (say in UP/Bihar) or

3) other Group A services from UPSC (say other than top 5-6 services),

which one would you prefer and why?

Criteria to consider be: Overall work satisfaction opportunity, Power & actual social status, Diversity in job profile, Facilities & perks, Work Life balance & avenue to earn lil extra so your life style & monthly earning can match that of your college mate who is working in a decent MNC (not supporting wholesome loot like we read in news (e.g. MP IAS couple or that Odisha cadre IFS guy) but come on, who can subsist a family of 4 with 60k pm?... so being practical here here observing ground reality rather than bookish ideal- pls don't pounce upon me).

Pls opine.

I saw the copies of Vishakha  (AIR 6-2019) and just could not understand how people can write all answers so neatly with rich content and also  underline so much  within 3 hrs. 
@Johnny_Distracted Obviously UPPSC sdm. Most of your friends who are enjoying wealth in private sector are because of their corrupt parents.You already know the level of corruption in congress era.A tte was able to earn thousands per railway trip.A customs inspector earned 1 crore a year during congress era.More income more better education and better higher education.Its your choice to be corrupt. People who preach honesty are generally those who are already very very rich because of corrupt parents.

@Sherlock007 Similar feeling on seeing her ethics copies. I really felt one could not write such an amount of content with such neatness in 3 hours. 


@mahi2501 congratulations man, go for glory, best wishes for you


I have a query...

if it comes to choosing between:

1) RBI manager,

2) State PCS top service (Deputy Collector) in one's own state (say in UP/Bihar) or

3) other Group A services from UPSC (say other than top 5-6 services),

which one would you prefer and why?

Criteria to consider be: Overall work satisfaction opportunity, Power & actual social status, Diversity in job profile, Facilities & perks, Work Life balance & avenue to earn lil extra so your life style & monthly earning can match that of your college mate who is working in a decent MNC (not supporting wholesome loot like we read in news (e.g. MP IAS couple or that Odisha cadre IFS guy) but come on, who can subsist a family of 4 with 60k pm?... so being practical here here observing ground reality rather than bookish ideal- pls don't pounce upon me).

Pls opine.

Coming to the 60k. IAS ya PCS ki salary is not 60k. 
My cousin is a teacher in primary school via UPTET and after adding everything his monthly salary is upwards of 45k. Do you think officers earn only 15k more?

You start earning right away from training and after cutting all charges you get 40k. Imagine getting 40k where you do not have to spend a dime on food or living or other basics. People save quite easily in their training periods. 

Then when you get your first posting, the state government pays certain salary arrears I think. I do not know the exact amount.

If anybody can give me exact DA figures who know applicable for IAS officers and we factor it in, you will see the salary getting a big bump as 56,100 is just the basic pay you get on joining. Further, depending upon the city, HRA ranges from 8-24% of your basic pay, if you do not go for official accommodation. 

On top of it, you get free unlimited calls and internet (on multiple connections), free or heavily discounted electricity bills, medical coverage, cheap travel accommodation and a whole lot of perks. If you monetarily count all the benefits and perks, the money you have left as your basic pay is akin to pocket money as the rest of your needs are taken care of by the government.

I know it is not the highest package, but it sure is not as less as you are making it to be. The amount is pretty decent. :)

AJ_,nerdslayerand1 otherslike this

@mahi2501 congratulations.

mention your approach for handling 50% subjective, you're wrote on the lines of upsc answers or like university level answers- just bullet points without worrying about intro conclusion. (skipped rbi this because because of noc rejection)

Also share the Interview Q&A notes specifically dealing with RBI and banking after your interview.

@naviiin wrote like upsc answers. Wil share in some days. 

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