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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain

The Civils Mains result has been declared. This thread is for sharing your grief , joy , mixed feelings - absolutely anything and everything.

jack_Sparrow,musaand60 otherslike this


Is language of Sanskrit firmly established? CDS 2011 answer given C


I have a query...

if it comes to choosing between:

1) RBI manager,

2) State PCS top service (Deputy Collector) in one's own state (say in UP/Bihar) or

3) other Group A services from UPSC (say other than top 5-6 services),

which one would you prefer and why?

Criteria to consider be: Overall work satisfaction opportunity, Power & actual social status, Diversity in job profile, Facilities & perks, Work Life balance & avenue to earn lil extra so your life style & monthly earning can match that of your college mate who is working in a decent MNC (not supporting wholesome loot like we read in news (e.g. MP IAS couple or that Odisha cadre IFS guy) but come on, who can subsist a family of 4 with 60k pm?... so being practical here here observing ground reality rather than bookish ideal- pls don't pounce upon me).

Pls opine.

In my batch of Deputy Collector/SDM in UP, noone who has UPSC Interview call this time, is even considering any service below IRS. There are around 30% people who will leave ONLY for IAS (due to different reasons). My preference would be- 


2. SDM UP= IRS - myself talked to several senior officers in both services and it actually boils down to what kind of job you would like. IRS is anonymous desk job but you will not feel a kind of inferiority probably which you might in SDM later vis a vis IAS. There are all kind of people, ones who left IRS to join SDM and others who left SDM to join IRS, so it's a personal choice. Read in old forum thread once that Neyawn sir prefer IRS over SDM, many in my batch probably prefer latter :p

3- Other top service like IAAS

4- RBI

5- Rest Services in UPSC

In Services like IAS,IPS,SDM I think salary should be of least concern to you. Moreover starting is not 60k but around 70-75k. Also my seniors say ki itna bhi kharch nhi ho pata hai, it is more than enough! :)

@Hououin_Kyouma Do innovations such as bubble hub and spokes, flowcharts, linear mapping and other such presentations fetch equivalent marks in comparison to a generic well written answer? Asking because toppers usually stick with a generic structure of intro - body - conclusion. 

El. Psy. Kongroo.


Not just to Johnny, but anybody who has more inclination for money than service, should please not prepare for this exam. It will spoil the lives of 130 Cr people

Adya,sonderand10 otherslike this

This is a sad reality brother. 

Service and all talks of moral uprightness are good for GS4 only. 

In reality, majority of public servants are corrupt to the core. 

Case in point being this covid crisis. Where I know many IAS  misusing their influence to get beds and oxygen for their kith and kiln. 

And talking to many after services, it feels that many young promising officers transform into power hungry and money seeking zombies. 

PS: not all are like that.. 


I have a query...

if it comes to choosing between:

1) RBI manager,

2) State PCS top service (Deputy Collector) in one's own state (say in UP/Bihar) or

3) other Group A services from UPSC (say other than top 5-6 services),

which one would you prefer and why?

Criteria to consider be: Overall work satisfaction opportunity, Power & actual social status, Diversity in job profile, Facilities & perks, Work Life balance & avenue to earn lil extra so your life style & monthly earning can match that of your college mate who is working in a decent MNC (not supporting wholesome loot like we read in news (e.g. MP IAS couple or that Odisha cadre IFS guy) but come on, who can subsist a family of 4 with 60k pm?... so being practical here here observing ground reality rather than bookish ideal- pls don't pounce upon me).

Pls opine.

In my batch of Deputy Collector/SDM in UP, noone who has UPSC Interview call this time, is even considering any service below IRS. There are around 30% people who will leave ONLY for IAS (due to different reasons). My preference would be- 


2. SDM UP= IRS - myself talked to several senior officers in both services and it actually boils down to what kind of job you would like. IRS is anonymous desk job but you will not feel a kind of inferiority probably which you might in SDM later vis a vis IAS. There are all kind of people, ones who left IRS to join SDM and others who left SDM to join IRS, so it's a personal choice. Read in old forum thread once that Neyawn sir prefer IRS over SDM, many in my batch probably prefer latter :p

3- Other top service like IAAS

4- RBI

5- Rest Services in UPSC

In Services like IAS,IPS,SDM I think salary should be of least concern to you. Moreover starting is not 60k but around 70-75k. Also my seniors say ki itna bhi kharch nhi ho pata hai, it is more than enough! :)

Few more queries:

1. Why keeping RBI so low? Given it has so much progression potential, recognition, much better perks and emoluments right from Day 1.

2. Doesn't IRS have that lingering inferiority all life vis a vis the top 3 services given all these services work in districts and must be hitting each other frequently for official or non official purposes? Here they belong to same batch, commission and everything, so how can your colleagues vying to leave state services to evade inferiority actually leave inferiority? 

3. "In Services like IAS,IPS,SDM I think salary should be of least concern to you." Can this be elaborated a little?

4. If most of the aspirants are so hell bent on following zero corruption, why do we get most of the IAS or IPS in our society who have built properties worth millions of dollars? I live in a state capital, and here everyone knows which officer has which prime property and everything. Why is there such a mismatch between the ethical framework of aspirational period and job period?

5. How can it be justified that a civil servant working 12-15 hours a day handling cooker pressure situation performing such enormous tasks as maintaining legitimacy of the state, controlling law and order be paid a fraction of the money being paid to his counterpart in private sector?

6. How is it justified that the governments of the day (Centre or state) which fight elections on back of Big Black Money, run parties on back of Big Black Money and buy MLAs with huge sums be made guardian of enforcing financial propriety among the executive class - who actually carry the burden of daily governance?

7. What are the avenues to earn the lil extra by means of establishing business (like teaching, entrepreneurship..) while being in govt service ?

8. Why do the junta think earning Big Fat salary via working at an MNC (Say Apple or Reliance) is epitome of honesty and integrity while that MNC is being able to pay that big fat salary due to profiteering business model which is based on nothing but dishonest practices like monopoly, crony capitalism, etc (I mean how is Apple justified in selling its iPhone for INR 1 lakh when sum of its cost of production is just a fraction of it, and still call its business model an honest one?) Why are we so blinded by quirks of Capitalism that we collectively justify all its evils and dishonesty in garb of profits which is always deemed to be just and honest.

9. Why noone raises questions about severe inequality between salary of govt sector and the counterpart in private sector whereas it's been established that raising salaries actually helps in rooting out corruption? (Western nations don't pay peanuts to govt workers while their MNC counterparts making a killing... if there can be parity, why can't the same be demanded in India?)

Don't pounce on the messenger but the merit/dismerit of the message, please. It's just a theoretical debate most of aspirants have in mind.

TambourineMan,SergioRamosand3 otherslike this
@Johnny_Distracted They are calling 60 k as upper middle class in a country where real estate is costlier than USA.Maybe they are already very very rich.Consultants are paid millions in India so that their report can be put in dustbin.Software companies are selling softwares to indian govt and companies on a commission basis.Private sector has insider trading, commission based tenders.Corruption is everwhere from govt to private.Else in a country where only thousands declare more than 1 crore as annual income will not buy so many Mercedes and lamborghninis

@Johnny_Distracted They are calling 60 k as upper middle class in a country where real estate is costlier than USA.Maybe they are already very very rich.Consultants are paid millions in India so that their report can be put in dustbin.Software companies are selling softwares to indian govt and companies on a commission basis.Private sector has insider trading, commission based tenders.Corruption is everwhere from govt to private.Else in a country where only thousands declare more than 1 crore as annual income will not buy so many Mercedes and lamborghninis

@Johnny_Distracted Come on dude, opportunity to earn lil extra? And what ground realities you are talking about? Officers who do not indulge in financial corruption live a well upper middle class life in India taking into account all the perks and privileges they get. 
But please tell me why did you not consider working in private companies if you need to maintain the same lifestyle as of your friend or having a spouse who can also contribute to your earnings?
Or earning a lil extra is the only way to maintain the lifestyle that even if your spouse is working, your combined salary would not be enough to maintain the desired lifestyle.
Sorry to rant even though you asked in your query to not pounce on you but really cannot stop myself when even before working for the government, you know that you have to be corrupt and still chose to go for this career path.

@mehuifs You know the best part ? This person shut me up the other day by calling me out for being a "nice person".

Kyun beta ji.. What happened to these ideals ? On one hand, you speak of such lofty ideas and try to portray yourself as the perfect aspiring bureaucrat.Ki aaj mein IAS hota,to boltaki  "no sir this step is wrong..."

But then, gaadi bhi chahiye, Bangla status bhi...aur sarkaari naukri ke saath reliance ke sapne bhi...! 

Decide karo..! It is really easy to sit in an air conditioned room, blog with an anonymous ID and give commentary on the state of affairs of the countrywhile asking people to imagine you know what. Its another thing towalk the talk and stick to what you preach !

MikeWozniak,Auroraand15 otherslike this
@Hououin_Kyouma Do innovations such as bubble hub and spokes, flowcharts, linear mapping and other such presentations fetch equivalent marks in comparison to a generic well written answer? Asking because toppers usually stick with a generic structure of intro - body - conclusion. 

El. Psy. Kongroo.

If innovations are at right place and needed, give depth to answer or summarize things properly they surely will.

Over the top, unnecessary don't work. Just for the sake- use isn't way forward as now a days everyone somehow use these "innovations". plus every question can't be written using such things, only words are suffice.

El Psy Congroo



This is a sad reality brother. 

Service and all talks of moral uprightness are good for GS4 only. 

In reality, majority of public servants are corrupt to the core. 

Case in point being this covid crisis. Where I know many IAS  misusing their influence to get beds and oxygen for their kith and kiln. 

And talking to many after services, it feels that many young promising officers transform into power hungry and money seeking zombies. 

PS: not all are like that.. 

"In reality, majority of public servants are corrupt to the core. "

"it feels that many young promising officers transform into power hungry and money seeking zombies. "

That means

1) the aspirants were not so honest in the first place, or that they didn't quite know themselves during the highs of the preparation phase. Or

2) The realities of the respective services and the society, are starkly different than what we are thinking it out to be.

3) The officers are actually being paid so little for the volume and importance of work they are assigned and the mental pressure it takes that either they are unable to carry out a decent lifestyle (why is a kid of an officer not justified in getting admission to the best private schools and colleges whose tuition fees will eat most of their father's salary while the colleagues of his father can easily afford that along with a lot other perks in life) or feel grossly violated for whatever reasons.

4) The system is such that an upright officer cannot do anything even if s/he tries to. Think of cut money that a DM has to offer to the political party in power to fight next elections, otherwise he will be transferred out as Director of xyz unknown deptt. Or that the whole functioning of the zila will come to grinding halt due to same penny salary issue (How can you expect a Data operator to run his family with salary of INR 12000 sitting in CO office making certificates unless he earns few extra thousands to send his kids to a better school? Should that Operator be chided too, that he should have gone for an MNC job if he couldn't run his family with peanuts received with his Govt job?).

Not justifying anything but trying to give food for thought to our future collectors expecting them not to become zombies unlike their preceding 70 odd batches of officers. 

sonder,Auroraand21 otherslike this

Add a whole string of other relatively honest people fighting elections like Jay prakash Narayan of Lok Satta party in Andhra.

Or the whole bogey of hospitals and doctors today who are hand in glove with mafia of Remdisivir, Oxygen, Ambulances, etc. notwithstanding a few odd good souls.

Time to self introspect.


some people have a knack of writing so lyrically that i feel like being a devils advocate, just to piss them off, like sticking a tongue out. am i evil? dont you feel like doing the same simply out of spite somedays. a man helped a blind man reach his home. the blind man after taking help asked the good samaritan to leave coz suddenly he became afraid the Samaritan might be a thief and exploit the situation to steal something. well the the samaritan did steal something, not because he was evil but because something went off in his head on being shoen the door in such a rude manner. how many times crimes happen because of reasons like these


@Johnny_Distracted why the obsession with parity with corporates? Do you think it is sustainable if we set the benchmark for public servants' salaries based on what Apple pays, rather than based on what would provide a decent standard of living?

Corporates, especially MNCs with humongous resources, pay obscene amounts to students just out of college. How can we expect the same from the government of what is, after all is said and done, a developing country?

MNCs may indeed be paying their employees highly due to their profits based on immoral practices, but it is not the same as the corruption. Nobody thinks of them as torchbearers of honesty and integrity, but what a weird and twisted way to try to justify corruption. 

And you want to suggest higher salaries as a way to root out corruption? How can a country invest in hospitals and roads if it has to keep paying its bureaucrats whatever Apple pays after selling phones for lakhs, lest these employees become corrupt the minute their MNC friends buy a bigger car than theirs? We cannot afford to pay people to be honest - and if one expects payment in return for integrity maybe a career in public service isn't suited to their character.

And what are these "counterparts" in the private sector that you speak of? Which role in Reliance is the equivalent of, as you yourself said, the keepers of the state's legitimacy? 

Is it any wonder that people become so corrupt and cynical after joining the service, when you're already advocating for such an attitude before even getting in? And to say don't pounce on me on top of that, as though we should sit and discuss pros and cons of corruption here, that's even more cynical. 

MikeWozniak,Auroraand24 otherslike this
» show previous quotes

"In reality, majority of public servants are corrupt to the core. "

"it feels that many young promising officers transform into power hungry and money seeking zombies. "

That means

1) the aspirants were not so honest in the first place, or that they didn't quite know themselves during the highs of the preparation phase. Or

2) The realities of the respective services and the society, are starkly different than what we are thinking it out to be.

3) The officers are actually being paid so little for the volume and importance of work they are assigned and the mental pressure it takes that either they are unable to carry out a decent lifestyle (why is a kid of an officer not justified in getting admission to the best private schools and colleges whose tuition fees will eat most of their father's salary while the colleagues of his father can easily afford that along with a lot other perks in life) or feel grossly violated for whatever reasons.

4) The system is such that an upright officer cannot do anything even if s/he tries to. Think of cut money that a DM has to offer to the political party in power to fight next elections, otherwise he will be transferred out as Director of xyz unknown deptt. Or that the whole functioning of the zila will come to grinding halt due to same penny salary issue (How can you expect a Data operator to run his family with salary of INR 12000 sitting in CO office making certificates unless he earns few extra thousands to send his kids to a better school? Should that Operator be chided too, that he should have gone for an MNC job if he couldn't run his family with peanuts received with his Govt job?).

Not justifying anything but trying to give food for thought to our future collectors expecting them not to become zombies unlike their preceding 70 odd batches of officers. 

Just writing “not justifying anything” doesn’t  make this anything BUT a long-drawn attempt to justify corruption in our public offices. It’s similar to saying “no offence” then proceeding to say something really offensive. 

MikeWozniak,BurtMacklin_FBIand12 otherslike this

Inselberg,Sherkhan1428and4 otherslike this
I hope people realise that deleted comments aren't that deleted

EiChan,ArchAngel96and5 otherslike this


some people have a knack of writing so lyrically that i feel like being a devils advocate, just to piss them off, like sticking a tongue out. am i evil? dont you feel like doing the same simply out of spite somedays. a man helped a blind man reach his home. the blind man after taking help asked the good samaritan to leave coz suddenly he became afraid the Samaritan might be a thief and exploit the situation to steal something. well the the samaritan did steal something, not because he was evil but because something went off in his head on being shoen the door in such a rude manner. how many times crimes happen because of reasons like these

Na munna na..! You didn't help any blind man. The  man simply decided to act blind and avoid the conversation because he was reminded about ALOK NATH's gyaan from the movie SKTKS.

11 Epic Dialogues From Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety Which Every Guy Can Relate To  - RVCJ Media

mehuifs,Akanksha_Jainand1 otherslike this
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