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Official : Post Daily Routine & Self Assessment (Mains 2020)

Neyawn,peacefulwarriorand93 otherslike this




"IAS BABA has become a big name in this prep specially prelims may be through their 60 days program."
If i assume the above statement true....... then  PRELIMS Rapid Revision Series (RRS) - 500 HIGH PROBABLE TOPICS for UPSC PRELIMS 2020 that has been launched by them has an average viewership of 14k+ daily....... 

based on the above data can I conclude that these ppl are the only competition we are going to face at the prelims (approx) stage ???  at max 18k ?? just trying to understand the competition.......... 

There r countless other materials sources which people are refering . 

Dora-the_Explorer,Consistencyand2 otherslike this

Day 2 of Posting routine here. Was an above average day to summarise.

1130 Woke up; 1200 On study table, Made a micro plan for today took half an hour but worth it.(Should have done before sleeping) Started my economy static which I planned to finish today from my notebook. So basically, Economy static notebook revision completed except agriculture, 5PM Test 1 Basic Vision revised, Got slow here so 6PM Current affairs of a month for economy done, was supposed to do for 4 months. 8PM Before post dinner rest skimmed through my own small evernote art and culture prelims facts.

Got little lazy post dinner and wasted almost an hour, half of which could have been saved easily.

10PM Skimmed over 11th indian economy NCERT.

1130PM Wasted an hour more.

1230AM Started UPSC PYQ of economics. Vision has this 2000-2016 test form PYQ did that. 187 Questions. took me almost 2.5 hours.

0300 AM -Started Checking the paper, Felt terrible, made mistakes in questions of Monetory policy. And some other simple topics. I still can't get over that. One thing I felt may be could resonate with others, UPSC specially in economy will not tweak questions a lot if asked from some new/complicated topics but if from a common/basic topics like monetory policy, GDP/National accounting, small tweaks will be there. You'll feel, are questions so simple. and they are the ones which were wrong for me.

questions i thought for longer time mostly are right, rather questions which i felt easy got wrong. does not happen that often to me in test series, some things unique to upsc.

Now, will be studying CA economy of a month or two, and sleeping. Just realised, I wrote for too long as I am still not out of that energy how can i mark such simple questions wrong. just those cute looking options, which shout we are the answer but they never were. Will take some time so that i can forgive myself. 😅

A good sleep needed for Abhyas tomorrow. Hope you all have a productive day.

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and6 otherslike this

Time to buckle up

September 6, 2020

  1. Environment (1/3)
  2. Ancient India
  3. Science and Tech Current Affairs (1/3)
  4. WLS, NP, BR

That's it for the day. Hope you all have a productive day.

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and7 otherslike this

"It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome.” - William James

:hourglass:D6 / 27DTG (September 6, 2020)

:one: SFG 45 Analyse :100:

:two: SFG 14 Solve + Analyse :100:

:three: SFG 26 Solve + Analyse :100:

:four: SFG 31 Solve + Analyse :heavy_multiplication_x:

:five: CSAT Sim 1 (40Q) :100:

:love_letter: Posted at 0725 hrs

:pushpin: Updated at 1336 hrs on September 7, 2020

ssver2,Dora-the_Explorerand6 otherslike this

Will be sharing my progress here for the upcoming 27 days in the run up to Prelims 2020. 

I have divided the period till Oct 2, 2020 into9 blocks of 3 days each

The plan looks like this till Sep 20, 2020. 

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and13 otherslike this

Day 1- Sep 6, 2020 - Targets: 

- VisionIASAbhyaas 2(~3 hours (test+analysis)) 

-PYQ Analysisof GS-1 Questions (~3 hours) 

-Ancient India(MindMap) (~2.5 hours) 

-Medieval India(MindMap) (~2.5 hours) 

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and4 otherslike this

9:30-12:00 World geography Done

1:00-4:00 World Geography Done

5:00-8:00 World geo

9:00-11:00 PT365 notes

ended up getting a fever. 😂 So will just finish off world geography NCERTs today and call off. 

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and5 otherslike this

Hello everyone 

I hope your preparation is going on well. 

Idk what should I write here. I have intention of doing N no.of things.So, doing the reverse calculation I realised that at present I need to push myself to frame where I remain more calm and have strong foothold.  

  • So major focus post 1230 pm  will be Environment and its related current affair coverage for 6 months. (Done) 
  • Post 7 30 pm I will be concentrating on ancient India 
  • 1230am tak wind up above two will be reread again quick glance and sleep by 2:00am
  • I thought time lagega but finally complete it hour before my dinner (630 pm) abhi it's 530 toh will take power nap and dine phr ancient. 

Hope you guys have awesome day :) 

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and5 otherslike this

Will be sharing my progress here for the upcoming 27 days in the run up to Prelims 2020. 

I have divided the period till Oct 2, 2020 into9 blocks of 3 days each

The plan looks like this till Sep 20, 2020. 

How do u gonna complete everything in such a short span of time, via notes?

ssver2,Dora-the_Explorerand3 otherslike this

Today's targets -

Slot 1A&C Nitin Singhania Section A

Slot 2 A&C Nitin Singhania Section B

Slot 3 PT365 Culture + C3 Culture

Slot 4PT365 Culture + C3 Culture

Good day, everyone!

Almost everything done except for a few chapters. Today's target -

Slot A&C Nitin Singhania Section A + B remaining topics

Slot 2 A&C Nitin Singhania Section C

Slot 3 A&C Nitin Singhania Section C

Slot 4A&C PYQs + sectional mocks revision

Good luck everyone!

Culture done. Will do another revision in the last 10 days. Still getting confused in some topics but I guess it's the same for everyone in this subject. 

Today's target -

Slot 1Environment : Ecology and Ecosystem

Slot 2Environment : Biodiversity + Related Int. Org.

Slot 3Environment : Biodiversity + Related Int. Org.

Slot 4Environment : PT365

Good luck everyone!

P.S. - In exactly 30 days' time we'll be in the exam hall right now with the paper in our hands and prayers in our hearts 😅 (atheists please ignore) 

PT365 was incomplete yesterday so did it after waking up today. 

Today's target -

Slot 1Env : Climate Change + related org/summits/agreements etc.

Slot 2Env : Climate Change + related org/summits/agreements etc.

Slot 3Env : Indian bodies + acts etc

Slot 4Env : PYQs + related MCQs

Good luck everyone!

A not so productive day. Only managed to cover 2 slots. 

Today's target -

Slot 1Unacademy live mock

Slot 2Abhyaas

Slot 3+4Complete yesterday's remaining topics

Good luck everyone!

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and5 otherslike this
MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and8 otherslike this

Today's targets:

1. Ancient leftovers + medieval + A&C notes

2. Environment Notes + shankar's chapter 1-7 revision

3. one geo test

4. map exercise

remains from previous targets:

1. Medieval notes

2. shankar chapter 5-7


today's targets:

1. shankar 8-10

2. geo test analysis

3. physical geography notes

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and5 otherslike this

Will be sharing my progress here for the upcoming 27 days in the run up to Prelims 2020. 

I have divided the period till Oct 2, 2020 into9 blocks of 3 days each

The plan looks like this till Sep 20, 2020. 

How do u gonna complete everything in such a short span of time, via notes?

Hey! Some time saving measures I've taken: 

1. I've mademind-maps of all PT-365s and of a number of subjects.

2. Along with that, I try to attempt tests w/n 1 hour (instead of two) and then whileanalyzing it, I read explanations of only those questions which I get wrong. (saves some more time) 

3. While revising, I don't read the topics I've read enough number of times already (important details of which I can directly recall) 

4. When I read CA from two sources, I don't read topics which I've read in Source-1 from Source-2 

peacefulwarrior,ssver2and10 otherslike this

5 September-

Tasks Completed-

  • Newspaper
  • GS full-length test
  • Epic June revision 
  • Polity (Chapters of the day completed).
  • Map- Wildlife Sanctuaries & National Parks
  • Meditate
MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and2 otherslike this

Aaj i didn't follow the usual routine but revised 2017-2020 IR and 2019-20 Society. Hope to finish 2018-19 Booklet of society. 

Csat Test given but scoring around 87-100 in forum and vision. 

@Dora-the_Explorer please give some tips about Increasing marks in Csat. 

Was feeling a bit lethargy may be i am start to feel a bit burn out. I hope this feeling ends and I regain my energy... 

Any tips to regain energy?@HotBloodPrince @Naadan_Parinda @Sherkhan1428 

-Hey, My weakness is Maths, so, my focus is on my weakness nd m practising daily one topic or sub-topic with PYQs.

- For CSAT I guess PYQs are the best source. My comprehension nd reasoning part is gud, so I try to give 2-3 CSAT mocks in a week just to keep myself confident. 

- Marks between 90-100 is enough (if u r scoring in mocks), we just need 33%.

- So, just focus on your weak areas nd start practising PYQs.

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and3 otherslike this

Unacademy Open Mock -Done
OnlyIAS Open Mock -Done

Abhyaas Mock -Done

July Monthly CA -Half done

Analysis of above 3 tests + Forum 5 test 40 remaining questions analysis - To be done today(at least 2 of them)

Pending newspaper of 2 days - to be done today

Article of Rajesh Rajagopalan for my PSIR optional - to be done today

SUNDAY GOING BOOM(Laziness may use Counter cyclical policy tomorrow ;)  )

Lets not rest. LET US DO THE IMPOSSIBLE i.e Prelims 2020

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and6 otherslike this
@dalphaJust wondering what topics are good fromMrunal? I am aiming for 2021.


starting from today. 

10:15-11:15- modern history pyq. 

keep going guys. 

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and1 otherslike this

Returning after 4 days, had thought that weekly targets would work but it didn't. Plan was to complete Mrunal Pillars 1 to 4, Vision PT 365 CA of Society, Polity and IR and 1 FLT daily but the return has been too poor to even share.

Returning back to daily updates now. But broad idea for next week will be to cover Art and Culture and Economy Pillars upto Pillar 5. Daily one Vision CA booklet to be done or revised and atleast 1 FLT plus some mapping.

Target for 7th September:

1. Mrunal Pillar 5 complete 

2. Art and Culture - Paintings

3. Vision Polity CA

4. 1 FLT and revise mistakes

Has anyone here prepared Ancient and Medieval in a fast track short of way or has some short notes for the basics? I have not covered them apart from some Ancient Basics and it is pretty overwhelming to do it now, but at the same time not knowing them means in every paper I am starting with only 90-92 questions to attempt.

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and3 otherslike this
@Monkey D. Luffy watch videos or do discussion of 1 hr with your friend medival ho jaega waise. 

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