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Official : Post Daily Routine & Self Assessment (Mains 2020)

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Day 1- Sep 6, 2020 - Targets: 

- VisionIASAbhyaas 2(~3 hours (test+analysis)) 

-PYQ Analysisof GS-1 Questions (~3 hours) 

-Ancient India(MindMap) (~2.5 hours) 

-Medieval India(MindMap) (~2.5 hours) 

Abhyaas 2[✓] (Test done + Analysis half done) 

PYQ Analysisof GS-I Questions [✓]

Ancient India - MindMap - [✓]

Medieval India- Mindmap (Done around 60%) - Will cover it off in the morn 

Day 2- Sep 7, 2020- Targets 

-Medieval India(Finish off rest of it) (~1.5 hours) 

-PT365 - Culture - Mindmap(~1.5 hours)

 -Rau's Prelims Compass - Culture(~ 3 hours) 

-Modern Indian History (Mindmap)(~ 3 hours)

-Rau's FLT-3, 4(~3 hours) 

That's it, have a good day everyone.  

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Day 1- Sep 6, 2020 - Targets: 

- VisionIASAbhyaas 2(~3 hours (test+analysis)) 

-PYQ Analysisof GS-1 Questions (~3 hours) 

-Ancient India(MindMap) (~2.5 hours) 

-Medieval India(MindMap) (~2.5 hours) 

Abhyaas 2[✓] (Test done + Analysis half done) 

PYQ Analysisof GS-I Questions [✓]

Ancient India - MindMap - [✓]

Medieval India- Mindmap (Done around 60%) - Will cover it off in the morn 

Abhyaas 2 answer is not out yet. How you did the analysis?

Hey! I get restless without analysis right after the test so: 

1. While attempting, I take screenshots of all the questions. 

2. Once the test is finished, I try to quickly cross verify my answers from standard books and the internet.

3. "Half Analysis done" means I've evaluated my test through my research. The rest half will be done once the keys and results are out tomorrow @10. 

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Time to buckle up

September 6, 2020

  1. Environment (1/3)
  2. Ancient India
  3. Science and Tech Current Affairs (1/3)
  4. WLS, NP, BR

That's it for the day. Hope you all have a productive day.

1 done, 2 not touched, 3 changed to Environment Current Affairs and 1/3 done, 4 half done

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September 7, 2020

  1. Ancient + Medieval
  2. Environment (2/3)
  3. NP, WLS, Wetlands etc
  4. Environment Current Affairs (2/3)

I am being a little aggressive today. Let's see how much I am actually able to achieve.

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day 2

9:00-11:00 economy pt 365

11:00-3:00 mrunal economy

going to sit for 6 hr 1st time. 

will update after 3pm


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9:00-12:00 World Geography Done

1:00-4:00 Indian geography Done 

5:00-8:00 PT365 done

9:00-10:30 2018 Prelims revision

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Today Target

1. Revision of PT Environment 


Aggressive mode on. 


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Today's targets -

Slot 1A&C Nitin Singhania Section A

Slot 2 A&C Nitin Singhania Section B

Slot 3 PT365 Culture + C3 Culture

Slot 4PT365 Culture + C3 Culture

Good day, everyone!

Almost everything done except for a few chapters. Today's target -

Slot A&C Nitin Singhania Section A + B remaining topics

Slot 2 A&C Nitin Singhania Section C

Slot 3 A&C Nitin Singhania Section C

Slot 4A&C PYQs + sectional mocks revision

Good luck everyone!

Culture done. Will do another revision in the last 10 days. Still getting confused in some topics but I guess it's the same for everyone in this subject. 

Today's target -

Slot 1Environment : Ecology and Ecosystem

Slot 2Environment : Biodiversity + Related Int. Org.

Slot 3Environment : Biodiversity + Related Int. Org.

Slot 4Environment : PT365

Good luck everyone!

P.S. - In exactly 30 days' time we'll be in the exam hall right now with the paper in our hands and prayers in our hearts 😅 (atheists please ignore) 

PT365 was incomplete yesterday so did it after waking up today. 

Today's target -

Slot 1Env : Climate Change + related org/summits/agreements etc.

Slot 2Env : Climate Change + related org/summits/agreements etc.

Slot 3Env : Indian bodies + acts etc

Slot 4Env : PYQs + related MCQs

Good luck everyone!

A not so productive day. Only managed to cover 2 slots. 

Today's target -

Slot 1Unacademy live mock

Slot 2Abhyaas

Slot 3+4Complete yesterday's remaining topics

Good luck everyone!

Everything done, though underwhelming performance in Unacademy and Abhyaas dented my morale a bit. But we gotta keep pushing. 

Targets for the next two days -

  1. Govt Schemes
  2. Int. Org. + Reports + Indices
  3. Budget + Eco. Survey

Good luck everyone!

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and6 otherslike this

"Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity.” - Oprah Winfrey

:hourglass:D7 / 26DTG (September 7, 2020)

:one: SFG 31 Solve + Analyse :100:

:two: SFG 28 Solve + Analyse :100:

:three: CSAT Practice Test 1 :heavy_multiplication_x:

:love_letter: Posted at 1341 hrs

:pushpin: Updated at 1750 hrs

ssver2,Dora-the_Explorerand2 otherslike this
@ashbatman00726513 1:45 me himmat ne jawab de diya... 
pt 365 finished
vivek singh 50 mcq explanation
sanker ganesh book
ar mrunal haaf.... baki will resume from 4 to 8 pm leftover topics... 
9 to 12 test economy. 

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resumed from 5:00-7:00but done environment 365

8:00-9:00test 21 eco scored very bad. 

11:00-1:00 will analyse test 21.

economy still left pyq and mrunal 30%

thats all for today. 

keep going guys


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Target was big 
 Have to complete it by Tommorow 5:00 PM 
After 5 PM C/A December Revision. 

2nd half of the day was not much productive due to following Reasons.
  1. Unnecessarily talks with Friends.
  2. Sleepiness due to heavy food intake 
  3. Have to increase sitting hour in one go.

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  • Mock and it's analysis  yesterday I just practiced 3 today I hope I do raise the number to 4
  • Mapping notes revision 
  • Budget notes revision
  • Economic survey notes revision
  • Modern history post 1931 
  • Ancient and medieval underlined terms revision 
  • Polity was skipped yesterday uske badle I did science and tech so will be doing the  yesterday's decided target
  • Geography geomorphology oceanology revision

Bit worried but I hope everything goes well

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7 September-

Tasks Completed-

  • Newspaper
  • Polity mock test + analysis
  • Polity ( completed topics for the day)
  • CSAT- Average PYQs
  • Map- Ramsar sites, Oceans
  • Meditation
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6th September

Economy PT 365- Complete reading.

Attempted Abhyaas Test 2.

Developed sore throat and fever and there's general fatigue in body so couldn't do complete all targets.

Hope it gets better today, even it does not, keeping high targets for tomorrow and have to be done no matter what.

7th September Targets:

VisionEconomy Test Advanced 1 and 2 revision. India Year book Test and economic survey Test.

Economy Agriculture Static and miscellaneous fact document.

Environment evernote revision.

CSAT PYQ question practice.

Insta Revision plan mistakes Test 20-30 revision.

If time permits, Abhyaas analysis otherwise on 8th September.

Targets completed, i thought Abhyaas answer key is supposed to release yesterday, which was not true. So Abhyaas today. Other things completed. Slept some 1.5 hours more than usual, fever fatigue got better of me. Also, otherwise Wasted some 1 hour which could have been saved. Still rushed and completed targets. Made me realise I am not keeping ambitious targets for myself. today would push little aggressively. let's see.

Targets for 8th September

Polity Start-  Part 1 and 2 Laxmikant+ Parliament.

Polity PYQuestions Give as test.

Abhyaas 1 Analyse and revise. (Did not do at that time )

CSAT PYQ question practice.

Insta Revision plan 1 mistakes Test 20-30 revision.

Insta Revision plan give 3  tests (25 questions each)

Evernote Environment static revision+Sci-Tech note.

Today an hour before I was wrapping up studies, I had one of those negative thoughts what if as soon as I come out of the exam i realise that i am not close to expected cutoff. Usually i don't have such thoughts as i rarely think of results but looks like the last leg is an experience in itself. Will also have to fight such negative thoughts which come out of nowhere. The only way is may be in your study so much, that it is only about the targets of today, everyday.

Hope you all have a productive day.

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Day 2- Sep 7, 2020- Targets 

-Medieval India(Finish off rest of it) (~1.5 hours) 

-PT365 - Culture - Mindmap(~1.5 hours)

 -Rau's Prelims Compass - Culture(~ 3 hours) 

-Modern Indian History (Mindmap)(~ 3 hours)

-Rau's FLT-3, 4(~3 hours) 

That's it, have a good day everyone.  

Medieval India [✓]- Still not very confident about this.

Does anyone have a list of all the medieval India's offices and terms noted at one place along with their meaning and significance? Like jagirdars, zamindars, mansabdars etc. 

PT365 - Culture [✓]- Will need one more revision of this. 

Rau's FLT -3,4 [✓]- These were particularly easy. 

Modern Indian History (Mindmap) - [✓] 

Rau's Prelims Compass [History and Culture]- ~40% done 

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Medieval India [✓]- Still not very confident about this.

Does anyone have a list of all the medieval India's offices and terms noted at one place along with their meaning and significance? Like jagirdars, zamindars, mansabdars etc. 

PT365 - Culture [✓]- Will need one more revision of this. 

Rau's FLT -3,4 [✓]- These were particularly easy. 

Modern Indian History (Mindmap) - [✓] 

Rau's Prelims Compass [History and Culture]- ~40% done 

Day3- Sep 8, 2020- Targets 

1.Rau's Prelims Compass [History and Culture ]- (~2 hours) 

2.Physical Geography 11th NCERTs- (~3 hours) 

3.Human and Economic Geo 12th NCERTs(~1.5 hours) 

4.Geo CA - PMF IAS(~1.5 hours) 

5.Rau's FLT - 5,6(~3 hours) 

History and Geo get really really boring for me to revise continuously for two-three days. Nevertheless, ab toh karna hi hoga :D

Have a good (and productive) day you all :D 

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and4 otherslike this

                                                                                                                                                        8th of Sept, 2020.

"Agar man mein halka sandeh ho aur tum age bad rhe ho to samjh lo tum sahi path par ho."


Completed everything except Shankar from previous targets.


Today's Targets:

1. Environment notes + shankar leftovers

2. revision economics 365

3. history test + analysis

4. modern hist notes

Previous targets: shankar is still left, it's first item in today's agenda.

Last day was planned to failed due to technical glitches (I owe full responsibility), but somehow managed the persistence.


Todays targets( routine tasks not enlisted):

1. finish shankar + envisonment's notes(MTR only)

2. Polity test + analysis

3. Revision economy 365 + notes

4. PYQ of A&C(atleast half)


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9:00-12:00 Indian geo Done

1:00-4:00 Pt365 Culture Done

5:00-8:00 Indian Geo Done

9:00-11:00 PT365 notes revision

Netflix baiting me with Bogummie’s new Drama. But I, I shall stay strong in this storm. 

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9:00-10:00 maths

10:00-1:00 eco pyq

5:00-7:00 eco pyq

7:00-9:00 eco facts revisions

small target today

keep reading guys. 

#abhi ni to kabhi ni

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