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Official : Post Daily Routine & Self Assessment (Mains 2020)

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9:00-12:00  polity Done

1:00-4:00  PT365 Done

4:30-7:30 Polity  Done

8:00-10:00 PT365 Done

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and5 otherslike this

September 10, 2020

  1. Slot 1 - Ancient and Medieval India
  2. Slot 2 - Art & Culture
  3. Slot 3 - Polity 365

“Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you.” - Arnold Palmer

ssver2,Dora-the_Explorerand4 otherslike this

"If there's a single lesson that life teaches us, it's that wishing doesn't make it so." - Lev Grossman

:hourglass:D10 / 23DTG (September 10, 2020)

:one: SFG 35 Solve + Analyse :100:

:two: SFG 46 Solve + Analyse :100:

:three: SFG 38 Solve + Analyse :100:

:four: SFG 41 Solve + Analyse :heavy_multiplication_x:

:five: CSAT Sim 4 :heavy_multiplication_x:

:love_letter: Posted at 0900 hrs

:pushpin: Updated at 2147 hrs on September 11, 2020

ssver2,Dora-the_Explorerand4 otherslike this


6th September

Economy PT 365- Complete reading.

Attempted Abhyaas Test 2.

Developed sore throat and fever and there's general fatigue in body so couldn't do complete all targets.

Hope it gets better today, even it does not, keeping high targets for tomorrow and have to be done no matter what.

7th September Targets:

Vision Economy Test Advanced 1 and 2 revision. India Year book Test and economic survey Test.

Economy Agriculture Static and miscellaneous fact document.

Environment evernote revision.

CSAT PYQ question practice.

Insta Revision plan mistakes Test 20-30 revision.

If time permits, Abhyaas analysis otherwise on 8th September.

Targets completed, i thought Abhyaas answer key is supposed to release yesterday, which was not true. So Abhyaas today. Other things completed. Slept some 1.5 hours more than usual, fever fatigue got better of me. Also, otherwise Wasted some 1 hour which could have been saved. Still rushed and completed targets. Made me realise I am not keeping ambitious targets for myself. today would push little aggressively. let's see.

Targets for 8th September

Polity Start-  Part 1 and 2 Laxmikant+ Parliament.

Polity PYQuestions Give as test.

Abhyaas 1 Analyse and revise. (Did not do at that time )

CSAT PYQ question practice.

Insta Revision plan 1 mistakes Test 20-30 revision.

Insta Revision plan give 3  tests (25 questions each)

Evernote Environment static revision+Sci-Tech note.

Today an hour before I was wrapping up studies, I had one of those negative thoughts what if as soon as I come out of the exam i realise that i am not close to expected cutoff. Usually i don't have such thoughts as i rarely think of results but looks like the last leg is an experience in itself. Will also have to fight such negative thoughts which come out of nowhere. The only way is may be in your study so much, that it is only about the targets of today, everyday.

Hope you all have a productive day.

Missed updating here yesterday. Day before yesterday was disastrous post abhyaas, got stressed. Time spent there so targets shifted. Got back soon, trying to maintain momentum. Except CSAT questions and Insta tests other targets got completed. 

Today Targets (10th Sept) 

Complete Polity including Test revision

PT365- Polity 

Mapping(Water bodies) +Modern History Evernote reading

CSAT PYQ Practice 

Insta tests 

Have a good productive day. 

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and5 otherslike this

10th Sept 2020

Friend ka birthday and aaram ka din(studied only 3 hrs)

kal se pakka padhunga aur works done day k end m share karunga qki mai pehle halla bol deta hun baad mein ho nhi paata hai

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and5 otherslike this

Today (10th sept):

Analyse Test 21 and 22 Vision

50 Pg PT365 complete (1/3rd left) 

August PT 

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Goal for 9th September.

- Finish Economics

- Finish CA notes Feb to April 2020

Finished only economics. It's so easy to distract oneself from a mountain of pending revision and reading. I need to try harder.

For 10th September,

- Finish Class XI NCERTs : Geography

-CA Feb to April 2020

Finished the target for today. Didn't really expect to. Hope I don't slack off tomorrow because of this.

Target for 11th September

- Polity (1/2)

- Finish CA notes May 2020

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and4 otherslike this

10 September

Tasks Completed-

  • Newspaper
  • Complete revision of Ancient and medieval history
  • Map- Peaks & ranges
  • Analysis of Yesterday's Mock test.


  • CSAT
  • Polity CA

**Mind is not coordinating with this day-time study routine.😢😢..

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and3 otherslike this

September 10, 2020

  1. Slot 1 - Ancient and Medieval India
  2. Slot 2 - Art & Culture
  3. Slot 3 - Polity 365

“Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you.” - Arnold Palmer

Could only do Slot 1 and part of Slot 3. Will finish things up today.

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and5 otherslike this

September 11, 2020

  1. Slot 1 - Mock and analyze
  2. Slot 2 - Climatology
  3. Slot 3 - Modern India - education & press

“Who you are is defined by what you’re willing to struggle for.” - Mark Manson

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As SFG 2.0 ends today, time to shift gears with multiple revisions -



  • Notes
  • ​CA
  • ​PYQ
  • ​SFG Polity Test solutions

Have a Good Day everyone.

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and7 otherslike this

9:00-12:00 polity Done

1:00-4:00 PT365 Done

5:00-8:00 PT365 Done

9:00-10:30 Done

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and5 otherslike this



6th September

Economy PT 365- Complete reading.

Attempted Abhyaas Test 2.

Developed sore throat and fever and there's general fatigue in body so couldn't do complete all targets.

Hope it gets better today, even it does not, keeping high targets for tomorrow and have to be done no matter what.

7th September Targets:

Vision Economy Test Advanced 1 and 2 revision. India Year book Test and economic survey Test.

Economy Agriculture Static and miscellaneous fact document.

Environment evernote revision.

CSAT PYQ question practice.

Insta Revision plan mistakes Test 20-30 revision.

If time permits, Abhyaas analysis otherwise on 8th September.

Targets completed, i thought Abhyaas answer key is supposed to release yesterday, which was not true. So Abhyaas today. Other things completed. Slept some 1.5 hours more than usual, fever fatigue got better of me. Also, otherwise Wasted some 1 hour which could have been saved. Still rushed and completed targets. Made me realise I am not keeping ambitious targets for myself. today would push little aggressively. let's see.

Targets for 8th September

Polity Start-  Part 1 and 2 Laxmikant+ Parliament.

Polity PYQuestions Give as test.

Abhyaas 1 Analyse and revise. (Did not do at that time )

CSAT PYQ question practice.

Insta Revision plan 1 mistakes Test 20-30 revision.

Insta Revision plan give 3  tests (25 questions each)

Evernote Environment static revision+Sci-Tech note.

Today an hour before I was wrapping up studies, I had one of those negative thoughts what if as soon as I come out of the exam i realise that i am not close to expected cutoff. Usually i don't have such thoughts as i rarely think of results but looks like the last leg is an experience in itself. Will also have to fight such negative thoughts which come out of nowhere. The only way is may be in your study so much, that it is only about the targets of today, everyday.

Hope you all have a productive day.

Missed updating here yesterday. Day before yesterday was disastrous post abhyaas, got stressed. Time spent there so targets shifted. Got back soon, trying to maintain momentum. Except CSAT questions and Insta tests other targets got completed. 

Today Targets (10th Sept) 

Complete Polity including Test revision

PT365- Polity 

Mapping(Water bodies) +Modern History Evernote reading

CSAT PYQ Practice 

Insta tests 

Have a good productive day. 

Couldn't do Insights tests, and Revision of 2 Polity tests left. Evernote history note has grown bigger than I expected. So half of that as well. Rest almost done. Some things taking more time than I expected.

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and4 otherslike this

Target for today 11th September:.

​​Complete Polity by finishing those 2 tests asap. (Max 2 Hours)

​PT Culture

​PT Social Issues.

​Evernote Modern History Complete+ Mapping. (water bodies)

​Insights Revision Tests-Give

​Revise Insta 1.0 Revision tests 20-30.

Have a productive happy day. :)

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and4 otherslike this

"You just can't let life happen to you, you have to make life happen." - Idowu Koyenikan

:hourglass:D11 / 22DTG (September 11, 2020)

:one: SFG 36 Solve:heavy_check_mark:  + Analyse :heavy_multiplication_x:

:two: SFG 41 Solve + Analyse :100:

:three: CSAT Sim 4 (40Q) :100:

:love_letter: Updated post at 2206 hrs

ssver2,Dora-the_Explorerand1 otherslike this

Modern over, section a of singhania over. tomorrow will try to complete artnculture revision, and then day after it is abhyas. So will try to revise environment as much as possible before giving test at night. 

Ps: 2 members of family of 5 have covid symptoms including fever n loss of taste (confirmation 2mrw). Each night I feel some soreness in throat. Then I take some refuge to ayurveda and green tea. And next day morning its perfectly alright. Then again cycle repeat in evening. Alag hi struggle chal rha hai sala life me is saal.

I feel for many who must be going through same sort of trauma but also praying every moment with a bit of anxiety that symptoms don't get any worse. So today I repeat my prayers and hope that tomorrow I finish AC!

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and5 otherslike this

Modern over, section a of singhania over. tomorrow will try to complete artnculture revision, and then day after it is abhyas. So will try to revise environment as much as possible before giving test at night. 

Ps: 2 members of family of 5 have covid symptoms including fever n loss of taste (confirmation 2mrw). Each night I feel some soreness in throat. Then I take some refuge to ayurveda and green tea. And next day morning its perfectly alright. Then again cycle repeat in evening. Alag hi struggle chal rha hai sala life me is saal.

I feel for many who must be going through same sort of trauma but also praying every moment with a bit of anxiety that symptoms don't get any worse. So today I repeat my prayers and hope that tomorrow I finish AC!

Take care bro. Hope these symptoms go away soon. :)

Dora-the_Explorer,HotBloodPrinceand1 otherslike this

Didn't post for the last 2 days as was too down having not been able to complete any of my targets properly. Gave 2 mocks in last 2 days, solved 2013 CSAT paper and did random MCQs but not able to make proper strides towards completing targets. Mrunal Sir's Economy reading is still incomplete and I have already forgotten whatever I had read, have started forgetting Polity and Modern History as well. Art and Culture, Ancient and Medieval are more or less not done and CA is humongous. It is a nerve wrecking time.

Time for another over the top target for the next 2 days:

1. Vision Polity PT 365 - Complete the remaining 20 pages (have been leaving them for days now)

2. Mrunal Sir Pillar 1, Pillar 3B and Pillar 5 complete

3. Complete Art and Culture Music and Dance part

4. Modern History - 1885 to 1947, Acts and Spectrum appendix - Before Abhyas

5. Environment PT 365 - Revise complete

6. Will go ballistic on mocks - Planning to give NextIAS Anubhav, Unacademy, OnlyIAS and Abhyaas over the weekend

Have got Interstellar's No time for Caution on 10 hour loop hoping to get inspired -_-

MatildasMissHoney,ssver2and4 otherslike this

Modern over, section a of singhania over. tomorrow will try to complete artnculture revision, and then day after it is abhyas. So will try to revise environment as much as possible before giving test at night. 

Ps: 2 members of family of 5 have covid symptoms including fever n loss of taste (confirmation 2mrw). Each night I feel some soreness in throat. Then I take some refuge to ayurveda and green tea. And next day morning its perfectly alright. Then again cycle repeat in evening. Alag hi struggle chal rha hai sala life me is saal.

I feel for many who must be going through same sort of trauma but also praying every moment with a bit of anxiety that symptoms don't get any worse. So today I repeat my prayers and hope that tomorrow I finish AC!

I feel you bro, down from past 2 days me & my family both but it’s ok nothing will remain permanent; we shall overcome it 😊

ssver2,Dora-the_Explorerand2 otherslike this

This week terribly wasted. Full week. Still few questions left in abhyas 2 solution. Getting guilty subconsciously for not studying, and drifting into other thoughts while trying to studying. Eating non stop coz of this anxiousness. Pura pura din beet ja rha h and I have no idea what did I do all day. As exams approach, I lose the momentum and dedication. Ye character flaw hataya bina cse is not possible. Have to take charge of the situation now.

12th September 

Modern History revision: book + 3 tests

PT: Misc


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