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Official : Post Daily Routine & Self Assessment (Mains 2020)

Neyawn,peacefulwarriorand93 otherslike this


9th October : 91 Days to Mains

kal ka din thik thaak tha. 

Aaj....5 baje uth to gaye..But Delhi's winter will only get harsher and so Willpower must keep increasing steadily. Koi aur option hai hi nai. 

1. Industrial revolution and American Revolution

2. Population geography Answer writing

3. Modern History PYQs Rough Answer outlines

Great day folks !

Finally, 80% targets achieved yesterday.

10/10/10 x 10 x 10 x 2 + 10 x 2 :90 days to mains

1. Population geography : PYQs to continue

2. AWFG test.

3. MODERN History : PYQs outline to continue

4. World History : French Revolution

Have a great day :)

Deepak802,ssver2and5 otherslike this

9:00-11:00 Money and Banking Done

11:00-12:00 Open session Done

2:00-5:00 AWFG entrance Done

5:00-7:00 Ethics Done

8:00-9:00 World History Done (Partial)

I am very, very lazy. Have a mock tomorrow, and all I did was watch videos here for beginners and rank improvers. 😂

ssver2,BDand5 otherslike this

Today I am just doing-

Essay Preparation (State PCS) 

for tomorrow's test.

Gear Up Guys.

Winter is Coming......

ssver2,BDand3 otherslike this

Day 90

  1. 8.10- meditation
  2. 8.20-11.20- wind up post independence
  3. 11.20 to 11.30- meditation
  4. 11.30 to 12.30- revise polity stats
  5. 12.30 to 1.00- lunch
  6. 1.00 to 3.00- read spectrum- be mains focused and fast
  7. 3.00- 3.30- nap and meditation
  8. 3.30- 5.00- write 5 polity question from vision test series and extract data from model answers
  9. 5.00 - 7.00- revision 
  10. 7.00 - 8.00- dinner and meditation
  11. 8.00- 9.00- read hindu- keep an eye on keywords, phrases, anecdotes, writing style. Need to develop positive attitude towards The hindu. 

  1. post independence- 90 percent 
  2. modern india- 20 percent
  3. could not complete revision. ended up attending newyan's sessions
  4. rest complete

accountability chart 2

1. solve a test along with a peer in a time-bound manner with a partner from the virtual reading room of studygang

2. analyze that test 

3. form memory palace for an essay 

ssver2,faildomand1 otherslike this

Review 10/10

did optional for 3-4 hrs, 2 sessions of forum and entrance test! selected optional test series and found ki first test toh aj(11th oct) hi hai for both institutes! between mitra and vvr chose one which has lesser syllabus for 11th mock! this is easy decision making! 😁😁

p.s. {copied but dittoI am very, very lazy. Have a mock tomorrow, and all I did was watch videos here for beginners and rank improvers. 😂

targets for11/10

slot 1+2: optional study and mock

slot 3: relax

slot 4: world history [1/4]

ssver2,Kapiushonand5 otherslike this

Day 89

  1. 8.00- meditation
  2. 8.10- spectrum
  3. 12.30- lunch and meditation
  4. 1.00- post independence
  5. 2.30- nap and meditation
  6. 3.00-  test- history and culture
  7. 7.00- dinner and meditation
  8. 8.00- 9.00- newspaper and quotes
ssver2,faildomand2 otherslike this

9th October : 91 Days to Mains

kal ka din thik thaak tha. 

Aaj....5 baje uth to gaye..But Delhi's winter will only get harsher and so Willpower must keep increasing steadily. Koi aur option hai hi nai. 

1. Industrial revolution and American Revolution

2. Population geography Answer writing

3. Modern History PYQs Rough Answer outlines

Great day folks !

Finally, 80% targets achieved yesterday.

10/10/10 x 10 x 10 x 2 + 10 x 2 :90 days to mains

1. Population geography : PYQs to continue

2. AWFG test.

3. MODERN History : PYQs outline to continue

4. World History : French Revolution

Have a great day :)

AWFG test was a pretty Intriguing exercise. Baaki ke targets achieved 70%

11/10/20: 89 days to mains and1 week since prelims

High time we shrugged off any kind of complacency and got down to business. I still see people speculating answers on that Prelims thread. Some get aggressive too. Makes me sad. They are clearly missing the larger picture. khaer.. में कौन होता हूँ  !

1. Population Geo test.

2. Active Recall : All the subjects / portions covered in the past three days.

Have a good one folks !

ssver2,Oasisand6 otherslike this

Today I will dedicate my most of day to optional.

ssver2,Oasisand5 otherslike this

9:00-12:00 Money and banking Done

1:00-3:30 Optional Mock Done

5:00-7:30 World history Done

9:00-11:00 CA isn’t provided today 

Today, I will write a test of which I’ve only completed a third of the syllabus because that’s how I roll these days. 

The paper was so pathetic that I couldn’t continue for the whole duration. Completely convinced that IES won’t happen this year. 

ssver2,Oasisand6 otherslike this
@KapiushonAre you following Vipassana daily routine framework ?


Hello Everyone. I will be uploading my schedule from tomorrow.

I just wish to inform you guys that I am a part of CGP 2021. I will be covering Mains oriented GS and Optional till Dec.

I hope that okay:blush:(as I am not appearing for Main 2020).

ssver2,Oasisand4 otherslike this
@HotBloodPrince i think u have philosophy optional. could u suggest me which test series to take? mitra or vvr? also do they tell points for quality improvement?


Have been a silent reader since long. Love the vibe on this thread. Thank you amazing people. 

Prelims 2020's got me to speculate and waste boatloads of time this past week. Well, just the usual yearly borderline issues I guess. But this is the first attempt and irrespective of clearing the exam or not, it's time to get mains prep done. So here it goes, 

  1. Optional Revision: 1st Chapter (1/2)
  2. Ethics Consolidation (1/4) 
  3. Answer Writing 

And so my watch begins :')

ssver2,Kapiushonand7 otherslike this
Done with speculating cutoff and taking rest. This year's Prelims gave me a shock that it took some time to recover. But I guess it's time to move on and prepare for Mains, irrespective of the result.

I'll also update my daily routine here. I'll try to update the micro-topics that I cover daily. Feel free to ask any question from those topics*. This exercise will ensure that I'm myself clear with the topics.

If possible others can also do the same.

*Conditions apply.
mightyraju,ssver2and12 otherslike this


@KapiushonAre you following Vipassana daily routine framework ?

No, I use headspace app. For routine, I try to put one session after every 3-4 hour or after every task. It help me to calm down and get to next task with fresh mind. 

ssver2,faildomand3 otherslike this

Day 89

  1. 8.00- meditation
  2. 8.10- spectrum
  3. 12.30- lunch and meditation
  4. 1.00- post independence
  5. 2.30- nap and meditation
  6. 3.00-  test- history and culture
  7. 7.00- dinner and meditation
  8. 8.00- 9.00- newspaper and quotes

  1. spectrum - 50 percent completed
  2. rest completed
  3. crispr is covered in todays FAQ page. Important from mains perspective. Give it a read.
ssver2,faildomand4 otherslike this

Monday 12th Oct Targets:

1. 1/2 CA class, articles

2. Essay: write 1/2, classes 1/2, articles 

3. Planout optional & mains prep

4. Write 1 MGP test/few questions

5. Hindu/daily CA

Kapiushon,faildomand4 otherslike this
@HotBloodPrince i think u have philosophy optional. could u suggest me which test series to take? mitra or vvr? also do they tell points for quality improvement?

Bro I have no idea which one is better!! I have joined mitra coz I felt mitra has a better digital platform and 2 way interaction would be better with him online. 

Yes in discussion class/video they do tell about quality improvement in general and in your copy give points that you could have written. 

Done with speculating cutoff and taking rest. This year's Prelims gave me a shock that it took some time to recover. But I guess it's time to move on and prepare for Mains, irrespective of the result.

I'll also update my daily routine here. I'll try to update the micro-topics that I cover daily. Feel free to ask any question from those topics*. This exercise will ensure that I'm myself clear with the topics.

If possible others can also do the same.

*Conditions apply.

#TIL (things I learnt) returns?

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