Ranyo Ashoka, Himalayan nettle, Denisovan - Who would have thought of such random questions?
Creating this thread with the sole purpose of sharing facts that can be relevant for Prelims. While there is always this thought, that there is no end to learning and mugging up facts, but if we observe closely - the options are not very close and elimination is easy. By pooling our resources here, if we give it one reading also, the probability of retaining it on the D day and eliminating options increases exponentially.
I request the aspirants to actively contribute here and let's hope that we strike gold on 31st ;).
@sstarrr answer is in same order. Riyadh seems to be more northern than other two if one looks map but it's not.Order from N to S Manama, Doha, Dubai, Riyadh
Oh! But I solved one test series as well - there it was abu dhabi and riyadh - made a guess on similar lines. If we don't trust maps then who do we trust then? It clearly shows dubai to be the southern most.
@sstarrr Abu Dhabi wasn't there in this question.Well, what we see in maps are 2D in rectangular format but duninya to gol hai.That's one of that sometimes few cities seems to be more northern than other but if we a latitude then we would get the answer.Example: Agra and Darjiling share almost same latitude but it seems Darjiling is more northern than agra.
I will also leave itna close wala question.
Anti defection law related rules:
1. Presiding Officer (PO) empowered to make rules.
2. Must place those rules before House for 30 days-House can approve, modify, disprove them.
3. PO has no suo moto power to take up cases-must act only if he receives complaint by a member.
4. PO may refer the matter to Committee of Privileges for inquiry.
Reason-these days they are asking rules and committees which werent asked earlier.
Pharmingis cyber-attack aiming toredirect a website's traffic to another, bogus website | Cyber-Squattingis an act of registering, trafficking in, or using a domain name with an intent toprofit from the goodwill of a trademark belonging to someone else. | Denial of Services (DoS) attackis an attack intended for denying access to computer resource without permission of the owner
A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attackis an attempt to make an online service unavailable byoverwhelming it with traffic from multiple sources. | ATrojan horseis not a virus. It is a destructive program that looks as a genuine application.Unlike viruses, Trojan horses do not replicatethemselves but they can be just as destructive. Trojansopen a backdoor entryto your computer which gives malicious users/programs access to your system, allowing confidential and personal information to be theft. | Phishingis a type of fraud that involvesstealing personal informationsuch as Customer ID, IPIN, Credit/Debit Card number, Card expiry date, CVV number, etc.through"emails" that appear to be from a legitimate source. | Smishingis a type of fraud thatuses mobile phone "text messages"tolure victims into calling backon a fraudulent phone number, visiting fraudulent websites or downloading malicious content via phone or web. | Vishingis an attempt wherefraudsters try to seek personal informationlike Customer ID, Net Banking password, ATM PIN, OTP, Card expiry date, CVV etc.through a phone call. | SIM Swap Scamoccurs whenfraudsters manage to get a new SIM card issued against a registered mobile number fraudulently through the mobile service provider. With the help of this new SIM card, they get One Time Password (OTP) and alerts, required for making financial transactions through victim's bank account. Getting a new SIM card against a registered mobile number fraudulently is known as SIM Swap. |
Anti Non Co-operation organisation started by Purshootam Thakurdas.
Anti-Non-Cooperation Association 1920 was started by big businessmen of Bombay in 1920 against the Non-Cooperation/Khilafat Movement (1920-1921). It was established by Jamnadas Dwarkadas, Purshottamdas Thaukrdass, Cowasji Jehangir, Pheroze Sethna and Setalvad. The businessmen of Bombay felt that the movement would encourage the labour strikes which in Bombay Presidency turned out be violent at earlier occasion.