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[Official] GS Simulator - All Tests, Discussions, Queries, Ranklist, Doubts

Dear Student,
Ranklist of all the students who appeared for GS Simulators in Discipline mode will be published here. 
Links of Discussion Videos of all the GS Simulators will also be available here.

1) GS Simulator #1

2) GS Simulator #2

3) GS Simulator #3

4) GS Simulator #4

5) GS Simulator #5

6) GS Simulator #6

7) GS Simulator #7

8) GS Simulator #8

9) GS Simulator #9

  • Rank: We have provided the rank on the portal. 
  • Discussion Videos: Uploaded on the portal
  • Cut Off: 105-110

10) GS Simulator #10

  • Rank: We have provided the rank on the portal. 
  • Discussion Videos: It will be uploaded by Wednesday
  • Cut Off: 116-120

11) GS Simulator #11

  • Rank: We have provided the rank on the portal. 
  • Discussion Videos: It will be uploaded by Wednesday
  • Cut Off: 100-105

12) GS Simulator #12

  • Rank: We have provided the rank on the portal. 
  • Discussion Videos: It will be uploaded by Wednesday
  • Cut Off: 105-110

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand25 otherslike this


Sir, I am poor in ancient medieval and art and culture. In last 2 simulator I correct around 65 to 70 percent questions right from environment but in today's test only 4 questions I market correct.

Before today's simulator I thought to work on history part but now I scored bad in environment as well.

Can you please help me out. On which subjects should I focus more

Okay, here is the thing. Noone is poor in art and culture. It is just a matter of revision.

In this phase of exam, you have 2 choices

  1. Read back to back basic books - this is something that should be done from jan-feb-march , around that time. Rght now we should be revising things.
  2. Not go by feelins, and see which topics we have got questions wrong from and not attempted. Make a list and prepare it from 2 sources - one the place wgere you read it the first time and second from wikipedia ( especially for S n T, CA, Enviornment )

So go backwards, first make a list of keywords, topics which you got wrong in this test and kill them. finish them off such that you wont get a question wrong from them a second time.

Also, kindly share list of topics which you got wrong or didnt attempt. Can you?

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,Microand1 otherslike this

Sending Sample of List of Topics

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir


I am no knight. Do not call me Sir


Also, get a gist of the message, for example, you get rainbox revolution question wrong, you should read about all the revolutions. sometimes, you just have to "see it once" and u will remember

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir



Is Q-56 Correct?

Based on the solution, and the link to Factly.

#4 seems to be linked to women's role. Also case-in-point the procurement policy (3% from women owned MSMEs).

Can anyone confirm?

Can you post the question? A photo may do! Some of us on the website may not have access to the question. And they will have immense capacity to help solve the question/ doubt.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir


Also sir, what is the approx cutoff of Simulator 3?


Simulator 3, Ques 57, 

 1. President: as per article 112, isn't it the president who causes the govt. to lay the annual financial statement. 

4. NITI Aayog: In case of strategic disinvestment, the CPSEs to be disinvested shall be decided on the recommendation of authorities such as NITI Aayog.  

by this logic, can we say that both these are associated with financial planning?

my confusion is mainly because of the term 'associated' here. I thought it actually makes it possible for even indirect involvements.

ssver2,abhilasha1811and1 otherslike this



Sir kindly guide how to avoid negative marking


Simulator test 3 Q 11

Consider the following statements with reference to the BASIC countries.

1. The grouping of four nations is based on the common geo-political interests of the developing countries

Statement 1 is given as incorrect. But negotiating for interests of developing countries  in the paris deal does not count as geo-political interests?

ssver2,mickeyviruand1 otherslike this

Simulator 3, Ques 57, 

 1. President: as per article 112, isn't it the president who causes the govt. to lay the annual financial statement. 

4. NITI Aayog: In case of strategic disinvestment, the CPSEs to be disinvested shall be decided on the recommendation of authorities such as NITI Aayog.  

by this logic, can we say that both these are associated with financial planning?

my confusion is mainly because of the term 'associated' here. I thought it actually makes it possible for even indirect involvements.

In my opinion, We cannot say that President of India is in anyway associated with Financial Planning. 

Niti Ayog again, is far removed from the erstwhile Planning Commission. While Planning Commission did make provisions for discretionary grants , Niti Ayog does not.

Will tell you an interesting anecdote. When I was working as a Prime Minister's Rural Development Fellow, the Rural Development Secretary ( Union ) was a very jovial man. He also went on to become the Home Secy.

I come from a bureaucratic family ( by which I mean a family with bureaucrats, not the adjective "bureaucratic" in "bureaucratic attitude" ). So I would get access beyond work to very senior officers, some of whom knew me since childhood.

I was young, ( younger, I mean ) and very excited by the Prime Minsiter;s Move to create NITI Ayog. I liked the acronym as well. So very excited I told this gentleman, saying Uncle, it is so nice, the PM has done away with PC and has Niti Ayog.

He said, What is nice about it?

And then he said

"Look, I am not Nehruvian. But the thing is Nehru did have things in mind when he created institutions. The PC was created way back when Nehru did not even have opposition. And it served well.

Why? Because when our PM goes on Election Campaigns and venom is spitted by opposition parties on the PM and the PM on the state governments from opposition , things happens in the heat of election.

Once elections are over, what happens is that some CM comes to power. May he is from Opposition Party.  Now, he has spitted venom against the PM and so has the PM and Cabinet Ministers.

The CM needs funds to develop his state. Who does he goto?

It is the PC that provides a politically neutral layer between the Union and State. So you can meet the Deputy Chairman of the PC ( Montek Singh Ahluwalia was the last man ) and get money for your state. You don't need to meet the PM or the Cabinet Ministers with whom you may have developed acerbic relations.

Now what happens is that CM of a ruling State, when he needs money, he comes to Capital. For few days he will have to wait to get PM's time. ( PM has a calendar planned months  ahead ). He may not even get an appointment , genuinely because PM has no time. Whom does he meet?

He can at best meet a Cabinet Minister . Now Cabinet Minister is also a political person. If the CM and Cabinet Minister has bad relations, ( most likely , because Cabinet Ministers indulge in poll campaigns ) , chances are they will not meet.

Then who does he meet? Secretary to the Union? The Secretary to the Union is the rank of Chief Secretary, sometimes one, who has server the CM in the state ( from same stat cadre ) . It will create a protocol issues. Even Secy will not want to get into this. Plus Secy cannot do "fund allocation" which is a political / democratic decision.

This, he said has led to complete breakdown of federal structure that we have so far had. When avenues of State's interacting with Union decrease, it is bad for democracy. And federalism."

"And this is why", he said, "Nehru created the PC. So that work related state issues are not affected by politics."

I was quite impressed by seeing how Governance actually operates!

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

@AcademySupport Where can I get solutions for Simulator - 3? I see they have been removed from the "SHOW TESTS" screen?


Q 30 of Simulator 3: About negative outcomes of Essential Commodities Act :

Option given "increases price volatitlity and reduces consumer welfare" is marked correct.

But Sir, isn't the main aim of ECA is to ensure affordability of the essential goods. This then ensures accessibility esp for the poor who can't afford to pay higher prices. For example- Sanitizer has been brough under ECA. This means we all can buy it a fair prices (i.e. reducing price volatility as was the case before) and this will enhance consumer welfare. Hence, the option given should be incorrect. Correct me Sir, if I'm wrong. Thank you. 


@govindkishore_bits1229739 that statement is directly taken from the Economic survey. you can check the government intervention chapter.
It basically explains, that when the prices of goods are high, then there are too many producers in the market but not enough consumers. Similarly, when the price is too low, there are too many consumers in the market but not enough producers. Because of this, fewer products are being sold than desirable. this is reducing welfare of both, the producer and the consumer


I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

@NightHawkXXDThey have removed the solution for those who have not attempted the test. Its a good move. I think you can see it after attempting the test.


If it's not too difficult for you to implement this on your platform at this point, I (and presumably many others) will benefit from these and would be extremely grateful for it:

  1. A "back" button should be available once you click to see the result of any test: because once you click to see a test result, it's actually really hard to access the main list of tests, as bookmarking the webpage with the list of tests doesn't work to get here. Plus since I am new to Forum online, it is really confusing to figure out Academy from Forum, esp since the personal account dashboards for both are different?
  2. Under detailed analytics, if we could filter questions by subject– since you're already tagging each Q by subject, static/current tags, this would hopefully be easy to implement *fingers crossed
  3. Under Question analytics, if you could introduce an extra column for subject . This is mostly similar to point (2)

I had been spending at least 5 hours after the test to read through the solutions until the live session on Saturday made me see my folly, and I realised that I need to go back to my source textbooks and re-read or add points there that I might be getting wrong. This is really tough to do if you can't tackle Qs subject-wise. I don't have enough desk space (and time) to efficiently switch between subject books while chronologically tackling Qs.

A subject-wise filter would be SO helpful. It'll be great if you can help us execute your own advice to aspirants!

@forumiasacademy @Neyawn 

ssver2,sanemonkand2 otherslike this

If it's not too difficult for you to implement this on your platform at this point, I (and presumably many others) will benefit from these and would be extremely grateful for it:

  1. A "back" button should be available once you click to see the result of any test: because once you click to see a test result, it's actually really hard to access the main list of tests, as bookmarking the webpage with the list of tests doesn't work to get here. Plus since I am new to Forum online, it is really confusing to figure out Academy from Forum, esp since the personal account dashboards for both are different?
  2. Under detailed analytics, if we could filter questions by subject– since you're already tagging each Q by subject, static/current tags, this would hopefully be easy to implement *fingers crossed
  3. Under Question analytics, if you could introduce an extra column for subject . This is mostly similar to point (2)

I had been spending at least 5 hours after the test to read through the solutions until the live session on Saturday made me see my folly, and I realised that I need to go back to my source textbooks and re-read or add points there that I might be getting wrong. This is really tough to do if you can't tackle Qs subject-wise. I don't have enough desk space (and time) to efficiently switch between subject books while chronologically tackling Qs.

A subject-wise filter would be SO helpful. It'll be great if you can help us execute your own advice to aspirants!

@forumiasacademy @Neyawn 

@jack_Sparrow  Can you help out here? The points are legit.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir



If it's not too difficult for you to implement this on your platform at this point, I (and presumably many others) will benefit from these and would be extremely grateful for it:

  1. A "back" button should be available once you click to see the result of any test: because once you click to see a test result, it's actually really hard to access the main list of tests, as bookmarking the webpage with the list of tests doesn't work to get here. Plus since I am new to Forum online, it is really confusing to figure out Academy from Forum, esp since the personal account dashboards for both are different?
  2. Under detailed analytics, if we could filter questions by subject– since you're already tagging each Q by subject, static/current tags, this would hopefully be easy to implement *fingers crossed
  3. Under Question analytics, if you could introduce an extra column for subject . This is mostly similar to point (2)

I had been spending at least 5 hours after the test to read through the solutions until the live session on Saturday made me see my folly, and I realised that I need to go back to my source textbooks and re-read or add points there that I might be getting wrong. This is really tough to do if you can't tackle Qs subject-wise. I don't have enough desk space (and time) to efficiently switch between subject books while chronologically tackling Qs.

A subject-wise filter would be SO helpful. It'll be great if you can help us execute your own advice to aspirants!

@forumiasacademy @Neyawn 

@jack_Sparrow  Can you help out here? The points are legit.

We will look into it by this week.


ssver2,sanemonkand1 otherslike this
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