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Mains 2021: Doubt and strategy discussion thread

I don't know what to say, really. Prelims is over. The discussion as regards the authenticity of answer keys is the most futile discussion. So, I am creating this thread as a necessary and much-needed diversion. Three months to the biggest battle of our professional lives begins now. All comes down to how we heal and grow from now on, and either, we heal or we're gonna crumble. Day by day

We're in a toxic environment right now, fellas. Believe me. And, we can stay here, get the s**t kicked out of us, or we can fight our way back into the light. Mains is the road ahead for everyone of us notwithstanding our current predicament. So, let's continue to fight and not let our guard down.

Yours faithfully

Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2020 is to be conducted on 8,9,10,16,17 January, 2021.

1.Topic wise questions compilation from PYQs-

2.Previous years' question papers collection- Essay, GS I, GS II, GS III, GS IV, PSIR

3.New emerging technologies fodder

5. This is awebsite by CSE 2019 selected candidates. Contains a lot of info ontest series/answer writingand alsohasGS notes.Must go through! =>   

6. World history notes of Shreyans Kumat Rank 4, UPSC CSE 2018:  

7. Download Anudeep Sir's hand made notes from here. From GS 1 to GS 4, everything:

8.Ethics keywords' definition table:

This will keep you going-
jack_Sparrow,Deepak802and112 otherslike this



Any tips on how you guys are covering world history? I am trying to do it from the Vision IAS booklet but it is taking a lot of time 

NCERT is more than enough. Will take 2-3 days to finish it. World History has decent spillover effect across a range of topics, Ethics and Essay. Please do it from a standard source.

GaryVee,Spockand1 otherslike this
Please share upsc sheet .


Can anyone suggest test series for Essay & Ethics.

I am confused between IASScore and Lukmaan. 

Which one is better? Or any other? Thanks

There are two old NCERT world history volumes by Arjun Dev. Selected chapters will be useful. I found them more content rich than the new ones.


Any tips on how you guys are covering world history? I am trying to do it from the Vision IAS booklet but it is taking a lot of time 

Please look up some documentary FOR the world wars. Normally is enough. I would suggest doing decolonization from norman lowe and a few other chapters like the middle east crisis etc. On IR and french revo use ignou notes, these notes are crisp and concise, like 8 10 pages each

GaryVee,Spockand1 otherslike this
Any tips on balancing gs, optional and essay in these days?
@Biradarbro can you mention from where i can get sosin mam question compilation

@Biradar Crash Course- World History, Big History, European History. Excellent thematic coverage!

Oasis,discoFighterand3 otherslike this
@Biradar Crash Course- World History, Big History, European History. Excellent thematic coverage!

Yess and they’re good for fixing the timelines in your memory too. 

Selected episodes based on UPSC favourites:

Joeyisthebest,Caesarand6 otherslike this

Sample Answer.pdf

Hello, can any audit my Sample answer. 

Here I am taking 20 min to write this answer. Suggestions need as on- Content, Structure, Keywords, and How to improve on the time aspect. 


Performance of welfare schemes that are implemented for vulnerable sections is not so effective due to absence of their awareness and active involvement at all stages of policy process – Discuss. 

Can anyone share a full fledged answer to this question, exactly what you might have written in the exam? Thanks alot.



Any tips on how you guys are covering world history? I am trying to do it from the Vision IAS booklet but it is taking a lot of time 

Can follow ForumIas CBP Booklet.Has good ROI. 

Some scepticism here. Does UPSC asks about the Bills yet not passed? Say ART (A) Bill which may not be passed by the time Mains happens.

Sample Answer.pdf

Hello, can any audit my Sample answer. 

Here I am taking 20 min to write this answer. Suggestions need as on- Content, Structure, Keywords, and How to improve on the time aspect. 

Overall a good attempt bhai!

I would like to make this feedback anexhaustiveone( will talk about both your points as well as my pointers simultaneously) so please excuse me as well as bear with me. Here I go....

Introduction part of the answer-  You gave a simple and basic  meaning  of what ODR is  which is a good thing IMO. But I think that Key components part that you talked about wasnot necessaryat all. It took around 20-30 words of  your total word limit, also a bit of time too. If at all you want to talk about key components, rather than writing in points,just make a small diagramkind of thing. That would look more pleasing.

Body part:-Here also, IMO you gavetoomany pointsand  I think this is the main reason why you took 20 minutes something to write this answer. A 250 word answer should not take more than12minutesright? 

Also, I would like to suggest you a different format with which to approach this answer.

Read the question again! The first part talks aboutprospectsof ODR.

Here, what I will do is that I will define what ODR is and then Will straightaway address the prospect part. And I will do this bymentioning the issuesbecause of which ODR becomes arightful optioninIndian Judicial Access and Delivery system. Here we can talk about issues like  high pendency rate in all three tiers of judiciary, low number of courts and judges, lower literacy, poverty etc etcto highlight the overall issues in judicial access system.

And now that I have mentioned the issues, now I will use these issues to highlight theimportance/ benefits/ advantagesof ODR and will try tolinkhow these benefits would help in addressing the above mentioned issues. For example,ODR will help reduce pendency rateand likewise. Also after mentioning benefits, in a single line or two, I will highlight theissues with the implementationof ODR likelow penetration of internet in rural areas, etc.

Way forward/ conclusion part:-

I noticed that you didn’t gave any way forward in the answer. Try avoiding this and try giving at least one or two points as way forwards specially in 15 marker questions. I’m saying this because way forwards are something where actually you canmake a differencein your answer wrt other candidates.

Here in way forward, we can link ODR with other things like we can quote, India is stilllackingin Ease of doing business’sEnforcing Contract criteriaand how ODR can help improve the rank in this. Then we can also say that as ODR will involve data of citizens, it becomessacrosancttoenforce data protection lawfor protection of privacy etc etc.

In conclusion, we can end with acautionary notesaying haste full implementation of ODR should notcompromisewith the quality of verdict/judgement and how proper implementation of ODR will help break the norm of“justice delayed is justice denied”.

Some pro tips:-

a) Try mentioning thesourceof data that you are giving. For example, you said there are 3 crore cases pending in courts. Mention the source of this finding.

b)Underlinethe key words/ important stuffs that you are using. This will force the evaluator to pay more attention to or at least notice that something important has been written and highlighted.

p.s- there are separate threads as well for mains answer writing like for GS1, 2 and 3. Try uploading such answers and questions on that thread as well. 

#keep writing #allthebest 

Raillife,AJ_and3 otherslike this
Thanks alot for such a comprehensive comment. Appreciate alot.

Here is my another doubt from your comment. 

You said first to mention the issues, as in why ODR is important like pendency of cases, etc.

But if you are giving the same in the importance of ODR - would it not be duplication of points? 

There is pendency of cases
There is illiteracy and poverty

ODR helps in reducing the pendency of cases
ODR allows citizen to overcome their illiteracy and get justice. 

Does this not amount to duplication?

Expecting an answer in Welfare scheme wala question too. Thanks

Thanks alot for such a comprehensive comment. Appreciate alot.

Here is my another doubt from your comment. 

You said first to mention the issues, as in why ODR is important like pendency of cases, etc.

But if you are giving the same in the importance of ODR - would it not be duplication of points? 

There is pendency of cases
There is illiteracy and poverty

ODR helps in reducing the pendency of cases
ODR allows citizen to overcome their illiteracy and get justice. 

Does this not amount to duplication?

Expecting an answer in Welfare scheme wala question too. Thanks

You’re welcome bhai.

And wrt to your doubt, it depends on how you are writing the answer. 

For example I say inissuepart, “there is a delay in judicial system in our country due to huge pendency of cases say X number of cases as per Y report.”

Now, inimportancepart, I can say that ODR will help in reducing the above mentioned delay as ODR will enable reduction in future pending cases because under ODR regime, judgement delivery  will be faster as compared to usual process”. 

So, I don’t think I am repeating my point here. I am just highlighting the issue in former part and linking the issue with the main theme(ODR) in the latter part, so I guess there is no duplication of points  here IMO.

Also, will try to share my written answer of the welfare wala question as soon as possible.


Sample Answer.pdf

Hello, can any audit my Sample answer. 

Here I am taking 20 min to write this answer. Suggestions need as on- Content, Structure, Keywords, and How to improve on the time aspect. 

ODR answer.pdf

Good question, tried writing an answer to it. Obviously, lots of scope for improvement, but I think it touches upon the core issues. :)

Broadly agree with what@TheNotorious mentioned in his detailed review of your answer. In addition:

1. Answer is too long.

2. I think the answer misses the core demand of the question. Key components and issues in implementation have not been asked. They have asked prospects. As a second part, they've askedwhether you agreethat it can givemorepeople access to justice and ease burden on courts. I think the crux of the question is to analyse why ODR may present an improvement over the present situation, not necessarily who all can access justice with ODR or the benefits of ODR.

Issues in implementation (page 4) should ideally only be a point to show that ODR may not be feasible.

3. In UPSC answer sheets, less is always more simply because there is no time.

Of course, I am a novice at this; so, do take my words at face value only. Ignore if you don't find the approach correct or disagree with my approach. :)



Sample Answer.pdf

Hello, can any audit my Sample answer. 

Here I am taking 20 min to write this answer. Suggestions need as on- Content, Structure, Keywords, and How to improve on the time aspect. 

ODR answer.pdf

Good question, tried writing an answer to it. Obviously, lots of scope for improvement, but I think it touches upon the core issues. :)

Broadly agree with what@TheNotorious mentioned in his detailed review of your answer. In addition:

1. Answer is too long.

2. I think the answer misses the core demand of the question. Key components and issues in implementation have not been asked. They have asked prospects. As a second part, they've askedwhether you agreethat it can givemorepeople access to justice and ease burden on courts. I think the crux of the question is to analyse why ODR may present an improvement over the present situation, not necessarily who all can access justice with ODR or the benefits of ODR.

Issues in implementation (page 4) should ideally only be a point to show that ODR may not be feasible.

3. In UPSC answer sheets, less is always more simply because there is no time.

Of course, I am a novice at this; so, do take my words at face value only. Ignore if you don't find the approach correct or disagree with my approach. :)


Tried writing it better since I think it is an important topic for CSM 2020.

ODR final.pdf

GaryVee,Porusand4 otherslike this
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Tried writing it better since I think it is an important topic for CSM 2020.

ODR final.pdf

Effing brilliant ! Sorry bro, just stole all your points :)

value addition: in the point where you showcased how online filing saves wastage of paper (right to environment), you could also bring in more technical dimensions like, online filing reduces administrative expenses of courts which areessentially charged on the consolidated funds of the states/center.

GaryVee,AzadHindFauzand3 otherslike this
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