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Mains 2021: Doubt and strategy discussion thread

I don't know what to say, really. Prelims is over. The discussion as regards the authenticity of answer keys is the most futile discussion. So, I am creating this thread as a necessary and much-needed diversion. Three months to the biggest battle of our professional lives begins now. All comes down to how we heal and grow from now on, and either, we heal or we're gonna crumble. Day by day

We're in a toxic environment right now, fellas. Believe me. And, we can stay here, get the s**t kicked out of us, or we can fight our way back into the light. Mains is the road ahead for everyone of us notwithstanding our current predicament. So, let's continue to fight and not let our guard down.

Yours faithfully

Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2020 is to be conducted on 8,9,10,16,17 January, 2021.

1.Topic wise questions compilation from PYQs-

2.Previous years' question papers collection- Essay, GS I, GS II, GS III, GS IV, PSIR

3.New emerging technologies fodder

5. This is awebsite by CSE 2019 selected candidates. Contains a lot of info ontest series/answer writingand alsohasGS notes.Must go through! =>   

6. World history notes of Shreyans Kumat Rank 4, UPSC CSE 2018:  

7. Download Anudeep Sir's hand made notes from here. From GS 1 to GS 4, everything:

8.Ethics keywords' definition table:

This will keep you going-
jack_Sparrow,Deepak802and112 otherslike this


Anyone with Agriculture optional here? want to know how they fared in 2019 mains.


After looking at the Mains score sheet, I believed I messed up the philosophical essay and got 133 in essay while gs3 was the best paper I wrote out of all and landed up getting only 59, the real difference between getting an interview call.

GS3 was the only paper where I followed the proper intro body conclusion approach. While couldn't do it in other three papers and got the lowest with that approach in gs2 81.

This year I believe the approach has to be directly jumping on to the body and conclusion.

Any suggestions?

EiChan,plmokn25688524and2 otherslike this

@Hitman2021  ..... 162  ??? is that even achievable ..... plzz plzz guide me personally ...i scored 83 in ethics


@Hitman2021  ..... 162  ??? is that even achievable ..... plzz plzz guide me personally ...i scored 83 in ethics

These are not my marks.

I shared her marksheet as@SergioRamos wanted to know her marks.

I am myself very surprised how 162 can be obtained in ethics.


How is dipin sir mains current affairs classes??

Though I run the risk of having a small sample size, but in my humble opinion, I think its time to revisit the popular notion that, "everyone scoressame marks in GS, hence, it is the optional, essay and ethics with one needs to solely focus upon". Yes, it is definitely true that in papers like Optional, GS 4, and ethics, where one have certain degree of space to exhibit uniqueness in our answers, and derive dividends for same. But, considering the quality of questions they are asking in the remaining three papers, I think it would be wrong to term them as completely "generalist" in nature. Considering the rise of unpredictability quotient in prelims, maybe the mantra should be- "Jack of all trades, master ofsome", instead of "Jack of all trades and master ofnone".
Oasis,MikeWozniakand13 otherslike this
Though I run the risk of having a small sample size, but in my humble opinion, I think its time to revisit the popular notion that, "everyone scoressame marks in GS, hence, it is the optional, essay and ethics with one needs to solely focus upon". Yes, it is definitely true that in papers like Optional, GS 4, and ethics, where one have certain degree of space to exhibit uniqueness in our answers, and derive dividends for same. But, considering the quality of questions they are asking in the remaining three papers, I think it would be wrong to term them as completely "generalist" in nature. Considering the rise of unpredictability quotient in prelims, maybe the mantra should be- "Jack of all trades, master ofsome", instead of "Jack of all trades and master ofnone".

I completely second this. Some questions are specific and one who answers them with specific points will obviously have an advantage. Think GS made the difference last time. 

Though I run the risk of having a small sample size, but in my humble opinion, I think its time to revisit the popular notion that, "everyone scoressame marks in GS, hence, it is the optional, essay and ethics with one needs to solely focus upon". Yes, it is definitely true that in papers like Optional, GS 4, and ethics, where one have certain degree of space to exhibit uniqueness in our answers, and derive dividends for same. But, considering the quality of questions they are asking in the remaining three papers, I think it would be wrong to term them as completely "generalist" in nature. Considering the rise of unpredictability quotient in prelims, maybe the mantra should be- "Jack of all trades, master ofsome", instead of "Jack of all trades and master ofnone".

Jack of All trades

Master of Many

@Patootie sir aapke mains mein kaise rahe


@Patootie sir aapke mains mein kaise rahe

I failed prelims :P

Also, I'm not a sirrrr!@Patootie is fine! :)


I differ with@Patootie  and@12432TrivendrumRajdhani .  Optional, Ethics, and Essay is still the decider. Have not seen many mark sheets yet, but in the limited few, the trend is visible. Obviously every mark from every paper counts but still, O-O-E-E gets you more with lesser effort IMO. The extremely tough and specific ones in GS can be covered in a layman way if we write good answers to basic ones. Not all questions are there to test our knowledge, some also test our temperament I feel. 
We all certainly have our different strategies and there are multiple ways of reaching a goal, in my personal capacity I still believe O-O-E-E is the best strategy. 

sonder,Ayushi7and5 otherslike this
Mains GS Paper 3 - Disaster Management Complete



On a completely sarcastic cum lighter note without any intention of hurting anyone’s sentiment/feeling;

I personally feel that our beloved Baniya Community is done with wholesaling, retailing, actual trading and entrepreneurial activities. Their new business seems to be to crack this goddam UPSC exam that too with a rank under 100.

Really amazed to see so many toppers from this community in recent years. 

Oasis,missionmangaland9 otherslike this

Through the marks, UPSC is now telling that dont ignore ANY subject/paper (both for pre and mains).


On a completely sarcastic cum lighter note without any intention of hurting anyone’s sentiment/feeling;

I personally feel that our beloved Baniya Community is done with wholesaling, retailing, actual trading and entrepreneurial activities. Their new business seems to be to crack this goddam UPSC exam that too with a rank under 100.

Really amazed to see so many toppers from this community in recent years. 

Laughs in IIT, IIM-A language

Oasis,EiChanand5 otherslike this

On a completely sarcastic cum lighter note without any intention of hurting anyone’s sentiment/feeling;

I personally feel that our beloved Baniya Community is done with wholesaling, retailing, actual trading and entrepreneurial activities. Their new business seems to be to crack this goddam UPSC exam that too with a rank under 100.

Really amazed to see so many toppers from this community in recent years. 

Laughs in IIT, IIM-A language

Simultaneously summing up the money lent to knowns, the interest earned and the amount saved via discounts while laughing in IIT, IIM-A language. :p


Was going through my mains e-notes and came across this wonderful post I saved from last year's Forum, taken just after Mains 2019 (apologies for not noting down the Original author). It sure does help me in what to expect from UPSC and the mentality with which mains need to be tackled (but again as per the advice below, listen to others but apply your own reason). I hope this helps you too in some way or the other. ATB

It's a long post, apologies again.  


  • Questions needed very careful reading and then, answers had to be written catering to the demands - cliched but necessary to keep in mind! Despite all said and done, answering to thedemand of the question should remain the utmost prioritywhile resisting the temptation to dump all the things we've read about a particular topic.


  • There was considerable gap between quality of UPSC Qs and those I found in mock tests across the board. For instance, it took additional 30-40 seconds to comprehend the Q during Mains which was not the case vis-a-vis the mocks. In the mocks, either the questions were relatively direct or just too esoteric (which could safely be ignored).


  • Given thescope for multiple interpretations in some Qs; additional time had to be spent (30-40 seconds extra) in understanding the question during Mains. Consequently, the answers towards the end suffered due to inadequate time. Moreover, to be able to attempt the entire paper, sometimes even the stuff that you knew in other answers had to be toned down or even overlooked (mostly forgotten because of the compelling need to attempt maximum Qs).


  • Reading Vision, Forum material etc. may give satisfaction but considering the nature of Qs, consistent answer writing practice (throughout a good portion of the year) is vital because Qs asked are too broad in scope. Further, constant revision is imperative.


  • Also, I found some institutions earmarking certain topics and emphasizing far too much on them. Ex - Private investments, nudge theory, MSMEs (because of 'Dwarfism' in ES, 2018-19) etc. They may be important but not more important than making topic wise notes and having a command over it. Notes that we make are much more important than say Vision 365 or Forum notes. The coaching material should only add value to our topic-wise notes not supplant them especially during the final rounds of revision.


  • It's unfortunate how much fear psychosis tends to be generated by some of these institutions over-emphasizing on their so called 'important notes/topics'. If one has prepared topic-wise notes diligently and sincerely, then it's important that one keeps faith in oneself and doesn't lose sight.Thus, the lesson is to prepare topic-wise notes no matter what and keep adding current affairs content to it until at least a month before the exam.


  • Also, it'squite evident that UPSC evolves faster than we can imagine*. Therefore, what toppers might have said about what worked for them or how they went about getting a good rank is almost rendered useless. For example, I remember a top 10 rank holder saying how s/he earmarked important current affairs topics before the exam especially with regard to GS-2 and GS-3 and fetched maximum marks in the exam. We listen to it and start doing the same the subsequent year, but UPSC turns everything upside down by asking a lot from static with negligible current affairs Qs.Therefore, don't treat what toppers say as gospel of truth.Hear them out but apply reason.Buddha's advice holds true, "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."


  • All said and done, the nature of the exam is such that it puts us through mental stress and exhaustion.Deliberate attempts are made to unsettle us(Ex -additional pages in a couple of 15 M answers in GS-3). We may be more effective when we accept it as a norm and respond rather than being overawed by it.


  • Finally, just enjoy the next few days/weeks and forget about how you've written Mains and stop analyzing and over-analyzing. Let's spare ourselves of miseries and recover well from the exhausting period we've all gone through in the last few months. Read a nice book, take a vacation or watch good movies. Basically, do all the non-UPSC things we've not done in a while.
  • To illustrate it further, even in Prelims, the length of questions have increased. Earlier while the entire booklet was 40 pages long; in the last two years, it's close to 50 pages. Thus, multiple reading of Qs (what people popularly tell) may become challenging and one may have to attempt at least a fixed number of questions in one go without having to come back to mark it.
    PS: Sorry for the long post and a lot of unsolicited advice. But I write this from experience of having dealt with the exam for a while now to be able to just reflect on a few things I thought may be relevant. Cheers! 


Joeyisthebest,missionmangaland38 otherslike this
@SergioRamos every year there is a certain trend I can't believe even toppers getting 100 marks in PSIR paper 2. And in 2017 such trend was witnessed in GS3 .so you never know 

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