LIVE Session onStrategic Mistakes and Handling Tricky Questions
LIVE Session for filling up DAF 2 | CSE 2020
Hello All,
So the last time I create a TG for Interview prep we saw some good discussions. However, the group has little archival value, by which I means discussions that happen are not archived on the Internet forever - which is something we need for Civils prep - or at least for the community.
This thread is created by ME circa 2021 to be "The Interview Group"
I am also working on a guide for Interview Preparation - which is kinda here
And a very interesting hobby discussion thread here
@Neyawn sirji service and cadre preference ka session arrange kr dijiye pls online, aapke views janne hai regarding these two, first interview here. Pls sir.
Am on it :)
I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS
@Neyawn sirji service and cadre preference ka session arrange kr dijiye pls online, aapke views janne hai regarding these two, first interview here. Pls sir.
If its your first Interview, have a good preparation. Dont take it either too lightly or too seriously. And avoid the "tera to ho hi jayega" wala friends.
I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS
My glasses prescription is from 2018 do i need a newer one for medical?
Also i dont wear glasses usually as vision only slightly off -0.5 to be precise. Do my photos need to be with specs?
They are supposed to measure your eyesight, but some hospitals ask you to provide them the power to save the time ( govt hospitals are always flooded with patients )
If you don’t wear glasses, and your photo does not have glasses, it’s okay. The personality test and medical are on two different days and by different people :P
I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS
They are supposed to measure your eyesight, but some hospitals ask you to provide them the power to save the time ( govt hospitals are always flooded with patients )
If you don’t wear glasses, and your photo does not have glasses, it’s okay. The personality test and medical are on two different days and by different people :P
Thanks sir. Asking because i came to know of my myopia from a previous medical. Was minor. They asked me to get glasses made else theyd declare me medically unfit. Got them made same day.
You are right about the photo. Was asking because one short tempered doc at lmlh went after a candidate for not having his photo with specs. But thats just one angry doc i guess. What else to expect 😅
Dealing with these nitty-gritties first. Keeping them on the side for peace of mind. Will now be able to focus on core prep better.
They are supposed to measure your eyesight, but some hospitals ask you to provide them the power to save the time ( govt hospitals are always flooded with patients )
If you don’t wear glasses, and your photo does not have glasses, it’s okay. The personality test and medical are on two different days and by different people :P
Thanks sir. Asking because i came to know of my myopia from a previous medical. Was minor. They asked me to get glasses made else theyd declare me medically unfit. Got them made same day.
You are right about the photo. Was asking because one short tempered doc at lmlh went after a candidate for not having his photo with specs. But thats just one angry doc i guess. What else to expect 😅
Dealing with these nitty-gritties first. Keeping them on the side for peace of mind. Will now be able to focus on core prep better.
Do we need to have our photo with specs? Everywhere I have my photo which is without specs
They are supposed to measure your eyesight, but some hospitals ask you to provide them the power to save the time ( govt hospitals are always flooded with patients )
If you don’t wear glasses, and your photo does not have glasses, it’s okay. The personality test and medical are on two different days and by different people :P
Thanks sir. Asking because i came to know of my myopia from a previous medical. Was minor. They asked me to get glasses made else theyd declare me medically unfit. Got them made same day.
You are right about the photo. Was asking because one short tempered doc at lmlh went after a candidate for not having his photo with specs. But thats just one angry doc i guess. What else to expect 😅
Dealing with these nitty-gritties first. Keeping them on the side for peace of mind. Will now be able to focus on core prep better.
Do we need to have our photo with specs? Everywhere I have my photo which is without specs
Not sure but i think it is required during medical. They do ask for 3 4 photos. With specific conditions. It gets waived if hospital staff is understanding. In other forms it wont matter.
@Neyawn Sir, need your suggestions for the hobbies section. These are the 3 options of which I need to choose 1 or at most 2. What should be my approach and which one should I fill according to you?
1. "Read books and novels about intelligence agencies" - I have read a lot of novels of Tom Clancy, Frederick Forsyth, David Baldacci, and books by former R&AW officers (B.Raman and Vikram Sood). I have genuine interest here, but I am not sure whether I will be able to handle all the knowledge questions.
2. "Playing and Watching Cricket" - played at District U-16 level, then college teams in both B.Tech and MBA, won multiple MoMs. The problem here is that I would be mentioning the MoM awards in Sports section too. So repeating Cricket again may be a waste of space. What's your take on this?
3. "Playing Tabla" - Learnt it for 5 years, also have a graduation degree in it. But out of practice after I joined College. I am also apprehensive about the width of questions in Art and Culture, which it can attract.
Hence, requesting you to provide your valuable insights and suggestions.
If we don’t put our home state as first cadre preference, is it possible to put it in second or third or any other preference?@Neyawn
If we don’t put our home state as first cadre preference, is it possible to put it in second or third or any other preference?@Neyawn
If we don’t put our home state as first cadre preference, is it possible to put it in second or third or any other preference?@Neyawn
If they have not made change to the software / if software allows you do, anyway you will not get it when final allocation happens.
I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS
They are supposed to measure your eyesight, but some hospitals ask you to provide them the power to save the time ( govt hospitals are always flooded with patients )
If you don’t wear glasses, and your photo does not have glasses, it’s okay. The personality test and medical are on two different days and by different people :P
Thanks sir. Asking because i came to know of my myopia from a previous medical. Was minor. They asked me to get glasses made else theyd declare me medically unfit. Got them made same day.
You are right about the photo. Was asking because one short tempered doc at lmlh went after a candidate for not having his photo with specs. But thats just one angry doc i guess. What else to expect 😅
Dealing with these nitty-gritties first. Keeping them on the side for peace of mind. Will now be able to focus on core prep better.
Do we need to have our photo with specs? Everywhere I have my photo which is without specs
Do you wear specs? Some boards ask why you are not wearing specs? It is not a major issue.
I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS
they're not there in 2021 notification.
@NOLEisGOAT but they were there in the 2020 notification.
they're not there in 2021 notification.
Yes u r right :(