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Hey everyone. I have written mains recently and I have observed so many things. The experience itself teaches us so many lessons and makes us think. And one thing I have noticed predominantly is the issue of overweight among the aspirants. And not just overweight but obesity. UPSC can be a long journey for most of us. Mental issues affect our eating and sleeping habits. The sedentary lifestyle, sitting for many hours throughout the day can make our legs weak and body older biologically.

Personally, I have reduced 20 kgs of weight before Prelims, but turns out I have gained 6kgs again during those 3 months for Mains. I have been harsh on myself for gaining weight. Especially when I can feel it sitting at the study table.  It felt embarrassing. It doesnt stop with me. Similar stories have been shared by many of our friends across different threads on this Forum. I see young UPSC aspirants losing hair not just because of stress but lack of good nutrition. Personally I feel more confident when I am healthy physically and mentally. Both reinforcing each other.

This problem has no divisions. Men, Women and others-everyone face it. I realized there is nothing to be embarrassed about it. We have to be healthy. We deserve to be. We cant sacrifice our health and sleep. Many reports are  saying non-communicable diseases like Diabetes and heart diseases are on rise among us youth!!

Let us create a thread in this community where we seek all-round development to crack this exam. There is a dearth of such discussions in our field. Forum provides us with a great place to start and mainstream this aspect of our journey during the preparation. I hope all of you participate everyday on this thread. All the fitness freaks can help people like me, maybe I can help others about how I lost 20kgs, we can motivate each other, track progress, share knowledge, food habits etc...Since the mental and physical issues are both correlated, this thread is not strictly limited to just physical health. However, the idea surrounds the physical health issues and is based on it.

Lets do this!

jack_Sparrow,Fireheartand49 otherslike this


: yesterday i ate momos out of hunger while i was studying. I blindly ordered food without an ounce of thought.  This junk food disease is torturing me! Got to meditate and work out tomorrow a little! 
chamomile,plmokn25688524and2 otherslike this
"Aranold Schwarzenegger has long praised the benefits of a strict daily routine, claimed that it’s “a good way of introducing more discipline and control in the rest of your life.” Having a routine that you follow religiously ensures that you not only get things done on a consistent basis, but also that you make the most of the hours you have in each day."

It feels impatient to get back to the days of fitness. But its gonna take time. We got to be patient. Everyday counts. Small changes lead to big. Work out teaches us values which are more important to crack the exam than completing the syllabus using speed. Consistency beats speed. Hard work beats smart work. No short cut to lose weight.

Quantitative changes result into qualitative changes over a period of time- Karl Marx

Ayushi7,chamomileand1 otherslike this
@MachineGunJoe bro if you wanna lose weight. Focus more on your diet. It’s always 80% diet and 20% exercise. The problem is most time we don’t know that we are consuming too much calories 

IamThat,fortarach63and1 otherslike this


@MachineGunJoe bro if you wanna lose weight. Focus more on your diet. It’s always 80% diet and 20% exercise. The problem is most time we don’t know that we are consuming too much calories 

True Murali. Made some modifications. Not eating many times. Started yestetday. Have to stop junk man! Such a big obstacle. True. Food is the main thing i gotta control! 

Increase your protein intake. Keeps you full. Also try to get 7-8 hrs of sleep. Atleast more than 6 even during peak studying period. Regulates hormones related to hunger , also keeps your mood positive 
chamomile,Archandand3 otherslike this

Hey@Murali you are nutritionist right? I guess you could help us, give some tips, challenges which u face once in a while.  :D That would be of great help!



Increase your protein intake. Keeps you full. Also try to get 7-8 hrs of sleep. Atleast more than 6 even during peak studying period. Regulates hormones related to hunger , also keeps your mood positive 

oohh yeah i should. I heard calories burn more during sleep! And  I really dont have a peaceful sleep. Should work on that!

Not only the weight, but the posture also adds to the long term problems. I have realised that when I skip exercising for more than a few days, I get those irritating neck and back pains. So, if not for something very rigorous, a light walk and careful stretching help a lot in sustaining the pace of studies.
@MachineGunJoe you burn approximately 50-60 calories per hour in your sleep. 


Hey@Murali you are nutritionist right? I guess you could help us, give some tips, challenges which u face once in a while.  :D That would be of great help!

When I started to follow a diet on regular basis , it was the occasional cravings. Initially caved in. But realised it wasn’t a big deal. I used to drink a few glasses of water, still works for me 😅

One thing that kinda helps is that , take a picture of you , either showing those fatty areas or in clothes that are a bit tight. Actually helped a mentee to avoid overeating. Once you start shedding , you’ll feel guilty to spoil your progress. Self discipline will automatically kick in once you start seeing results 
Also learn to say no , when someone tries to force feed/ overfeed you , especially in family gatherings. That is the main occasion we fail to keep track. It’s  hard , but necessary 
Ayushi7,fortarach63and1 otherslike this
Not only the weight, but the posture also adds to the long term problems. I have realised that when I skip exercising for more than a few days, I get those irritating neck and back pains. So, if not for something very rigorous, a light walk and careful stretching help a lot in sustaining the pace of studies.

You would’ve also noticed in exam halls how most candidates were sitting , with hunched backs. Messes up back. One good investment would be on a good chair to ensure you sit erect. From my experience can say it has a cascading effect on your whole routine 

@chamomile also sitting for long hours makes one rusty. Try to stretch out 2-3 times everyday. You’ll also feel a bit fresher



One thing that kinda helps is that , take a picture of you , either showing those fatty areas or in clothes that are a bit tight. Actually helped a mentee to avoid overeating. Once you start shedding , you’ll feel guilty to spoil your progress. Self discipline will automatically kick in once you start seeing results 

Yeah this is a great idea! 

I’m glad you posted this OP! 4 years back when I was preparing for engineering entrance exams, I gained around 20 kg and crossed the century mark. I was morbidly obese. Fortunately, the exams went pretty well, but it took me a year to get down to healthy levels (still overweight though, BMI around 26). I became a fitness freak in my 1st year, and have been enthusiastically involved in working out since then.  

Now with CSE prep, it's been around 7 months since I started, I fell into my old habits again unfortunately, and gained around 8 kg in this period, and have become way too overweight. 

The effects obesity had on my mental health, on my self-esteem and confidence are enough to remind me that exercising regularly and a healthy diet are non-negotiable now. 

Fortunately, I have been on the right track for the past month, and hope to continue it. My efficiency has also increased in terms of completing daily targets. Some pointers which have helped me, before and even presently:

  • Increase your protein intake, and if possible, lift weights. I lost weight by lifting (no cardio) AND a protein rich diet.
  • Have patience, and wait for a month or so to see some results. It may be fitting into your old tight clothes, or feeling more energetic during the day. These results have a reinforcing effect and makes one actively want to be fit. 
  • Learn to say NO, specially to your family members.
  • Have a cheat meal (meal, not a full cheat day) once a while, but please make sure NOT to make it a frequent event.
  • Take it one day at a time. (this is very crucial)
chamomile,Omenand2 otherslike this
I’m glad you posted this OP! 4 years back when I was preparing for engineering entrance exams, I gained around 20 kg and crossed the century mark. I was morbidly obese. Fortunately, the exams went pretty well, but it took me a year to get down to healthy levels (still overweight though, BMI around 26). I became a fitness freak in my 1st year, and have been enthusiastically involved in working out since then.  

Now with CSE prep, it's been around 7 months since I started, I fell into my old habits again unfortunately, and gained around 8 kg in this period, and have become way too overweight. 

The effects obesity had on my mental health, on my self-esteem and confidence are enough to remind me that exercising regularly and a healthy diet are non-negotiable now. 

Fortunately, I have been on the right track for the past month, and hope to continue it. My efficiency has also increased in terms of completing daily targets. Some pointers which have helped me, before and even presently:

  • Increase your protein intake, and if possible, lift weights. I lost weight by lifting (no cardio) AND a protein rich diet.
  • Have patience, and wait for a month or so to see some results. It may be fitting into your old tight clothes, or feeling more energetic during the day. These results have a reinforcing effect and makes one actively want to be fit. 
  • Learn to say NO, specially to your family members.
  • Have a cheat meal (meal, not a full cheat day) once a while, but please make sure NOT to make it a frequent event.
  • Take it one day at a time. (this is very crucial)

Same here Nimbus! Crossed 100 in 2020 October. Took efforts to get back to some decent weight! Gained weight again in 3 months! Thanks a lot for sharing and for ua advice! You are a FIREBOLT! 

Anybody doing intermittent fasting ?
sstarrr,MachineGunJoeand1 otherslike this
Anybody doing intermittent fasting ?

I am....started again after 2 months day before yesterday!

Been a rough day today!

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