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Hey everyone. I have written mains recently and I have observed so many things. The experience itself teaches us so many lessons and makes us think. And one thing I have noticed predominantly is the issue of overweight among the aspirants. And not just overweight but obesity. UPSC can be a long journey for most of us. Mental issues affect our eating and sleeping habits. The sedentary lifestyle, sitting for many hours throughout the day can make our legs weak and body older biologically.

Personally, I have reduced 20 kgs of weight before Prelims, but turns out I have gained 6kgs again during those 3 months for Mains. I have been harsh on myself for gaining weight. Especially when I can feel it sitting at the study table.  It felt embarrassing. It doesnt stop with me. Similar stories have been shared by many of our friends across different threads on this Forum. I see young UPSC aspirants losing hair not just because of stress but lack of good nutrition. Personally I feel more confident when I am healthy physically and mentally. Both reinforcing each other.

This problem has no divisions. Men, Women and others-everyone face it. I realized there is nothing to be embarrassed about it. We have to be healthy. We deserve to be. We cant sacrifice our health and sleep. Many reports are  saying non-communicable diseases like Diabetes and heart diseases are on rise among us youth!!

Let us create a thread in this community where we seek all-round development to crack this exam. There is a dearth of such discussions in our field. Forum provides us with a great place to start and mainstream this aspect of our journey during the preparation. I hope all of you participate everyday on this thread. All the fitness freaks can help people like me, maybe I can help others about how I lost 20kgs, we can motivate each other, track progress, share knowledge, food habits etc...Since the mental and physical issues are both correlated, this thread is not strictly limited to just physical health. However, the idea surrounds the physical health issues and is based on it.

Lets do this!

jack_Sparrow,Fireheartand49 otherslike this



Anyone knows any remedies /relief for chillblains?

Aaaahh, those painful chilblains are back in the season.
For relief, light massage with warm olive/coconut oil. Keep the fingers warm. Wear gloves whenever you feel that your hands are getting cold. For prevention (probably beneficial for next winter), continuous hand movement to improve blood circulation is the key and gloves most of the time (yes, even at home).

Last year my condition turned worse and I finally consulted a dermatologist. This is all she recommended. Then I showed her my hands with high swelling and the consequent skin issues. For immediate relief, she recommended Betanovate cream. It worked wonders and the skin and swelling improved.

But now that I looked it up on the internet it doesn't look as novel as I thought it to be since it is a corticosteroidal cream. So the above mentioned desi nuskhas would work in light and moderate cases. In case of severe or high swelling condition, consult a dermat and they would assess and recommend the cream if they deem fit.

Thanks a lot : ). Will try your method. I found soaking in warm water helps a little bit. But the pain and itch. :( 

Lesson learnt - start exercising to improve blood circulation. I get chillblains in feet even though I wear woollen socks all the time. But too lazy to excercise. Need to push myself to start exercising. 




Anyone knows any remedies /relief for chillblains?

Aaaahh, those painful chilblains are back in the season.
For relief, light massage with warm olive/coconut oil. Keep the fingers warm. Wear gloves whenever you feel that your hands are getting cold. For prevention (probably beneficial for next winter), continuous hand movement to improve blood circulation is the key and gloves most of the time (yes, even at home).

Last year my condition turned worse and I finally consulted a dermatologist. This is all she recommended. Then I showed her my hands with high swelling and the consequent skin issues. For immediate relief, she recommended Betanovate cream. It worked wonders and the skin and swelling improved.

But now that I looked it up on the internet it doesn't look as novel as I thought it to be since it is a corticosteroidal cream. So the above mentioned desi nuskhas would work in light and moderate cases. In case of severe or high swelling condition, consult a dermat and they would assess and recommend the cream if they deem fit.

Thanks a lot : ). Will try your method. I found soaking in warm water helps a little bit. But the pain and itch. :( 

Lesson learnt - start exercising to improve blood circulation. I get chillblains in feet even though I wear woollen socks all the time. But too lazy to excercise. Need to push myself to start exercising. 

I get chillblains in feet despite wearing socks and doing exercise. For me getting these is a every year affair now :3

What I can suggest is if you are using room heater, make sure you moisturize yourself and keep yourself hydrated. This decrease the intensity of chillblains.

And don't put yourself very near to the heater. This may aggravate pain.

Can someone give tips for gaining few pounds ? I'm skinny since ages now.


Anyone knows any remedies /relief for chillblains?

i've on my left leg fingers , not able to walk properly dragging my leg just like the trending viral video :p

@SiddhantW  calculate your maintainence calories using any online calculator. Add 150-200 calories to it. Use healthifyme app or any other tracker to check for a few days that you’re eating the required calories and continue with it till you reach desired results. If you stop gaining weight after a while add about 100 or more calories to continue




Anyone knows any remedies /relief for chillblains?

Aaaahh, those painful chilblains are back in the season.
For relief, light massage with warm olive/coconut oil. Keep the fingers warm. Wear gloves whenever you feel that your hands are getting cold. For prevention (probably beneficial for next winter), continuous hand movement to improve blood circulation is the key and gloves most of the time (yes, even at home).

Last year my condition turned worse and I finally consulted a dermatologist. This is all she recommended. Then I showed her my hands with high swelling and the consequent skin issues. For immediate relief, she recommended Betanovate cream. It worked wonders and the skin and swelling improved.

But now that I looked it up on the internet it doesn't look as novel as I thought it to be since it is a corticosteroidal cream. So the above mentioned desi nuskhas would work in light and moderate cases. In case of severe or high swelling condition, consult a dermat and they would assess and recommend the cream if they deem fit.

Thanks a lot : ). Will try your method. I found soaking in warm water helps a little bit. But the pain and itch. :( 

Lesson learnt - start exercising to improve blood circulation. I get chillblains in feet even though I wear woollen socks all the time. But too lazy to excercise. Need to push myself to start exercising. 

For chilblains specifically, you don't really need any rigorous exercise. Just keep the blood flowing by making small circles by arms and making fists and openings repetitively so that the hand warms up a little and blood reaches the ends. Similarly for the feet, keep moving the toes every now and then. But all this mostly helps in preventing the chilblains, not really sure of its effect in the treatment.
If the swelling and itch are high, can consider the cream. It really helps calm it down within a few days (after consulting your dermat). Or till then apply any dense moisturiser to help with the itch. Pain, though, would take its own course :( :(


@chamomile Thanks man, that cream worked, reduced itching and pain. :) 

@Jiraiya oh, even excercise did not prevent it?! Tip noted : not too close to heater and use moisturiser. Thanks. 

@Blue3 Same, dragging both feet, pain when anything touches feet - socks, slippers/shoes. I don't know why but pain and itch worsens in night. 


Forum fam when they find me in real life 😭😭😂

Aurora,chamomileand4 otherslike this

Forum fam when they find me in real life 😭😭😂

Is it only me or all people with non-hindi  mother tongue read hindi stuff only when they feel its absolute necessity? XD

Aurora,KingSlayer23and3 otherslike this

Not an expert but please don’t use Minoxidil as a treatment for hair fall. It may help while you are using it but once you stop, hair fall would start again and may even get worse. Plus it can lead to irregularities in the cardiovascular system and this is a risk you shouldn’t be willing to take. 
Eat right, exercise and remain stress free, in case this doesn’t work, if you’ve got money, go for a transplant but in any case, learn to live with it would be my suggestion if one is balding. Minoxidil isn’t a permanent solution for hair loss and as a temporary solution, it can get very cumbersome and expensive.

@necromancer Agree with you. But there's no credible and proven alternative to Minoxidil and Finasteride solution treatment for hair fall or balding or androgenic alopecia especially for men. As far as hair transplant is concerned it's pretty expensive and also involves Minoxidil usage for certain period after the surgery. Finasteride and Minoxidil usage has undergone years of clinical trials and proven to be effective in reducing hair fall to large extent and promote hair regrowth. 

@necromancer Agree with you. But there's no credible and proven alternative to Minoxidil and Finasteride solution treatment for hair fall or balding or androgenic alopecia especially for men. As far as hair transplant is concerned it's pretty expensive and also involves Minoxidil usage for certain period after the surgery. Finasteride and Minoxidil usage has undergone years of clinical trials and proven to be effective in reducing hair fall to large extent and promote hair regrowth. 

between Monoxidil and bald head, i would choose the latter. who wants cardiovascular irregularities? Monoxidil is artificial! Atleast we can wear a wig instead of forever using a cream or a medicine! have a good muscled bod instead of using such things honestly. Its dangerous. once we stop using our heart rate will start fluctuating and hence blood pressure. Doctors write that for hair but its not good.


Guys, today is the first time I pulled off an 18 hour fast. Been doing 16 hours (6PM-10AM), skipped breakfast today. Drank black coffee, apple cider and lemon juice (all without sugar).

Talking about apple cider, anyone drinks it too? wanna discuss some advantages?

chamomile,Pam123and3 otherslike this

I had suffered from a spine injury due to long hours of study for upsc.  I could have been paralysed too! After undergoing a major surgery that i realised the importance of a healthy body. We tend to take our physical system for granted without realising the long term damages our lifestyle is causing. Now i have learnt hatha yoga which keeps my system up to the mark and has put me on the path of rejuvenation. Its a long process to reverse the damage that was caused. I dont want anyone to face the painful situation of a spine injury and hamper their prep thats why bringing it before you. 

Please take care of your health and your physical machine and it will help you innumerable ways than you can ever imagine. It is the greatest asset one has. 

Dionysus,chamomileand5 otherslike this

I had suffered from a spine injury due to long hours of study for upsc.  I could have been paralysed too! After undergoing a major surgery that i realised the importance of a healthy body. We tend to take our physical system for granted without realising the long term damages our lifestyle is causing. Now i have learnt hatha yoga which keeps my system up to the mark and has put me on the path of rejuvenation. Its a long process to reverse the damage that was caused. I dont want anyone to face the painful situation of a spine injury and hamper their prep thats why bringing it before you. 

Please take care of your health and your physical machine and it will help you innumerable ways than you can ever imagine. It is the greatest asset one has. 

Get well super soon!!

Those without Fitbit can use Nike NRC app. My parents have a Fitbit but I am still using NRC. Anyone willing to join me on Nike NRC app for running? DM Me :) 
@MachineGunJoe what about walking challenge?



@MachineGunJoe what about walking challenge?

Anything is good...but not challenges...just cooperation, run/walk together, look at each others work...thats it...just like ypt haha

No 1,


@MachineGunJoe what about walking challenge?

Anything is good...but not challenges...just cooperation, run/walk together, look at each others work...thats it...just like ypt haha

What is ypt? What does it stand for?🧐🧐

@Duryodhan yeoman people team🙃

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