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Hey everyone. I have written mains recently and I have observed so many things. The experience itself teaches us so many lessons and makes us think. And one thing I have noticed predominantly is the issue of overweight among the aspirants. And not just overweight but obesity. UPSC can be a long journey for most of us. Mental issues affect our eating and sleeping habits. The sedentary lifestyle, sitting for many hours throughout the day can make our legs weak and body older biologically.

Personally, I have reduced 20 kgs of weight before Prelims, but turns out I have gained 6kgs again during those 3 months for Mains. I have been harsh on myself for gaining weight. Especially when I can feel it sitting at the study table.  It felt embarrassing. It doesnt stop with me. Similar stories have been shared by many of our friends across different threads on this Forum. I see young UPSC aspirants losing hair not just because of stress but lack of good nutrition. Personally I feel more confident when I am healthy physically and mentally. Both reinforcing each other.

This problem has no divisions. Men, Women and others-everyone face it. I realized there is nothing to be embarrassed about it. We have to be healthy. We deserve to be. We cant sacrifice our health and sleep. Many reports are  saying non-communicable diseases like Diabetes and heart diseases are on rise among us youth!!

Let us create a thread in this community where we seek all-round development to crack this exam. There is a dearth of such discussions in our field. Forum provides us with a great place to start and mainstream this aspect of our journey during the preparation. I hope all of you participate everyday on this thread. All the fitness freaks can help people like me, maybe I can help others about how I lost 20kgs, we can motivate each other, track progress, share knowledge, food habits etc...Since the mental and physical issues are both correlated, this thread is not strictly limited to just physical health. However, the idea surrounds the physical health issues and is based on it.

Lets do this!

jack_Sparrow,Fireheartand49 otherslike this


Any recommendations for dance HIIT workout videos?
Any recommendations for dance HIIT workout videos?

Not much of a dancer but i keep seeing Zumba videos on Youtube. They are a little intense though.  I once explored Walk at Home by Leslie which was nice! its not so intense.

Shifted my workout schedule to evening. In mornings had to break my fast before workout to eat something.  I eat cuz i am scared after seeing footballers collapse on the field due to heart problems and insufficient food.
@chamomile Watch "cultfit" YouTube channel 

Successfully completed a 16 hour intermittent fast after ages! Ate yesterday at 6PM and eating at 10AM now! Had green tea in the morning along with some apple cidar viniger later on! Yet not at all hungry! Best way to prolong IF is sleeping by 11 cuz its in nights we feel hungry. Dont know whats the magic but mornings arent hungry at all!
Fireheart,KatnissEverdeenand6 otherslike this
Any recommendations for dance HIIT workout videos?

There's this youtube channel, the studio by Jamie Kinkeade, you can check theirs.

Any recommendations for dance HIIT workout videos?

There's this youtube channel, the studio by Jamie Kinkeade, you can check theirs.

Looks like a lot of fun! Thanks for recommending it!

Well I worked out 6 days continuously. Took a break yesterday. I rewarded myself too much by having a desert extra 2 hours after what should have been my last meal. Night meals are the worst kind of meals. I have this bad habit of eating late night. Should find ways to overcome that! Looking into what mindfulness is and how to practice that. This junk food problem have to stop. The problem boils down to the question we all ask ourselves when we misuse time by binge watching. How do we control temptations?
Well I worked out 6 days continuously. Took a break yesterday. I rewarded myself too much by having a desert extra 2 hours after what should have been my last meal. Night meals are the worst kind of meals. I have this bad habit of eating late night. Should find ways to overcome that! Looking into what mindfulness is and how to practice that. This junk food problem have to stop. The problem boils down to the question we all ask ourselves when we misuse time by binge watching. How do we control temptations?

For post-dinner food temptations, what I do is that I brush and floss after 30-45 minutes of having the meal. It increases the opportunity cost of eating again by having to repeat the whole dental hygiene. So it works that way.

For binge-watching, I am yet to devise anything. However something on a similar line by increasing the opportunity cost works. When I just start to feel like an addict and unable to go away from the screen, I remove the laptop from charging and place the cord away. My laptop dies pretty soon. So, I am left with no option but to get up and plug in the charger. Which kills the joy and gets me away from the screen (for a while at least :P).

KatnissEverdeen,Archandand2 otherslike this
Well I worked out 6 days continuously. Took a break yesterday. I rewarded myself too much by having a desert extra 2 hours after what should have been my last meal. Night meals are the worst kind of meals. I have this bad habit of eating late night. Should find ways to overcome that! Looking into what mindfulness is and how to practice that. This junk food problem have to stop. The problem boils down to the question we all ask ourselves when we misuse time by binge watching. How do we control temptations?

For post-dinner food temptations, what I do is that I brush and floss after 30-45 minutes of having the meal. It increases the opportunity cost of eating again by having to repeat the whole dental hygiene. So it works that way.

For binge-watching, I am yet to devise anything. However something on a similar line by increasing the opportunity cost works. When I just start to feel like an addict and unable to go away from the screen, I remove the laptop from charging and place the cord away. My laptop dies pretty soon. So, I am left with no option but to get up and plug in the charger. Which kills the joy and gets me away from the screen (for a while at least :P).

woah thanks a lot! those are some really wise solutions! awesome! :D

Well I worked out 6 days continuously. Took a break yesterday. I rewarded myself too much by having a desert extra 2 hours after what should have been my last meal. Night meals are the worst kind of meals. I have this bad habit of eating late night. Should find ways to overcome that! Looking into what mindfulness is and how to practice that. This junk food problem have to stop. The problem boils down to the question we all ask ourselves when we misuse time by binge watching. How do we control temptations?

For post-dinner food temptations, what I do is that I brush and floss after 30-45 minutes of having the meal. It increases the opportunity cost of eating again by having to repeat the whole dental hygiene. So it works that way.

For binge-watching, I am yet to devise anything. However something on a similar line by increasing the opportunity cost works. When I just start to feel like an addict and unable to go away from the screen, I remove the laptop from charging and place the cord away. My laptop dies pretty soon. So, I am left with no option but to get up and plug in the charger. Which kills the joy and gets me away from the screen (for a while at least :P).

Don't know why but first part read krne k baad meri bhookh mar gayi. 

Aurora,Saint_1and4 otherslike this
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For post-dinner food temptations, what I do is that I brush and floss after 30-45 minutes of having the meal. It increases the opportunity cost of eating again by having to repeat the whole dental hygiene. So it works that way.

For binge-watching, I am yet to devise anything. However something on a similar line by increasing the opportunity cost works. When I just start to feel like an addict and unable to go away from the screen, I remove the laptop from charging and place the cord away. My laptop dies pretty soon. So, I am left with no option but to get up and plug in the charger. Which kills the joy and gets me away from the screen (for a while at least :P).

I remember reading something similar in Atomic Habits. Tried to follow it for a few days but then I realised I'm too lazy to get up and remove the laptop from charging, specially in winters like these :P

Back to square one!

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For post-dinner food temptations, what I do is that I brush and floss after 30-45 minutes of having the meal. It increases the opportunity cost of eating again by having to repeat the whole dental hygiene. So it works that way.

For binge-watching, I am yet to devise anything. However something on a similar line by increasing the opportunity cost works. When I just start to feel like an addict and unable to go away from the screen, I remove the laptop from charging and place the cord away. My laptop dies pretty soon. So, I am left with no option but to get up and plug in the charger. Which kills the joy and gets me away from the screen (for a while at least :P).

I remember reading something similar in Atomic Habits. Tried to follow it for a few days but then I realised I'm too lazy to get up and remove the laptop from charging, specially in winters like these :P

Back to square one!

Lucky for me, the charging point is away from my bed. So I have to be in a very uncomfortable position to keep using it while it charges. So once it dies, I either have to be in a cramp causing posture to continue watching or just give up and get some rest from the binge.

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Don't know why but first part read krne k baad meri bhookh mar gayi. 

That's the whole point! :P :P

Well I worked out 6 days continuously. Took a break yesterday. I rewarded myself too much by having a desert extra 2 hours after what should have been my last meal. Night meals are the worst kind of meals. I have this bad habit of eating late night. Should find ways to overcome that! Looking into what mindfulness is and how to practice that. This junk food problem have to stop. The problem boils down to the question we all ask ourselves when we misuse time by binge watching. How do we control temptations?

For post-dinner food temptations, what I do is that I brush and floss after 30-45 minutes of having the meal. It increases the opportunity cost of eating again by having to repeat the whole dental hygiene. So it works that way.

For binge-watching, I am yet to devise anything. However something on a similar line by increasing the opportunity cost works. When I just start to feel like an addict and unable to go away from the screen, I remove the laptop from charging and place the cord away. My laptop dies pretty soon. So, I am left with no option but to get up and plug in the charger. Which kills the joy and gets me away from the screen (for a while at least :P).

Don't know why but first part read krne k baad meri bhookh mar gayi. 



For controlling junk food problem, I assign one day (one meal) ever week/two week to junk food but the catch is I have to cook it myself if I want to eat junk food. Many times I am too lazy to cook or even when I decide to make it I try to make it healthier. Eg pink sauce pasta- using semolina/sujji pasta, adding more vegetables, avoiding cheese, etc.

I have also deleted food delivery apps. (because they force you to download apps by giving coupons/discounts so that once you download the app, your access to app increases, and you easily order food.)

chamomile,Celebornand2 otherslike this


For controlling junk food problem, I assign one day (one meal) ever week/two week to junk food but the catch is I have to cook it myself if I want to eat junk food. Many times I am too lazy to cook or even when I decide to make it I try to make it healthier. Eg pink sauce pasta- using semolina/sujji pasta, adding more vegetables, avoiding cheese, etc.

I have also deleted food delivery apps. (because they force you to download apps by giving coupons/discounts so that once you download the app, your access to app increases, and you easily order food.)

same ! removed all food apps! but i download them again! i shoouldnt have taken Swiggy One membership!!!!

So what you do is you cook your own cheat meal?



For controlling junk food problem, I assign one day (one meal) ever week/two week to junk food but the catch is I have to cook it myself if I want to eat junk food. Many times I am too lazy to cook or even when I decide to make it I try to make it healthier. Eg pink sauce pasta- using semolina/sujji pasta, adding more vegetables, avoiding cheese, etc.

I have also deleted food delivery apps. (because they force you to download apps by giving coupons/discounts so that once you download the app, your access to app increases, and you easily order food.)

same ! removed all food apps! but i download them again! i shoouldnt have taken Swiggy One membership!!!!

So what you do is you cook your own cheat meal?

Don't worry. At least you did initiate deleting of app, even though you downloaded again. After few times, you won't download again. Don't be harsh on yourself. Give it some time. 

I am not dieting but got ill sometime back (may be due to eating junk food. I don't know?). So I am trying to eat healthy  and avoid oily/fried and junk food. 




For controlling junk food problem, I assign one day (one meal) ever week/two week to junk food but the catch is I have to cook it myself if I want to eat junk food. Many times I am too lazy to cook or even when I decide to make it I try to make it healthier. Eg pink sauce pasta- using semolina/sujji pasta, adding more vegetables, avoiding cheese, etc.

I have also deleted food delivery apps. (because they force you to download apps by giving coupons/discounts so that once you download the app, your access to app increases, and you easily order food.)

same ! removed all food apps! but i download them again! i shoouldnt have taken Swiggy One membership!!!!

So what you do is you cook your own cheat meal?

Don't worry. At least you did initiate deleting of app, even though you downloaded again. After few times, you won't download again. Don't be harsh on yourself. Give it some time. 

I am not dieting but got ill sometime back (may be due to eating junk food. I don't know?). So I am trying to eat healthy  and avoid oily/fried and junk food. 

Thankyou :)

Does anyone want to comment on hairfall? Nutrition, prevention. I tried all kinda of shampoos and conditioners . Nothing work! 
Aurora,Saint_1and2 otherslike this
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