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Hey everyone. I have written mains recently and I have observed so many things. The experience itself teaches us so many lessons and makes us think. And one thing I have noticed predominantly is the issue of overweight among the aspirants. And not just overweight but obesity. UPSC can be a long journey for most of us. Mental issues affect our eating and sleeping habits. The sedentary lifestyle, sitting for many hours throughout the day can make our legs weak and body older biologically.

Personally, I have reduced 20 kgs of weight before Prelims, but turns out I have gained 6kgs again during those 3 months for Mains. I have been harsh on myself for gaining weight. Especially when I can feel it sitting at the study table.  It felt embarrassing. It doesnt stop with me. Similar stories have been shared by many of our friends across different threads on this Forum. I see young UPSC aspirants losing hair not just because of stress but lack of good nutrition. Personally I feel more confident when I am healthy physically and mentally. Both reinforcing each other.

This problem has no divisions. Men, Women and others-everyone face it. I realized there is nothing to be embarrassed about it. We have to be healthy. We deserve to be. We cant sacrifice our health and sleep. Many reports are  saying non-communicable diseases like Diabetes and heart diseases are on rise among us youth!!

Let us create a thread in this community where we seek all-round development to crack this exam. There is a dearth of such discussions in our field. Forum provides us with a great place to start and mainstream this aspect of our journey during the preparation. I hope all of you participate everyday on this thread. All the fitness freaks can help people like me, maybe I can help others about how I lost 20kgs, we can motivate each other, track progress, share knowledge, food habits etc...Since the mental and physical issues are both correlated, this thread is not strictly limited to just physical health. However, the idea surrounds the physical health issues and is based on it.

Lets do this!

jack_Sparrow,Fireheartand49 otherslike this



@Duryodhan yeoman people team🙃



@Duryodhan yeoman people team🙃

It's kind of an online library where people log in and then do their work. This helps in keeping an online company, just like a physical library and attaining their targets and posting the number of hours of study. So it brings in a healthy competition too.



@Duryodhan yeoman people team🙃

It's kind of an online library where people log in and then do their work. This helps in keeping an online company, just like a physical library and attaining their targets and posting the number of hours of study. So it brings in a healthy competition too.

Oh this one ?



@Duryodhan yeoman people team🙃

It's kind of an online library where people log in and then do their work. This helps in keeping an online company, just like a physical library and attaining their targets and posting the number of hours of study. So it brings in a healthy competition too.

Oh this one ?


Girnar is making Green Tea exciting. No need to add honey(extra calories).
Girnar is making Green Tea exciting. No need to add honey(extra calories).

But why to add honey in green tea in the first place.. Ruins the entire purpose of Green tea... 

Girnar is making Green Tea exciting. No need to add honey(extra calories).

But why to add honey in green tea in the first place.. Ruins the entire purpose of Green tea... 

Dont like the taste. 

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Dont like the taste. 

Instead of ordering tea bags for green tea, I would recommend getting loose tea leaves. They have an authentic green tea aroma and taste. Teabags are just heavily processed in the name of 'flavours' like tulsi, ginger, mint, jasmine etc. Moreover, loose tea leaves might seem like some expensive shit but they're actually cost-effective compared to teabags. 

Something like these 

Aurora,sjerngaland4 otherslike this
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Dont like the taste. 

Instead of ordering tea bags for green tea, I would recommend getting loose tea leaves. They have an authentic green tea aroma and taste. Teabags are just heavily processed in the name of 'flavours' like tulsi, ginger, mint, jasmine etc. Moreover, loose tea leaves might seem like some expensive shit but they've actually cost-effective compared to teabags. 

Something like these 

really? can you please also tell me where you buy from? I will surely buy them!!!

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really? can you please also tell me where you buy from? I will surely buy them!!!

@Purplesunbird has an inventory of different type of teas... 

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Dont like the taste. 

Instead of ordering tea bags for green tea, I would recommend getting loose tea leaves. They have an authentic green tea aroma and taste. Teabags are just heavily processed in the name of 'flavours' like tulsi, ginger, mint, jasmine etc. Moreover, loose tea leaves might seem like some expensive shit but they've actually cost-effective compared to teabags. 

Something like these 

really? can you please also tell me where you buy from? I will surely buy them!!!

You can check these two based on your budget. 

They seem costly given the price to weight ratio but you just need a small pinch of tea leaves for one cup. If you want quantification, somewhere around 4-8 tea leaves. 
I haven't checked these particular teas but used similar products from the same website in past. It was quite good.
Happy exploring!  

Girnar is making Green Tea exciting. No need to add honey(extra calories).

But why to add honey in green tea in the first place.. Ruins the entire purpose of Green tea... 

and hijacks the entire flavour too.


Since we are on the green tea topic, I would like to share my favourite tea too.

I take a few green tea leaves, add a few inches of lemongrass to it, a few tulsi leaves (both fresh from the balcony) and then a few chamomiles or rose petals.

I am a very lazy person who hates the idea of putting all this in the pan, boiling it and then straining it. I use a mesh strainer like this

and it's done!

sjerngal,Braveand1 otherslike this

Since we are on the green tea topic, I would like to share my favourite tea too.

I take a few green tea leaves, add a few inches of lemongrass to it, a few tulsi leaves (both fresh from the balcony) and then a few chamomiles or rose petals.

I am a very lazy person who hates the idea of putting all this in the pan, boiling it and then straining it. I use a mesh strainer like this

and it's done!

woah looks awesome! nice idea!

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Dont like the taste. 

Instead of ordering tea bags for green tea, I would recommend getting loose tea leaves. They have an authentic green tea aroma and taste. Teabags are just heavily processed in the name of 'flavours' like tulsi, ginger, mint, jasmine etc. Moreover, loose tea leaves might seem like some expensive shit but they've actually cost-effective compared to teabags. 

Something like these 

really? can you please also tell me where you buy from? I will surely buy them!!!

You can check these two based on your budget. 

They seem costly given the price to weight ratio but you just need a small pinch of tea leaves for one cup. If you want quantification, somewhere around 4-8 tea leaves. 
I haven't checked these particular teas but used similar products from the same website in past. It was quite good.
Happy exploring!  

Oooo crazy. thank you! sure will! :D 

Is there anyone who was skeptical of all the mindfulness business but then tried it for sometime and saw significant changes in oneself? 


Is there anyone who was skeptical of all the mindfulness business but then tried it for sometime and saw significant changes in oneself? 

I am willing to try. should read more about it and see how it turns out. Can you tell me your experience please?


Guys, today is the first time I pulled off an 18 hour fast. Been doing 16 hours (6PM-10AM), skipped breakfast today. Drank black coffee, apple cider and lemon juice (all without sugar).

Talking about apple cider, anyone drinks it too? wanna discuss some advantages?

I used to drink ACV left it 2 months ago after almost 3 years, Everyone in my family still drinks it. Now I have shifted to lemon and honey with pinch of black salt in warm water after waking up. I don't think it helps in weight loss as I gained more than 20 kg in last 3 years but it has definetly some immunity building qualities as I used to get cold flu very easily but now I don't get it so frequently. Same I have seen in my family as no one got covid (touchwood) eventhough my father is in category of service of corona warriors.

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I am willing to try. should read more about it and see how it turns out. Can you tell me your experience please?

I have been reading about and doing it on and off. It helps with my anxiety when I do it. Thinking about doing it more regularly. That is why I asked. If someone has done it long term and has had tangible benefits, that would serve as a good motivation.
I don’t want to wake up, or study or do anything. This happened during mains prep and therefore i messed up mains as well. I have seen therapists but even after months of sessions nothing seem to help. I also took anti-depressants as prescribed but I discontinued as it didn’t seem to lift my mood. 

I am only on my phone and browsing reddit or YouTube. I just don’t know how to come out of this vicious cycle. Any suggestions? 

This is very difficult for me to put down on a public platform. Sorry if it triggers anyone.
Ayushi7,chamomileand6 otherslike this
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