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Hey everyone. I have written mains recently and I have observed so many things. The experience itself teaches us so many lessons and makes us think. And one thing I have noticed predominantly is the issue of overweight among the aspirants. And not just overweight but obesity. UPSC can be a long journey for most of us. Mental issues affect our eating and sleeping habits. The sedentary lifestyle, sitting for many hours throughout the day can make our legs weak and body older biologically.

Personally, I have reduced 20 kgs of weight before Prelims, but turns out I have gained 6kgs again during those 3 months for Mains. I have been harsh on myself for gaining weight. Especially when I can feel it sitting at the study table.  It felt embarrassing. It doesnt stop with me. Similar stories have been shared by many of our friends across different threads on this Forum. I see young UPSC aspirants losing hair not just because of stress but lack of good nutrition. Personally I feel more confident when I am healthy physically and mentally. Both reinforcing each other.

This problem has no divisions. Men, Women and others-everyone face it. I realized there is nothing to be embarrassed about it. We have to be healthy. We deserve to be. We cant sacrifice our health and sleep. Many reports are  saying non-communicable diseases like Diabetes and heart diseases are on rise among us youth!!

Let us create a thread in this community where we seek all-round development to crack this exam. There is a dearth of such discussions in our field. Forum provides us with a great place to start and mainstream this aspect of our journey during the preparation. I hope all of you participate everyday on this thread. All the fitness freaks can help people like me, maybe I can help others about how I lost 20kgs, we can motivate each other, track progress, share knowledge, food habits etc...Since the mental and physical issues are both correlated, this thread is not strictly limited to just physical health. However, the idea surrounds the physical health issues and is based on it.

Lets do this!

jack_Sparrow,Fireheartand49 otherslike this


Awesome thread. I have been doing Intermittent Fasting for past 2 years. 16:8 has worked out for me with some on and off. Helps with my sleep patterns too. I recently tried OMAD and it was wonderful. Butalso bewarethat your vitamins and micronutrients intake may not be sufficient in the meals you would take after IF. So, proceed with caution here.

For good information sources, followDr. David Sinclair, he works in the aging/longevity field and has some good advice regarding this. He came on the Huberman podcast and has recently started his own youtube channel sharing what to eat and how to eat it. 

I follow him on twitter. he is just awesome. all science based! Well after IF in order to sustain gap between meals, enough good fat must be consumed. Like yellow of an egg, little butter during breakfast or dinner, ghee during lunch. That's my technique to not eat always or feel hungry immediately. 


I want to resume running. There was a time when I was very fast and could run at a stretch for quite some time.. 

Right now my knees are screwed.. Maybe it's genetics.. Maybe it's because I have gained weight... Or maybe it's because I don't run properly or don't wear the correct shoes.. 

Can anyone recommend how I should resume running? .. I want to get it slow but steadily so that I don't mess up with my physical health or hurt my knees... 

P. S: Last time when I used to run properly, I lost 8 kgs in a month( no kidding).. Of course it was also associated with change in my diet... 

8kgs? damn! Amir Khan reduced at that rate for Dangal and he says its not good always! Anyways, slow and steady like you said. I run everyday a minimum of 3km and max 7km before switching to other exercises. slow and improving time. Use a digital watch or nike run club app. As far as knees are concerned, some good stretching exercises on YouTube will help!

Actually, she was one of the actors in Dangal herself.

SA,Anduinand3 otherslike this

I want to resume running. There was a time when I was very fast and could run at a stretch for quite some time.. 

Right now my knees are screwed.. Maybe it's genetics.. Maybe it's because I have gained weight... Or maybe it's because I don't run properly or don't wear the correct shoes.. 

Can anyone recommend how I should resume running? .. I want to get it slow but steadily so that I don't mess up with my physical health or hurt my knees... 

P. S: Last time when I used to run properly, I lost 8 kgs in a month( no kidding).. Of course it was also associated with change in my diet... 

8kgs? damn! Amir Khan reduced at that rate for Dangal and he says its not good always! Anyways, slow and steady like you said. I run everyday a minimum of 3km and max 7km before switching to other exercises. slow and improving time. Use a digital watch or nike run club app. As far as knees are concerned, some good stretching exercises on YouTube will help!

Actually, she was one of the actors in Dangal herself.

Yes I also noticed her. Oscar worthy performance 

Anduin,Steph_Curryand2 otherslike this

I want to resume running. There was a time when I was very fast and could run at a stretch for quite some time.. 

Right now my knees are screwed.. Maybe it's genetics.. Maybe it's because I have gained weight... Or maybe it's because I don't run properly or don't wear the correct shoes.. 

Can anyone recommend how I should resume running? .. I want to get it slow but steadily so that I don't mess up with my physical health or hurt my knees... 

P. S: Last time when I used to run properly, I lost 8 kgs in a month( no kidding).. Of course it was also associated with change in my diet... 

I have the same issue with my knees and can totally relate with what you are saying. I can only answer this part of your query

'Start with planting your 1st leg on the ground. Then, slowly lift your second leg and place it forward. You have to ensure that you do this in sync else you might fall. Practice this for sometime and your speed will increase'. That's how I'd resume running.

P.S.- Applies only if you have 2 legs.

@LetsGetThisBread @AzadHindFauz @HeNeArKr may be in a better position to help you.

MikeWozniak,AzadHindFauzand8 otherslike this
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I want to resume running. There was a time when I was very fast and could run at a stretch for quite some time.. 

Right now my knees are screwed.. Maybe it's genetics.. Maybe it's because I have gained weight... Or maybe it's because I don't run properly or don't wear the correct shoes.. 

Can anyone recommend how I should resume running? .. I want to get it slow but steadily so that I don't mess up with my physical health or hurt my knees... 

P. S: Last time when I used to run properly, I lost 8 kgs in a month( no kidding).. Of course it was also associated with change in my diet... 

I have the same issue with my knees and can relate with what you are saying. I can only answer this part of your query

'Start with planting your 1st leg on the ground. Then, slowly lift your second leg and place it forward. You have to ensure that you do this in sync else you might fall. Practice that for sometime and your speed will increase'. That's how I'd resume running.

P.S.- Applies only if you have 2 legs.

@LetsGetThisBread @AzadHindFauz @HeNeArKr may be in a better position to help you.



Moreover, as you run, your feet put pressure on your shoes. This can pull or push your laces to one side or the other, and may eventually leave you with laces that don’t match at the top of your shoe. Luckily, this isn’t a big deal if the difference is only 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) since you can normally fix the problem without removing your laces. If the laces are really uneven though, you likely need to take your laces out and redo them else you'll trip and hurt your knees.

SA,Archandand4 otherslike this

I want to resume running. There was a time when I was very fast and could run at a stretch for quite some time.. 

Right now my knees are screwed.. Maybe it's genetics.. Maybe it's because I have gained weight... Or maybe it's because I don't run properly or don't wear the correct shoes.. 

Can anyone recommend how I should resume running? .. I want to get it slow but steadily so that I don't mess up with my physical health or hurt my knees... 

P. S: Last time when I used to run properly, I lost 8 kgs in a month( no kidding).. Of course it was also associated with change in my diet... 

I have the same issue with my knees and can relate with what you are saying. I can only answer this part of your query

'Start with planting your 1st leg on the ground. Then, slowly lift your second leg and place it forward. You have to ensure that you do this in sync else you might fall. Practice that for sometime and your speed will increase'. That's how I'd resume running.

P.S.- Applies only if you have 2 legs.

@LetsGetThisBread @AzadHindFauz @HeNeArKr may be in a better position to help you.

Would also recommend moving your arms forward and backward in tandem… great tip to lessen the strain while running 

MikeWozniak,AzadHindFauzand6 otherslike this

I want to resume running. There was a time when I was very fast and could run at a stretch for quite some time.. 

Right now my knees are screwed.. Maybe it's genetics.. Maybe it's because I have gained weight... Or maybe it's because I don't run properly or don't wear the correct shoes.. 

Can anyone recommend how I should resume running? .. I want to get it slow but steadily so that I don't mess up with my physical health or hurt my knees... 

P. S: Last time when I used to run properly, I lost 8 kgs in a month( no kidding).. Of course it was also associated with change in my diet... 

I have the same issue with my knees and can relate with what you are saying. I can only answer this part of your query

'Start with planting your 1st leg on the ground. Then, slowly lift your second leg and place it forward. You have to ensure that you do this in sync else you might fall. Practice that for sometime and your speed will increase'. That's how I'd resume running.

P.S.- Applies only if you have 2 legs.

@LetsGetThisBread @AzadHindFauz @HeNeArKr may be in a better position to help you.

Sorry, bro! Can't help her, I prefer running on one leg. I may help her if she wants to learn that? 🙂

SA,Archandand6 otherslike this

I want to resume running. There was a time when I was very fast and could run at a stretch for quite some time.. 

Right now my knees are screwed.. Maybe it's genetics.. Maybe it's because I have gained weight... Or maybe it's because I don't run properly or don't wear the correct shoes.. 

Can anyone recommend how I should resume running? .. I want to get it slow but steadily so that I don't mess up with my physical health or hurt my knees... 

P. S: Last time when I used to run properly, I lost 8 kgs in a month( no kidding).. Of course it was also associated with change in my diet... 

I have the same issue with my knees and can relate with what you are saying. I can only answer this part of your query

'Start with planting your 1st leg on the ground. Then, slowly lift your second leg and place it forward. You have to ensure that you do this in sync else you might fall. Practice that for sometime and your speed will increase'. That's how I'd resume running.

P.S.- Applies only if you have 2 legs.

@LetsGetThisBread @AzadHindFauz @HeNeArKr may be in a better position to help you.

Would also recommend moving your arms forward and backward in tandem… great tip to lessen the strain while running 

Thanks for adding. It was such a loaded question that I forgot this.

AzadHindFauz,sstarrrand2 otherslike this
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I want to resume running. There was a time when I was very fast and could run at a stretch for quite some time.. 

Right now my knees are screwed.. Maybe it's genetics.. Maybe it's because I have gained weight... Or maybe it's because I don't run properly or don't wear the correct shoes.. 

Can anyone recommend how I should resume running? .. I want to get it slow but steadily so that I don't mess up with my physical health or hurt my knees... 

P. S: Last time when I used to run properly, I lost 8 kgs in a month( no kidding).. Of course it was also associated with change in my diet... 

I have the same issue with my knees and can relate with what you are saying. I can only answer this part of your query

'Start with planting your 1st leg on the ground. Then, slowly lift your second leg and place it forward. You have to ensure that you do this in sync else you might fall. Practice that for sometime and your speed will increase'. That's how I'd resume running.

P.S.- Applies only if you have 2 legs.

@LetsGetThisBread @AzadHindFauz @HeNeArKr may be in a better position to help you.


Moreover, as you run, your feet put pressure on your shoes. This can pull or push your laces to one side or the other, and may eventually leave you with laces that don’t match at the top of your shoe. Luckily, this isn’t a big deal if the difference is only 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) since you can normally fix the problem without removing your laces. If the laces are really uneven though, you likely need to take your laces out and redo them else you'll trip and hurt your knees.

Brilliant advice. How could I forget this? 

AzadHindFauz,Steph_Curryand1 otherslike this
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I want to resume running. There was a time when I was very fast and could run at a stretch for quite some time.. 

Right now my knees are screwed.. Maybe it's genetics.. Maybe it's because I have gained weight... Or maybe it's because I don't run properly or don't wear the correct shoes.. 

Can anyone recommend how I should resume running? .. I want to get it slow but steadily so that I don't mess up with my physical health or hurt my knees... 

P. S: Last time when I used to run properly, I lost 8 kgs in a month( no kidding).. Of course it was also associated with change in my diet... 

I have the same issue with my knees and can relate with what you are saying. I can only answer this part of your query

'Start with planting your 1st leg on the ground. Then, slowly lift your second leg and place it forward. You have to ensure that you do this in sync else you might fall. Practice that for sometime and your speed will increase'. That's how I'd resume running.

P.S.- Applies only if you have 2 legs.

@LetsGetThisBread @AzadHindFauz @HeNeArKr may be in a better position to help you.


Moreover, as you run, your feet put pressure on your shoes. This can pull or push your laces to one side or the other, and may eventually leave you with laces that don’t match at the top of your shoe. Luckily, this isn’t a big deal if the difference is only 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) since you can normally fix the problem without removing your laces. If the laces are really uneven though, you likely need to take your laces out and redo them else you'll trip and hurt your knees.

Brilliant advice. How could I forget this? 

I think you are not having your daily dose of " Kachha Badaam "

Archand,LetsGetThisBreadand1 otherslike this

I want to resume running. There was a time when I was very fast and could run at a stretch for quite some time.. 

Right now my knees are screwed.. Maybe it's genetics.. Maybe it's because I have gained weight... Or maybe it's because I don't run properly or don't wear the correct shoes.. 

Can anyone recommend how I should resume running? .. I want to get it slow but steadily so that I don't mess up with my physical health or hurt my knees... 

P. S: Last time when I used to run properly, I lost 8 kgs in a month( no kidding).. Of course it was also associated with change in my diet... 

I have the same issue with my knees and can relate with what you are saying. I can only answer this part of your query

'Start with planting your 1st leg on the ground. Then, slowly lift your second leg and place it forward. You have to ensure that you do this in sync else you might fall. Practice that for sometime and your speed will increase'. That's how I'd resume running.

P.S.- Applies only if you have 2 legs.

@LetsGetThisBread @AzadHindFauz @HeNeArKr may be in a better position to help you.

So smart.. Let me recommend your name to the Athletics Federation of India as the head coach .. 

MikeWozniak,AzadHindFauzand6 otherslike this

I want to resume running. There was a time when I was very fast and could run at a stretch for quite some time.. 

Right now my knees are screwed.. Maybe it's genetics.. Maybe it's because I have gained weight... Or maybe it's because I don't run properly or don't wear the correct shoes.. 

Can anyone recommend how I should resume running? .. I want to get it slow but steadily so that I don't mess up with my physical health or hurt my knees... 

P. S: Last time when I used to run properly, I lost 8 kgs in a month( no kidding).. Of course it was also associated with change in my diet... 

8kgs in a month?

I don't know your body type, but if that running was not complemented with resistance training, then probably it was more of a muscle loss than fat loss.

AzadHindFauz,Steph_Curryand2 otherslike this
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8kgs in a month?

I don't know your body type, but if that running was not complemented with resistance training, then probably it was more of a muscle loss than fat loss.

It was complemented by eating very less.. (not proud of it though)

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I want to resume running. There was a time when I was very fast and could run at a stretch for quite some time.. 

Right now my knees are screwed.. Maybe it's genetics.. Maybe it's because I have gained weight... Or maybe it's because I don't run properly or don't wear the correct shoes.. 

Can anyone recommend how I should resume running? .. I want to get it slow but steadily so that I don't mess up with my physical health or hurt my knees... 

P. S: Last time when I used to run properly, I lost 8 kgs in a month( no kidding).. Of course it was also associated with change in my diet... 

I have the same issue with my knees and can relate with what you are saying. I can only answer this part of your query

'Start with planting your 1st leg on the ground. Then, slowly lift your second leg and place it forward. You have to ensure that you do this in sync else you might fall. Practice that for sometime and your speed will increase'. That's how I'd resume running.

P.S.- Applies only if you have 2 legs.

@LetsGetThisBread @AzadHindFauz @HeNeArKr may be in a better position to help you.



Moreover, as you run, your feet put pressure on your shoes. This can pull or push your laces to one side or the other, and may eventually leave you with laces that don’t match at the top of your shoe. Luckily, this isn’t a big deal if the difference is only 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) since you can normally fix the problem without removing your laces. If the laces are really uneven though, you likely need to take your laces out and redo them else you'll trip and hurt your knees.

Can you elaborate upon this? I was running without taking such technicalities into consideration. 

Runners with some experience of 2-3 years, please give some suggestions which otherwise are not available in conventional sources.

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It was complemented by eating very less.. (not proud of it though)

I did same in my college days. At that time, I was playing at University level, and was the demand of game.

But down the line, what I've realised is long stretches of running complemented with eating less is a recipe for weakness and lowers your strength. If I can give advice to my younger self, I would have definitely gone for strength training upto an extent. Yes, you should try it too.

chamomile,Steph_Curryand2 otherslike this
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I want to resume running. There was a time when I was very fast and could run at a stretch for quite some time.. 

Right now my knees are screwed.. Maybe it's genetics.. Maybe it's because I have gained weight... Or maybe it's because I don't run properly or don't wear the correct shoes.. 

Can anyone recommend how I should resume running? .. I want to get it slow but steadily so that I don't mess up with my physical health or hurt my knees... 

P. S: Last time when I used to run properly, I lost 8 kgs in a month( no kidding).. Of course it was also associated with change in my diet... 

I have the same issue with my knees and can relate with what you are saying. I can only answer this part of your query

'Start with planting your 1st leg on the ground. Then, slowly lift your second leg and place it forward. You have to ensure that you do this in sync else you might fall. Practice that for sometime and your speed will increase'. That's how I'd resume running.

P.S.- Applies only if you have 2 legs.

@LetsGetThisBread @AzadHindFauz @HeNeArKr may be in a better position to help you.



Moreover, as you run, your feet put pressure on your shoes. This can pull or push your laces to one side or the other, and may eventually leave you with laces that don’t match at the top of your shoe. Luckily, this isn’t a big deal if the difference is only 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) since you can normally fix the problem without removing your laces. If the laces are really uneven though, you likely need to take your laces out and redo them else you'll trip and hurt your knees.

Can you elaborate upon this? I was running without taking such technicalities into consideration. 

Runners with some experience of 2-3 years, please give some suggestions which otherwise are not available in conventional sources.

Many of us wear our running shoes straight out of the original box without bothering about the length of laces. The ideal way to get the best out of any shoe is to have laces properly taut.

1. Take the laces out of your shoes and undo any knots.

2. Then, starting at the top, pull the laces through every eyelet in your shoe to take them out. (eyelets are the little holes that hold your laces). If your laces are a little old or worn down, get new laces.

3. Pull the laces up and adjust them until they’re even.

4. Check YouTube for different types of laces that can be made. Use the one that is most suitable for your feet and type of shoes.

Good Luck :)


chamomile,Steph_Curryand3 otherslike this
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I want to resume running. There was a time when I was very fast and could run at a stretch for quite some time.. 

Right now my knees are screwed.. Maybe it's genetics.. Maybe it's because I have gained weight... Or maybe it's because I don't run properly or don't wear the correct shoes.. 

Can anyone recommend how I should resume running? .. I want to get it slow but steadily so that I don't mess up with my physical health or hurt my knees... 

P. S: Last time when I used to run properly, I lost 8 kgs in a month( no kidding).. Of course it was also associated with change in my diet... 

I have the same issue with my knees and can relate with what you are saying. I can only answer this part of your query

'Start with planting your 1st leg on the ground. Then, slowly lift your second leg and place it forward. You have to ensure that you do this in sync else you might fall. Practice that for sometime and your speed will increase'. That's how I'd resume running.

P.S.- Applies only if you have 2 legs.

@LetsGetThisBread @AzadHindFauz @HeNeArKr may be in a better position to help you.



Moreover, as you run, your feet put pressure on your shoes. This can pull or push your laces to one side or the other, and may eventually leave you with laces that don’t match at the top of your shoe. Luckily, this isn’t a big deal if the difference is only 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) since you can normally fix the problem without removing your laces. If the laces are really uneven though, you likely need to take your laces out and redo them else you'll trip and hurt your knees.

Can you elaborate upon this? I was running without taking such technicalities into consideration. 

Runners with some experience of 2-3 years, please give some suggestions which otherwise are not available in conventional sources.

Many of us wear our running shoes straight out of the original box without bothering about the length of laces. The ideal way to get the best out of any shoe is to have laces properly taut.

1. Take the laces out of your shoes and undo any knots.

2. Then, starting at the top, pull the laces through every eyelet in your shoe to take them out. (eyelets are the little holes that hold your laces). If your laces are a little old or worn down, get new laces.

3. Pull the laces up and adjust them until they’re even.

4. Check YouTube for different types of laces that can be made. Use the one that is most suitable for your feet and type of shoes.

Good Luck :)


It's absolutely amazing how you managed to save yourself from that!  👏👏

sstarrr,sjerngaland2 otherslike this
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I want to resume running. There was a time when I was very fast and could run at a stretch for quite some time.. 

Right now my knees are screwed.. Maybe it's genetics.. Maybe it's because I have gained weight... Or maybe it's because I don't run properly or don't wear the correct shoes.. 

Can anyone recommend how I should resume running? .. I want to get it slow but steadily so that I don't mess up with my physical health or hurt my knees... 

P. S: Last time when I used to run properly, I lost 8 kgs in a month( no kidding).. Of course it was also associated with change in my diet... 

I have the same issue with my knees and can relate with what you are saying. I can only answer this part of your query

'Start with planting your 1st leg on the ground. Then, slowly lift your second leg and place it forward. You have to ensure that you do this in sync else you might fall. Practice that for sometime and your speed will increase'. That's how I'd resume running.

P.S.- Applies only if you have 2 legs.

@LetsGetThisBread @AzadHindFauz @HeNeArKr may be in a better position to help you.



Moreover, as you run, your feet put pressure on your shoes. This can pull or push your laces to one side or the other, and may eventually leave you with laces that don’t match at the top of your shoe. Luckily, this isn’t a big deal if the difference is only 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) since you can normally fix the problem without removing your laces. If the laces are really uneven though, you likely need to take your laces out and redo them else you'll trip and hurt your knees.

Can you elaborate upon this? I was running without taking such technicalities into consideration. 

Runners with some experience of 2-3 years, please give some suggestions which otherwise are not available in conventional sources.

Many of us wear our running shoes straight out of the original box without bothering about the length of laces. The ideal way to get the best out of any shoe is to have laces properly taut.

1. Take the laces out of your shoes and undo any knots.

2. Then, starting at the top, pull the laces through every eyelet in your shoe to take them out. (eyelets are the little holes that hold your laces). If your laces are a little old or worn down, get new laces.

3. Pull the laces up and adjust them until they’re even.

4. Check YouTube for different types of laces that can be made. Use the one that is most suitable for your feet and type of shoes.

Good Luck :)


chamomile,AzadHindFauzand8 otherslike this
@Darvey78 Yes bro.. definitely! 
Will share the link..i follow their videos every morning..! Waise toh there are 2-3 channels jinke sessions ache hain.! Btate hain abhi bas..! 


Just wanted to ask you all...

What is the right time and right way to do workout??(especially for those jo gym nahi jaa rhe) What do you people prefer?? And what do you people do for workout?

I try my level best ki morning mein hi kr le..But ho nahi paa rha..Socha sham ko krenge but Library se wapas aane ka time is 7:30pm..I tried skipping ( for more than 1-2 month) but usse " Library mein neend aane lgti hai"...

There use to be a time jab Subah running kr k college jaate the..and now is the time utho..bag uthao aur chal do..! If anyone has the solution please tell .! One of the reason (at the beginning) to follow IF was it is a substitute of not working out so that (atleast diet sahi rhe) bhale hi workout nahi kr paa rhe..

PS: Finding a good gym here in LUCKNOW is a big task.Olympia nahi..(cz I got some bad reviews)..

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