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Practice Essay writing - Likho, Padho aur Seekho

Creating this thread for writing an essay each week.

Current schedule (plz suggest if needs to be changed)  -

1. Write one essay on sunday from 3:00-4:30 PM

2. Submit here by 5 PM (okay 5:15 PM)

3. Read others essay by 6PM

4. Comments/Review/Extra discussion post that.

Everyone is welcome. Though, it is feasible if we have relatively smaller groups. Excited to read awesome essays and write some also.

jack_Sparrow,sonderand31 otherslike this


Hi. Just a thing , its a collective platform -instead of asking someone to review yours , pls review someone else as well so that even they get feedback , atleast on the similar ones - your's would be automatically reviewed. 

Exactly my thought. I was going to post this myself. If you are posting your essay for a review, please consider doing one review yourself simultaneously. Just read thoroughly and post your opinion in an honest manner. 

Let's make itdecentralizedrather than a centralized copy submission and receiving review style.

Yeah. And not only one - do it out of courtesy , If someone is reviewing yours, you review there and so on one essay we can have many reviews. Thats how it works. Don't make it like Insights where people just ask for review without themselves doing it for others. 


Wisdom Finds Truth.pdf

Here is my attempt.

Time taken: 1 hour 40 mins. 

@Walter_White Don't take it otherwise but don;t you think you have made it an essay of philosophy? Although i haven't written the essay but i was going through some videos on telegram where people said to show your knowledge in your area of specialization as it is your domain but don't go too far. Otherwise, the Intro was too good and the first three paragraphs were brilliant but then it started to get too much of philosophy.

I found the topic really philosophical and thus approached it in the same manner. Although philosophy is not my specialization, I am having Physics optional. But it is possible that I might have overdone it. 

Thank you for pointing it out. 

Yeah its really difficult to explore dimensions in these topics. But you can use the pestel approach I am no expert but see if it helps you

  • Political wisdom of our Nehru,  Truth - Democracy
  • Economic wisdom of Manmohan singh/ Pv narsimha rao , Truth- economic growth
  • Social wisdom - Raja ram mohan roy, Ishwarchandra etc , Truth - a more liberal, egalitarian society
  • Technological wisdom - Artificial intelligence , Truth- A simpler, connected world
  • And so on....
  • Also you can add drawbacks in each of these wisdom and elaborate IDK if this suits you, if not pls add something so we can gain something from ur insights 
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Yeah its really difficult to explore dimensions in these topics. But you can use the pestel approach I am no expert but see if it helps you

  • Political wisdom of our Nehru,  Truth - Democracy
  • Economic wisdom of Manmohan singh/ Pv narsimha rao , Truth- economic growth
  • Social wisdom - Raja ram mohan roy, Ishwarchandra etc , Truth - a more liberal, egalitarian society
  • Technological wisdom - Artificial intelligence , Truth- A simpler, connected world
  • And so on....
  • Also you can add drawbacks in each of these wisdom and elaborate IDK if this suits you, if not pls add something so we can gain something from ur insights 

More than a set approach, what I am actually trying since last two or three essays is to explore the topic itself. Even though PESTEL approach or SPELICH has been set as a well rewarding strategy, I feel that for last 2 or 3 years the essay topics are going beyond that. Like, the 2019 essay paper was infamous for being supplimentary to GS IV paper.  Therefore I tried to be as original as possible

Upon retrospective thinking, I feel that I could have improved or changed: 

  • The definition of wisdom. How wisdom lies in taking calculative decisions and application of knowledge. 
  • How Wise man have been able to find Truth about say : Discovery of Penicillin as scientific truth, social truths like Banning slave trade, Truth about Human Nature reflected in Declaration on Human Rights.
  • About PVNSR and Man Mohan Singh, I feel their wisdom did not find any such substantial truths. They removed the barriers. India was and still is a potential powerhouse. We have erected these artificial barricades ourselves. 
  • What I really wanted to include is that Truth alone does not amount to progress. It needs the guiding light of old wisdom of Earth Being a Mother to All. Sometimes Truth needs to find wisdom as well. Hence the last 1.5 pages. 

Rest it is just a mock essay.

I would gladly change my approach and inculcate your suggestions, rather than being blind about your suggestions and make a fatal mistake when the time comes. 

@walterwhit3 I asked because it had overload of philosophy . But it was nice seeing a change from PESTEL .  Kindly tone down philosophy section and instead of quoting their quotes , I suggest you can use their ideas in simple language

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Yeah its really difficult to explore dimensions in these topics. But you can use the pestel approach I am no expert but see if it helps you

  • Political wisdom of our Nehru,  Truth - Democracy
  • Economic wisdom of Manmohan singh/ Pv narsimha rao , Truth- economic growth
  • Social wisdom - Raja ram mohan roy, Ishwarchandra etc , Truth - a more liberal, egalitarian society
  • Technological wisdom - Artificial intelligence , Truth- A simpler, connected world
  • And so on....
  • Also you can add drawbacks in each of these wisdom and elaborate IDK if this suits you, if not pls add something so we can gain something from ur insights 

More than a set approach, what I am actually trying since last two or three essays is to explore the topic itself. Even though PESTEL approach or SPELICH has been set as a well rewarding strategy, I feel that for last 2 or 3 years the essay topics are going beyond that. Like, the 2019 essay paper was infamous for being supplimentary to GS IV paper.  Therefore I tried to be as original as possible

Upon retrospective thinking, I feel that I could have improved or changed: 

  • The definition of wisdom. How wisdom lies in taking calculative decisions and application of knowledge. 
  • How Wise man have been able to find Truth about say : Discovery of Penicillin as scientific truth, social truths like Banning slave trade, Truth about Human Nature reflected in Declaration on Human Rights.
  • About PVNSR and Man Mohan Singh, I feel their wisdom did not find any such substantial truths. They removed the barriers. India was and still is a potential powerhouse. We have erected these artificial barricades ourselves. 
  • What I really wanted to include is that Truth alone does not amount to progress. It needs the guiding light of old wisdom of Earth Being a Mother to All. Sometimes Truth needs to find wisdom as well. Hence the last 1.5 pages. 

Rest it is just a mock essay.

I would gladly change my approach and inculcate your suggestions, rather than being blind about your suggestions and make a fatal mistake when the time comes. 

I agree with you, but Pestel is not a framework its just a way to make you think about more dimensions. Also regarding mm Singh these are just examples I agree they didn't do anything substantial but then its an established fact now write your essays as as a generalist not an expert.  Also the topic is wisdom finds truth why would you explore topics such as truth amounts to social progress or not, it is peripheral to the given topic you can give half a page. Also regarding the philosophy issue I will show you one of my essay, I also tend to quote a lot of scholars ( owing to my PSIR optional )  I got this feedback from someone who has scored well in essays so am passing on to you.  

» show previous quotes

Yeah its really difficult to explore dimensions in these topics. But you can use the pestel approach I am no expert but see if it helps you

  • Political wisdom of our Nehru,  Truth - Democracy
  • Economic wisdom of Manmohan singh/ Pv narsimha rao , Truth- economic growth
  • Social wisdom - Raja ram mohan roy, Ishwarchandra etc , Truth - a more liberal, egalitarian society
  • Technological wisdom - Artificial intelligence , Truth- A simpler, connected world
  • And so on....
  • Also you can add drawbacks in each of these wisdom and elaborate IDK if this suits you, if not pls add something so we can gain something from ur insights 

More than a set approach, what I am actually trying since last two or three essays is to explore the topic itself. Even though PESTEL approach or SPELICH has been set as a well rewarding strategy, I feel that for last 2 or 3 years the essay topics are going beyond that. Like, the 2019 essay paper was infamous for being supplimentary to GS IV paper.  Therefore I tried to be as original as possible

Upon retrospective thinking, I feel that I could have improved or changed: 

  • The definition of wisdom. How wisdom lies in taking calculative decisions and application of knowledge. 
  • How Wise man have been able to find Truth about say : Discovery of Penicillin as scientific truth, social truths like Banning slave trade, Truth about Human Nature reflected in Declaration on Human Rights.
  • About PVNSR and Man Mohan Singh, I feel their wisdom did not find any such substantial truths. They removed the barriers. India was and still is a potential powerhouse. We have erected these artificial barricades ourselves. 
  • What I really wanted to include is that Truth alone does not amount to progress. It needs the guiding light of old wisdom of Earth Being a Mother to All. Sometimes Truth needs to find wisdom as well. Hence the last 1.5 pages. 

Rest it is just a mock essay.

I would gladly change my approach and inculcate your suggestions, rather than being blind about your suggestions and make a fatal mistake when the time comes. 

I agree with you, but Pestel is not a framework its just a way to make you think about more dimensions. Also regarding mm Singh these are just examples I agree they didn't do anything substantial but then its an established fact now write your essays as as a generalist not an expert.  Also the topic is wisdom finds truth why would you explore topics such as truth amounts to social progress or not, it is peripheral to the given topic you can give half a page. Also regarding the philosophy issue I will show you one of my essay, I also tend to quote a lot of scholars ( owing to my PSIR optional )  I got this feedback from someone who has scored well in essays so am passing on to you.  

I understood your points. I need to maintain a balance to the depth of the topic while simultaneously exploring multiple dimensions. 

Please share your essay. That would help. 


@Walter_White this was the first essay i wrote looked like a PSIR answer :p aquaman.pdf


@walterwhit3very good attempt.

Since the topic is so abstract and we dont have any model answer as such, I cant advice which other dimension you could have covered.

Based on your essay, few thoughts.

  • relatable intro - linking the contemporary wisdom with past truth
  • very vast range of philosophers and their ideas has been quoted which makes me envy you :p
  • Conclusion very good especially last line - new truth finding old wisdom

Other points

  • Page 5 ->modern scientific society needs light of ethical principles - example of those principles needed, maybe
  • You talked about Nyaya school,empiricist and rationalists, Nietzche etc. Since, I have limited knowledge in this field, I thought it was overkill. In real exam, the examiner might be from philosophy background and will reward you for it

Rest queries you have addressed in your reply to aquaman. Keep it up :)


@farzicoder @Aquaman Thank you, guys. Both of you have provided some really valuable inputs. It was indeed a philosophical overkill. Something which I will try to tone down in the upcoming essays. 

@sstarrrsure will keep that in mind...

Any place to find stories quotes etc type things for essay  ? Any good website

Jai Shree Ram !

Anybody in for writing an essay tomorrow?
I am occupied with something today. Won't be able to write essay today.
Anybody in for writing an essay tomorrow?

Yes. Topic?

Anybody in for writing an essay tomorrow?

Yes. Topic?

"The Greatness of Humanity is not in being human, but in being humane"

Anybody in for writing an essay tomorrow?

Yes. Topic?

"The Greatness of Humanity is not in being human, but in being humane"

Today would be submitting. Hope you also put it up!

@farzicoder you in today?

Anybody in for writing an essay tomorrow?

Yes. Topic?

"The Greatness of Humanity is not in being human, but in being humane"

Today would be submitting. Hope you also put it up!

@farzicoder you in today?

Hey, I am thinking of reviewing my previous essays today to track progress (if any :p).
You guys submit on this topic. I will definitely read 2~3 and give my views. :)

Humanity Humane.pdf

I wrote it last week. Today I wrote on another topic.
@farzicoder @sstarrr 

Please take a look and submit yours. 


Adobe Scan 13-Jun-2021.pdf My essay.


Humanity Humane.pdf

I wrote it last week. Today I wrote on another topic.
@farzicoder @sstarrr 

Please take a look and submit yours. 

Read your essay. Catchy intro- very different and I really liked it!

Pros :

- good use of examples in substantiating the topic of essay. 

- positive approach throughout 

- connection between start and end para estabilshed 

- remian connected to the theme throughout

cons :

- humans have not always been humane - maybe u can talk about that a bit. 

- full of examples of being humane only, some other dimensions could have been explored. 

- last para where you mention some of the acts which can make us humane - i guess are little hollow, some more concrete points could have been used. 

But It was really an good essay. I liked it. :) Keep writing.


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