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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


@Esha2020 don't bother about the mocks.....if you are confident enough that your basics are strong go for it. Keep revising.
If anything do swot analysis of your mocks...revise the weak portion( depending on return of interest - RoI). Identify your peak like there is a range in which people can maximize their marks which generally lies in 80-85 questions can be one of those confident ones who doesn't try guess work and generally get solid marks(75 questions range student) or one who relies on her aptitude to eliminate options and choose the most apt one(above 85 questions).....everyone's peak vary...identify yours....try to maximize postive scores in environment and economy because no matter what they will carry a significant amount of weightage in the paper. 
Rest its your call. 

All the best!!!


Thanks alot for advice guys @user_33508 @madeye @Rudra12 ...Really appreciate ur help!!!

Hello good people of ForumIAS. I am not able to figure out if and how I should do current affairs of August and September. Especially September since compilations won’t be out (my primary source). Is it even necessary? If anyone who has given prelims before could help I’d be very grateful.

August will be included in updated PT 365 (tentative release date 10th Sept). And if by chance you don't clear PT, then will Sept 2020 CA will not be the reason. (I have modified the original advice by a wise man to serve the purpose :P )


"अगर किसी के टेस्ट सिरीज़ स्कोर और प्रिलिम्स मार्क्स में कोई समानता पाई जाती है, तो उसे मात्र और केवल मात्र एक संयोग कहा जाएगा ।"

Applicable for each and everyone as well as each and every test series. Confidence and keeping nerves calm while fast revisions of everything u done till now is the only differentiating factors now onwards. Best wishes Comrades :)

ssver2,Itachiand24 otherslike this
Last year my vision mock scores were hovering around 70-80. My prelims 2019 marks were also around 70. Pls take mocks seriously. 
BD,Mariposa27and2 otherslike this

Hey guys...just needed a suggestion...

This would be my 4th attempt.wrote mains in 1st attempt and couldn't clear prelims in 2018,2019.  This yr I am constantly getting around 75 marks in mocks...I don't know wats happening...the more I study, more drop in marks...should I skip dis attempt ?

if u r a general candidate and marks are around 70/75 in mocks . And it is constant for all mocks then u might be making mistakes in basic questions . Nobody can say whether u r prepared . Because u ll loose a chance if someone gives u false hope. There r still 30 days . Keep revising . Judge how u feel abt ur basics day before exam . For a veteran 30 days is a lot of time .

BD,Mariposa27and1 otherslike this
Hello good people of ForumIAS. I am not able to figure out if and how I should do current affairs of August and September. Especially September since compilations won’t be out (my primary source). Is it even necessary? If anyone who has given prelims before could help I’d be very grateful.

Do Insights daily quiz for August. Leave September in entirety. Focus that time saved on Static Portions! 

@rafael thanks for d help!!!!

Guys one help and sorry if it's very off-topic. I am bad at travelling and giving exams (especially after half-sleep the very next day). Any solution for that? Red Bull, dark chocolates, meditation what worked for you.(My exam center is at 130 km from my home)

any good test series for ca ?

i am planning to do ca of months june to  aug 2020 fron ca test only i dont have much time to do ca now

Guys one help and sorry if it's very off-topic. I am bad at travelling and giving exams (especially after half-sleep the very next day). Any solution for that? Red Bull, dark chocolates, meditation what worked for you.(My exam center is at 130 km from my home)

I doubt if anything forced is going to work. Dark chocolates, Red Bull, meditation - all three are fine IF they work for you.

There are going to create little to no difference in that too. Try to keep things as NORMAL and USUAL as you can. I think we are going to be very stimulated as it is during those 2 hours. Its just like the case when you are counting on your memory to recall something in a high pressure situation it would bail on you, but afterwards when it’s all done and dusted, you begin to remember things.

Just be relaxed. Don’t anticipate bad sleep and other irritations from this early on. Work out a plan for travelling to you centre, and bas. The more consciously you will try to make this a big deal, the worse will the body behave when it needs to.

ssver2,GaryVeeand1 otherslike this

@exman thank you! @SergioRamos thank you! 

Good luck to you. 🙂

Guys one help and sorry if it's very off-topic. I am bad at travelling and giving exams (especially after half-sleep the very next day). Any solution for that? Red Bull, dark chocolates, meditation what worked for you.(My exam center is at 130 km from my home)

See there is this one trick. I guess 130km means you have to travel early in the morning that's why the loss of sleep.
A thing you can do is that previous evening, do some physical exercise, do not go to a gym if you haven't earlier as you will struggle the next day. Take a brisk walk or anything. Have dinner early and take a bath before sleep. The exhaustion from physical activity and the soothing effect of a bath will make you sleep pretty early( a pretty deep one too) that evening and therefore if you have to wake up early also, you will be well-rested. 
You can try this a week before the exam to create a routine sort of!


any good test series for ca ?

i am planning to do ca of months june to  aug 2020 fron ca test only i dont have much time to do ca now

Why not Insights quiz? They are like 5-6 ques daily. makes around 150-200 questions. Manageable plus exhaustive!

Anyone with exam centre in Raipur? 

any good test series for ca ?

i am planning to do ca of months june to  aug 2020 fron ca test only i dont have much time to do ca now

Why not Insights quiz? They are like 5-6 ques daily. makes around 150-200 questions. Manageable plus exhaustive!

ya thinking this only but i thought to take suggestions from others


@Sherkhan1428 yehhh !! Me bhi soch rha tha log consistently kaise itna score kr lete hai .
Yo baat hai 😲😲😲
How did you guys cover the budget? Any sources. 

Thank you guys@SergioRamos and@Villanelle ..Yes I have to wake up quite early owing to 2-3 hours commutation. I would try to make it a habit in last 21 days to bath and sleep early. 

@Phagocyte Insights economy module has a section on budget

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