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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


@panbhi26967 thanks for the correction! Can we privatise higher educational institutions as a means to reduce fiscal deficit? 

@panbhi26967 since the question mentions "may", shouldn't the first statement be correct too?

@extraid1 I have read the question 5 times just to be sure ! But I still don't see a "may" ! :neutral_face:

@extraid1 yes but I think that fdi does not form part of government revenue receipts. 


@mehuifs The way I would go about that question is to see which of those has a direct effect on fiscal deficit. FDI doesn't have a direct effect on fiscal deficit (though I think it has an indirect effect in that it could boost economic growth which would mean more tax revenue which in turn would mean a reduced fiscal deficit). Privatization would mean the govt. has to spend less on higher education institutes so then fiscal deficit reduces. Same for down-sizing of bureaucracy. And the PSU option would increase the revenue for the govt. which would in turn reduce the fiscal deficit. So of the options given, I think the best option is B. 

Tyler Durden,
@Sherkhan1428 oh sorry 😅
It says can be used

@Attempt6plus If you have attempts to spare and a job to cushion, you can wait till the next attempt. 
One of my friends recently got into PCS. I was talking with him the other day, he said to me that due to this suddenness of COVID and its impact on studies and other personal reasons, he was not able to study as he would have had desired. He has 3 attempts and 4 years left. Now he will take this year, and do thorough research what went wrong(as he could not clear prelims in the last 3 attempts-IAS) and do his optional even better.
Your situation reminds me of him.
Therefore, had I been in your shoes, I would have had sat out this attempt, chalked my strong-weak areas, a comprehensive strategy and go full guns blazing the next one. 
All the best! :)

@Jokar  absolutely spot on...also this year for mains ..only 100 days r there unlike 110 to 115 in previous mains. 

@extraid1 yaar see in economics see the direct effect of the steps .......ask the question ki can FDI alone reduce fiscal deficit directly , or does it support any !! although FDI does but not directly nor very  very significant amount !! ....Also if you can understand " BAAL KI KHAL NAA NIKALO " ...

@SergioRamos  Thanks for your views, I am also thinking similar to drop this attempt and hit the next with full strength. Apart from this I have to also appear in 64th BPSC interview.

@extraid1 2,3,4 points actively involve government expenditure like govt funded higher education institutions, selling psu shares will give govt money, downsizing burecracy govt will save money on account of salary.


Can anybody please explain this? (PYQ 2010)
All 4 statements seem correct to me, but there is no option with all correct

The answer to this ques is D as you can easily eliminate statement 2 specifically higher education likha hai which is capacity driven to wrong hoga. thats my opinion.

@Wats_there_in_a_name HEI like IIT , Nit ..etc are recipient of large amount of government funds. So privatization will lead to government providing lesser or no funds. Therefore leads to fiscal consolidation..

What is a good score in abhyaas 3? 
@Freakhoto same question...what's ur score?


Hello dear friends !!

Please help me out ...This is my third attempt 24age and I have failed in my both attempts just because I could not recall the subject that I had read in exam Hall.

This year too inspite of multiple revision I  am feeling low confidence as if I have not studied anything whole year.

Being from middle class this is taking a negative effect on my health and sleep !!

Writing this at 3:45 am

Please help me !!


Can anybody please explain this? (PYQ 2010)
All 4 statements seem correct to me, but there is no option with all correct

The fiscal deficit is basically Income - expenditure + borrowings. You can say depending upon income or expenditure the FD of the govt goes up or down. 

Statement 1 is incorrect - FDI is basically an investment of a foreign entity in the country. Money doesn't go to the government directly here. Its invested in some capital assets. Hence it may not help in controlling FD. So statement 1 is wrong.

Statement 2 is correct - The privatization of higher education will reduce the government's expenditure on higher education thereby helping it in controlling FD.

Statement 3 is correct - Downsizing bureaucracy will reduce govt expenditure incurred on salaries/emoluments/ pensions/training thereby controlling FD.

Statement 4 is correct - offloading public sector shares will boost the govt income thereby helping it in controlling FD.

So the ans will be 2, 3, and 4 only


Hello dear friends !!

Please help me out ...This is my third attempt 24age and I have failed in my both attempts just because I could not recall the subject that I had read in exam Hall.

This year too inspite of multiple revision I  am feeling low confidence as if I have not studied anything whole year.

Being from middle class this is taking a negative effect on my health and sleep !!

Writing this at 3:45 am

Please help me !!

Come on yourself. You need to keep yourself motivated at this crucial juncture. don't focus on sleep. Erratic sleep pattern is common a month prior to prelims. Focus on your strategy. If you are not revising all the subjects in these 15 days then the problem 'not able to recollect' is bound to happen. So sleep or no sleep buck yourself up and study study study. But remember to sleep at least a night before the judgement day. 

On a lighter note, this is my 9th and final attempt. Negativity has already taken a toll on my health and sleep. And I am writing this at 4.26 AM. So a long way is ahead mate! cheer urself up and fight till the end of the day.

GaryVee,Raillifeand11 otherslike this

Posting in ForumIAS after 2 years.

I need suggestion.

I have appeared 6 times in UPSC and not able to clear PT even single time, in my last four prelims I missed cut off by range of 1-3 marks.

I am thinking to appear this attempt but puzzled due to a series of failure as level of knowledge and revision of static part completed and revising current affairs. Main issue is that I have started my preparation for this attempt from last 15 days and not done any mock so I am confused that whether my preparation will be much enough to clear PT.

I am working in a PSU with decent package and I can manage time for study for next attempts as 3 attempt left as I in OBC so I am thinking to appear next attempt with "full preparation". I was not able to study for last 1.5 years because of some personal issues and new job in PSU so always there was traing related visits and department training but now my job is st

But I am not able to decide what is "Full Preparation"  as I am already well versed with commonly asked static questions and I can manage to revise left over current affairs in next 15 days?

For the testing of my knowledge I have taken a random Vision IAS test and scored 81 marks.

Thanks please advise m

Just single advice. Do not focus on prelims. Its mains which should always be in mind. For this attempt and next attempt, the time gap between pre and mains is only 90 days. So for this attempt, if you are not prepared with mains then you are already doomed. Don't unnecessarily waste your attempt as it heavily goes against you in the interview stage. Believe me, I have given an interview in my 7th attempt.

Judging by ur precarious situation you should close down your prelims books and study for mains hard. Because if you are not covered with mains till the end of December then trust me, even your next attempt is gone. Only 90 days it is.

UPSC needs to be conceived from the prism of PRE-MAINS-INTERVIEW. Fail in even one stage and nobody cares. Hard and ruthless but a harsh reality.

Raillife,BDand4 otherslike this
These are dire times gentlemen, trust your preparation. Keep revising. May the force be with you.
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