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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

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jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


@stoic97 even I was thinking the same! 

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Tewatia’s lesson for Oct-4 —>even if you can’t get the first 20 questions stay in the game. 

Ah, human triumph over adversity is so moving! So inspiring.

Yeah you're right!. If we also remember Ben Stokes heroics in the last over at the world cup final last year, especially that overthrow (act of god or hand of god✋ or whatever you wanna call it). So these incidents tell us that miracles do happen and fortune favours the brave provided you don't give up until the last moment and stay in the game. 

mhs11,AJ_and3 otherslike this
@Patootie I literally became a fan of Tewatia yesterday. I can only imagine the kind of stress and pressure he must have been facing after scoring 8 of 19 balls. It takes tremendous mental strength to hit 45 of 12 balls after that.

Are you from Kerala?

Tewatia’s lesson for Oct-4 —>even if you can’t get the first 20 questions stay in the game. 

Ah, human triumph over adversity is so moving! So inspiring.

Yeah you're right!. If we also remember Ben Stokes heroics in the last over at the world cup final last year, especially that overthrow (act of god or hand of god✋ or whatever you wanna call it). So these incidents tell us that miracles do happen provided you don't give up until the last moment and stay in the game.


Tyler Durden,
@Tyler Durden My heart cried for Kane Williamson that day.

Tyler Durden,
no matter what happens tomorrow on the receipt of the affidavit, I continue to put hours into the virtual library of studygang and sleep like a baby at the end of the day. 
2020 standing up to its name: Armenia at war with Azerbaijan...

“One day the great War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the Balkans (1888).”-Bismarck 

Kuchh bhi. Neither are Balkan countries

i know that ,bismarck reference was not hinted towards them...turkey and some  parts of greece are within balkan , strong anti turkish sentiment in armenia and the ongoing  turkish greece scuffle might broaden the conflict and   therefore the balkan reference...basically any war in caspian region would inevitably push balkans... adding onto it, growing nato presence in balkans is making russia wary..

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Similar thing happened with me. I had cleared the 2018 CSAT by completely relying on passages (with ~85-90%) accuracy. Before 2019 exam, I had solved the 2015 paper in which too I had 100% accuracy in passages.

But, in the 2019 CSAT, I was already anxious (residual anxiety from P1; couldn't mark a few questions in which I had eliminated two options) and ended up solving only 45 questions (incl. all passages) and missed the CSAT cutoff (even though getting 98 in P1 from official key).

Lessons Learned:

  • Keep track of time in CSAT no matter how your P1 was!
  • I'd solve the reasoning/maths questions first (at least the ones that are easy) before jumping onto passages
  • Don't dwell too much on any one question; if more than one options seem equally placed in a passage, leave that question :P 

#me too!!


Do anyone have any thoughts regarding sleep management for this week and especially on the last day. Last year - due to meagre sleep my performance was affected which I realised after the paper. Although I cleared but I realized a proper sleep is very important. I am trying to sleep at 11 PM since last 1 week but it is getting extended till 2 AM and subsequently waking time to. 

Do anyone has a sure shot method to get sleep? Please help. And how to have sound sleep 1 night before?

Last attempt I realized Prelims is not about how much you know but how fast your brain works on that day!! And for that sound sleep is indispensable (for me). How are u guys managing it?

GaryVee,BDand3 otherslike this

Do anyone have any thoughts regarding sleep management for this week and especially on the last day. Last year - due to meagre sleep my performance was affected which I realised after the paper. Although I cleared but I realized a proper sleep is very important. I am trying to sleep at 11 PM since last 1 week but it is getting extended till 2 AM and subsequently waking time to. 

Do anyone has a sure shot method to get sleep? Please help. And how to have sound sleep 1 night before?

Last attempt I realized Prelims is not about how much you know but how fast your brain works on that day!! And for that sound sleep is indispensable (for me). How are u guys managing it?

Sure Shot method: don’t sleep the day before. You’ll fall asleep early the next day. But do it 1 week before the exam - you’ll likely feel dizzy for a day or two if you are generally used to staying up late. 


My dad and mom tested positive for corona today.. Nd will remain in home quarantine only.. Is it possible for me to appear in exam?? 

PS- I started late so skipping the exam for next year is not an option. 

Hope they recover soon.

Contact UPSC asap so they can make the relevant arrangements, can call them on the official numbers or mail at

Get yourself tested and I think if you test negative there shall not be any problem..Considering your parents tested positive you may too but I had this friend who tested negative in mere 2 days so I hope the best for you..And do contact Upsc and see if they can help..also do try every possible thing to boost your immunity..Afterall its life first..
Take care!!
And i hope everyone gets well soon!!

@Proper_patola Yes, infected student are allowed to take exam. I think you have to contact the center in charge to inform them in advance to make arrangement. 


Till now i was not fearful of appearing on 4th.But the fear of infection is gripping slowly. Life is much more important that exam, they could have conducted exam on 4th jan and mains from 8th jan.

Moreover, there is gross neglect by UPSC. They didn't even bother to increase centres and venues. Today i feel the pain that our poor feel, when the value of their life is neglected. 

@deceptrix same thing here man...had to contend with sub par revision the next day

@Koro-Sensei Ya, me too. Any help would be appreciated

'Marks'.....tum kab aaoge?
@Koro-Sensei its available on their official website 

@AbhishekV  Great advice indeed!

@sleepingwarrior Ya, my experience has been pretty decent. A little unusual concept but pretty effective for maintaining consistency. 
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