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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


@Patootie I've lived almost my entire life in Metro cities, so the greenery was really substantial for me.
Good and bad people are everywhere ofcourse but most people I met were open for conversations and were largely polite as well. A good number of them also understood and spoke Hindi. Being a CivilS aspirant who loves to know about different cultures and people, my interactions with people were very enlightening. I found awareness levels amongst Malayalis to be high in general.

@Patootie I visited Kerala for a solo trip last year after Mains. I fell in love with the state. I felt there's a feel good factor to the place, particularly for tourists with all the greenery, laid back lifestyle, backwaters and nice people.

I'll visit again for sure. I had such an amazing time.

It's a nice place, I love it! Lived almost my entire life here, so, I'll be biased of course.

Must admit that the greenery is fast depleting, the backwaters will soon be polluted, and the people aren't all so nice.  :P

However, the laidback lifestyle is in our genes I believe, or in the good Toddy that runs through our veins. 

It's the toddy no doubt. 

Any of the fellow mallus have their center in trivandrum? the thought of writing exam there is making me more and more tensed the exam approaches. covid seems to be spiking there like crazy

People who've given the exam before, did you guys deposit your phones somewhere or not take it with you at all? Also, do they allow money inside the hall? 

Do we need a corona test to appear in exam?

Always cracks me up!!! :P     
Especially the bit where he casually tells about officer parties! Damn!

@Adi2077 Yes, you can keep your wallet with you. They generally have a collection centre where you can deposit your cellphone but safety is not guaranteed. It is better to not carry a phone but if you really feel the need carry a very basic model.

@Adi2077 Yes, you can keep your wallet with you. They generally have a collection centre where you can deposit your cellphone but safety is not guaranteed. It is better to not carry a phone but if you really feel the need carry a very basic model.

Due to covidthis facility (collection)may not available, go with Black pen only

I get irritated  by unacademy adds .

Missing@Neyawn last minute write up.. checking forum just to read it. Sirji please write one. 


Although I'm a firm believer that nothing good ever happens on a Tuesday, I'll try and say something nice. :D

Last year, a week before prelims, I had just had a minor surgery done and was walking around with a cannula. It shattered my confidence, or maybe the surgery exposed my lack of confidence. I made the silliest of mistakes on the day of the test and lost out by a small margin. Post the exam, I blamed everything and everyone around me. Everything was wrong with the world and nothing was wrong with me. I blamed the illness for ruining my last two weeks, blamed the people I loved for absurd reasons I don't even remember. I blamed every unfavourable circumstance that I found myself faced with. I acted as if the position that I was in post the examination was purely a result of my bad luck; a sad twist of fate if you will. 

As I look back, I know that I was not confident on the day of the exam because I never truly believed myself capable of clearing the examination, and not because of my illness or lack of preparation in the last two weeks. I did not believe myself capable because I had grossly underestimated my own effort. I did not believe myself capable because I did not appreciate the umpteen number of good things in my life, or the people who have made so many sacrifices for me, without seeking as much as a thank you. I found reasons to deprecate myself as a helpless victim of my circumstances. I always walked around with the terrible belief or the fear that something bad was going to happen.

Please do not make that mistake. Hold yourself accountable to yourself, but be kind to yourself while doing so. Own your actions. Do not run away from yourself. Appreciate the true import of the efforts you have put in, but be careful that it doesn't lead to complacency. More than anything, be grateful for the people you have in your life. Not just now, but always. They have the power to carry you through the darkest of times. 

Think good. Be good. Do good. Life is good. :)

Here's a song as promised:

Oasis,Rise from Ashesand27 otherslike this
Any of the fellow mallus have their center in trivandrum? the thought of writing exam there is making me more and more tensed the exam approaches. covid seems to be spiking there like crazy

Palayam! University College. The fear is real 😅

@Patootie Going through similar time right now. This was much needed bhai. Bada wala thanks :)

@Howzthejosh Seems our patience will be tested again this time because of litigation. Those who gave Mains last year can relate 

Any of the fellow mallus have their center in trivandrum? the thought of writing exam there is making me more and more tensed the exam approaches. covid seems to be spiking there like crazy

Palayam! University College. The fear is real 😅

Hmm. Mine is petta boys school. Might have to self quarantine for a few days. Not really worried about myself, but my parents are a bit old and have pre-existing conditions


Staying results! It's all happening this year. We all must be really lucky

@Howzthejosh UPSC be like-" You don't need to do a thing milords, result hum khud delay kardenge"


Although I'm a firm believer that nothing good ever happens on a Tuesday, I'll try and say something nice. :D

Last year, a week before prelims, I had just had a minor surgery done and was walking around with a cannula. It shattered my confidence, or maybe the surgery exposed my lack of confidence. I made the silliest of mistakes on the day of the test and lost out by a small margin. Post the exam, I blamed everything and everyone around me. Everything was wrong with the world and nothing was wrong with me. I blamed the illness for ruining my last two weeks, blamed the people I loved for absurd reasons I don't even remember. I blamed every unfavourable circumstance that I found myself faced with. I acted as if the position that I was in post the examination was purely a result of my bad luck; a sad twist of fate if you will. 

As I look back, I know that I was not confident on the day of the exam because I never truly believed myself capable of clearing the examination, and not because of my illness or lack of preparation in the last two weeks. I did not believe myself capable because I had grossly underestimated my own effort. I did not believe myself capable because I did not appreciate the umpteen number of good things in my life, or the people who have made so many sacrifices for me, without seeking as much as a thank you. I found reasons to deprecate myself as a helpless victim of my circumstances. I always walked around with the terrible belief or the fear that something bad was going to happen.

Please do not make that mistake. Hold yourself accountable to yourself, but be kind to yourself while doing so. Own your actions. Do not run away from yourself. Appreciate the true import of the efforts you have put in, but be careful that it doesn't lead to complacency. More than anything, be grateful for the people you have in your life. Not just now, but always. They have the power to carry you through the darkest of times. 

Think good. Be good. Do good. Life is good. :)

Here's a song as promised:

The song and the write up are both so invigorating. Thank you! 


Missing@Neyawn last minute write up.. checking forum just to read it. Sirji please write one. 

Yes@Neyawn . Please do!

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