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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


@Sherkhan1428  had written a list of weird sounding agreement we signed with various countries . Like the one that was asked abt india russia last yr . Forgot whr i had noted it down. Plz share if nyone has it



@Sherkhan1428  had written a list of weird sounding agreement we signed with various countries . Like the one that was asked abt india russia last yr . Forgot whr i had noted it down. Plz share if nyone has it

This one?

Rise from Ashes,GaryVeeand5 otherslike this



@Sherkhan1428  had written a list of weird sounding agreement we signed with various countries . Like the one that was asked abt india russia last yr . Forgot whr i had noted it down. Plz share if nyone has it

This one?

Yeah thanx alot


Foreword: Did not mean it to be long, but the heart came in the way! :P

Hello, my beautiful people! One day closer!

When I left my cushy private sector job over a couple of years back, I didn't ever think I'd find myself in the position I am now. Had grossly underestimated the exam and overestimated my own ability. Two years and there has been no visible success achieved, yet the taste of optimism is still fresh in my mouth.

I had lost that optimism when I began to believe that I had not only failed at the examination as such, but had failed on countless different days when I couldn't find the will to sit my ass down on a chair and pick up the book I had to read. I believed I failed everytime I couldn't meet my own self-imposed deadlines, or when a test score didn't compare well with the rest. I believed I failed every time I procrastinated on a goal. I was on the verge of giving it all up 4 months ago; pick up a job and leave this be for good.

Yet, I did not. I'm so far out of my comfort zone, you wouldn't even believe it if I told you. The noise both inside my head and outside was deafening. I still managed to find the mute button; the key to doing that was understanding that I was in the position I was in purely by my own design. I might have procrastinated on many things that had deadlines during my preparation, but I hadn't procrastinated on the thing which, for most people, does not have a deadline. Giving this exam itself. Much like you reading this. The choice of giving this exam over a comfortable job came from a place of love as much as it came from a place of idealism. A deep sense of compassion for the underprivileged people drove me to write this exam over merely caring about my own aggrandizement, and no amount of failure can ever take that away from me. 

My optimism comes from a place of realising that the question of whether a man was successful or not must be answered by that person himself. For me, that means staying true to myself and always striving to do better.

Do not glorify the result, glorify the process. And through it all, always remember that you are a dreamer who decided to give his/her dreams a go. That's more than what most people do. It's only a matter of seeing it through. Not all of us will be able to do it, but all of us will be able to try even if all the odds are stacked against us. Keep your chin up and hustle, you lil champion.

Going Atmanirbhar with the music today:

Saloni2607,Oasisand28 otherslike this

Then y don’t they show their responsibility by releasing 2019 Marks or releasing prelims key after the exam 


Then y don’t they show their responsibility by releasing 2019 Marks or releasing prelims key after the exam 

Just don't want to see anything about 2019 marks till 4th.

But what if they don't release them for next 1/2 months. Why there isn't any case filed to stop the process of the Cadre allocation without marks. Everything is happening but we won't show the marks, is the most vague thing. Even state PCS don't proceed this way.

For the ones saying that, we already know why we didn't qualify for interview last year. No, I don't know. I can't tell whether it was essay, optional or GS which pulled me back. 

Further ................ (After prelims, if the battle is won)

Blueberry,Chanakyaand3 otherslike this

@Patootie Thank you for writing this.


I can't do it enough, but again thank you, for doing this and being who you are. You are a rockstar. Those words mean so much to me, can't tell you enough.

And also Roobaroo is on loop today.


When I left my cushy private sector job over a couple of years back, I didn't ever think I'd find myself in the position I am now. Had grossly underestimated the exam and overestimated my own ability. 

@Patootie May be you watched topper's interviews b4 starting preparation 


@Patootie, you absolute beauty, thank you :D


Don't start on anything new now.

Remember to look back to your hardwork of the past year. Just go back to those highlighted texts. Give respect to all your toils of the past , you did work your ass off on those..👍

GaryVee,kohliwagand5 otherslike this

@mhs11 @whatonly @thepolicydreamer 

I'm thrilled you guys could connect with it! :)


When I left my cushy private sector job over a couple of years back, I didn't ever think I'd find myself in the position I am now. Had grossly underestimated the exam and overestimated my own ability. 

@Patootie May be you watched topper's interviews b4 starting preparation 

Haha, of course I did, but that wasn't the reason. It was my arrogance, for which I am solely responsible. Wouldn't pin it on any topper. :)

Homo Neanderthalensis ,Tyler Durdenand2 otherslike this
@Patootie chill. was just joking

@DeepThinker making thoughtless jokes. :P
I'm chill only bro! :)


Rise from Ashes,Kapiushonand3 otherslike this
Hey! What’s a good score in pragyaan 2? Can someone share the excel sheet for tests scores!! 

One positive point 


Is anybody following this? It's quite shocking to see the way it's going.

GaryVee,Ayushi7and1 otherslike this
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