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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


 44. With reference to the above passage, the following assumptions have been made:
  1. High risks involved in holding maximum water in reservoirs are due to our over-dependence on hydro power projects.
  2. Storage capacity of dams should not be fully used before or during monsoon season.
  3. Role of dams in flood control is underestimated in India.

Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 2-only

(c) 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Guys answer for this?  

In a landmark decision today the Supreme Court of India upheld the Aadhaar Act, the use of the money bill route for its legislative passage and the use of mandatory Aadhaar-based identification for government welfare schemes, the expenditure for which is drawn from the Consolidated Fund of India. Most mandatory private use of Aadhaar has been struck down.

Read more at:
Copyright © BloombergQuint

I got this wrong too.


@ank88 shared the UPSC's own link, which says cut-off was 82. 

The uncertainty that you, @The_Renaissance_Man  and others from the SC/ST category are experiencing is doubly enhanced because there's no discussion at all happening here: most coaching centres putting out cut-offs either just skip the other categories or else do a blind general minus 10 = SC, SC -5 = ST approach (with very, very few speculating about PWD). 

The two biggest factors in cut-offs are 1. the difficulty of the paper and 2. how people performed on the day. 

I hate contributing to cut-off speculation, but since there's very little SC/ST speculation on this thread so far:

It's hard to see a scenario where SC/ST cut-offs are higher than last year's. The gap between SC/ST and general category cut-off tends to narrow in conventional papers that adhere to the usual set of books and tends to expand in papers that throw everyone for a toss, like the last 2-3 years' papers have been. IMO, this year's paper was even more off-base than last year's paper, so it's unlikely that the gap narrows, and it's unlikely that the gen cat cut-off rises. 

All the same rules that apply to high-score discussion amongst gen-cat candidates apply even more so to sc/st scores. You will hardly see anyone posting about their 70s/80s scores because there's already a hesitation to post scores in the early 90s. That makes it really tough to get a gauge on what the sc/st market score is. 

Faulty coaching keys are also not as big of an issue as people think. It's highly unlikely that someone is going to have benefitted from all 9 of ShankarIAS' errors during their calculations; that degree of correlation is just insanely bad luck. It's much more likely to have like 3 right and 3 wrong questions turn into 3 different right and wrong questions.

Thanks man. I hope so. I had been going through depression last whole year. Fucked up the paper too. Made many mistakes. I just hope I get the chance to write mains. 


any chance of getting this correct :P

 44. With reference to the above passage, the following assumptions have been made:
  1. High risks involved in holding maximum water in reservoirs are due to our over-dependence on hydro power projects.
  2. Storage capacity of dams should not be fully used before or during monsoon season.
  3. Role of dams in flood control is underestimated in India.

Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 2-only

(c) 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Guys answer for this?  

C, imo

 44. With reference to the above passage, the following assumptions have been made:
  1. High risks involved in holding maximum water in reservoirs are due to our over-dependence on hydro power projects.
  2. Storage capacity of dams should not be fully used before or during monsoon season.
  3. Role of dams in flood control is underestimated in India.

Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 2-only

(c) 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Guys answer for this?  

C I marked

Getting 97.33 from every key in paper 1 and I am an OBC candidate. Do  I have a chance ?
@Howzthejosh yes I also found some mistakes. I think that difference between 2 no. Wala ques ans should be 3. 

64-1 and 144-81 are the only 2 numbers....correct me if there's a third one

In Fort William question some people are saying oriental studies. What do you guys think?

The objective was to train British civil servants in local customs. So it seems the primary objective is training civil servants

Guys, I am an SC candidate. Getting around 83-85 according to various Keys. I fucked up. Genuinely worried. Any chances? Please help.

Yes there is hope for u . 


What I am about to say is very basic but will help some people unnecessarily being terrorised by csat.

  1. Never go sequentially. Very basic questions are hiding between tough ones. Get these first.
  2. Solve reading comprehension questions whose options have only 1 right answer like logical, rational inference type. Dont solve a.1,2 correct or b. 2,3,4 correct type ones first.
  3. Then go for comprehension passages smaller in length. If you still have time then go for bigger passages.
  4. Solve previous year csat questions. You will find atleast 3 or 4 similar type questions. This year there was cc_bb_a question which was a simple modification of last year's question.
  5. In my opinion, focus should be on the math questions during preparation stage. You won't even get a proper reading comprehension key and will remain anxious till the results come out.
Aurora,Rise from Ashesand2 otherslike this
@Shubz not this one bhai, the one where difference between A and D I think was asked or something like this. There are two 4 digit numbers and there addition was given- this ques

I am not clearing the prelims this year but even if I top someday, I won't be proud of myself. UPSC has lost all respect of being the most coveted exam and test of intelligence. All it checks is ones guessing skills and that too not intelligent guessing but random chance. 

True, with the best of anyone's ability with most of the questions, one can eliminate two options, with intelligence and knowledge, the rest is all about damn luck ! Those on the right side of the origin start pouring gyaan as if there is a definite way, and on the left are stranded thinking what they did wrong! Eulogizing the institution and selected people as if you had done something wrong and they didn't. When for the past 2-3 years the examat the prelims level has turned into a game of luck,throw a die and see whether you are in or not. Doesn't matter whether you read all the newspaper,wrote answers for mains, doesn't matter if you heard all the debates on RSTV or AIR discussions, or you had views on all the topics of CA for last 2 years. First play a game of luck called prelims- then you will be given the chance to write the coveted mains exam

legendaryAB,vserdameand5 otherslike this
Just hope for the best. That's the best we can do. 


Meanwhile I am going to fail in csat 2nd time in a row and pass with excellent numbers in paper 1 . 2 claps for me folks . 

                      Yes I heard it loud anyways thank you.

Rise from Ashes,



Bhai, I know they have released the key, but where have they revealed the cutoff?

@Shubz not this one bhai, the one where difference between A and D I think was asked or something like this. There are two 4 digit numbers and there addition was given- this ques

Ohh sorry


The  overall current account deficit trade account deficit is probably wrong by most coachings. India presently doesn't run any of trade or CAD and neither has merchandise deficit . 




Bhai, I know they have released the key, but where have they revealed the cutoff?

Just hope for the best. That's the best we can do. 

I hope this anxiety won't affect my further preparation , meanwhile hoping for the best for all of us :-)

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