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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


UPSC will not accept this representation because .. Rules are in open and all have to abide by them. UPSC is strict on rules if they declared things much beforehand. After all .. Paper 2 is qualifying, This has value for upsc .. if not for us. 

Its ours problem to fix things up my friend.

But there is no rule for prelims intake. We can request to increase it.

I don’t know if it’ll work dude. I wrote ESE prelims in jan this year, and they took ppl into mains at 1:7 ratio (in addition to reducing seats from 110 to 42, a week after prelims due to this IRMS thing). So, the total number of ppl writing mains has come down to 285 for Mechanical Engineering from about 1200 the previous year.

UPSC has not just become unpredictable. It’s now being downright nasty. Let’s just hope they don’t do that to us. It doesn’t hurt to ask though.

PS: Not trying to create a panic. Just a genuine apprehension.


The video I am talking about.

Very interesting clip. The answer seems to be 2,3 then? The video does talk of education but I think that's not related to the case?

@DevBoss   Upsc notification came in feb 2020 with around 800 seats and IRMS withdrew request to  upsc to recruit Group A officers in jan 2020, so seats will remain same i suppose.  Around 10000 will qualify to write mains going by past trends.

@MarcusFenix  What is cow belt people? Are you from South? Please behave properly and respect and maintain the decorum of the group? 
We can also call you as Black Mamba/Scum/LTTE/Madrasi but there is a difference. You regionalistic ethnocentric people take our patience for granted. 
Just being literate doesn't mean that you are cultured!! 

Raillife,ArchAngel96and5 otherslike this

Getting 92.18 marks according to Vajiram and shankar answer key. 

onlyLORD BRAHMAcan save me now by telling UPSC to set 92 marks as cut off.

Did most of the things which toppers and coaching institutes tell about to clear prelims in sure shot manner.

35 tests of vision with revision , SFG of forum , 18 months current affairs , all standard books properly.

But still could not even get above 95.

3 silly mistakes are costing me a whole year.

I am feeling very low at the moment. Trying to understand what else should i do so that i can clear next prelims in sure shot manner.

Aurora,GaryVeeand4 otherslike this

Mirasidar - In India: a hereditary owner, especially of land; (specifically in South India) an owner of inherited land prohibited by law from being sold, and leased instead to tenants for a nominal fee in return for its cultivation.

If he is the owner of land prohibited by law/state

How can he be designated revenue payer to state??

Also Aurang satisfactory definition not in Internet from any authentic source? 

Any lead?


bhai can someone send toppers answer key for csat paper 2


After being here on this community for 3+ years now (with a different username) and being a silent reader, not commenting ever, writing mains twice and flunking by a very very slight margin in the first time (Second time to upsc marks batayega hi nahi , ab lag raha hai). Going by the previous year keys of the coaching institutes i would have never cleared prelims in both my previous attempts and wasted all the time before the results in haziness which definitely costs a lot during the mains days.

This time again the situation is on similar lines, the only difference is UPPSC ke baad se full on Mains mode me aa jana hai.

Relax guys, take a break for this whole week, watch IPL, movies, start leisure reading and always believe that you're in the race. The best part about unpredictability of the answers is it can always be in your favour.

GreenNinja,MaeveWileyand1 otherslike this

Non Financial debt - The debt held by governments, households, and companies not in the financial sector. 

Here the crux is financial sector!! Government, Household and Companies together are exhaustive subsets of economy. 

But Credit Card and Housing loans are for non Financial purpose.

But T-bill can be for financial/business purpose? Companies/Banks/FPIs/Businesses invest in T-bill to earn money as it is one of the safest way!! How can it be non-financial debt?


I think upsc has been setting questions to dismantle the coaching industry which has become a form of discrimination against the poorer candidates. While many are whining about the randomness of questions, we have to accept that exams like 2020 prelims becomes a leveller for all, irrespective of economic background. It seems prelims 2020 was more about the coaching centers than  candidates themselves.. 

At the same time, the coaching jaggernaut is smart. Am sure it will try to adapt to the changing ecosystem. Candidates will still make a mad rush to coaching centers because of the deep rooted belief the way to success in cse is through the tightly packed rooms in mukherjee nagar. 

Many of us are just collateral damage in this game of catch up between upsc and a money minting business. 

As for now, am sure upsc is immersed in all its sadistic pleasure. 

Mariposa27,GreenNinjaand2 otherslike this

Non Financial debt - The debt held by governments, households, and companies not in the financial sector. 

Here the crux is financial sector!! Government, Household and Companies together are exhaustive subsets of economy. 

But Credit Card and Housing loans are for non Financial purpose.

But T-bill can be for financial/business purpose? Companies/Banks/FPIs/Businesses invest in T-bill to earn money as it is one of the safest way!! How can it be non-financial debt?

Well there can be company credit cards for such companies in the financial sector too. Maybe that's the reasoning why shankar gave 3 only. Amount outstanding in credit cards thus may not be non financial in that sense. 




I can empathise with your thoughts. I always wanted to play guitar, set out on a solo trip & get the bike dirt on my face but alas! I fell in the upsc trap even when i had a way out. Always hiding my face from public gatherings and telling myself ki "apna time aayega"! Be it the scorching summer heat or the chilling winters, I've seen seasons come n go. It's not upsc that baffles me anymore but life! More than these seasons I've seen people changing, masks peeling off and that rawness fears me no longer. Every attempt makes me a wiser and a quieter person and though it's a very private affair, yet i evolve. Some call it a depression, others mark it as a liability, but the day i get to the other side of the wall, I'll make my every action as effective as my every step today. And if at all i don't, then more than burdening my child with my unfulfilled dreams, I'll advice her/him to follow their instincts even if it brings swollen eyes, frigid back and public shame... I've learnt that my private victory is much more larger and deeper than my public credentials! Call it a retreat or call it resistance- I'm a fighter and I'll fight till my end!

You are a very strong person. I wish you find happiness and your true passion at the end of all this. Reading your post was very empowering. Thank you for sharing it. Just feels nice and comforting to know that there are people who keep up the fight alive within them. 

Yes! Exactly the point... who knows maybe after all this toil, passion lies somewhere else.

"Climb every mountain, ford every stream

Follow every rainbow till you find your dream! "

Thank you for your wishes and may you do well in life too 😌


104 -110 range gs ,61 csat (maths question which i am myslef finding wrong now , so no miracle is gonna happen for me)

Fourth attempt ,wrote mains in 16-18 ,dropeed 19 ,changed optional ,

Used to get 120sh type in csat ,dont know waht happened ,i even counted the odd number wrong ,usually very fast in maths but was very slow that day ,worked very hard these years ,but complacency in csat is a lesson for life which i will  never forget .

Aurora,GaryVeeand1 otherslike this
Noun. nonfinancial debt (countable and uncountable, plural nonfinancial debts) (finance)
The debt held by
  1. governments,
  2. households, and
  3. companies not in the financial sector.

Housing loans owed by households = non fin debt

amounts outstanding on credit cards = do credit cards exist for fin companies as a whole? But generally speaking, credit card debt is again held by households which makes it a non financial debt.

T- Bills is debt held by govt. Again a non-fin debt. 

When do financial corps incur debt? Not when they invest in t-bills but when they float bonds or take out loans from banks. None of the given options seem to fall under this condition. 

I opted for 3 only but now it looks like all 3 are non-fin debt, generally speaking, which is what UPSC tends to consider.

Tyler Durden,
The point is its may be pointless if we dont get sucess in this exam ,but my ablity to accept failures and analyse what went wrong has incresed,  the toughest part is to face parents and imagining them facing people to whom they boast about me, tommorow mornig is a tough job ,doing ma from jnu ,will go for net this year ,letss se what happen in life  .


No no being anxious won't help now. Ofcourse a little bit of it is necessary, but not to the extent which would hamper our performance. Baki bas jab jump kiye hi hai aisi uncertainty mein to stable rehna sikhna hi padega.

@Rambo93 Thanks a lot ! And yes I did follow your advice for prelims when I was scoring low in mocks(like doing pts well , Being good with basics) and almost felt like giving up ! I have to say you and many people from Forum @Sherkhan1428 @AzadHindFauz @SergioRamos and many more have been really helpful ,  Thank you everyone from the bottom of my heart for keeping my spirits high all through :-)

This is what I love about the forum community. Glad! 

Aurora,Rise from Ashesand3 otherslike this
@Sheraaaa how many questions you attempted in CSAT?

Noun. nonfinancial debt (countable and uncountable, plural nonfinancial debts) (finance)
The debt held by
  1. governments,
  2. households, and
  3. companies not in the financial sector.

Housing loans owed by households = non fin debt

amounts outstanding on credit cards = do credit cards exist for fin companies as a whole? But generally speaking, credit card debt is again held by households which makes it a non financial debt.

T- Bills is debt held by govt. Again a non-fin debt. 

When do financial corps incur debt? Not when they invest in t-bills but when they float bonds or take out loans from banks. None of the given options seem to fall under this condition. 

I opted for 3 only but now it looks like all 3 are non-fin debt, generally speaking, which is what UPSC tends to consider.

Yes credit cards can exist for nbfc n FIs.  That was shankars thinking, as u can see. Thu option 2 is vague. It can be both 123 or 3 only. Depends on upscs intention to ask 2

@Biradar  T-bills can be traded and acquired by companies for profit as the only reason. Why is this not a financial debt in the economy? Financial debt = that can be traded! While, housing loans and credit card loans can't be traded - they are non-financial debt for the economy?

@Biradar I did not get you completely. Is there a NBFC A with its name A on a credit card? I am seeing news reports of NBFCs wanting to issue credit cards but none about them having credit cards in their own name or even them being permitted to issue credit cards to individuals.

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