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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


Rakmabhai is most prolly 2n3. The case was all about 2n3. Obviously she had personal troubles with her hubby who didn't want her educated, but that had nothing to do with the case.

Non financial debt shankar gives 3 only. 

The CAD trade deficit one is doubtful too.


Have fucked up on 4th. Getting around 91.

Now focusing on uppcs that's going to be held on 11th of oct..i have a query..can someone to remember all those mineral location in india and around the world.. pls reply 

im getting 94 in gs 1 but only around 60 in CSAT. it really hurts when you prepare and plan for an entire year to get mains ready and you do not clear prelims.
Blueberry,GaryVeeand3 otherslike this
Did anyone found authentic link regarding the role of Aurang? Searched on internet, can't find any authentic source.





hope this helps.. just remember you will find some minerals at the shields. i have mentioned those minerals.. you can make assertions out of it






Make a request to UPSC to reduce cutoff citing covid related exigencies.. 

For paper 1 the competition itself decude cutoff and thus any issue due to covid is equally for everyone.. 

But paper 2 has fixed cutoff..which can become difficult for people who are on the birderline.. So a logical representation can be made to UPSC.....

Just a suggestion to help out.. 

Why not to make a representation to increase intake for mains say to 14000. This much they use to take in 2015 I think. And also about csat.

Government don't have money to pay that much salaries. It's not 2010 for Gods sake. 

How come it will increase salary? I am only asking for allowing 14000 to write mains. Number of seats would remain same.


For the Rakmabai question, 
I have this interesting anecdote to share. There is a show called BBC hindi. Comes on weekdays at 10 p.m. on NDTV India. My father is a daily watcher. About a month ago, Rakmabai had a special episode on her there. My dad called me and asked me to watch, maybe could help me in my preliminary exams. I rejected it saying it is too offbeat and UPSC would not go there. Did not watch.
Come October 4th. When I saw the question, I smiled, even though I could not answer it. 
I am getting 97-100 based on various keys. I was just thinking, what if I lose out by one question? 
Thinking of the butterfly effect here, if I do get stopped at prelims and have to wait another year, it would be just because I did not watch a 10 min clip, which my father especially called me to watch. 
Life is.................interesting! :)

Wow universe ..  works in strange ways. The probability of this incident is so low if go in to details . Its so intriguing .. I think nothing is predecided   past just make a pattern and makes a probability field for different incident . Every moment is just another slide . We give too importance to our identity based on memory and images of past which are just neural connection to camauflague the fact that there is no fckng self ... And the loop the thoughts that keep running based on the memory of past .Because of propaganda that there is a self which is watching observing ...  we r slave of time nd thought....And it such a relief whn u r out of that myth ...

Pics are not clear.can you ping me if you dont mind..i have some queries regarding it


I can empathise with your thoughts. I always wanted to play guitar, set out on a solo trip & get the bike dirt on my face but alas! I fell in the upsc trap even when i had a way out. Always hiding my face from public gatherings and telling myself ki "apna time aayega"! Be it the scorching summer heat or the chilling winters, I've seen seasons come n go. It's not upsc that baffles me anymore but life! More than these seasons I've seen people changing, masks peeling off and that rawness fears me no longer. Every attempt makes me a wiser and a quieter person and though it's a very private affair, yet i evolve. Some call it a depression, others mark it as a liability, but the day i get to the other side of the wall, I'll make my every action as effective as my every step today. And if at all i don't, then more than burdening my child with my unfulfilled dreams, I'll advice her/him to follow their instincts even if it brings swollen eyes, frigid back and public shame... I've learnt that my private victory is much more larger and deeper than my public credentials! Call it a retreat or call it resistance- I'm a fighter and I'll fight till my end!

You are a very strong person. I wish you find happiness and your true passion at the end of all this. Reading your post was very empowering. Thank you for sharing it. Just feels nice and comforting to know that there are people who keep up the fight alive within them. 

Soul search,thepolicydreamer


Have fucked up on 4th. Getting around 91.

Now focusing on uppcs that's going to be held on 11th of oct..i have a query..can someone to remember all those mineral location in india and around the world.. pls reply 

Same situation. Can you please material(s) that you are doing in this one week to maximise our chances.  

@gauravbrly409 now that's a bit harsh on your part. See you might have flunked twice, you practiced it this time and scoring comfortably, doesn't mean you can be harsh on anyone. I hope you can atleast understand what people who are scoring well in gs1 and flunking in gs2 are going through.

@Veronica I have created my account after si many years, just to reply to your post. My story is exactly the same. While reading , i felt i have written it. Lets never get disheartened, lets give our best in everything, God bless us.

Yes, always. 

@Agyeya ghatnachakra plus some pdf that i got from my friend..


UPSC will not accept this representation because .. Rules are in open and all have to abide by them. UPSC is strict on rules if they declared things much beforehand. After all .. Paper 2 is qualifying, This has value for upsc .. if not for us. 

Its ours problem to fix things up my friend.

But there is no rule for prelims intake. We can request to increase it.


What about artificial intelligence question.

Since I started preparation, the only excitement I can get is on exam days. That is the only day I feel more alive. Movies, songs, non-exam related books do nothing for me.  And I hardly go out for any outdoor adventures. This exam is like a drug and I am addicted to it.
Oasis,Auroraand5 otherslike this

Yaar can any one help?

Muze pata hi nhi ki maine actual qstn kitne marks kie omr me,1st reading me sure shot ans mark karke 2nd reading me omr me fill karna chooth gaya 

After 80 qstn,pata hi nhi kitne omr me fill kia hai kitne nhi

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