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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain

The Civils Mains result has been declared. This thread is for sharing your grief , joy , mixed feelings - absolutely anything and everything.

jack_Sparrow,musaand60 otherslike this


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This is just sad. I remember reading Khalid Hosseini's books as a teenager. The description of women in the novels was painstaking. I am sure the situation at the ground level would be worse.. 

All the so called "powerful countries of the world", have had a lot of "contribution" in creating the problem of taliban in the first place. Did they really think that Taliban would follow the Doha Agreement in letter and spirit? 

Meanwhile USA is literally running for their lives.. The President of Afghanistan has left the country.. Where have we come to??

The world is quite a sad place at this juncture.. People are dying from Covid, Floods, Droughts, Wildfires etc.. and those who are not dying by all these , are being killed mercilessly by their fellow species :(

This is what I have been feeling today. We are celebrating our independence and other country and the people are loosing their independence. As said by someone, we should not compare our country with Afghanisthan and should thrive for morer, it was not for comparison but a feeling of pain for our brethrens and sisters in other part of the world.

Independence and democracy celebrations should never halt at our doors rather there should be a hope and will among us for lightening other's households with the light of democracy and independence, even more when they are our neighbours and we are directly impacted by any actions of them.

Rightly said about the sense of pride and the geopolitical impacts it would cause. It would strenghten the position of Pakistan more, china is already engaging with taliban, which would place it at a higher pedestal then us in their interaction. China-pakistan bonhomie would work more strongly along with Russia. Not only Afghan people but we also have been ditched by America, who left us in this geopolitical mess to work our our own path.

America's ministers have blamed the Afghan army and political leadership because they couldn't protect their country, but they should be blamed as well. War for democracy and against terrorism was started by them, if they couldn't continue more, they should have atleast remained till there was a political solution to the problem.

The political leadership has charted out its own path leaving the citizens at the mercy of taliban.

About the community celebrating on twitter, these are some fringe elements like we have in other religions and they are really not representing the whole population. This is also what I see as the result of the communalisation and polarisation in the recent times.

I really hope good will prevails and the women, minorities and the citizens could lead a peaceful life there, of course none of which I see it in near time. 

Aurora,TambourineManand9 otherslike this
I certainly do blame USA for this mess. Last year with their Soleimani assassination, I was rudely awaken to how consequence-free USA conducts its geopolitics. This whole mess is their doing, while they would certainly like to disown them, the Taliban was birthed by them, it’s their baby. More immediate reasons are certainly the diversity of Afghanistan, the rampant corruption of the government and the passive support the Taliban enjoys amongst a lot of their population, by virtue of them being Pashtuns, anti-American sentiments and a shared religious outlook. The Taliban is religiously fundamentalist but most Afghan villages are almost equally fundamental in their religious beliefs. 

Although I hope your assertion about people celebrating being in the minority is correct, there’s a couple of factors that tend to develop this kind of support, which I fear is actually mildly very pervasive. One is of course a shared religious identity and another major factor is anti-Americanism. Anti-Americanism amongst Muslims itself has a myriad of reasons behind it. The result is that a huge population, while not all supporting and celebrating, are decently comfortable with this. 
It’s pretty sad because Muslims themselves are the biggest victims of this situation, and by a huge margin. 

Days like these are the ones when I desperately wish that a god actually exists because humanity on its own isn’t going to make things better.

Aurora,TambourineManand6 otherslike this
I certainly do blame USA for this mess. Last year with their Soleimani assassination, I was rudely awaken to how consequence-free USA conducts its geopolitics. This whole mess is their doing, while they would certainly like to disown them, the Taliban was birthed by them, it’s their baby. More immediate reasons are certainly the diversity of Afghanistan, the rampant corruption of the government and the passive support the Taliban enjoys amongst a lot of their population, by virtue of them being Pashtuns, anti-American sentiments and a shared religious outlook. The Taliban is religiously fundamentalist but most Afghan villages are almost equally fundamental in their religious beliefs. 

Although I hope your assertion about people celebrating being in the minority is correct, there’s a couple of factors that tend to develop this kind of support, which I fear is actually mildly very pervasive. One is of course a shared religious identity and another major factor is anti-Americanism. Anti-Americanism amongst Muslims itself has a myriad of reasons behind it. The result is that a huge population, while not all supporting and celebrating, are decently comfortable with this. 
It’s pretty sad because Muslims themselves are the biggest victims of this situation, and by a huge margin. 

Days like these are the ones when I desperately wish that a god actually exists because humanity on its own isn’t going to make things better.

This is so true. For America, nothing is more important than its own geopolitical interests. It calls itself as the guard of democracy and rights , but in actuality its not. It prioritises its national interest before anything else. They lived when they wished and left when they wished. And rightly said, taliban is their own child, they provided it with weapons and training and now when the child has grown up and started threatening parents, they are abandoning it and leaving Afghans at the mercy of their obnoxious child. 

I think Majority in India won't be happy, because the victims are also members from the community. I wish this world community and leaders could have done something for them.

Aurora,chamomileand7 otherslike this
It's high time India should engage with Taliban politically and economically.
@Dead Man never that means you are recognising terrorists organisation as equals and it will have great consequences like loosing the soft power enjoyed by India among common people of Afghanistan and giving strategic leverage to various terrorist organisations in India ( it will indirectly promote them) and it goes against our values ( equality,liberty,safeguard to minorities,democracy)for which we stand and respected in Global political sphere  as responsible power  ( and we will be called hypocrites like US)  but we have to strengthen our engagements with regional powers Like Iran and Central Asia,Russia ,Saudi Arabia ( Mai Baap of Pakistan which in turn is Mai Baap of Taliban) and strengthen our intelligence system and for some time wait and watch the unfolding of events in Afghanistan ( there are high chance of civil war within Afghanistan and internal strife within Taliban bcz till now they had only one goal to capture kabul but now is game of Power) and then take a stand like we did in previous regime to support Northern Alliance and try to develop connect with people

Aurora,brownianMotionand3 otherslike this

Hey anyone from DIPIN Sir's CA class?

I want to know that for Prelims, do we need to do any CA magz[ which i believe i must] but what did sir say, will his classes suffice?

Best- everyday. Nonstop. 
@Rashmirathi u mean do everything?Doesnt this require damn strategy whr even big nations fail?Or was it simply summarised  from any coaching notes?Values r ther just 2 preach man ,why non official delegation if such Terrorist dindhora and all??

@Agog bhai Where I have said do everything ,I have just said we have to watch the unfolding of events and then take a legitimate stand  ,like we did in liberation of Bangladesh ,in past in Afghanistan ( with proper strategy) and not like sending Peacekeeping force in Srilanka ( decision taken in haste and which backfired)or regarding values do you want India to recognise Taliban ( i.e means recognising use of force to capture power,denying rights to women, minorities, forcing rule of shariah etc ) then we should also recognise JeM ,Hizbul Mujahideen,  LeT ,insurgency in Northeast,Naxals etc and Azhar Masood ,Hafiz Saeed as Political leaders and not terrorist and should also engage with them 
And regarding engagement and intelligence  with various regional players we are already doing this 
And by the way bhai which coaching teach all this that how to deal situation in Afghanistan,with various terrorist org etc plz let me know ,I will definitely go through their notes 

No 1,brownianMotionand2 otherslike this
@Rashmirathi keeping emotions out,many dont view Taliban as terrorist which has been equated. Views seemed news summary in absence of any concrete suggestion,plz pardon me if felt othrwise.Btway nly time il tell if they carry on with their old ways or mend it and 1 shuldnt forget most of the locals support thm!!The existing govt was corrupt,wasnt a good soln either,people also r ther 2 blame cant rise above narrow ethnic ties,as 1 sow so s the reap s an old proverb.Also its a chess game Sri lanka backfired while Afghanistan strategy dint, doesnt mean it couldnt hav.Indirectly wasnt it giving thm sm sort of legitimacy by sending non official delegation?Or s it doing same thing but masquerading under garb of sm new value laden words?And snt it a fact while blaming US,even we r interested only abt our "national" interests in "present"times?Plz explain.

@Rashmirathi wanted ths as separate cmmnt,so How do u see support to Balochistan terrorist grp??still believe in values nd all,its nly realism!!rest avg mortals lik us just reproduce propaganda spread by selected few,many of us dnt hav independent view.

@Rashmirathiwhile in an ideal world one would have wanted to see a democratic and peaceful Afghan , the reality is that this time Taliban is stronger than before. Earlier barring the usual suspects no one recognised them, Russia and Iran even supported a countervailing northern alliance, but this time as far I read based on couple of news clips I think Taliban first neutralised the northern provinces that stood against it during previous Taliban regime. Secondly, when Iran, Russia, Usa , china are engaging them I don't think India's action will make slightest difference to Taliban's legitimacy, at least I don't hink that India is yet a that consequential force at intl level. the best course of action would be to as you suggested wait and watch but also to keep backchannels open to ensure that Indian interests are protected there. We should not let defeatism and pak prism distort our thinking. I don't know what the domestic politics if Afghanistan is like, but I have heard they are a proud people and they will not be as depednent on pakistan/isi as much now as they have got china , Russia to bank upon and pursue an independent policy. 
As for the the erosion of the most important achievement of the past 20 years - securing of socio-economic rights of women- I just wish that external powers use their aid programs more strategically making aid contingent o n meeting of certain conditions namely rights of minorites, women etc.
Also I think at a broader level democratic societies should themselves lead through example. When world sees rhings like Capitol hill riots, corona chaos, it only stregthens the case of autocracies like china. Practicing what we preach would go a long way than passing Normative judgments on state of affairs of other countries. What brought Soviet union down was not guns or any conscious strategy but the relative deprivation that people felt when they compared their lives with that of their western counterparts. Or so I was told.  Make our democracies so vibrant and so attractive so properous that everyone wants to copy us not some autocrats preaching equality or some extremists preaching a pure form of religion while fattening themselves at the expense of common man. 
Tall task , I know, but a man can dream. 

EiChan,Archandand2 otherslike this
People r in perpetual state of war in MENA countries.Millions struggle to survive barely amidst chronic hunger.But mainstream media seems bored of thm,so new movie masala s portraying grim pic of not so immediate neighbour wtht giving a chance to new rulers!!
@Agog ah yes, not giving a chance to the new rules who have a history of *let me check my notes* brutal suppression of rights and violence. 

If anything, the media has been quite pragmatic regarding the whole situation. What’s being reported is what’s known already. 
I don’t know why anytime any major news pops up people start accusing the media of getting bored, having some nefarious designs and the likes. 

@necromancer man if historical animosity s the thing people strt being adamnant at,thn wrld would b a chaos.Ther r equally more pressing issues whch cant b brushd under emotional outburst or say cherrypicking


@Agog so sorry bhai( I respect your views but it’s not necessary that we both should have same views)  . Let’s leave it here only and focus on what we can do i.e Prelims rather than what is beyond our control

No 1,AJ_and1 otherslike this

"Look at their trickery,” she said, noting that the previous government had cut taxes on fuels but left the current government with oil bonds. “We don’t do so many tricks like the UPA government. They issued oil bonds for which the principal amount is over Rs 1 lakh crore, and for the last seven fiscals, the government has been paying over Rs 9,000 crore interest annually… If I did not have the burden to service the oil bonds, I would have been in a position to reduce excise duty on fuel” - FM

Interest on oil bonds to be paid - avg 10k crore

Duty collected from fuel increased from 99k crore in 2014-15 to 2 lakh crore in 2019-20 to around 3 lakh crore in 2020-21. 😒

Kuch bhi bolte ministers


Hello everyone..

Please help me out from a dilemma situations..

Questions is..

JPSC exam is on 12 September and now i m shifting towards UPSC prelims from 20 August..

Can i give some time to jpsc prelims...

Or it will backfire..

Kindly help me out?



"Look at their trickery,” she said, noting that the previous government had cut taxes on fuels but left the current government with oil bonds. “We don’t do so many tricks like the UPA government. They issued oil bonds for which the principal amount is over Rs 1 lakh crore, and for the last seven fiscals, the government has been paying over Rs 9,000 crore interest annually… If I did not have the burden to service the oil bonds, I would have been in a position to reduce excise duty on fuel” - FM

Interest on oil bonds to be paid - avg 10k crore

Duty collected from fuel increased from 99k crore in 2014-15 to 2 lakh crore in 2019-20 to around 3 lakh crore in 2020-21. 😒

Kuch bhi bolte ministers

Madam FM only believes in forcing OMCs to cut oil prices before elections😁

how much score is good score in vision FLT and sectional test this year

Hello everyone..

Please help me out from a dilemma situations..

Questions is..

JPSC exam is on 12 September and now i m shifting towards UPSC prelims from 20 August..

Can i give some time to jpsc prelims...

Or it will backfire..

Kindly help me out?

Everything is almost the same except the Jharkhand state basics and CA part. You can give 1 hour every day and it should be good to go. 

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