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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain

The Civils Mains result has been declared. This thread is for sharing your grief , joy , mixed feelings - absolutely anything and everything.

jack_Sparrow,musaand60 otherslike this



Can anyone provide Deepan Sir CA 2020 notes pdf?? Heard forum ias has itself released it

If you find it please ping me too


@Jokar Thanks


Come, let’s go and see a wedding in

the Kulin’s house

You haven’t seen a wedding like this

You hear it is a wedding like a

funeral service

Therefore in the ritual — at least

four cows have to be sacrificed to
a bull

We hear from people that they are

giving four daughters to the same


Oh! how hard-hearted are they —

parents have no kindness.



1st track and field medal at the Olympics! 1st gold!

Best ever medal tally!

(Some people would be quite pissed, my condolences to them)

mightyraju,MikeWozniakand12 otherslike this

The games aren't over yet. The likes of Bajrang Punia, Vinesh Phogat, Neeraj Chopra are yet to begin their campaign. The boxers are looking good too. There will surely be a surprise win somewhere else. So, hold your horses @ashish854 

Aditi nearly pulled off the surprise :blush: 

mightyraju,Auroraand6 otherslike this
@necromancer who are these people and what do they even want?! 



1st track and field medal at the Olympics! 1st gold!

Best ever medal tally!

(Some people would be quite pissed, my condolences to them)

A great day indeed. Neeraj has turned out to be a silent warrior .  Great victory.... This guy wasn't just eyeing for a medal, he was aiming for THE GOLD and got it  :)

On a side note, I read few of the interviews of Vetter in the newspapers yesterday (even The Hindu had praised him a lot in one of the Data Points recently)... Vetter seemed too haughty to me, if I look at those interviews. ..

mightyraju,Auroraand5 otherslike this


1st track and field medal at the Olympics! 1st gold!

Best ever medal tally!

(Some people would be quite pissed, my condolences to them)

A great day indeed. Neeraj has turned out to be a silent warrior .  Great victory.... This guy wasn't just eyeing for a medal, he was aiming for THE GOLD and got it  :)

On a side note, I read few of the interviews of Vetter in the newspapers yesterday (even The Hindu had praised him a lot in one of the Data Points recently)... Vetter seemed too haughty to me, if I look at those interviews. ..

Vetter was the obvious favorite. But, he was having serious trouble with the hot and humid conditions of Tokyo.
And our golden boy just adjusted brilliantly.
What a proud moment, what a time to be alive !!

mightyraju,sstarrrand1 otherslike this
@crikeymate let’s just say that they like it when India does bad just so that they can ‘criticize’ the government. People who saw 1 medal won in the early days and made judgements that India is faring bad and all progress claimed is ‘propaganda’. That’s all I’m going to say about them, misguided and I hope they see the fallacy in their own arguments.

@sjerngal : I’m not an expert but I’ve watched a fair bit of Javelin Throw events. Vetter is as ‘arrogant’ as Ronaldo. I’m not saying that in a bad sense, some people are that way and it does good for them and not like he has not proven it. Vetter has been having problems with his technique, so today I knew that if he didn’t throw 85+ in his 1st 2 attempts, he would have serious problems challenging for gold. Didn’t expect him to perform that bad but his 2nd throw seemed to hurt him when he slipped. 
Vitaly was a surprise feature on the podium at 38! Though it helps when a lot of the top competitors couldn’t even qualify. 

What I’m more happy about is that Vetter at the same age as Neeraj now is was throwing almost the same distance. I’d argue Neeraj is even better than he was back then. Vetter has since then bulked up quite a lot and that’s why he’s gone 90+ several times. So I have great expectations that Neeraj would definitely hit that level in 2-3 years. If he hadn’t already, he has announced his presence at the world stage!

mightyraju,Auroraand13 otherslike this

2012, 2016 or 2020 - shooting has been one of the best medal prospects at Olympics along with wrestling and boxing, (archery too). So the disappointment from some fans is right, we criticize cricketers as well. The thing isn't about loosing, it is about performing according to potential. While Sourabh Choudhary was nearly at his best apart from some 4-5 shots in single event final. Other weren't near their average score in qualification rounds. atleast reaching finals was expected from most. Archery too, performance in qualification rounds was reason for failures (facing South Koreas before semis). Tough for Deepika kumari too.

May be there is chance of getting around 5-8 medals, but the overall the performance is bit disappointing. So the double digit tally chances for this one is bleak, will again hope in  Paris.

Just hoping for atleast one GOLD and 6+(total), so it can be best Olympics for India. Also one surprise medal, if in track and field, will heal wounds of shooting. 

Ah, should have asked for more, may be something about my UPSC journey :P

Greed is always there, double digit wasn't that far. 

Only one thing - either Aditi Ashok or Women's hockey team..............

Neeraj Chopra, you beauty

mightyraju,Auroraand4 otherslike this
@ashish854 From 13 sports in 2012 to 18, 83 participants in 2012 to 120 now. I’ll consider these as positive changes. Medals would eventually follow but I’m happy to see that participation and facilities are improving. But like always, people will see the stats they want to see. 

It is good, but Medal tally from 6 in 2012 to 2 in 2016 and if now not more than 6, can do harm than these positives.

Medals have that power to transform sporting scenario, because that makes us to believe that we can win. Otherwise the "craze" around sports won't develop. For Example-  While Neeraj Chopra is good at what he is doing, but if he wins the medal, that would change the things as common people will get to know about the sports and his journey.  (It may not be true in all cases). And in times of Social media it can be a true game changer. 

So I hope not only contingent size but medals also grow in number.

He has certainly changed the things

mightyraju,Auroraand1 otherslike this


1st track and field medal at the Olympics! 1st gold!

Best ever medal tally!

(Some people would be quite pissed, my condolences to them)

A great day indeed. Neeraj has turned out to be a silent warrior .  Great victory.... This guy wasn't just eyeing for a medal, he was aiming for THE GOLD and got it  :)

On a side note, I read few of the interviews of Vetter in the newspapers yesterday (even The Hindu had praised him a lot in one of the Data Points recently)... Vetter seemed too haughty to me, if I look at those interviews. ..

Vetter has 7 90m+ throws this year. Don't know what happened to him

so much positive changes have happened in past few years  that from winning 6 medals way back in 2012 and 3 medals (including 1 gold) in 2008 , we are now probably going to end up with either 1 or 2 medals ..

This did not age well at all :) 

Nevertheless, we must not be content with this considering that we have 1/6th of humanity. Even though this was our best olympics, we can do much better than this. We could have got easily 10 medal plus including 2-3 golds had we performed to our potential. Anyway the key takeaway from this olympic is we have done really well in sports which had nil expectations like hockey, golf, rowing, equestrian and yes, finally gold in athletics, which could go on to inspire many to take up these different sports, especially women who have done more than just inspiring us.

We performed badly in shooting, archery, as well as poor show from top seeds in wrestling and boxing. Olympic pressure is different and very overwhelming. You need to be made of steel to perform at peak. Hope they all learn from this experience. I also hope we don’t become complacent with this medal tally, and must build upon this and improve our medal tally to 15-20 from over 200 + contingents in Paris 2024 Olympics. 

Also many contestants made debut this time particularly shooting and are quite young. With Paris olympics in less than 3 years, we can expect them to come back strong. 

mightyraju,Auroraand6 otherslike this

I watched the full match of Neeraj Chopra and super exited to see him win. But may be someday we will stop measuring the performance in just the medals. Being there was enough, though it is also another race to be there. A very similar to our own race with UPSC.

May be someday, we will all be champions. Or may be we all are (tat tavam asi).

Just read sociology NCERT book a few days back. It had a beautiful story that a foreign teacher offered chocolate to whoever wins a race in some country in Africa. But the children were not excited because for them game meant fun and where is fun when one wins and everyone else looses. 

But until we have prosperity for all like ‘Sarve bhavantu sukhine’, the way Modi cheered up the sportsmen/ women was really nice of him. Though not a big fan of Modi, but sometimes i really like his small gestures. 

Kudos to all! It was the best ever performance for India in Olympics both in number of participating athletes and medal tally. Let us all also put our best in UPSC 2021 ;)

mightyraju,Auroraand4 otherslike this


1st track and field medal at the Olympics! 1st gold!

Best ever medal tally!

(Some people would be quite pissed, my condolences to them)

And that too after losing out narrowly on quite a few medals and most of our top players not performing as expected. Sweet! Now hoping we improve upon this and get into the Top 20 in Paris. 

(I don't think the people who are pissed at the country's historic performance deserve any condolences but that's just my view) 

mightyraju,Auroraand2 otherslike this
Some people just make you stop and admire. Some people just make you go wow! Neeraj Chopra is certainly one of those people. He wasn't going for a medal, he was going for gold. Need to have such conviction and confidence in one's abilities. 
mightyraju,Auroraand7 otherslike this

So the crowd is here. I was thinking why is not anyone excited in forum for the gold. I missed it. We had a good good olympics guys. Congratulations everyone. 

@Hououin_Kyouma What a guess! Can you please tell will I go through prelims or flunk it?

@necromancer Yeah, some people just too early jumped to the conclusion. We were so near in so many matches. I so wish to see these players back again in Paris. I just love these fellas. 

@dwightschrute We all are just going wow! What a throw by Neeraj!!!

mightyraju,Auroraand8 otherslike this

@necromancer @dwightschrute Some good sly comments.Lol!

Aurora,sstarrrand1 otherslike this
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