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Civil Services Mains 2020 Results: In or Out ? Way ahead, gratitude and Pain

The Civils Mains result has been declared. This thread is for sharing your grief , joy , mixed feelings - absolutely anything and everything.

jack_Sparrow,musaand60 otherslike this


I think the time is ripe for an oft repeated IIT joke. 

How do you tell if someone went to an IIT?

Don’t worry, they’ll tell you. :P

People will tell they went to iit.But won't tell that they got into it with 1 lakh rank(if you know what i mean) when I missed it despite getting 10678 rank.

Similarly people advised me last year about writing mains answer because they had got 750s rank.When marks came I had more marks than them,but I did'nt get interview call(if you know what I mean)

Anyways,frustration of abhilash in episode 5 sitting on that tea shop was genuine.Many feel the same way.

If you know what I mean.Anyways there is no point in discussing things I can't change.Best of luck to all of us.

1 thing I realized here is that people will discuss very high intelluctual things.Tell you that they xyz rank or have done pqr things.They put you down.

But when you do background check you come to know you knew much more than them,had better marks than them.

Thanks and bye.Don't curse me now.Had I known this gyaan some 2 months back I would have been much more calm now.

It was eye opening 2 months here.

Thanks @Noleisgoat for all you have done.

Peace and amen

Mate congrats on your interview call and all, but by “if you know what I mean”, you are putting down the achievements of reserved candidates. You are basically doing what you accuse others of doing. Failure is a tough pill to swallow, but there are a great number of lessons for you if you manage to swallow it with grace.

In his defence he was going after those who flaunt their achievement after getting worse ranks. not reservations per se. i have to second the observation. have seen several ppl with much worse ranks getting in and advertising themselves as youngest ias youngest ips. i dont share the same feelings though. also i dont think he was belittling anyones experience or achievement. perhaps the bitterness, justified or otherwise, did come through his words there. it is a shared experience of many in the open category. we need to empathise with this pov as well. it is the reality of many. lets respect that. 

OliveOil,peterparkerand3 otherslike this
I think the time is ripe for an oft repeated IIT joke. 

How do you tell if someone went to an IIT?

Don’t worry, they’ll tell you. :P

People will tell they went to iit.But won't tell that they got into it with 1 lakh rank(if you know what i mean) when I missed it despite getting 10678 rank.

Similarly people advised me last year about writing mains answer because they had got 750s rank.When marks came I had more marks than them,but I did'nt get interview call(if you know what I mean)

Anyways,frustration of abhilash in episode 5 sitting on that tea shop was genuine.Many feel the same way.

If you know what I mean.Anyways there is no point in discussing things I can't change.Best of luck to all of us.

1 thing I realized here is that people will discuss very high intelluctual things.Tell you that they xyz rank or have done pqr things.They put you down.

But when you do background check you come to know you knew much more than them,had better marks than them.

Thanks and bye.Don't curse me now.Had I known this gyaan some 2 months back I would have been much more calm now.

It was eye opening 2 months here.

Thanks @Noleisgoat for all you have done.

Peace and amen

Mate congrats on your interview call and all, but by “if you know what I mean”, you are putting down the achievements of reserved candidates. You are basically doing what you accuse others of doing. Failure is a tough pill to swallow, but there are a great number of lessons for you if you manage to swallow it with grace.

In his defence he was going after those who flaunt their achievement after getting worse ranks. not reservations per se. i have to second the observation. have seen several ppl with much worse ranks getting in and advertising themselves as youngest ias youngest ips. i dont share the same feelings though. also i dont think he was belittling anyones experience or achievement. perhaps the bitterness, justified or otherwise, did come through his words there. it is a shared experience of many in the open category. we need to empathise with this pov as well. it is the reality of many. lets respect that. 

My point is there is nothing wrong with a reserved candidate flaunting her achievements. Even if they have lesser ranks, the system considers such candidates meritorious. If an OBC candidate with rank 400 gets IAS at 20 years of age, I don’t see why they shouldn’t advertise themselves as the youngest IAS in the batch. 

“If you know what I mean” was a euphemism for “they have lesser marks and are hence, less deserving than I.” That is the definition of belittling their achievement. To empathise with the perceived experience of an UC candidate based on his own biases is to feed the argument that reserved candidates are less meritorious. I’ll pass. 

Oasis,AzadHindFauzand23 otherslike this


Orlando Mazzotta ,Imomfand3 otherslike this
I think the time is ripe for an oft repeated IIT joke. 

How do you tell if someone went to an IIT?

Don’t worry, they’ll tell you. :P

People will tell they went to iit.But won't tell that they got into it with 1 lakh rank(if you know what i mean) when I missed it despite getting 10678 rank.

Similarly people advised me last year about writing mains answer because they had got 750s rank.When marks came I had more marks than them,but I did'nt get interview call(if you know what I mean)

Anyways,frustration of abhilash in episode 5 sitting on that tea shop was genuine.Many feel the same way.

If you know what I mean.Anyways there is no point in discussing things I can't change.Best of luck to all of us.

1 thing I realized here is that people will discuss very high intelluctual things.Tell you that they xyz rank or have done pqr things.They put you down.

But when you do background check you come to know you knew much more than them,had better marks than them.

Thanks and bye.Don't curse me now.Had I known this gyaan some 2 months back I would have been much more calm now.

It was eye opening 2 months here.

Thanks @Noleisgoat for all you have done.

Peace and amen

Mate congrats on your interview call and all, but by “if you know what I mean”, you are putting down the achievements of reserved candidates. You are basically doing what you accuse others of doing. Failure is a tough pill to swallow, but there are a great number of lessons for you if you manage to swallow it with grace.

In his defence he was going after those who flaunt their achievement after getting worse ranks. not reservations per se. i have to second the observation. have seen several ppl with much worse ranks getting in and advertising themselves as youngest ias youngest ips. i dont share the same feelings though. also i dont think he was belittling anyones experience or achievement. perhaps the bitterness, justified or otherwise, did come through his words there. it is a shared experience of many in the open category. we need to empathise with this pov as well. it is the reality of many. lets respect that. 

I'm from UR category as well. I do not agree with this. Its another thing to criticize the genuine shortcomings of the system of affirmative action in our country, and completely different thing to position yourself as superior or more capable because you happen to get higher ranks or scores in XYZ exams. The person who wrote that comment has a habit of self-pity, which unfortunately is only a downward spiral.

Oasis,Auroraand16 otherslike this

Similarly people advised me last year about writing mains answer because they had got 750s rank.When marks came I had more marks than them,but I did'nt get interview call(if you know what I mean). 

ye line kaise likh diye bhai tum??, seems you are still in college final year or something. 

bhai, i have been observing your comments in the past few months. you seem to be a genuine person.but never ever disregard anyone just on the basis of so called "if you know what i mean." syndrome. 

some 750 ranker advised you about answer writing, you must have keenly followed it, the moment you got to know that you scored more mains marks, you took out your "if you know what i mean" protective shield.

this really shows what actually you mean..

one question- did you benefit from that 750 rankholders advice?

Aurora,ArchAngel96and16 otherslike this
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In his defence he was going after those who flaunt their achievement after getting worse ranks. not reservations per se. i have to second the observation. have seen several ppl with much worse ranks getting in and advertising themselves as youngest ias youngest ips. i dont share the same feelings though. also i dont think he was belittling anyones experience or achievement. perhaps the bitterness, justified or otherwise, did come through his words there. it is a shared experience of many in the open category. we need to empathise with this pov as well. it is the reality of many. lets respect that. 

I have to admit I find myself unable to empathise with this POV. I myself am from the general category, but like so many here I've never felt the bitterness and frustration that so many general category people seem to feel. I'm not saying this to virtue-signal, but I genuinely want to understand what makes people turn their frustration on failure towards others who have succeeded from reserved categories, instead of focusing on what they can learn and improve on.

I understand that there might be some people whose frustration is directed not against the whole reservation system, but this "flaunting" that you mention. But it still seems to me that being angry at someone who is vocal about their success, that you feel is undeserved but that is by law rightfully theirs, is thinly veiled anti-reservationism itself. What am I missing?  

There is so much of this bitterness around. Sometimes it comes out openly, sometimes feebly disguised (which I find far more nauseating). It scares me. It is poisonous. I would like to at least understand its causes better, even if I disagree with its implications. 

Just_relentless,TambourineManand15 otherslike this
Rambo93,thesleepyheadand1 otherslike this

@NOLEisGOAT  Btw how much time have you followed that Rom Rom Ji vlog ??


Going through the above thread, I have a few things to say. To my mind, as a community, our first job is to stand by each other in trying times. There's a thin line difference between genuine rants out of equally genuine frustration and casting aspersions. We need to realise it. The sooner the better. We all have different trajectories. Life, like a river would take us through its terrains and courses. But at own pace and path. I have always believed comparison is a cardinal sin. To all the ones who've been talking about being in IITs or IIMs etc don't have any vile intention of putting anyone down. This should be the last thing that anyone incl me should do once you're in this UPSC marathon. And if you need 'if you know what I mean' to support every argument, there lie some fault lines in the entire process of how you've perceived things here. I mean, I am not even from an IIT lol. I was a Science student till class 12th. Did remarkably well in 10th (at least I felt so :p) & did abysmally poor in 12th! I realised science wasn't for me and it was a poor choice out of peer and extended family pressure. I chose law. I couldn't clear CLAT. Ended up doing law from a private university in the Capital. Ended up being a college topper. Did some great work and internships in Admn and Intl Law. With that euphoria, I wrote CSE twice. I failed twice. The sole point of narrating this is, that we are a result of choices. Good or bad. Should I get bogged down with all these IIT stories? No. Because every individual shall have his/her path to where you are intended to belong. The moment we accept this, it becomes very less toxic. Nonetheless Circumstances do act as catalysts to either boost our choices or screw them up entirely. While we all must own up our struggles proudly, we must own up our choices with equal honesty as well. That surely helps us to know, recognise and accept reality as it is. It's only when you have the charge of things, you end up correcting them. Be it your life or career. Not by knowingly or unknowingly pin pointing things that we aren't even sure of in the first place by using "if you know what I mean." Some clarity, peace and grace would always help! 

At least that's what I have learnt so far. 

Since all this in healthy spirit, I'm reminded of this couplet by Ghalib, "har ek baat pe kehte ho tum ki tu kya hai ; tum hee kaho ki ye andaaz-e-guftugu kya hai" :p

There's always so much we can learn from each other albeit without any background checks. Gratitude is the best thing you'd practice these days and forever! 

Peace and good wishes, mate! :) 

Oasis,AyushVashisthaand23 otherslike this

sometimes i feel, in ethics syllabus, upsc should add a separate topic- gratitude practice and its importance in life, the society is suffering as it is devoid of it.

ArchAngel96,Kapiushonand7 otherslike this
@thesleepyhead so true.. 

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People will tell they went to iit.But won't tell that they got into it with 1 lakh rank(if you know what i mean) when I missed it despite getting 10678 rank(those days new IITs hav'nt come up in such huge numbers as they r today)

They will tell you they went to IIM Ahmedabad but wont tell they got there with 82 percentile.While I had to contend with IIM Lucknow,Indore and Kozhikode despite a 99.5 percentile(if you know what I mean).

Similarly people advised me last year about writing mains answer because they had got 750s rank.When marks came I had more marks than them,but I did'nt get interview call(if you know what I mean)

Anyways,frustration of abhilash in episode 5 sitting on that tea shop was genuine.Many feel the same way.

If you know what I mean.Anyways there is no point in discussing things I can't change.Best of luck to all of us.

1 thing I realized here is that people will discuss very high intelluctual things.Tell you that they xyz rank or have done pqr things.They put you down.

But when you do background check you come to know you knew much more than them,had better marks than them.

Thanks and bye.Don't curse me now.Had I known this gyaan some 2 months back I would have been much more calm now.

It was eye opening 2 months here.

Thanks @Noleisgoat for all you have done.

Peace and amen

Hi Sunny,

I am sorry to bring this up but can't help it. I had messaged you after the Mains result were out to know whether you had made it or not. Like many Forum peeps, I too was worried about your result and your well being, given that your comments here prior to the results were quite depressing and sad. (As rightly pointed out by@SergioRamos ) You reverted back next day and informed that you have made it. I was so happy bro. 

However, you added in the same reply that you had attempted suicide a few days back and have come back from hospital bed. Those words sank my heart. I did feel helpless. All I did was write a few words of comfort and had asked you to take care. 

All I want to say is please don't waste your time in complaining and whining about how UPSC has taken away life out of you. You are a talented, hard working, ambitious person. Why to waste energy and time in looking down upon fellow humans?

Please focus on bringing positivity and cheerfulness in your life, regardless of the circumstances you find yourself in. I'm afraid the negativity that you have unfortunately accumulated over the years might reflect in the Personality Test and affect your scores. Please don't let that happen. 

Everyone on the Forum wants you to succeed and contribute to our nation constructively. Sorry if my words sounded harsh. Take care of yourself. Peace out. 🤘

Aurora,GaryVeeand13 otherslike this
@thesleepyhead Bruh, kitni Ghalib padh rakhi hai? :P

Aurora,Kapiushonand2 otherslike this

@Villanelle @whatonly @Patootie 

The point on empathising was to come to a common ground. I personally feel the bitterness among UR though not desirable or moral or even legal, is justified. As for my own self, i think you guys gave me a lot to think. Perhaps its my own camouflaged bitterness as well that helps me empathise with sunny. I would like to think thats not the case as my views and experience are different from his. And I respect your views on this. But i would still encourage you, at the cost of sounding preachy, to empathise. Maybe see it from his pov. He is hurt deep down by the current system. It is the reality of many.


That is the beauty of arts and life.We are free to interpret things as we want to.

See you mates in future if god permits.

Thanks@NOLEisGOAT again for whatever you have done in the last few months.

Bye,take care everyone.

May Lord Shiva ensure link between our hardwork and result we get and not a link between the family we r born in and our result.

All hail Peter Saunders and his work.

@thesleepyhead Bruh, kitni Ghalib padh rakhi hai? :P

Kaafi zyada. Tabhi toh school mei Physics mei fail hota tha. :p

Aurora,Villanelleand2 otherslike this
@NOLEisGOAT Maybe it is justified. But should our first instinct be to take a dig at the reserved candidates? Or to consider for a second, why did it had to be this way? Why is our society, our institutions so discriminatory? Why no anger against politicians who instead of working for the actual upliftment of such communities resort to last minute pre-poll announcements and sheer tokenism? Also, just getting a seat at IIT is not winning at life. Even in urban areas, its not the case that there isn't any caste based discrimination  - it happens daily, just in a "veiled" fashion.

HarveySpectre,AJ_and3 otherslike this
@thesleepyhead Bruh, kitni Ghalib padh rakhi hai? :P

Kaafi zyada. Tabhi toh school mei Physics mei fail hota tha. :p

Mai bhi :P But without Ghalib :P 

Aurora,BurtMacklin_FBIand1 otherslike this

There was a video by@Neyawn  in 2019 about interview preparations. 

I can't find it now... Can somebody help? 

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