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Doubt Clearance Thread: UPSC 2021

"When in doubt, observe and ask questions. When certain, observe at length and ask many more questions."

Created this thread as a one stop solution for all members so that all the doubts wherein any conceptual clarification is required can be solved here. 

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this score of 88 according to Insights and NextIas is now giving me chills. I just regret the fact that 3-4 questions were marked wrong just because of stupidity. I think I am out this time in GS. the sheer pressure in the examination hall has let me down.
@Asmita_101  whats correct is correct. upsc also doesnt expect us to go visit chandraketu garh and see if there is teracotta or not. mitochondrial diseases are transmitted by nuclear dna mutations too. while fathers cannot transmit mitochondrial dna, they sure can transmit nuclear dna. your reasoning that upsc doesnt expect us to read biology is pretty much irrational and unnaturally flawed . Going along your argument upsc should have not asked about structural details of retroviruses and adenoviruses in such depth which may have saved 2.66 marks of mine :)

btw have a look at this govt. website  Mitochondrial diseases - PubMed ( thats not research but medically accepted definition of mitochondrial diseases 

And kindly refer to this article from where both the statements of the question are lifted. And next time before calling others irrational and flawed get your facts straight. 

my respected sister you told me to not tag you and i wont, but then you again gave some misleading material in your fragile defence. If my constructive criticisms hurt you i apologize but your article only talks about statement 1. upsc did  pick statement 1 but not statement 2regarding mitochondrial diseases from the article. Dear sister , the term disease is mentioned 7 times and no where it is mentioned that mitochondrial diseases are entirely inherited from mothers only. In pursuit of constructively criticising you i may have called your argument irrational but that was to throw open the truth to you not to demean you. Madam, the reason option 2. is wrong is because we are talking about mito. disease and not mito. dna. Even mito. disease are caused by nuclear dna which Fathers can share. its shame you didnt read my suggested scientific link and if you retaliated after reading that link its disgrace.

I am not interested in tagging you but as a staunch follower of gandhiji i cannot let truth subside. If i feel someone is wrong its my dharma to correct them. If you dont approve of that, you dont have to reply further, but if you do, its my right to correct you in case you err scientifically or technically or conceptually whatsoever as much as my capabilities allow me to.

With due respect madam, i hope you clear this exam with flying colors. btw the world would be better if all of us talked kindly to all of us despite disagreements.


why Indian children are malnourished despite our food grain production having more than doubled in last 2 decades?

Hunger is a function of other factors than availability of food like - purchasing power and economic slowdown(CES survey decline in cosumption expenditure in rural areas by 8%), sanitation and hygiene (gastrointestinal diseases resulting in poorer absorptive capacity of children), cultural norms(meta son preference, elder son preference, early age of marriage, househld size ), reduced expenditure on and underutilisation of welfare scehme (only 14 states utilised MDM funds entirely and allocation for MDM reduced by 33% between 2014 and 2021 acc to John Dreze), nutritional illiteracy, cheap bad calories and expensive healthy food.

What more points can be added?

@Asmita_101  whats correct is correct. upsc also doesnt expect us to go visit chandraketu garh and see if there is teracotta or not. mitochondrial diseases are transmitted by nuclear dna mutations too. while fathers cannot transmit mitochondrial dna, they sure can transmit nuclear dna. your reasoning that upsc doesnt expect us to read biology is pretty much irrational and unnaturally flawed . Going along your argument upsc should have not asked about structural details of retroviruses and adenoviruses in such depth which may have saved 2.66 marks of mine :)

btw have a look at this govt. website  Mitochondrial diseases - PubMed ( thats not research but medically accepted definition of mitochondrial diseases 

And kindly refer to this article from where both the statements of the question are lifted. And next time before calling others irrational and flawed get your facts straight. 

my respected sister you told me to not tag you and i wont, but then you again gave some misleading material in your fragile defence. If my constructive criticisms hurt you i apologize but your article only talks about statement 1. upsc did  pick statement 1 but not statement 2regarding mitochondrial diseases from the article. Dear sister , the term disease is mentioned 7 times and no where it is mentioned that mitochondrial diseases are entirely inherited from mothers only. In pursuit of constructively criticising you i may have called your argument irrational but that was to throw open the truth to you not to demean you. Madam, the reason option 2. is wrong is because we are talking about mito. disease and not mito. dna. Even mito. disease are caused by nuclear dna which Fathers can share. its shame you didnt read my suggested scientific link and if you retaliated after reading that link its disgrace.

I am not interested in tagging you but as a staunch follower of gandhiji i cannot let truth subside. If i feel someone is wrong its my dharma to correct them. If you dont approve of that, you dont have to reply further, but if you do, its my right to correct you in case you err scientifically or technically or conceptually whatsoever as much as my capabilities allow me to.

With due respect madam, i hope you clear this exam with flying colors. btw the world would be better if all of us talked kindly to all of us despite disagreements.

Please end this discussion. And please don't tag further. 

Why has woman's political representation not kept pace with women's political participation in electoral process in form of voting? How can this situation be ameliorated ? Will announcement by a party that 40% seats would be reseved for women in ticket distribution have any impact.
^^women political representation has not kept pace with women's political participation in elections because of the traditionally male dominated space of politics. Exceptions are there in the form of Jayalalitha and Mamta Banerjee for example and  also a number of other women MP's, MLA's and panchayath chairpersons and councilors but the numbers are less compared to the mainstream. 

Also in a number of local elections, it is the female candidate backed by the erstwhile male candidates who happens to be their relatives could be found. All this will not lead to a fair participation of women in the political space in their own right. The recent announcement by a party member for 40% in ticket could be step in the right direction. As now it will be compulsory to fill-up these tickets by women and hence their participation could be ensured. 


why Indian children are malnourished despite our food grain production having more than doubled in last 2 decades?

Hunger is a function of other factors than availability of food like - purchasing power and economic slowdown(CES survey decline in cosumption expenditure in rural areas by 8%), sanitation and hygiene (gastrointestinal diseases resulting in poorer absorptive capacity of children), cultural norms(meta son preference, elder son preference, early age of marriage, househld size ), reduced expenditure on and underutilisation of welfare scehme (only 14 states utilised MDM funds entirely and allocation for MDM reduced by 33% between 2014 and 2021 acc to John Dreze), nutritional illiteracy, cheap bad calories and expensive healthy food.

What more points can be added?

nice answer+ better targeting of bpl households and the antoyadaya for effective dist of grains! 

^^women political representation has not kept pace with women's political participation in elections because of the traditionally male dominated space of politics. Exceptions are there in the form of Jayalalitha and Mamta Banerjee for example and  also a number of other women MP's, MLA's and panchayath chairpersons and councilors but the numbers are less compared to the mainstream. 

Also in a number of local elections, it is the female candidate backed by the erstwhile male candidates who happens to be their relatives could be found. All this will not lead to a fair participation of women in the political space in their own right. The recent announcement by a party member for 40% in ticket could be step in the right direction. As now it will be compulsory to fill-up these tickets by women and hence their participation could be ensured. 

Great idea to use qsn phrases in answers. Will try emulating it myself.

So I read a bit about it on the internet. Some data that can be used  -

-at time of independence women MPs 6% of total , 2019 it reached 14% 

- amnesty intl study forund that every 1/7 tweet drected at women MPs was sexist and abusive

- global gender gap index india slipped to 140 rank mainly due to slide in political empowerment dimension

A few points - criminalisation and money power, perception of politics being dirty and unsuited for women, different expectations of society from women - a research found that electorate was more harsh on women MPs compared to Men MPs even for same kind of performance this leads to Backlash Effect as a result of which women are less likely to recontest in elections.

gs-3 Multimodal Transport Solutions are crucial to the development of a country's robust infrastructure. Critically analyze this statement in the context of the recently launched Gati Shakthi Master Plan. 

@D503 yeah could be a filler, fact no 1 and 3 and points are nice value add


Anyone selling forum mgp or vision tests 

please contact 


In 1976, CAG was relieved of his
responsibilities with regard to the compilation and maintenance of accounts of the Central

Does anyone know , Who does it now ?

@Aazaad Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance.

DAF I for mains 2021? when?


Why has woman's political representation not kept pace with women's political participation in electoral process in form of voting? How can this situation be ameliorated ? Will announcement by a party that 40% seats would be reseved for women in ticket distribution have any impact.

saw this post today..! 

So..firstly for a very long time women representation in politics has not been great..! If we compare the present scenario with the the past we will see the graph has been upward..

But the fact is still they are less in numbers as compared to the male counterparts.."well for this credit goes to the patriarchal society".

Example can be drawn from the series "Panchayat" on Amazon prime...a perfect example of low participation of women in politics and other grassroot levels..

Nevertheless..In the era where females are now capable of crossing all the boundaries.and creating new setbacks..I think this decision can be a welcome step for all those women who really want to join can be fruitful if more number of women will be willing to prove what they actually deserve..! :) 

Initially 40% is a great percentage.. atleast it is better than 0% anyday..! :) 

Prelims 2020 marks are out. Missed by one question only. Got my 8 questions wrong in official answerkey in comparion to answer key from various coachings. After prelims 2020 I was expecting to get above 100 but got between 90-92.
I was expecting 95 , but my actual score is 81
For Ethics case studies, is Vision VAM module good?
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