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Mission Mains 2021 - GS Paper 2 & 3

This is for those of you who are planning to write Mains 2020 ( subject to prelims happening ) and we clearing it. Nevertheless, in this time of lull, I am iniviting all people to come up with Mains related study material and Daily Q & A. I will be regular with the newspaper, my self and try to post questions. Anyone else interested, please contribute!

Let us have separate thread for GS Paper 4 & Essay as GS 2 and 3 are largely from current, and we can pool lot of questions.

If @root can help to pin it up, then we can begin with a small group.

Will help in daily accountability. 

root,Neyawnand62 otherslike this




Please suggest me how to prepare Gs2 (I appeared in mains 2019 and got very less marks-75 , please help me), kindly mention sources also.

1. Practice writing answers

2. Read about issues (pros-cons- way forward)

3. Get a grip on the terminology. Link answers to constitution, constitution's values, SC judgements. 

4. End an answer on a +ve note, with a suggestion as far as possible. 


Newspaper, your own notes, any good GS2 compilation (Vision/Forum)

I have tried to answer your question - in a question on domestic violence , should we write pros of domestic violence in the discussion video.

You can ping me / inbox me / call me if you need to discuss that further.





Please suggest me how to prepare Gs2 (I appeared in mains 2019 and got very less marks-75 , please help me), kindly mention sources also.

1. Practice writing answers

2. Read about issues (pros-cons- way forward)

3. Get a grip on the terminology. Link answers to constitution, constitution's values, SC judgements. 

4. End an answer on a +ve note, with a suggestion as far as possible. 


Newspaper, your own notes, any good GS2 compilation (Vision/Forum)

I have tried to answer your question - in a question on domestic violence , should we write pros of domestic violence in the discussion video.

You can ping me / inbox me / call me if you need to discuss that further.


Thank you. ;)


How is MAC and NATGRID different in intelligence gathering, as both collects information from centre and state? 

Also, are we missing an overarching intelligence gathering in counter terrorism?

Is URI, Pathankot, an intelligence failure? 

@Poojadharavi yes ma’m i agree. His course helped me a lot last year although i could not clear mains but got decent marks in paper 2 .
Hoping for the best this year. I have heard his answer writing sessions are good though. Planning to join.

Hi ma’m. I just wanted to ask that stellar ias is saying that i can wrote and submit the tests later also as i havent revised the syllabus fulky to start writing from tomorrow. I am really confused now

Can anyone pls share vision VAM? or a link to that
How to prepare GS 3: Government Budgeting?


How to prepare GS 3: Government Budgeting?

1. The public expenditure management is a challenge to the government of India in the context of budget-making during the post-liberalization period. Clarify it.

2. What are the reasons for the introduction of Fiscal Responsibility and Budget  Management (FRBM) act, 2003? Discuss critically its salient features and their effectiveness.

These are some questions asked previously from this topic. As you can see, the questions are most likely to revolve around your analysis of budgetary reforms. 

1. Analyse the budget, check for new reforms in this FY

2. In last 5 years, what are the major changes that have been introduced in budget making? For example - Advancement of Budget presentation to February 1 (earlier presented on the last working day of February), Merger of Railway Budget with the General Budget, and Doing away with plan and non-plan expenditure. Prepare for such topics (pros cons impact)

3. Types of budget -Gender Budgeting is important

4. Post LPG reforms impact

5. Fiscal measures introduced

madz,tarunkrsinghand3 otherslike this


How to prepare GS 3: Government Budgeting?

Let me ask you a simple question here from this topic. Try to answer this.

1. India 2020 budget includes proposals aimed at attracting foreign investment and reviving economic growth. Analyze.

2. Budgets in recent past aim to foster economic growth, despite being constrained by fiscal deficit targets. Analyze. 

Sankoza,Gauravand1 otherslike this
Recent allegations of scams in Television rating points have consequences beyond broadcast media. Examine the statement.
Recent Defence agreements with Unites States of America are likely to be a game changer for Indian Armed Forces. Comment. 
      #Custodial_deaths #Governance #GS2

🍄 According toNCRB, Between 2001 and 2018, 1,727 persons died in police custody in India. 

This includes both persons on police/ judicial remand and those just arrested and not produced before court. Only 26 policemen were convicted in this period for such deaths.

● For more data's forMains 2020 
Or website -

Will Donate monthly completed material(mrunal P.Y.Q book,past 3 magazines in 15 days)send postal adress to premchand253@gmail


Hello everyone. 

Attaching the link for AWFG group. Those interested please go through this. 

This group was formed with a purpose in 2018 to read, evaluate each others answers. And to benefit from it. It was aligned with AWFG program to maintain the quality of questions we attend. 

So, it is time once again. I shall be sharing the questions daily. What we all have to do is, 

✓ write atleast a few answers

✓ read , and may be review others 

✓ via this exercise add on to your existing knowledge base. 

Do make sure that you write the test. Because you will definitely add on to it. This group already has some selected candidates and mentors as well.  

✓ check the question paper by 7 am. 

✓ start reviewing by 11, so that everyone is able to see most of the files without much effort. 

Those who are not sending their answers, kindly review. But please do contribute. 

Also, to those whose copies are being reviewed by others. Do reciprocate and make the same efforts by reviewing other answers. 

I hope we all shall be able to add on to our preparation via this group effort. Let's make it worth. 


Alankrit ❤

 Under Article 269A, GST Council (and not FC) has the powers to recommend on sharing of taxes from inter-tax trade. 

But Article 270 provides that taxes levied under GST laws will be shared in the matter prescribed by provisions under this Article ie, FC (and not GST Council). Its recommendations are placed before Parliament and States have no role in the debate.

Also, there is no provision for an aggrieved state to challenge the FC report.

Federation face 2 imbalances:

1. Vertical imbalance: more tax revenue to Central govt, while more responsibilities to state govts.
2. Horizontal imbalance: differential growth rates among States and their developmental status in terms of social or infrastructure capital.

1. NITI Aayog should promote accelerated growth in States that are lagging and overcome their historically conditioned infrastructure deficit, thus reducing the developmental imbalance.

2. It should also create an independent evaluation office which will monitor and evaluate the efficacy of the utilisation of grants.

3. Ushering in Decentralisation. Seriousness to be accorded to the 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments. For this, should create a seperate tier 3 consolidated fund.

4. Flawless or Model GST. It needs further simplification and extended coverage. GST council should create its own Secretariat with independent experts and staffs to undertake reforms in an informed and transparent manner.

Hey, really liked your answer! This is my first attempt so really curious on how much this kind of answers fetches! In case you wrote Mains earlier can you kindly tell your paper wise/total mains marks!



Explain why the Indian Constitution has been argued to have created a" federation with centralising tendency"

What should he the ideal structure of this question ?, I want to know Whether I am Doing misinterpretation or otherwise. 


Recent Defence agreements with Unites States of America are likely to be a game changer for Indian Armed Forces. Comment. 

Foundational agreements are those the US signs with countries it has close military ties with. India and USA have entered into the following defence agreements recently:

1. Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA) which allows the military of either country to use each other's bases for logistics support

2. Communications Compatibility & Security Agreement (COMCASA) which will enable allies to use the US’ secure communications equipment and systems

3.  Basic Exchange Cooperation Agreement (BECA) facilitates the provision of targeting and navigation information from US systems.

The advantages for India by these include:

  1. enhance domain awareness about adversarial territories
  2. improve the accuracy of long-range weapon systems 
  3. Predictive Intelligence to warn decision-makers of emerging global hot spots and imminent threats

However, there are concerns that the agreements open India’s military bases to US inspection. Military bases as those in India have high-technology military assets sourced from various countries, including those not friendly with the US. Though, given the recent standoffs with neighbouring nations, the defence deals are likely to give India the tactical advantage and concerns can be mitigated mutually with enhanced cooperation.

GaryVee,chamomileand2 otherslike this

📻📻News paper for UPSC aspirants📻


📰 The Hindu News paper 10-11-2020

📰 Hindustan times news paper 10-11-2020

📰The Indian Express news paper 10-11-2020

📰Financial Express News paper 10-11-2020


Explain why the Indian Constitution has been argued to have created a" federation with centralising tendency"

What should he the ideal structure of this question ?, I want to know Whether I am Doing misinterpretation or otherwise. 

These should be the major points and answer structure in my opinion:

Jawaharlal Nehru said that “it would be injurious to the interests of the country to provide for a weak central authority which would be incapable of ensuring peace, of coordinating vital matters of common concern and of speaking effectively for the whole country in the international sphere.”

The Indian Constitution contains a large number of unitary or non-federal features. ’.

Features of Indian Constitution that reflect an centralising tendency

  1. Overriding authority on concurrent list
  2. No Territorial Integrity of States
  3. Constitution amendment power of Parliament
  4. Emergency
  5. Governor appointment
  6. Single Citizenship. 

(Elaborate in 1 line on above points)

However, the Constitution of India establishes a federal system of government as it contains all the features of a federation - dual administration, division of powers, written Constitution, supremacy of Constitution, rigidity of Constitution, independent judiciary and bicameralism.

Supreme Court in Kuldip Nayar v Union of India held that Federalism is a basic feature of the Constitution of India and it is unique in its nature and is tailored according to the specific needs of the country.To govern such a diverse polity, a structure of “asymmetrical federalism” was adopted.

Thus, as stated by K.C. Wheare, in practice the Constitution of India is quasi-federal in nature and not strictly federal. 

GaryVee,upsc2020and1 otherslike this
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