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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


its non technical stuff yaar. hence the speed. nothing more than that.
Does anyone think that NEP2020 will influence the paper setting trend of 2020 prelims?


Mockery of Social distancing in Karnataka cet


Mockery of Social distancing in Karnataka cet

Just look at the comments on you tube for this video.

Seeing all this It has made me thinking now govt is adamant and stubborn on the issue for exams. By these recent events I don't think UPSC will postpone any further. May god help us now. Plus see UGC's reply...they are not even 0.5% in favour of postponement let alone cancellation, only relief is a future date for exams that too for those students who cannot appear till September.  (little hope for the case in SC today)

I wish whatever the govt and exam authorities decide be in the best interest of the candidates. Situation is getting worse and by progressive  unlocking everything I guess in September some parts of the country a small number of educational institutions might open though parents are opposing it.  

UPSC and other exam authorities should take all pros and cons in consideration and continue with the decision. All the best. I am not suggesting anything here, just wrote what I felt the present govt's stance is.  I may be completely wrong.

Since herd immunity is not an option as accepted by ICMR I don't know what are they going in for by conducting exams?!!


@Messileo sab paise ka khel hai bhai..In karnataka most of the engineering colleges belong to the local politicians and bureaucrats. Just to earn few bucks they have put thousands of innocent lives at risk. Karnatak HC and it's judges should die of shame after watching all such ground reporting. All wards of karnataka already have more than 100 corona patients,I live in karnataka and I personally know 5 people who succumbed to death due to corona and their reports came after they such scenarios stupid judges who didn't have any knowledge about the ground realities have given the judgement in favour of greedy education mafias. If any student or parents die due to covid after attending this exam,could they drag shit headed honourable judges to court for their malafide judgement?

Caesar,GaneshGaitondeand3 otherslike this
@Tangent True they wanted to secure admissions before JEE is held. I hope same thing is not repeated at national level and judges realize the ground reality instead of what the govt has arranged (on papers). 

Maharashtra PSC is scheduled to be held on 13 September, even though aspirants are demanding it's postponement. It might get postponed but recently they are inviting tenders to procure basic protective kits to be provided to aspirants on exam day. It seems unlikely that they are not going to postpone the exam.
A critic of the NEP:

Reminder : this is a critic post, yes, there are quite a few pros in the Nep, but that has already been heavily discussed across media etc.

The present NEP has received quite a warm welcome from most sections of the society. However, i see the NEP as more problematic than anything else. First things first, I have issues with the author of the NEP itself, K. Kasturirangan. Legend has it that this man is actually a know all. He knows everything, from environment to education. Do you remember madhav gadgil report on western ghats asking mining at western ghats to be stopped? You remember once that committee report was revoked who formed the new committee, and how he relaxed all restrictions wrt mining at western ghats? Yes. There we have it. THE MAN, THE MYTH, THE LEGEND. 

One should firstly take a deep reading of the NEP draft firstly to know where this is coming from. Now, for all the love ushered on since the days of NEP draft, this is prolly the 4th so called "celebrated committee on education" we have had since independence. What changed? What will change? That needs reading through the finer print of the policy

A.Creation of Samajik Chetna Kendras

Reminds me of what happened in German schools during bismarck and French schools during Napoleon. In any case, do expect nothing more but an all round shilling of shakha based indoctrination in these kendras, all at the cost of your tax money.

B.Defunding and financial autonomy to colleges and univs and calling for financial independence by 2032

Let us not forget how NITI ayog has been aggressively pushing HECI and a full on market based fee fixation of University courses. In other words, they have been pushing for a monopoly of private institutions. Lets not forget, in any case the case of Institutions of Eminence, where KIIT AND JIO Institution are "greenfield institutes of excellence". Remember, how in the previous budgets, there has been an aggressive push towards pushing the educational institutions to "GET FUNDING VIA EXTERNAL.COMMERCIAL BORROWING", which would inadvertently involve, a huge exchange rate issue.

What's the idea of niti ayog? Well to privatise and defunding the *elite institutions*, replace the entirety of this "mobile" engineering/doctor section to a lower skilled section, or rather lower unskilled section. This has much to do with the job market. The qualification of the "so called unemployed" (either structurally or voluntarily) has much to do with "aspirational friction". In other words, you consider yourself a bit too qualified for a sweatshop daily wage labour. This affects labour availability and mobility. NITI and "the neoliberal horde" has been saying this for some time, *The problem is not with jobs, but that people are not ready to work for such jobs*. This also prevents, in a way, the cheap labor drain to the developed economies, since the avg TCS guy, will then be restricted to just a *diploma*, and thus have lesser probability of escaping the Indian labor market. So, yes, the *new educational era* will push towards creating of 2 sections:

1. *A higher educated class, that will perpetually remain the monopoly of the entitled* . 

2. *A semi skilled section, with very little negotiating power*

This, they are pushing in 2 fashions

1. By creating a humongous entry barrier for the lower and middle classes to higher education by extremely high fees, keeping them restricted to the creme de la creme of the society. This is very much similar to the CAT MODEL.(Huge cost of education ->take a bank loan to study ->your solvency in the upcoming decade to depend on your ability to be an obedient slave in the industry, also your wings are necessarily clipped, unless you are a *papa ki pari*)

2. The more the privatization, the lesser the scope of *social mobility*. Remember, the idea of reservations exists in public funded and not private funded education.

C.NEP recommends setting an Indian Institute of Translation and Interpretation (IITI), National Institute (or Institutes) for Pali, Persian and Prakrit, strengthening of Sanskrit

We already have the central institute of Indian languages at mysore. What have we done to it over years? Killed it systematically. Haven't we? And, why does this *Special stress on sanskrit* keep repeating itself all across the policy? It's a red flag, we all know it, better we acknowledge it.

D.A stress on MOOCs and digitizing education

Again, the idea of digitizing education works only in a "DIGITALLY LITERATE" state. What's the level of penetration of 4g that we have across rural areas of states? Apart from Kerala (KFON policy) which other state has even taken a stride to make "internet accessible to the poorest as a matter of right?". 

So, we must realise the idea of MOOCs is going to stay a predominantly urban thing. Good, but here comes my reservations

MOOCs, firstly can never be a replacement to good teachers. Somewhere this whole MOOC therapy is being used to "papercover the cracks" of a very shaky Indian primary education teacher system. Why do I say so? 

Firstly, moocs prevent any interactive  participation. I cannot raise an innovative doubt in a MOOC, (even though its theoretically possible in the comments or dialog boxes, we know it doesn't work, mostly it goes unreplied, and if replied to, it's mostly as and how we see in reddit etc) so this blocks the *Spirit of reasoned thinking and understanding*. This will only further boost the coaching industry, as people will surely understand zilch out of PPTs. For more on how an Indian MOOC is going to look like, please take a course at epgpathsala or swayam.

Secondly, MOOCs are going to corporatize the indian education scene like never before. This will prevent any creative and reasoned thinking. We all know, corporate mouthpieces can never be *A CRITIC OF THEMSELVES*, And the whole discipline of neoclassical economics is in itself a glaring example. MOOCs are meant to be concise, and to the point. But education, if you see, is much more about *Nuance*. And *nuance* would mean, no part is less important. What I fear is that, in the forceful imposition of *rationalization*, many important things like *fundamental rights* might take a backseat.

E.On continued push towards Pseudoscientification of Science and tech

The idea was pretty much significantly perceivable when the govt pushed a scheme like SUTRA- PIC under  Ministry of Science and tech (Scientific Utilization through Research Augmentation-Prime Products from Indigenous Cows” (SUTRA-PIC India)) . The rampant decline in the science congress delegates and discussion was also pretty much evident.

Obvious decline in standards of medical education is also very much evident as the govt unabashedly pushes for private market fee fixation for as many as 40% seats, and giving a free hand to the private sector monopolies of medical colleges. Similarly there has been a gigantic push, towards Indian standards of medicine and Homeopathy, and there has been a concerted push towards formalization and rebranding of the "pseudo medical" approaches.

G.No changes in the menace that is Entrance exams

Seasons come, seasons go, years come, years go, policies come, policies go. But the menace of coaching and entrance exams still thrives and chokes the indian education system. Lets not fool ourselves, none of the STEMCELS here, including me could even dream of cracking JEE without fiitjee, none of the medicocels without akash etc etc. Similarly, what is disturbing is the push towards "vernacularization", of primary education, while we all know, most of these entrance exams will invariably involve English and your competence in English at the end of the day. Neither CAT nor UPSC will become a "language neutral" exam any time soon, given the essence of these exams are  "word twists".  Similarly I have seen people of mixed backgrounds suffering in JEE and NEET.

H. *On ECCE and 5334* : 

Words words words. So much it speaks on ECCE and 5 3 3 4 model, with so little to show for. A broken anganwadi system can never become an early childhood care system. Play based models of education would require skilled and properly incentivised staff for the same. 

Furthermore ECCE, globally is required to inculcate ideas of abstract pattern recognition and creative thinking in children. However there's no mention of the same in the indian NEP. Indian NEP woefully restricts itself to learning of alphabet and numerics in ecce.

However, to me, all this ECCE is mere hogwash.Good luck expecting it in a country, where "Baal ashrams" in the spirit of "ekal vidyalaya" are "shown as the way forward". On Ekals and shishu mandirs, there's already loads of accusations on how the shakha uses these education centres for brainwashing and creation of future shakacels. 

 On 5 3 3 4, it really won't affect the system much, given 10th and 10+2 exams has already become of lesser and lesser importance, and it's rather entrance exams that matter.

I.6% of GDP towards education

Again, no way forward for the same. There's no proper policy approach given on how the govt would do the same. In the absence of such a policy framework, saying 6% gdp is just the same as the numerous declarations towards the same that has happened since 1947. Right from radhakrishnan panel, we have been striving towards "measurable improvements in education expenditure" and here we have it, at a measly 1.xx%. What I further fear, is that in the absence of proper policy framework, it will be more like funds pushed towards hogwash institutions like "JIO INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND LIBERAL SCIENCES". 

J.NITI ayogs religiously pushing towards combining institutions of tech and humanities as all in one univs

This is far more concerning than most people presume it to be. Lets face it. Science and humanities are as miscible as oil and water. While science is about "reasoning and logic and proper observable results", humanities is not so. Scientification of humanities can have disastrous results, very similar to what we see today in economics, where veritable idiots, with 0 knowledge in *sociology and anthro* make policies for numerous people, consider themselves mathematical experts (while at best, they just try to optimize established models, like a layman) while turning a blind eye to perron froebinus, which clearly shows market equilibrium is not possible mathematically, and takes "variables of choice" to fit "pre determined results and conclusions" that would fit their masters interests. Humanities unlike science is not value neutral. Also, while science dwells best in "observable" domain, humanities dwells best in "abstract" domain. What I fear, is that there will be a slow and sedate defunding of liberal arts institutes like JNU and market orientation of "humanities". In other words, humanities won't remain humane, after all!

GaryVee,Villanelleand15 otherslike this
@Dead Man everyone wants to convert disaster into an opportunity to make some quick money."aapda ko awsar me badliye"..

IAS goons of gangetic floodplains always wish for devastating floods in their areas..More the damage floods cause more money they make.. Moreover floods also help them in wiping out their old corrupt piece of works like poor quality bridges,public buildings etc..Aapda ko awsar me awsar me inse jyada achha koi nhi bdal skta.


Whatever is happening in Karnataka CET or UGC, shouldn't be seen as an indication regarding the conduct of the UPSC exams (whether maybe positive or negative).

UPSC is a Constitutional body and has acted in an extremely responsible and mature manner till now, whether be it the postponing the Prelims quite early, or the extreme caution in ensuring the smooth conduct of interviews. A situation like delayed postponement of JEE, NEET only after SC intervention or absolute mess like KCET, has not been seen from UPSC till now nor it is expected. 

Similarly UPSC CSE exams are of entirely different nature from these entrance exams, both in utility and process. Selections and recruitment to constitutional posts have to follow fairness and due process in a far greater way and will be prone to more legal challenges if not done accordingly. This is not the same as the KCET exams. UPSC understands that and it will ensure the ethos of utmost fairness for the aspirants. 

All said and done, I should not taken as suggesting a further postponement or otherwise. My intention was to point out that, UPSC will conduct the exams when the situation is relatively safer and without prejudicing the numerous aspirants, be it October, November or January. Till then, the uncertainty will be albatross around the neck for some people and a silver lining in the dark clouds for others. Cheers!!!



titanium17,AJ_and3 otherslike this
@Homo Neanderthalensis JEE and NEET can't be compared to Upsc but only thing is that if these exams are going to happen then Upsc will also consider conducting exams in October. JEE and NEET exams are held on much larger scale both in terms of number of aspirants and exam center.

@Dead Man Yes, that can be an indication regarding Govt's willingness for CSE Prelims, But still then there are certain differentiating factors that needs to be noted 

1. JEE Mains is an online based exam, with students coming in multiple shifts over multiple days to NTA designated centres, which located in multiple cities in a state and exceeds USPC centres by a considerable margin 

2. NEET Is a offline pen paper based exam. But the NEET centres are located, similar to JEE, in multiple cities. All state capitals along with several main towns have NEET centres. That isn't case with UPSC centres, for they are designated only in State capitals with a couple of other cities only. Fox example: In my state, Odisha, NEET is conducted in atleast 7-10 cities, whereas UPSC Prelims which is organized only in 2 cities. People have to travel upto 200-300 kms, in some cases. Logically, although accepting my ignorance, it must be similar in other states too. 

Before deciding in favour of conducting exams, UPSC will have to take cognizance of the transport issues, logistical viability, availability of district administration and most importantly, the willingness of each and every State Government prone to politics.
I am not suggesting that it is impossible or that it will have to be postponed indefinitely. But yes, it will be much more challenging and very different from conducting engineering and medical entrance examinations. Things will have far more clarity by the end of this month, I presume. 


I will add a small fact, Jee mains is held at more than 200 cities, Jee advance - 140 cities approx

Neet- around 155 cities

UPSC prelims- 72 

Homo Neanderthalensis ,
@Thanos_ thanks, i am pretty pathetic at facts. Worried about how to produce them in GS papers :D

@Homo Neanderthalensis but your answer/comment was to the point, proves facts are not necessary to be exact, except for some obvious ones needed in the exam. 


i saw some qualified upsc guys videos and post regarding exams to happen anyhow on 4th oct.

1. choti singh

2. insightsonindia video

3. upsc 2018 rank holder 

4. quora mentors upsc qualified 

5. mrunal vdo paid one

6.upsc calendar re released without changing upsc date

7. various state going to conduct exams

8. first guy who doesnt have virus to get vaccinated will be in the month of may or june 2021 bkoz first priority will be front corona warriors

 bhai i came to a conclusion that we are left with exactly 63 or 64 days in hand we will make it if we give our best if we doubt about exam date we wont able to pass prelims. assume 4th oct is the date..

forget corona study hard make ur mind feel that corona gave you an opportunity to get upsc and this pandemic has taught me a tough lesson yato bda bano khud k sath dunia ka v hlp that jb frse kuch problm hui then you will remember these tough times and be sensitive to even to an ant like living creatures..

stop chking updates for 60 days n focus

ssver2,Itachiand9 otherslike this
If multiple day exam can happen like uppsc main . 1 day exam of upsc pre can also happen

Alright, the news of KCET and other entrance exams is driving me crazy. I need to make a firm decision to calm myself down. 

Everyday new reports are emerging. Now, they say that in a study 80% had heart issues post-recovery. We simply do not understand this disease properly. Everything may seem fine now but nobody knows what's in store for long-term. The best thing is to not expose yourself to the virus. 

There are no SOPs for what happens outside the center and even if they come up with something, I don't trust people to have enough brains to follow that. 

You cannot be at the mercy of some people making decisions in a cozy office chamber. They don't see you as a human, they see you as a number. Your health and life is your own priority, no one else will care about it as much as you do. 

Let any institution conduct any exam on any date. The decision to attend that exam by risking the health of our family, lies in our hands. We are the decision makers. (Why do we forget this?) 

I will be fully prepared study-wise to give exam on Oct 4th, but if i don't see the situation "Safe" enough as per my own reasoning, I am not stepping out of my house. Let the exam go on, I will give the next prelims which would be just a few months away.

The decision has been made, so that i can remain sane and make good use of the remaining time. It's better to be a rational coward than to be an irrational fool. 

Oasis,GaryVeeand15 otherslike this

Bhailog. I will tell you ground reality in Andhra Pradesh.

I had to ask in 10 good medical shops for a thermometer. Ivermectin (being used in covid), had to depend on goodness of an unknown shop owner who made 10 calls to get it for my father. Dexamethasone can soon run out of stock

Corona RT PCR, TrueNAT. They're simply not doing it. If anyone comes with corona symptoms to govt hospital they are assuming it is corona and starting corona meds. Corona test has become redundant because it is everywhere.

Pregnant ladies at 9 months stage are roaming near govt hospital for two days to get tested. 

I've seen dead bodies being packed in cheap plastic bags that has a zip in govt hospital. 

Because of lack of beds I've seen very poor people just staying outside the hospital coughing for hours. 

You might have seen many of these stories on tv, YouTube. But to see it in real time and go through it is chilling.

GaryVee,Ayushi7and5 otherslike this
@rafael only 6000 people take uppsc mains, that too one state

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