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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


My fate now depends on 

Treasury bills- NFD

Minister question 

AI question 

has anyone marked 3 only for international trade of India at the present question? most answer keys are giving 1,3 and 4 as correct. I think there was news that we have been in current account surplus recently, add to this the term present mentioned in the question. am I overthinking in this question or is it worth sending a representation to UPSC?

How amusing people are taking everything for granted in Science and All options. This is year it will break for sure. 

AI questions

5. Wireless transmission of Electrical Energy.

Man!! How on earth any person can see and tell this is right? forget about "Effectively". Even if change the option to 5. AI making people to start colonies on Mars. Result would be same. How the heck people can believe that All D in Science just for the sake of it. I am gonna see the key next year, If upsc gives All D for that AI, Am sure gonna leave prep for UPSC and continue with startup. 

What UPSC really made people into ? baap re. Any engineer with slight basic knowledge knows this. forget about present state or Effectively. Common man!

Artificial_intelligence,AJ_and5 otherslike this
@bernoullitrials U can send representation , some institutes gave C as answer ... it’s all up to upsc 


Wireless transmission of electrical energy invention is more more more path breaking than any invention yet on earth and it will become more popular than COVID around the world in no time even if small successful concept is there. Common man! AI :D :D

This year many people will be out due to this D iefication of Science and many answers. 

There is no difference between Household loans, credit card loans and Treasury bills? 

And the people who thought at the time of exam, made differentiation adn marked 3 only after alot of assessment and there are people who marked without any knowing most D in split second and UPSC go for general? What the heck this exam has gone into?

I have marked it 3 only

What is the answer for fort William and 1991 post liberalisation ?  Some saying option B as it’s written civilians and post 1991 is the 4th statement correct (rural employment growth decreased) ?

I personally think UPSC deliberately has given last option of Wireless Electricity. Its a 100% trap question. As many would go for D in split second. it will surely gonna cost.

Ye mazaak hogaya bhai. all mark karo. bas max mein answer wohi hain bolke. 

@Fightclub For sure answer will be B for AI question don’t worry 

@Fightclub well said.. i can accept all answer as wrong but would never take wireless transmission as "effective" done by AI. AI can assist in various things like bringing coffee to person who made this invention but this option cannot be ever true doesnt matter what coaching guys say. 






These four gonna change the fate of thousands. Mark my Words and take screenshots. There will be no deletion of Questions. UPSC wont do it. 


How amusing people are taking everything for granted in Science and All options. This is year it will break for sure. 

AI questions

5. Wireless transmission of Electrical Energy.

Man!! How on earth any person can see and tell this is right? forget about "Effectively". Even if change the option to 5. AI making people to start colonies on Mars. Result would be same. How the heck people can believe that All D in Science just for the sake of it. I am gonna see the key next year, If upsc gives All D for that AI, Am sure gonna leave prep for UPSC and continue with startup. 

What UPSC really made people into ? baap re. Any engineer with slight basic knowledge knows this. forget about present state or Effectively. Common man!

Not just mars colony. As I mentioned earlier even if the option was AI can bring dead people to life, answer would have remain the same. This year in many questions all of this would be wrong. May be upsc had noted this hack/cheat otherwise no use of using words like effectively, present level of development etc. I still admit UPSC is the final authority but those in favour of D has no logic except that in S&T question upsc goes with all of these.

@Equalizer Hadd hogaya yaar. People defending it like yaar.. UPSC goes for general statement. 
WTH is general statement man? AI will bring dead alive is also general statement?

AI answer is simply not all. Just check out the songs made by AI on youtube and see people's comment ,you will definitely find it has no meaning.

Gene question I marked 2 and 3 thinking, how can changes be introduced in ovary or testes in a human body. Though changes can be introduced in eggs and sperm. I am still not able to get proper answer of this. 

Blockchain question - permissioned blockchain is there, and even if lets say a bank want to utlize blockchain technology, wont it take permission from anyone? so ans can be 1 only. 

Is government trading and oms same? i marked government trading wrong. 

again tbill, marked only 3)

@Abhi_Abhi Wht r Jatin credentials nyway,has he himself clrd evn 1st part of xam or invested sufficient time in ths xam or has good early edn bckgrnd??Wtht knowing ths and seeing Un academy past videos and teachers profile 4 the sake of just minting money how can 1 even waste an iota of time on him!!Possible if tonnes of crowd in kilos and litres r destined 2 destroy their future wch these guys know and r xploiting shamelessly!!

Bhai d eification as people are calling it would even make cyberinsurance question answer d but it is not so though it may also be d , which u never know.lets not too much emphasize on it

AI answer is simply not all. Just check out the songs made by AI on youtube and see people's comment ,you will definitely find it has no meaning.

Gene question I marked 2 and 3 thinking, how can changes be introduced in ovary or testes in a human body. Though changes can be introduced in eggs and sperm. I am still not able to get proper answer of this. 

Blockchain question - permissioned blockchain is there, and even if lets say a bank want to utlize blockchain technology, wont it take permission from anyone? so ans can be 1 only. 

Is government trading and oms same? i marked government trading wrong. 

again tbill, marked only 3)

How much u getting bro?

Being a computer science engineer myself and not claiming to be a expert here especially with the word gamble of upsc with the word effectively being used, AI does allow u for story generation using nlp and machine learning and if this is correct , the answer has to be all until unless the question itself is wrong
@rishi258 Bhai, Block Chain question is not about any govt or under any bank. Thats the catch there. 
I am into crypto currency since a decade. Flexibility of block chain is its decentralized and no authority. If indian govt restricts it in future thats a different ball game.
Block chain became famous just because of its decentralisation and no single authority and unlimited access for doing apps or anything.
So no permission is required thats the beauty of block chain. Infact in our startup, we are also using block chain tech, no need of any permission from any one.

Cutoff every year is more or less the number of easy questions ..This year this will come down as the number of questions were not easy and even if they seem easy they have multiple interpretation ...cutoff can be anything this year.when it was 98 no one imagined it to be this way and so is this year u can't predict cutoff but it will surely be low ..
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