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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

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jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


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Everybody agree with your inference. However u r not understanding the rationale behind the debate around this question. What u r saying is absolutely correct. Problem arises due to the use of word "a person" in English and any person in hindi version. As per English version answer should be A. As per hindi version D.

Lol what did they write in hindi. Lol max. This is new info for me. UPSC literally should tell hindi people ki bhai apun ko ghanta fark parta. How can they make mistake in 2 3 questions in one simple prelims exam. 

U can check urself. In hindi it's "koi bhi vyakti" meaning any person. Off course it's a poor translation.

@Biradar dont lie man , you marked A thats why you are desperate to get it correct. The way you talk to.others on forum shows your frustration 

And answer D only whatever you say or do ...

Thanks for having more knowledge than me on what I marked. I have seen enough nautanki on this forum post every prelims to know what is the answer and what isn't. 

Now rather shoehorn your brain-dead opinions on AI on this forum

@aadhi_rocz623 desperate people making even genuine straightforward questions doubtful.

Desperate people scoring 105 lurking on question answer discussions even a week after prelims. Hmmmmmm

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Everybody agree with your inference. However u r not understanding the rationale behind the debate around this question. What u r saying is absolutely correct. Problem arises due to the use of word "a person" in English and any person in hindi version. As per English version answer should be A. As per hindi version D.

Lol what did they write in hindi. Lol max. This is new info for me. UPSC literally should tell hindi people ki bhai apun ko ghanta fark parta. How can they make mistake in 2 3 questions in one simple prelims exam. 

U can check urself. In hindi it's "koi bhi vyakti" meaning any person. Off course it's a poor translation.

Then it prolly will be D

@Biradar answer of desher katha as per your opinion??

@Biradar answer of desher katha as per your opinion??

It's prolly 1n2


I hope you are right with this. In exam hall I remembered the point given in laxmikant where its written ‘’ Further,  where  the  terms  used  in  any article  are  ambiguous  or  capable  of  more  than  one  meaning, some  assistance  at  interpretation  may  be  taken  from  the objectives  enshrined  in  the  Preamble. ‘’

Baaki I dont have deeper understanding of justiciable vs legal affect etc.. so i dont know. If its D its plus 2.67

@Biradar who said m  scoring 105,anyways you dont care about my mains too much, i know how to manage my time .you care about your issues..


For Asphalt technology question, copper slag is wrong, it's not 123 but 234...reason being asked is Copper slag is used to lay highways (eg: L&T did it in TN Kerala border) not RURAL ROADS as asked in question.

Infact hot asphalt tech, coconut shells, jute is mixed which makes it environmentally sustainable.

Copper slag is very less produced in India as earlier we were >50% import dependent, now after closure of Sterlite vedanta plant in Tamil Nadu we are 65+ import dependent.

So where is copper slag produced and also to use in rural roads that too...

UPSC Purposely asked RURAL Roads...awesome

@Biradar finger crossed :D what about rukmabai, nalsa question?


I hope you are right with this. In exam hall I remembered the point given in laxmikant where its written ‘’ Further,  where  the  terms  used  in  any article  are  ambiguous  or  capable  of  more  than  one  meaning, some  assistance  at  interpretation  may  be  taken  from  the objectives  enshrined  in  the  Preamble. ‘’

Baaki I dont have deeper understanding of justiciable vs legal affect etc.. so i dont know. If its D its plus 2.67

Kesavanamda Bharati clearly stated objectives laid down in preamble are to be persued by the constitution, and remember secularism is a legit cause to do 356 as per bommai. So it doesn't have any legal effect independently. But equality is perused by art 14 15 16 17 and you can take to courts for infringement of the same. 

If you have marked D not even a cause to think otherwise

@Percival No doubt in Fort William Colg. EIC officials were called as "Civilians"

@chikuiasbano  desher katha is 1&2, Rukhmabai is 2&3. Unless upsc decides to change history.. 

@Biradar finger crossed :D what about rukmabai, nalsa question?

Rukmabhai is 2n3 . Nalsa didn't attempt. 

@Biradar bro i was never rude in replying to you.. you are comparing day to day ppl's activity with that of govt formation. Its not that simple. Do you even think that an 18 yr old person will be sworn to oath to become a minister for 6 months? 

@chikuiasbano  desher katha is 1&2, Rukhmabai is 2&3. Unless upsc decides to change history.. 

Harappan horse rolls in its grave

@visionman I cant believe that this is a doubt 😐. Its D all day long and night... 

@Biradar  Harrapan Horse is a debated issue. Thats why there was confusion over the same. However upsc picked the exact verbatim from a du book. 

However Desher Katha and Rukhmabai are not historical debates.. Open any standard text book and search for age of consent you will probably get the word ‘ debate’ suffixed with it.

Desher katha me the man desukar himself has written about bharat bhoomi its geography, demography (22cr population) , Economic exploitation. 

Rukhmabai is picked from Dube again and she clearly writes about age of consent and conjugal rights . Then sekhar bandopadhya mentions same too. These two are very big names in history. 

@Biradar who said m  scoring 105,anyways you dont care about my mains too much, i know how to manage my time .you care about your issues..

I have every reason to call out a fear mongering mentally ill and cognitively impaired individual. Fcuk off with your 100+ cutoffs mate. 

@Biradar  Harrapan Horse is a debated issue. Thats why there was confusion over the same. However upsc picked the exact verbatim from a du book. 

However Desher Katha and Rukhmabai are not historical debates.. Open any standard text book and search for age of consent you will probably get the word ‘ debate’ suffixed with it.

Desher katha me the man desukar himself has written about bharat bhoomi its geography, demography (22cr population) , Economic exploitation. 

Rukhmabai is picked from Dube again and she clearly writes about age of consent and conjugal rights . Then sekhar bandopadhya mentions same too. These two are very big names in history. 

Harappan horse isn't really debated, Upinder Singh too agrees on it. Regarding other 2 obviously you have a point 

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