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Hello All,

The Group usage here is a little cumbersome, so I am creating this thread to make sure that all questions with doubts stay in one place. Can someone push all the doubts and queries here? I will make this an announcement?

-Faceless, Anonymous "root"

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand56 otherslike this


@Thinker well Thanks! for providing this debate as reference.
The case of 1974 clarifies it.. and since the question asks specifically w.r.t "council of ministers" it's clear now.


Art 352 clause (3)  - The President shall not issue a Proclamation under clause (I) or a Proclamation varying such Proclamation unless the decision of the Union Cabinet (that is to say, the Council consisting of the Prime Minister and other Ministers of Cabinet rank under Article 75) that such a Proclamation may be issued has been communicated to him in writing. The bracket defines the word Cabinet.


whyis statement no. 1 of ques no 26 incorrect? (test 5)

@satyamlad Laxmikanth ha certain mistake. Plz, rectify it. Rajya Sabha website and even normal search on google will give you the correct answer. Please refer to the link Vice-President can be removed from office by a resolution of the Council of States (Rajya Sabha), passed by a majority of its members at that time and agreed to by the House of the People (Lok Sabha). Passed by a majority of its members at that time means an effective majority (i.e majority of the total strength of house minus vacancy) and not the absolute majority (i.e. the majority of the total strength of house)



@khaldrogo @root sir can u pls recheck the todays key of following questions.

Q23,37,42 n also 22


Test 6 answer key says Q.41 has been cancelled.

Why is the answer not C) option...

Kindly clarify. Thanks


Bcoz only statement 1 is crct

Statement 2 is incorrect bcoz govt provide 40%.

Statement 3 also incorrect bcoz indias first ham project is not in sewage but in highways.



Test 6 answer key says Q.41 has been cancelled.

Why is the answer not C) option...

Kindly clarify. Thanks

Yes, it's answer should be C as discussed after in post exam session in SFG group. Please check it.


Q37).Can anyone clarify how water dispute is a tension in center state relations,rather it is interstate dispute.


Q23)why does jpsc is not a unitary,since prez appoints and removes the members but they recruit for state services.

Two teams playing cricket.
Its obvious umpires will always be in tension watching every ball very closely. Now think again..
I hope u got ur ans..


Q23) Unitary in polity means Centre having more powers than the state. Now Joint Public Service Commission can not be created by Centre without the request from State Legislature of 2 or more states. It means the centre can not enforce or initiate the Joint Public Service Commission on its own upon the states. Hence JPSC is against the unitary feature.

Q37) All of them are disputed area. As per provision of Art 262 and consequent Inter-State Water Dispute Tribunal Act 1956, Central Government constitute the tribunal to adjudicate the water dispute and hence centre is invariably dragged in interstate water dispute. Further Centre has also introduced the bill to amend Inter-State Water Dispute Tribunal Act 1956  and during the course of the debate, various states have accused centre of biases. Hence it is an area of tension.

Q42) Statement 1- it should be 1 month and not six weeks.

Statement 2 - It should be by Special Majority and not by two-third of the total membership of the house.

Statement 3 - It should be Lok Sabha and not Parliament. Rajya Sabha has no power to initiate or vote on resolution for revocation of  National Emergency

Q22 ) Discretionary grants are provided by the Ministry of Finance and not the NITI Ayog. Statement no 1 and 2 are interchanged ones. 


 The first hybrid annuity model was in Infrastructure and not in Sewage Treatment.

_Rana_,Deepanshuand2 otherslike this

All of them are disputed area. As per provision of Art 262 and consequent Inter-State Water Dispute Tribunal Act 1956, Central Government constitute the tribunal to adjudicate the water dispute and hence centre is invariably dragged in interstate water dispute. Further Centre has also introduced the bill to amend Inter-State Water Dispute Tribunal Act 1956  and during the course of the debate, various states have accused centre of biases. Hence it is an area of tension.

Unitary in polity means Centre having more powers than the state. Now Joint Public Service Commission can not be created by Centre without the request from State Legislature of 2 or more states. It means the centre can not enforce or initiate the Joint Public Service Commission on its own upon the states. Hence JPSC is against the unitary feature.


Test no 6, question no 6 - as per the answer key the correct answer is C. But the correct option should be A.

Why? because Inter state water disputes act 1956, clearlybars the jurisdiction of SC and any other courts of india over inter state river water disputes as per the provision of article 262. So, the statement should be wrong.

But SC still engage with many water dispute because of its sheer power under A136(SLP) and not because of this ISWDA1956.

can anybody crosscheck and verify the correct answer of question no 6

@Conquer  the question asks for the incorrect statements. 


Test No 6, Question No 39 - correct answer as per the answer key is d 

Statement 1 is correct- No doubt 

Statement 3 is wrong- No doubt (2/3rd)  

But, statement 2 says - These services reflect the "truefederal nature of Indian constitution."

What does it mean by true federal nature of Indian constitution? If it means Indian Federalism tried to accommodate  diversity as well as unity(more power to union as compared to states). then the statement 2 should be correct as AIS reflect this point.

I understand AIS as such goes against the principle of federalism and on its part it reflect unitary tendency but I think the framing of statement is wrong( it should be - "these services reflect thefederal aspectof indian constitution" Or these services reflect feature of federalism- then the statement will be wrong).

can anybody elaborate it or am i interpreting in wrong way. 

@zinda_insaan thanks, now i am seeing it, even i have done this same mistake in question no 1 also. bad eyesight:P


As per the answer keys i should get 36 correct and 12 wrongs. ( 1 unanswered and 1 cancelled)

But in the rank list it shows 35 correct 13 wrongs. 

Is there any way to get it corrected ?

@root @curious_kid 

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