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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

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@Biradar I wanna believe you but past cutoffs seem to never dip that low, and here I am praying for a magical cutoff of 92. Regardless, thank you for the hope :c


Am I the only one having an issue with Indian bureaucracy wala question 😅

Though the 4th statement seems correct but I have my reservations regarding 3rd statement 

getting 110 as per forum key. attempted 71 - 59 correct 12 incorrect. I avoided ambiguously framed questions so I am quite sure this is going to be my final score.
Agriculture part was tough. The only thing worked in my favour was that I prepared thoroughly for NABARD mains this year so had some prerequisite knowledge for attempting few questions.
History wasn't tough for me except couple of questions( History optional).
Polity was vague and I lost marks there only. 
Mine was set A and I had this in my mind that I will attempt max questions(as suggested by many toppers). But after doing 40-45 questions, I realised that the paper is bit unconventional and it would be better to play safe. 
Elimination and Guessmastergiri techniques are loosing whatever relevance they had.
And those who are in comfortable zones of 100+ or clearing cutoffs of their categories....start preparing for mains. Take whatever key you saw as final and do not fall for different arguments given on forum. I wasted a month in this stuff last year, and was not able to qualify mains..
Participants of forum will dig data from web trying to prove their point(which I think is not wrong as they are also anxious about that one question which might make or break their chance). But at the end of the day, its UPSC who decides and prepares the key(I don't think they even look at those representations given by candidates).
->In that Gandhi Irwin question, in English it was written Civil disobedience but Hindi translation was Asahayog Andolan(NCM), but it is what it is. UPSC also commits mistakes, frame vague questions but still they come up with an answer key with not question deleted. Focus on mains preparations and give your best..
Good bye! 

@Adi2077  before 2018 people said cutoffs never dip below 100. Remember we went from 122 cutoffs in 2016 to 98 in 2019. Ask anyone in 2016 that UPSC having sub 100 cutoffs people would have laughed

@rafael I think the point of exam is to check for application of knowledge. In the examination hall, any reasonable person with basic knowledge of polity would have thought that Parliament is required to meet for minimum 2 days in year. So, the third statement is wrong. The exam is not about remembering the exact wording of articles of the Hindu or Indian Express. 
The thing is not about marks but what the UPSC is trying to assess through the questions. If some verbatim recalling of a random article is being assessed then nothing can be more demoralising and demotivating.

Thats what it is . They take many qus frm random articles . Its there for last 2/3 yrs.U r imposing ur version of wht shd be on upsc ....   I suggest you to take ur grievance regarding this qus to upsc if u r that much determined . There is a window of 7 days . Dont knw the detailed procedure . Who knws they might consider . But i can gurrenty u in official key its no minimum days .



Wrote prelims for the third time, mains once. Couldn't qualify in 2018, qualified in 2019 by a whisker (probably 98 or 100.66 would have been my score). Getting around 114 from forum's and topper's keys. Imo, paper was more or less on the same level as last year albeit a bit easier to guess especially the SnT section (assuming the answers provided by institutes are correct). My take on cut-off -->should probably remain along the same lines as last year. May even go higher around 100-101. Remember last time, the cut off dropped due to CSAT being on the tougher side (and hence the ensuing furore in the aftermath). This time no such factor. Let's see. 

@equaliser, so you wrote mains, what was the result......

Could not clear it.

I have given pre this time nd it was my 7th attempt I m belong to OBC category..... I m getting different score frm different keys as follow-
I am very confused wht shud I do nw??
@rafael Indeed, last year too there was a question dealing with Lok Sabha and it was probably lifted verbatim from an article in the Indian Express by the then secretary-general of LS (dont accurately remember if it was the Sec-gen or ex-sec gen). This time too, it seems some questions have been lifted verbatim from  various sources.  

@appyfizz OBC mein I believe you are in the safe zone. Start preps for mains. 

Many newspapers stating that about 50% less attendance this year. Is it compared to last year ? Will there be any effect of it on cutoff ?
@Aplharomeo thnk u🙏🙏👍



Wrote prelims for the third time, mains once. Couldn't qualify in 2018, qualified in 2019 by a whisker (probably 98 or 100.66 would have been my score). Getting around 114 from forum's and topper's keys. Imo, paper was more or less on the same level as last year albeit a bit easier to guess especially the SnT section (assuming the answers provided by institutes are correct). My take on cut-off -->should probably remain along the same lines as last year. May even go higher around 100-101. Remember last time, the cut off dropped due to CSAT being on the tougher side (and hence the ensuing furore in the aftermath). This time no such factor. Let's see. 

Hot take.

Working in a good govt institution, most of my friends are above 110. Cut off may rise.

Any chance to know 2019 prelims marks and cutoff ?

@KratosOfPUBG I'm getting 101.33 as per shankar

If you have attempted in 80s or 90s, based on my experience, start preparing for mains.

Working in a good govt institution, most of my friends are above 110. Cut off may rise.

Yes, this year only those working in good govt institutions will get a chance to write mains.

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I wanted to tick c but then changed to D. 

@Tyler Durden hey i am still working here in the US. will be appearing next year. so havent 'returned' as such just to prepare again. i am preparing from here itself along with work. i dont think any sort of coaching is reqd, more so because i have already gone through the process for 4 yrs! and everything is available online, even the answer writing is possible online. if things go well, i will definitely choose getting into the services. staying away from my country, working for a MNC and earning dollars doesnt attract me much. :/


Guys most of the people who are posting are getting 100+. Can it be inferred that most serious people did well and paper was not that difficult? Or is it that people who getting less are not posting .

I am getting 92-98. And this  is really delicate situation

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