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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


@AureliusM I marked A and now I think D is correct :( 

I am pretty sure D is wrong. And A is correct. Time to revise my scores. Since yesterday my scores have dropped by 8 marks already.

Ayushi7,Underdog44and3 otherslike this
This discussion about AI is sooo pointless at this moment. People are interpreting sentence differently and then justifying why their interpretation is correct and how others didn’t get it right. If you are confident about your answer then great, add 2.67 marks to whatever you have calculated. You don’t need to convince anyone else. That is your own marks. 

This madness happens after every prelims. Aspirants do more research than a phd candidate to make their option correct. Last year there were expert discussions on Ramsar,epa,digital signature etc. This year its AI,non financial debt etc

@AureliusM not debating over your take ...just a simple thought : suppose a law is violative of preamble values can it be struck down ?? answer to this will lead to correct answer 

Homo Neanderthalensis ,

guys, just for the benefit of all on borderline, to form a fair idea on where one stands, lets have a frank exchange of opinions.

all those online, please honestly answer these qs briefly, in points- much are you scoring(range) much do YOU think majority junta is scoring(range)

3.after all the net surfing, and watching all analysis, what do you think is the cutoff(range)

Is forumias key reliable? I am getting 110 from forum and 90 from CivilsDaily. A variation of 20 marks !!

Don't rely on civils key. the preamble one is definitely wrong there. So is fort william

1.what went wrong if you could share?
2.past performance please? (scores)

@Shubz true! In the financial one, 123 is right! (I got it wrong too) and in the AI one, no wireless electrical transmission is possible currently. (I got this one right!) It seems damn absurd that UPSC would use some obscure experiment to say wireless energy transmission is possible at the present state of AI. And no matter what one says, AI has nothing to do with this energy business. And in the financial one, all legitimate sources say 123 is right! So this discussion doesn’t help anyone 

@Harmony I am scoring around 88. Serious candidates whom I know are getting around 100. Whatever information I got, I think cut off would be around 95(+-2).

Rise from Ashes,NOLEisGOAT
Any good institute csat key available?? Unable to find any...lot of variation in passages ..please provide 
@Harmony my own data:


@Shubz true! In the financial one, 123 is right! (I got it wrong too) and in the AI one, no wireless electrical transmission is possible currently. (I got this one right!) It seems damn absurd that UPSC would use some obscure experiment to say wireless energy transmission is possible at the present state of AI. And no matter what one says, AI has nothing to do with this energy business. And in the financial one, all legitimate sources say 123 is right! So this discussion doesn’t help anyone 

Shankar exits the chat. 

Oasis,Auroraand2 otherslike this

The questions on legal services authority seems to be wrong. I just read the National legal services authority Act. The income limit prescribed for free legal aid was 9000 which was subsequently increased to 100000 for courts other than SC and 5 lakh for SC. Further, the state legal services authority are free to increase this limit subject to minimum 1 lakh. Consequently, Delhi has increased the income limit for transgenders (after they were declared as third gender by SC)  and senior citizen to 2 lakhs. In other states, there is no special criteria for transgenders or senior citizen. Though some states have 2 lakh or 3 lakh limit for all persons.

The bottom line is that in the given question only statement 1 was correct from a national perspective. There was no such option as only 1.

Those who want, may give representation against this question. I am giving it too.

Is forumias key reliable? I am getting 110 from forum and 90 from CivilsDaily. A variation of 20 marks !!

Fort Williams answer is wrong here. While the college ultimately ended up as a center for oriental studies, the original purpose for which Wellesley established it was to train administrators

I marked "to train administrators" only. If other answers are reliable, then I should be through.

@mehuifs many do inflate scores to save face especially among friends and family. ananymous handles are more reliable in this sense, no fear of shame. plus 88 could jump to 96 with 3 questions that the coaching key may get wrong. did you account for these?

Oasis,mehuifsand1 otherslike this
Is forumias key reliable? I am getting 110 from forum and 90 from CivilsDaily. A variation of 20 marks !!

Fort Williams answer is wrong here. While the college ultimately ended up as a center for oriental studies, the original purpose for which Wellesley established it was to train administrators

I marked "to train administrators" only. If other answers are reliable, then I should be through.


not to be intrusive, but are u among those with good score in gs1 and low in gs2? just curious?


The questions on legal services authority seems to be wrong. I just read the National legal services authority Act. The income limit prescribed for free legal aid was 9000 which was subsequently increased to 100000 for courts other than SC and 5 lakh for SC. Further, the state legal services authority are free to increase this limit subject to minimum 1 lakh. Consequently, Delhi has increased the income limit for transgenders (after they were declared as third gender by SC)  and senior citizen to 2 lakhs. In other states, there is no special criteria for transgenders or senior citizen. Though some states have 2 lakh or 3 lakh limit for all persons.

The bottom line is that in the given question only statement 1 was correct from a national perspective. There was no such option as only 1.

Those who want, may give representation against this question. I am giving it too.

i have sent my representation regarding that qus .only delhi has income criteria for transgender which is mentioned in nalsa website . also sent pdf version of the specific website page . If u r sending send pdf version of sources u have as well ..  


guys, just for the benefit of all on borderline, to form a fair idea on where one stands, lets have a frank exchange of opinions.

all those online, please honestly answer these qs briefly, in points- much are you scoring(range) much do YOU think majority junta is scoring(range)

3.after all the net surfing, and watching all analysis, what do you think is the cutoff(range)

please guys share your data. not like you have anything more important to do at the moment? :P sharing is caring. 


This was my last attempt..

My experience is that , though there are less no of vacancies this time  cut off can't cross 98. 

Rise from Ashes,

Was my last attempt. 

I just don't know what to say anymore. Too much grief and anguish.

Good luck to those who are preparing , may God bless you all. 

stay strong brother. 

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