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Doubt Clearance Thread: UPSC 2021

"When in doubt, observe and ask questions. When certain, observe at length and ask many more questions."

Created this thread as a one stop solution for all members so that all the doubts wherein any conceptual clarification is required can be solved here. 

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How does the joint implementation in kyoto protocol works? How does the host party's emission cap gets impacted when the implementing party makes any investment?

Example of joint implementation- If germany and USA come together to invest in climate Friendly technologies in either of the two countries..(Like germany and Usa, can implement a project in Usa / Germany). 

It is different from the other two mechanisms listed in kyoto protocol because, both the countries involved here are developed countries mentioned in Annex-2. 

Non annex, developing countries are no where in the picture here. 


From Vision IAS Full Length Test no. 35. Though answer is given as D, i think it should be A. What is ur take?

Do Attorney General of India and President enjoy parliamentary privileges?

From Vision IAS Full Length Test no. 35. Though answer is given as D, i think it should be A. What is ur take?

Statement 1 is correct in my opinion. 

An increase in deposit rates will induce depositors to deposit more, thereby leading to a decrease in Cash to Aggregate Deposit ratio. This will in turn lead to a rise in Money Multiplier.

@Newton981increase in deposit rates means people wil prefer to take advantage of higher interest rates by depositing in banks instead of using it for investment. so money multiplier should decrease

Do Attorney General of India and President enjoy parliamentary privileges?

Attorney General - Yes

President - No

Dionysus,BurtMacklin_FBIand1 otherslike this


@Newton981increase in deposit rates means people wil prefer to take advantage of higher interest rates by depositing in banks instead of using it for investment. so money multiplier should decrease

I doubt. CDR is the ratio of cash in hands and balances with the RBI as percentage of aggregate deposits. Cash-Deposit Ratio = (cash in hand + balances with RBI)/Aggregate Deposits (Demand + Time Deposits). MM essentially explains the increase in the amount of cash in circulation generated by the banks ability to lend money out of their depositors funds. 

@upsc2020 But isn’t AGI given parliamentary privileges when he is attending session of Parliament or in any Parliamentary committee?
Which could be also for a Twitter India CEO who is asked to come before a Parliamentary committee?

Is AGI also provided arrest for civil cases for 40 days before and after the session of parliament etc. ?

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I doubt. CDR is the ratio of cash in hands and balances with the RBI as percentage of aggregate deposits. Cash-Deposit Ratio = (cash in hand + balances with RBI)/Aggregate Deposits (Demand + Time Deposits). MM essentially explains the increase in the amount of cash in circulation generated by the banks ability to lend money out of their depositors funds. 

during inflation repo rate is hiked by central bank which in turn results in higher deposit rates thus bringing down inflation by reducing the money multiplier. isnt it?
@D503 as per my understanding, the RBI hikes repo rate ->Banks rate of borrowing increases ->borrowing rates increase for public ->public borrows less ->reduced inflation. 

Dionysus,eclectusand1 otherslike this
Is there a vaccine for Ebola? I mean I know that there is a vaccine, but has it been approved by WHO ? 

Got merely 79.33 in Vision Test 35. Anyone gave this test, what was ur score?

Also if anyone having subscription, can u provide details on top 1000 average score and approx rank at 80 if possible. 

Additionally is there any common excel sheet where u guys are sharing Pre scores as was last year

@sjerngal Yes, there are 2 licensed Ebola vaccines.


Can someone enlighten me about the membership requirement of international solar alliance ?

They say it is open to all UN Members . They also say that only those countries which lie completely or partially between tropic of cancer and capricon are eligible. 

Is this statement not contradictory ?

@TabsAndChords membership changed from tropical countries to all UN members. I'm not sure about this but voting rights are still with tropical countries only. 

@upsc2020 But isn’t AGI given parliamentary privileges when he is attending session of Parliament or in any Parliamentary committee?
Which could be also for a Twitter India CEO who is asked to come before a Parliamentary committee?

Is AGI also provided arrest for civil cases for 40 days before and after the session of parliament etc. ?

AGI is not a private citizen. Several officers are also called on committees, but they are not given privileges. 

All privileges extend to the AGI. 


@D503 as per my understanding, the RBI hikes repo rate ->Banks rate of borrowing increases ->borrowing rates increase for public ->public borrows less ->reduced inflation. 

That is right!



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I doubt. CDR is the ratio of cash in hands and balances with the RBI as percentage of aggregate deposits. Cash-Deposit Ratio = (cash in hand + balances with RBI)/Aggregate Deposits (Demand + Time Deposits). MM essentially explains the increase in the amount of cash in circulation generated by the banks ability to lend money out of their depositors funds. 

during inflation repo rate is hiked by central bank which in turn results in higher deposit rates thus bringing down inflation by reducing the money multiplier. isnt it?

What does MM do? MM measures the effect that a change in banks reserves has on the overall money supply of an economy. 

If my deposit rates increase, I will park more money in the bank. So the bank has more to lend also, which means the money available for spending in the economy is higher. 

@Newton981jab log borrow kam krega toh money multiply kese hoga.
Monetary policy transmission works both ways , if rate on deposits increase then banks will increase loan rate as well to keep their profit intact. What explanation have they given in the test?
I read that Desi Ghee contains transfats. My parents make Desi Ghee at home. Is it really unhealthy??? I thought it is safer than the Ghee that we buy from the market. 
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