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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this



@Tangent And ths business s needed more r8 so tht people get jobs and better standard of living with wealth creation,then mass junta must hav been fooled into preparing 4 career of civils lik herd of sheep mentality??2 b frank i hav met many who dnt hav ny long term view why 1 shud prepare civils and why it s a better career option!!Substantiates why India s still at lower rungs of develop even after 73 years!!

Agree. A lot of fools like me got sucked into the hype only to realise my mistake after 3 years. There was a lot of hype amongst the middle class urban youth in the decade gone by from 2010 and a lot of decent engg/doctors got into the chakravyuh in the dp aggarwal era. However the newer generation is far more aware and values business/wealth creation than millenials like me who grew on a diet of subtle socialism and mediocrity. 

I know this may sound irrelevant to a lot of you,  but can anyone please shed some light on possible impact on 2021 cycle,  assuming this 2020 cycle happens roughly between Oct -  July? 
Hey bro
Donot worry.
U have gone too far in stereotyping about my homestate.😉☺️

Come to my homestate and have a feel of Blissful Bihar. Days of sardan khan and ramadhir are long gone. Bihar attracts more foreign tourist than Goa. 
U shall have a nice time here...
And, if u are willing, do contact me after interview, I shall make u travel a land which many people of south east asian countries dream of. This Bihari guy will be there to welcum you.

Yes, ur talk about ease of doing business and relation with bureaucracy is right. And I was making same point in sarcastic way. I shall have to improve upon my witty skills. 



@rafael @cat(Billi)

She s Forbes 2020 under 30 just 4 making a s/w but enough in limelight 2 hav Photoshoot with NITI CEO and at various multilateral fora.1 cant get such recognition here so fast plus we r fooling ourselves reminding of our lack of far sightedness,may b we wud xpect our kids 2 do better😀

if u r a middle class ask ur uncle if he knows her ...  i dont think he might ..  but he ll knw the name of kid from his town/ distance relative who cracked state service and became sdm.. That is the social sphere we middle class live in and thats where we want recognition ...  



@rafael @cat(Billi)

She s Forbes 2020 under 30 just 4 making a s/w but enough in limelight 2 hav Photoshoot with NITI CEO and at various multilateral fora.1 cant get such recognition here so fast plus we r fooling ourselves reminding of our lack of far sightedness,may b we wud xpect our kids 2 do better😀

Hehe true and the social impact/fame after being IAS whilst being true doesn't hold true for those outside the aspirant community. I don't know any of my peers in business even knowing the full form of UPSC. Infact in places like Mumbai nobody gives a damn apart from those who work in clerical jobs/come from rural areas. That being said we must be thankful to good babus like a vinod rai or IFS akbaruddin who have had distinguished careers and set decent benchmarks for the next gen babus.


@Agog  I do not know about Vinod Rai leave but an IAS is eligible for maximum 3 year PAID Study Leave (THE ALL INDIA SERVICES (STUDY LEAVE) REGULATIONS, 1960 ).

I am not sure but once a IAS comes back from leave his chances of reporting in Delhi increases and he works for some ministry before next posting . You got saved from unwanted posting if you are not able to apply some approach. 

There are many ways you can save yourself from such posting in my opinion. Next is to become a secretary of Parliament Member they can ask for any IAS officer to work under them. 

You are not understanding as far as I know North eastern areas are more underprivileged then Bihar and Orissa.

Bihar after Independence was the primary exporter of Coal but no major Industry was flourished there because of corruption and criminal nexas. Bihar is paying for the negligence now. 

One such example is health services I only AIIMS is functional there. That same IAS officer has mentioned in his Interview How Lalu Prasad Yadav Invented a formula to stop corruption News he halted all the project to get rid of corruption charged i do not remember his name now. 

@cat such animosity for the very exam that u are aspiring for? what is the point in preparing then? how do you remain honest with your prep?
Plss dont take it otherwise I genuinely want to know how u motivate urself for UPSC? or maybe UPSC is an end in itself for u?


@Nalanda  you are quoting 2017 data. On same data Bihar does not come in Domestic Top 10 list and suprisingly Karnataka which is in 9th position after Bihar(8th)  in International tourist data comes in 3rd position on Domestic tourism.

And comparing Bihar and Goa on International tourist footprint is not correct. Goa does not have heritage sites like Bihar which is a pilgrimage kind of for Buddhist. Compare Goa and Bihar area sites there is no match.  

@cat such animosity for the very exam that u are aspiring for? what is the point in preparing then? how do you remain honest with your prep?
Plss dont take it otherwise I genuinely want to know how u motivate urself for UPSC? or maybe UPSC is an end in itself for u?

Its been almost 5 years since I have come back to upsc as I had filled the form on the last day in a streak of personal redemption. Corona situation has given me some free time and I intend to utilise it to clear the exam as I can't take defeats/regret in the long term. My outlook towards the services is not the same as it was as a fresh college passout. I have found my footing in a different place and I like what I do. Perhaps I wouldn't join the services if I clear since my only motivation is a personal quest for redemption!If I do make the ranks I will let you know about my personal scenario. I used to be a frequent visitor to the old forumias back in 2014 and of late nostalgia has pulled me here again!

GaryVee,MarcusAand5 otherslike this
We create our own realities ..   Our thoughts . being billionary or being IAS wht ever satisfies us ..   whn time comes we ll be perished like millions who have . nothing ll matter .. nothing has mattered . We were born empty ..  There was just awareness which observed ..  Then somehow the images , events , sounds, information we observed became us .. There is still that awareness somewhr there . The pure awareness . unblemished away frm illusionary identity made of years of propaganda we have gone through ..
Consistency,GreenArrowand1 otherslike this
@cat all the best case you clear it always remember  " panch parmeshwar hota hai"


We create our own realities ..   Our thoughts . being billionary or being IAS wht ever satisfies us ..   whn time comes we ll be perished like millions who have . nothing ll matter .. nothing has mattered . We were born empty ..  There was just awareness which observed ..  Then somehow the images , events , sounds, information we observed became us .. There is still that awareness somewhr there . The pure awareness . unblemished away frm illusionary identity made of years of propaganda we have gone through ..

"Time destroys everything. Time heals everything. "

@cat Happy to see another fellow traveler from those days. I never commented then but used to follow threads religiously. Good luck for your attempt this year. And I completely get you when you say your outlook towards the exam and services changed.

GaryVee,Thanedaarand1 otherslike this
@cat all the best case you clear it always remember  " panch parmeshwar hota hai"

Thank you I hope you do before me though as my prep is 10% of what it used it be in the fulltime prep days so I know my chances realistically. Anyways ATB to you as well from an old man hehe!

@rafael this absurdity reminds me of camus:Since we’re all going to die, it’s obvious that when and how don’t matter.”


Why I want to become a CIVIL servant?Because I want to break this middle class barrier.Meaning?I am from a small city(in Waste Bengal) where most people have no idea what is UPSC? In my family no one ever prepare for upsc or state pcs. Now this pandemic situation gives me more motivation to crack this?Why? Here in hospitals covid patients are not getting proper foods,warm water etc.Complete failure of local administration.No communication between health administration & district administration(this is their excuse bla bla bla).In my city active cases are around 150 but administration are giving up on patients.The patients are protesting/begging to give them proper drinking water.Now think If you are a civil servant(or someone from your family is a civil servant), I don't think you would have been treated like that. Atleast you could have do something rather than being helpless.The administrative people(sdo,sdm,bdo) ,doctors,politicians whi are getting affected, shifted to other designated hospital/private nursing homes. In India if you born in middle class then high chances that your life will be hell.

Now when I say middle class remember,being middle class in mumbai & being middle class in tier 3 cities are different.

I am ashamed that how incompetent local administration including DM.

So I want to become a civil servant so that I don't have to suffer like all these middle class people.
P.S its just my observation.I believe if you want stay in India then born in rich/politician/civil servant family.

In my place asha health worker people are not getting proper treatment.

JSMill,iskooland7 otherslike this
Adi Shankaracharya of

Advaita Vedanta 

Nirvana shatakam of 'sounds of isha' is beautiful!!

@rafael  Couldn't resist from sharing.
Adi Shankaracharya has put the essence of the above thought brilliantly in nirvana shatkham:

aham nirvikalpo nirakara rupo
 vibhutvatcha sarvatra sarvendriyanam
na cha sangatham naiva muktir na meyaha
 chidananda rupah shivo'ham shivo'ham

I am devoid of duality, my form is formlessness,
I exist everywhere, pervading all senses,
I am neither attached, neither free nor captive,
I am the form of consciousness and bliss,
I am the eternal Shiva...

Itna lamba kyun likha sidha kehte "Aham Bhamhasmi" :D


Why I want to become a CIVIL servant?Because I want to break this middle class barrier.Meaning?I am from a small city(in Waste Bengal) where most people have no idea what is UPSC? In my family no one ever prepare for upsc or state pcs. Now this pandemic situation gives me more motivation to crack this?Why? Here in hospitals covid patients are not getting proper foods,warm water etc.Complete failure of local administration.No communication between health administration & district administration(this is their excuse bla bla bla).In my city active cases are around 150 but administration are giving up on patients.The patients are protesting/begging to give them proper drinking water.Now think If you are a civil servant(or someone from your family is a civil servant), I don't think you would have been treated like that. Atleast you could have do something rather than being helpless.The administrative people(sdo,sdm,bdo) ,doctors,politicians whi are getting affected, shifted to other designated hospital/private nursing homes. In India if you born in middle class then high chances that your life will be hell.

Now when I say middle class remember,being middle class in mumbai & being middle class in tier 3 cities are different.

I am ashamed that how incompetent local administration including DM.

So I want to become a civil servant so that I don't have to suffer like all these middle class people.
P.S its just my observation.I believe if you want stay in India then born in rich/politician/civil servant family.

In my place asha health worker people are not getting proper treatment.

appreciate your thought bhai but "I am ashamed that how incompetent local administration including DM."

plz abstain from this. ppl have very limited resources to work still they are doing wonders. respect them atleast.

Also kindly lodge your grievance in PMO Portal - and send e-mails to
Jitendra Singh -
Rahul Gandhi -
Shashi Tharoor - , , 
Do not forget to contact your local MP and MLA also via e-mail or snail mail.

Worth a shot may be! And there is no down side to sending a mail.

(Gentle Reminder)

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