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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


@sulawesi already signed.

@sulawesi without asking for your permission . i used your application in my emails which i sent to concerned authorities..sorry not sorry.

Do anyone have sunya IAS prelims current affairs for pre2020???? Message me...
There will be no postponement if anything happens that will be cancellation of this years exam.What the point of that? yes there should be a choice for people who want to opt out and be given an extra chance.but postponing further or rather cancellation is not a solution..It is true that many people may b in their last attempt..It is also true that many people cant afford cancellation of this years exam because they might have other commitments or may b many have taken just one year off for exam or may b many dont have any job waiting for this exam and cant wait for the delay further of another year. Further Anybody thinking that extra few months will allow u to prepare better is in delusion..U will never be satisfied with ur preparation in this wat..Everything is unexpected at this point..No one knows when it will end...So there should be a choice along with extra attempt for those who opt out this year..Further postponement or cancellation is not a solution. 
@sjl_mndl1369 It's not about preparation time, Mate. 
It's about travel hassles. 
There is still cases rising in Maharashtra. And I don't think by end of August it will go down. There still is District Lockdown (update me).  
Bus service is not yet resumed. 
Also, I doubt Boarding  & Lodging will start (Rather I'm afraid to stay) 

And my Centre is 150Km away. 

It's OK to say it, if you are living in same city as your Centre. But there must be many people me as well. 
But you are right, extra time won't improve your preparation for Civil Services. 

Hope everything works out. 

GaryVee,Katy_Singhand2 otherslike this
@sjl_mndl1369 It's not about preparation time, Mate. 
It's about travel hassles. 
There is still cases rising in Maharashtra. And I don't think by end of August it will go down. There still is District Lockdown (update me).  
Bus service is not yet resumed. 
Also, I doubt Boarding  & Lodging will start (Rather I'm afraid to stay) 

And my Centre is 150Km away. 

It's OK to say it, if you are living in same city as your Centre. But there must be many people me as well. 
But you are right, extra time won't improve your preparation for Civil Services. 

Hope everything works out. 

Yes I agree, I don't know why people are assuming that whoever is asking for postponement has a motive of extra time. True it won't change anything preparation wise. But there are genuine concerns about travelling and lodging. And the biggest factor is - if you contract covid, already the gap has been reduced to 3 months b/w pre and mains. imagine the loss that the candidate will suffer. This is not free and fair exams. 

There might be some malafide demands but maximum are genuinely concerned about family and their own health. And don't give suggestions like you can drop this year- what if they also have commitments and financial burdens, better than extending their preparation till June 2022, 

And i don't think they will merge any exams. Take a clue from state PCS, though they are late they conduct the exams separately for every year. they will fast track the prelims results and the mains. Still 2020 can be completed before july end 2021. 

And lastly if this is the stress you can't face in life, there will be much bigger challenges in any service and definitely in life; when you will look back this will look minuscule. So be it 4th October or November or December we should learn to cope up with the circumstances. Our condition is not worse than those poor migrants who had nothing. Sorry for the gyan but had to say. To sum it up be prepared for 4th oct and if it is postponed better than sulking make the best use of time and make sure you get a rank and are freed from this cycle.

Best wishes from my side

GaryVee,Kapiushonand7 otherslike this
@sulawesi without asking for your permission . i used your application in my emails which i sent to concerned authorities..sorry not sorry.

The idea of posting a draft was to allow copy-paste-tweet-retweet-mail-remail..... So, not at all an issue.... Moreover, the content of the petition is resultant of various discussions and suggestions on forum. So, it's a sort of traditional/community knowledge WIPO... All the best. Spread the link, and at the same time don't stop revising......


Link - Please sign the petition for postponement of prelims:


It seems that all the pro changers should attempt some new full length mock test and post their scores here to prove their prep level... 

Let me clarify one thing. If any candidate is feeling that by getting more time he can prepare well, its wrong.. 

@sulawesi this is a good idea, especially since it can make this thread more productive. Let's select a test which all of us will attempt each day, and no one will comment on this thread until they finish that test, then we can discuss the test and queries while talking about who needs extra time to prepare and who's good to go

Katy_Singh,Chaotic_homoand1 otherslike this

My centre is around 1023Kms away from my present location.

@sulawesi this is a good idea, especially since it can make this thread more productive. Let's select a test which all of us will attempt each day, and no one will comment on this thread until they finish that test, then we can discuss the test and queries while talking about who needs extra time to prepare and who's good to go

Suggest a openly available/telegramable test. I assume that all of us have 1000's of pdfs in harddrive that were never opened. 

@anuja_dm252280 sirji are you serious..?

Hello, can someone please tell ,, who decides the eligibility of ews c? State govt or Central govt? Got confused as in today's Indian express it is written that states are to notify who constitute ews to be eligible for reservation.
@Naren752 EWS certificate can be obtained from District Collector's office. You will have to fulfill the conditions and show necessary papers. But you know since everything can be obtained either by hook or crook. Many and when I say many understand that it is a huge figure - non eligible EWS ppl have obtained EWS certificates.

Is central rules applicable or State, for example.u state Rajasthan has removed the land criteria for the certificate but I think it's still in there at centre, so wud that Rajasthan certificate is applicable for upsc ? This is my question
@sulawesi  let's begin with raus test series 2020, full tests only. (Assuming most of us would have covered vision forum etc)Full test 1. Those who don't have it can get from
Test slot 3-5. full test. hope it's not against community rules✌️

@sjl_mndl1369 It's not about preparation time, Mate. 
It's about travel hassles. 
There is still cases rising in Maharashtra. And I don't think by end of August it will go down. There still is District Lockdown (update me).  
Bus service is not yet resumed. 
Also, I doubt Boarding  & Lodging will start (Rather I'm afraid to stay) 

And my Centre is 150Km away. 

It's OK to say it, if you are living in same city as your Centre. But there must be many people me as well. 
But you are right, extra time won't improve your preparation for Civil Services. 

Hope everything works out. 

My center 130km..  will be travelling by bike starting at 5am . My friend ll drive half of the journey time . You shd do something like that . Or get a car start journey around  4.30-5 am.


My centre is around 1023Kms away from my present location.

Bhai dint u change center ? How can this be possible after changing center?

10 lakh cases in last 30 days....hari Om


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